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I just have one question for all the haters....if you hate California policies/people/life style why you so concerned about it every day?
And why millions of people move here?
And why most every new thing comes from here and you happy to use it?
Why you eat its food?
Why you watch its entertentsinment?

Yes, your touristy images are really making an impression on us, especially after we've seen the pictures of the "hidden" San Francisco. Kind of like any other "trendy resort" reserved for the rich and wealthy in any 3rd world country that has a nice beach. ;)

Of course all of the images that I post are accessible by anyone. So you make yet another false statement. You can't help yourself.

California has problems. California is beautiful. That is why there is so many people out there.
Alabama has problems. Alabama is ugly. That is why it is largely rural.

I'd take California any day.

Your "images" are postcards, fool.

Your image is ugly.

You're ugly. Your image would break the website, which explains why you use images of other women and not your own. :D
I just have one question for all the haters....if you hate California policies/people/life style why you so concerned about it every day?
And why millions of people move here?
And why most every new thing comes from here and you happy to use it?
Why you eat its food?
Why you watch its entertentsinment?

Who hates them? Acknowledging that there is a homeless problem doesn't mean that you hate them. It's rather sad that their cities don't do more for their homeless people. :dunno:
Seeing all the videos of the tents pitched on the sides of roads shows a pretty damn sad state of affairs. Where does all of that tax money go? Why do they want to provide sanctuary for illegal immigrants when they obviously cannot handle their own homeless population? Something is not right there, and the people who live there should be concerned. Oh well though. If you choose to remain ignorant, so be it. I don't live there. Not my problem. Enjoy.
I do personally know someone who lives in CA and who was homeless for a time and could not get any help and was living out of a car/van/whatever. This is a person who has lived there for a long time and is a person over 60, I believe, so an older person too. WTH is going on there?

Yes, your touristy images are really making an impression on us, especially after we've seen the pictures of the "hidden" San Francisco. Kind of like any other "trendy resort" reserved for the rich and wealthy in any 3rd world country that has a nice beach. ;)

Of course all of the images that I post are accessible by anyone. So you make yet another false statement. You can't help yourself.

California has problems. California is beautiful. That is why there is so many people out there.
Alabama has problems. Alabama is ugly. That is why it is largely rural.

I'd take California any day.

Your "images" are postcards, fool.

Your image is ugly.

You're ugly. Your image would break the website, which explains why you use images of other women and not your own. :D

That makes me smart...
I just have one question for all the haters....if you hate California policies/people/life style why you so concerned about it every day?
And why millions of people move here?
And why most every new thing comes from here and you happy to use it?
Why you eat its food?
Why you watch its entertentsinment?

They can't stand people being happy. Miserable people want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. So they bring the hate, calling people "fool", etc...
I just have one question for all the haters....if you hate California policies/people/life style why you so concerned about it every day?
And why millions of people move here?
And why most every new thing comes from here and you happy to use it?
Why you eat its food?
Why you watch its entertentsinment?

They can't stand people being happy. Miserable people want everyone else to be as miserable as they are. So they bring the hate, calling people "fool", etc...

Just because Mr. T pities the fool, doesn't mean we all have to. :D Lol! Obviously there is a problem there, and you don't want to acknowledge. Typical leftist. Like I said, it's pretty sad but if you guys are okay with it, then I don't care. :dunno:
Yes, your touristy images are really making an impression on us, especially after we've seen the pictures of the "hidden" San Francisco. Kind of like any other "trendy resort" reserved for the rich and wealthy in any 3rd world country that has a nice beach. ;)

Of course all of the images that I post are accessible by anyone. So you make yet another false statement. You can't help yourself.

California has problems. California is beautiful. That is why there is so many people out there.
Alabama has problems. Alabama is ugly. That is why it is largely rural.

I'd take California any day.

Your "images" are postcards, fool.

Your image is ugly.

You're ugly. Your image would break the website, which explains why you use images of other women and not your own. :D

That makes me smart...

Looking in the mirror? I'm sure it does. :D
California is beautiful.
Like all progressives, you fail to understand the discussion. We get that there is land in California that is “beautiful” (just as there is in Alabama). But idiotic, failed left-wing policy has turned that state into a shit-hole.

It has the highest unemployment in the U.S., the lowest quality of life, and rampant homelessness.
California is beautiful.
Like all progressives, you fail to understand the discussion. We get that there is land in California that is “beautiful” (just as there is in Alabama). But idiotic, failed left-wing policy has turned that state into a shit-hole.

It has the highest unemployment in the U.S., the lowest quality of life, and rampant homelessness.
Do you live there, have you ever lived there, ever visited?
I just have one question for all the haters....if you hate California policies/people/life style why you so concerned about it every day?
I’m not the least bit “concerned” about it. I do, however, love to use it as a teaching tool. It’s the perfect illustration of what left-wing policy does (collapses everything it touches).

Incidentally - why is it you left-wing constitutional haters don’t have that same anti-federalist view when it comes to all laws and regulations across the U.S.?!? Funny how you have a “none of your business” view when it comes to your beloved shit-hole state of California, but have the extreme fascist view of “all states will force citizens to carry health insurance”. You’ve exposed yourself as a partisan hack and a hypocrite.
And why millions of people move here?
You must be a product of progressive public schools. Not only is your grammar absolutely atrocious, but you’re incapable of honesty as well. Millions don’t “move” to California. Millions flee California.

Californians fed up with housing costs and taxes are fleeing state in big numbers

If California’s the future, why are so many leaving?

Californians Doing The Once-Unthinkable: Leaving California | Investor's Business Daily
I'd take California any day.
Well sweetie, you can have it. These are “Great Depression” era numbers:
California's Democratic leaders claim to be the champions of the poor, and yet California has the highest poverty rate in the nation. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, when California's stratospheric cost-of-living, housing and taxes are accounted for, the poverty rate is a shocking 20.6%.
Only idiotic left-wing policy could take a state with unimaginable natural resources and turn it into a catastrophic 20.6% poverty rate.

Democratic disaster: 7 progressive policies that are driving the California mass exodus
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