California exchange rejects extension of Obamacare-canceled plans


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The 9th state to reject Obamas last ditch effort. All from the dorkocrats need votes from


By Lewis Krauskopf and Caroline Humer, Reuters
California's new health exchange will not allow canceled policies to extend past the end of the year, defying President Barack Obama's effort to repair his pledge that people can keep their current plans.
The announcement on Thursday by the most populous U.S. state, an early supporter of Obama's Affordable Care Act, marked the latest state to reject the president's fix, which he announced last week after taking political fire for not keeping his promise to allow people to keep their plans if they like them.
Several million people stand to have their individual health insurance canceled at some point in 2014 because their plans do not comply with new requirements, such as coverage for mental health treatment and maternity care.
California also said that nearly 80,000 people had signed up for private plans through its state-run marketplace, showing momentum with its sign-ups at a time the federally run website continues to struggle with technical problems.
Obama has left it up to individual states to decide whether to allow his policy cancellation fix. State insurance commissioners met with the president at the White House on Wednesday and expressed concerns that his effort to stem the cancellations could lead to higher premiums.
Under the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, new state marketplaces offering subsidized coverage are expected to enroll an estimated 7 million Americans for coverage next year.

More of the story here

California exchange rejects extension of Obamacare-canceled plans - U.S. News
California has had old, sick and immigrants sign up leaving the state exchange tremendously lopsided. If they cannot get young healthy people to sign up the exchange will not survive. By not allowing anyone to keep their insurance, California hopes to force healthy people into the exchange.
California has had old, sick and immigrants sign up leaving the state exchange tremendously lopsided. If they cannot get young healthy people to sign up the exchange will not survive. By not allowing anyone to keep their insurance, California hopes to force healthy people into the exchange.

Makes sense

California has had old, sick and immigrants sign up leaving the state exchange tremendously lopsided. If they cannot get young healthy people to sign up the exchange will not survive. By not allowing anyone to keep their insurance, California hopes to force healthy people into the exchange.

Wait until they see the premiums--LOL. Diane Feinstein thinks she's getting nasty grams and telephones calls now, just wait.

Obama's FIX was nothing more than a scheme to blame insurers. For 4 years, these insurers have been writing new policies to meet the Obamacare mandates. Henceforth, the old policies were cancelled to meet those mandates.
Dianne Feinstein joins effort to change Affordable Care Act - Politics Blog

CA has every right to do that, and every right to force young folks to give up substandard care and get better care than privatizing their profit and socializing their risk on all of CA.
This is just more proof that the damage has been done, and is irreversible. The Democrats have just placed the final nail in the coffin for any chance of re-election.

What is unfair here is that many hard working folks who have been paying into their health insurance for years, now suddenly get cut. If they now get sick, they'll need to pay out of pocket for all medical expenses, and this all through no fault of their own.
The 9th state to reject Obamas last ditch effort. All from the dorkocrats need votes from


By Lewis Krauskopf and Caroline Humer, Reuters
California's new health exchange will not allow canceled policies to extend past the end of the year, defying President Barack Obama's effort to repair his pledge that people can keep their current plans.
The announcement on Thursday by the most populous U.S. state, an early supporter of Obama's Affordable Care Act, marked the latest state to reject the president's fix, which he announced last week after taking political fire for not keeping his promise to allow people to keep their plans if they like them.
Several million people stand to have their individual health insurance canceled at some point in 2014 because their plans do not comply with new requirements, such as coverage for mental health treatment and maternity care.
California also said that nearly 80,000 people had signed up for private plans through its state-run marketplace, showing momentum with its sign-ups at a time the federally run website continues to struggle with technical problems.
Obama has left it up to individual states to decide whether to allow his policy cancellation fix. State insurance commissioners met with the president at the White House on Wednesday and expressed concerns that his effort to stem the cancellations could lead to higher premiums.
Under the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, new state marketplaces offering subsidized coverage are expected to enroll an estimated 7 million Americans for coverage next year.

More of the story here

California exchange rejects extension of Obamacare-canceled plans - U.S. News
Of course they're not going to allow the old plans. They have already hired all the extremely necessary AFSCME bureaucrats to administer the exchange.

They have to feed the monkey.
CA has every right to do that, and every right to force young folks to give up substandard care and get better care than privatizing their profit and socializing their risk on all of CA.

Does Obama have every right to force me out of my existing policy and replace it with one that carries a 120% increase in premiums and a marked increase in deductibles?
CA has every right to do that, and every right to force young folks to give up substandard care and get better care than privatizing their profit and socializing their risk on all of CA.

Does Obama have every right to force me out of my existing policy and replace it with one that carries a 120% increase in premiums and a marked increase in deductibles?


Pelosi and Reid say so.

Now grab the Vaseline and bend over like a good little serf.
CA has every right to do that, and every right to force young folks to give up substandard care and get better care than privatizing their profit and socializing their risk on all of CA.

Yes indeed as soon as all those young guys find out their pregnancies will be covered, they'll jump all over it.

Back in the real world, they just won't sign up at all. These are young healthy people. They will take their chances knowing that if anything happens to them, then they can get "insurance" for what ever pre existing condition they have.

Here is California's big problem. More people are receiving public benefits than pay taxes now. This isn't a straw to break the camel's back. It's a bale.

Most people are signing up for medi-cal. The state version of medicaid. This is absolutely the very lowest standard of care there is. It's even lower than medicare. No doctors accept medi- cal. Medical care is provided through clinics and county services, county hospitals where the doctors are students.

If someone truly thinks this is better care, that's just pathetic.
But Obama Decreed that they shall not Obey the law for now. The King has declared his FIX to those losing their insurance, even though the law hasn't been officially changed via the Constitution. You know that Document that he shreds daily........................

It's all Smoke and Mirrors from the Liar N Chief.
CA has every right to do that, and every right to force young folks to give up substandard care and get better care than privatizing their profit and socializing their risk on all of CA.

Does Obama have every right to force me out of my existing policy and replace it with one that carries a 120% increase in premiums and a marked increase in deductibles?

I think it disgraceful that you show such disrespect for your President! He is a great man and you are a nobody. Why should he care about something so trivial as your health care? He and his family get the best and that is all you need to know.

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