California appoints two illegal aliens as city commissioners.!!!

Of course this is a crime. Section 1324 of title 8 of the US code makes it a federal felony to encourage illegals to live in america. Another law obozo won't enforce.

Tempers Flare When Huntington Park Appoints 2 Undocumented Immigrants To City Commissions CBS Los Angeles

aug 4 2015 - Huntington Park is making history and not everyone is happy about it.

Councilman Jhonny Pineda announced at Monday night’s city council meeting that he’s appointing two undocumented immigrants as commissioners, CBS2/KCAL9’s Kara Finnstrom reports.

“We’re sending the wrong message: you can be illegal and you can come and work for the city,” a woman told Finnstrom.

Pineda stresses that the two appointees would not be paid – federal law prohibits that – and that they will have no power to determine city policy

If I'm correct, didn't this last crop of congressional clowns who just got elected, didn't they run on scaring the shit out of your sorry ass rednecks to get a vote? And yet, to date, these clowns have done absolutely nothing to carry out their campaign promises and you want to blame Obama? Get the fuck outta here and cry that bullshit to the motherfuckers you elected, dumb fuck
To the OP of this thread....its only fittin that illegals govern illegals....half of california is inhabited by illegals, so whats the fuckin problem? Lets just call California Old Mexico, shall we?
California is a Spanish name.
They're undocumented, not "illegal," and entitled to due process, presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

No they are illegal according to American law. Maybe you should purchase some legal dictionaries.

And they aren't entitled to jack shit.

Not false, you can't change that by wishing it. They are illegal aliens.
who wishing ?not me. just stating fact
they like everyone else are entitled to emergency medical care, police protection and food.
Sorry, when you come here by any other means than by through the legal, existing immigration process...if you cross the border or pay coyotes to get you into the country...when you come into the US without the necessary required legal documentation...your are in a CRIMINAL.

Calling a person who breaks our law to come into the country 'Un-Documented' is like calling the burgalar you catch in your house stealing things at 2am 'UN-INVITED' rather than a criminal. It's just STUPID.
Sorry, when you come here by any other means than by through the legal, existing immigration process...if you cross the border or pay coyotes to get you into the country...when you come into the US without the necessary required legal documentation...your are in a CRIMINAL.

Calling a person who breaks our law to come into the country 'Un-Documented' is like calling the burgalar you catch in your house stealing things at 2am 'UN-INVITED' rather than a criminal. It's just STUPID.
really? what about refugees?
Doubling down on violating both Constitution and rule of Law, not to mention expanding on criminal Sanctuary Cities, California is now putting illegals in positions of local government.

ALL Federal Funding of any type should not only immediately be withheld from this city but to California as well, in order to put pressure on the state to reign in such illegal activity by its cities.

one city is not the state....that was easy right?....

Want to stop Sanctuary Cities and cities from committing crimes like this? No better way than to hold states accountable for their cities. forcing STATES - not the federal government - to enforce the law, as they should. 'Your' city, 'Your problem, states. If you want federal funding - ensure your state is complying with federal law. Can't do that? Get a governor who will...then talk to me about getting 'your' federal funding back...
Doubling down on violating both Constitution and rule of Law, not to mention expanding on criminal Sanctuary Cities, California is now putting illegals in positions of local government.

ALL Federal Funding of any type should not only immediately be withheld from this city but to California as well, in order to put pressure on the state to reign in such illegal activity by its cities.

one city is not the state....that was easy right?....

Want to stop Sanctuary Cities and cities from committing crimes like this? No better way than to hold states accountable for their cities. forcing STATES - not the federal government - to enforce the law, as they should. 'Your' city, 'Your problem, states. If you want federal funding - ensure your state is complying with federal law. Can't do that? Get a governor who will...then talk to me about getting 'your' federal funding back...
what about states right ? or does the only work for conservative run cities and states?
They're undocumented, not "illegal," and entitled to due process, presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Then arrest them and put them in jail under $100,000 bail. If they can make bail then they can walk free pending trial. THINK

That's part of the problem, isn't it? Obama has violated both Constitution and Law, been held in Contempt of Court for refusing to compy with court orders, engaged in Human Trafficking, created UN-Constitutional Rights that apply ONLY to illegals (directed AG/Justice Dept NOT to arrest/jail illegals for committing crimes less than a Felony), etc....

Had Congress had the testicular fortitude and commitment to their oaths of office this President could have been Impeached long ago.
Doubling down on violating both Constitution and rule of Law, not to mention expanding on criminal Sanctuary Cities, California is now putting illegals in positions of local government.

ALL Federal Funding of any type should not only immediately be withheld from this city but to California as well, in order to put pressure on the state to reign in such illegal activity by its cities.

one city is not the state....that was easy right?....

Want to stop Sanctuary Cities and cities from committing crimes like this? No better way than to hold states accountable for their cities. forcing STATES - not the federal government - to enforce the law, as they should. 'Your' city, 'Your problem, states. If you want federal funding - ensure your state is complying with federal law. Can't do that? Get a governor who will...then talk to me about getting 'your' federal funding back...
what about states right ? or does the only work for conservative run cities and states?

WHAT about States' Rights? A Statre does NOT have the right to dis-obey federal law, especially one that involves national security. National Security, you ask? Yes! There have been MANY Americans across the country who have been murdered, robbed, molested, raped, and become victims of human trafficking and more. These cities have broken the law to provide safe havens to pedophiles, rapists, robbers, human traffickers, violent gang members, drug cartel members, and more - all criminal threats who have and continued to prey on American citizens.

These cities are also helping to 'rob' tax payers by allowing these criminals to stay here, collecting tax-payer funded food stamps, welfare, medical care, Obama phones, etc. We have military members who can't get medical care, but these Liberal outposts are fighting for illegal murdres and criminals so they can get all these things for free? Really?! Forgive me, but I would not want my tax dollars going to criminal illegals any more than I would them going to an organization that murders babies, chops them up, and sells their parts for profit.
Doubling down on violating both Constitution and rule of Law, not to mention expanding on criminal Sanctuary Cities, California is now putting illegals in positions of local government.

ALL Federal Funding of any type should not only immediately be withheld from this city but to California as well, in order to put pressure on the state to reign in such illegal activity by its cities.
one city is not the state....that was easy right?....

But it is still happening in the state, is it not?
right now that council member is getting lots of shit....wait and see how it plays out...he "claims" they wont have any why did he appoint them?...what is their function?...what is the point if they are just going to sit there?...97% of the city is Latino and 50% of that cities population are from outside this country....they had a 10% voter its going to be up to the people who live there and are legals to bitch about it....that area is like little Mexico...neighboring cities are Bell and Southgate....even worse voter turnout.....2% and 3% respectively....the mayor said they are trying to get the residents to take an interest in the city and its we will see....
Doubling down on violating both Constitution and rule of Law, not to mention expanding on criminal Sanctuary Cities, California is now putting illegals in positions of local government.

ALL Federal Funding of any type should not only immediately be withheld from this city but to California as well, in order to put pressure on the state to reign in such illegal activity by its cities.
one city is not the state....that was easy right?....

But it is still happening in the state, is it not?
right now that council member is getting lots of shit....wait and see how it plays out...he "claims" they wont have any why did he appoint them?...what is their function?...what is the point if they are just going to sit there?...97% of the city is Latino and 50% of that cities population are from outside this country....they had a 10% voter its going to be up to the people who live there and are legals to bitch about it....that area is like little Mexico...neighboring cities are Bell and Southgate....even worse voter turnout.....2% and 3% respectively....the mayor said they are trying to get the residents to take an interest in the city and its we will see....

Who cares if they 'have a say' or not? They are ILLEGALS and should not even be on the council. They should be handed over to ICE and deported.
Doubling down on violating both Constitution and rule of Law, not to mention expanding on criminal Sanctuary Cities, California is now putting illegals in positions of local government.

ALL Federal Funding of any type should not only immediately be withheld from this city but to California as well, in order to put pressure on the state to reign in such illegal activity by its cities.

one city is not the state....that was easy right?....

Want to stop Sanctuary Cities and cities from committing crimes like this? No better way than to hold states accountable for their cities. forcing STATES - not the federal government - to enforce the law, as they should. 'Your' city, 'Your problem, states. If you want federal funding - ensure your state is complying with federal law. Can't do that? Get a governor who will...then talk to me about getting 'your' federal funding back...
what about states right ? or does the only work for conservative run cities and states?

WHAT about States' Rights? A Statre does NOT have the right to dis-obey federal law, especially one that involves national security. National Security, you ask? Yes! There have been MANY Americans across the country who have been murdered, robbed, molested, raped, and become victims of human trafficking and more. These cities have broken the law to provide safe havens to pedophiles, rapists, robbers, human traffickers, violent gang members, drug cartel members, and more - all criminal threats who have and continued to prey on American citizens.

These cities are also helping to 'rob' tax payers by allowing these criminals to stay here, collecting tax-payer funded food stamps, welfare, medical care, Obama phones, etc. We have military members who can't get medical care, but these Liberal outposts are fighting for illegal murdres and criminals so they can get all these things for free? Really?! Forgive me, but I would not want my tax dollars going to criminal illegals any more than I would them going to an organization that murders babies, chops them up, and sells their parts for profit.
Oh no not the baby killers ploy again.
Doubling down on violating both Constitution and rule of Law, not to mention expanding on criminal Sanctuary Cities, California is now putting illegals in positions of local government.

ALL Federal Funding of any type should not only immediately be withheld from this city but to California as well, in order to put pressure on the state to reign in such illegal activity by its cities.

one city is not the state....that was easy right?....

Want to stop Sanctuary Cities and cities from committing crimes like this? No better way than to hold states accountable for their cities. forcing STATES - not the federal government - to enforce the law, as they should. 'Your' city, 'Your problem, states. If you want federal funding - ensure your state is complying with federal law. Can't do that? Get a governor who will...then talk to me about getting 'your' federal funding back...
what about states right ? or does the only work for conservative run cities and states?

WHAT about States' Rights? A Statre does NOT have the right to dis-obey federal law, especially one that involves national security. National Security, you ask? Yes! There have been MANY Americans across the country who have been murdered, robbed, molested, raped, and become victims of human trafficking and more. These cities have broken the law to provide safe havens to pedophiles, rapists, robbers, human traffickers, violent gang members, drug cartel members, and more - all criminal threats who have and continued to prey on American citizens.

These cities are also helping to 'rob' tax payers by allowing these criminals to stay here, collecting tax-payer funded food stamps, welfare, medical care, Obama phones, etc. We have military members who can't get medical care, but these Liberal outposts are fighting for illegal murdres and criminals so they can get all these things for free? Really?! Forgive me, but I would not want my tax dollars going to criminal illegals any more than I would them going to an organization that murders babies, chops them up, and sells their parts for profit.
Oh no not the baby killers ploy again.

'Baby Killer Ploy'? LOL! 4 of 9 videos have been released showing Planned Parenthood haggling over the price of chopped up baby parts from abortions, in one case a 'whole baby'...some wanting cash, one wanting a Lamborgini... We have a woman testifying how she was shown in a petri dish the head, arms, and legs of a baby and told how much they can get for the have an Ex-PP Manager talk about hos harvesting baby limbs and organs have vecome 'big business' for PP... and Liberals still want to play 'ignorant'.

Now THAT's FUNNY! No, on secoind thought, anyone defending Planned Parenthood - the organization that came out of Margaret Sanger's 'Negro Project' vision of controlling the black population through abortions - an organization that engages in the barbaric practice of Late Term abortions, where they often muder children capable of surviving outside the womb, then chop up the baby, and sell the limbs and organs for cash and Lamborginis ... is disgusting and sick.

It's all about women's health? That is what the ACA is about and argument?! Liberals have no respect or appreciation for human life. Obama HIMSELF argued before becoming President that a Parent and doctor should be able to KILL a baby that is outside the womb that has survived a failed abortion...because that is what the parent's original intent was! SERIOUSLY?! I have heard of 'late term abortions' before, but that is ridiculous. What's next? Lobhying for a 'try out period'? Try the kid out for a year, and at the end of that time if you don't like them go ahead and 'abort' them, selling the body parts to recoup some of your 'losses' for the cost of a kid for a year?

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