California Gov Gruesome Gavin Newsom Pardons 3 Convicted Immigrants To Protect Them From Deportation

But Newsom’s pardons do not completely shield the men from deportation. The move instead erases the mens' criminal records to prevent past offenses from being considered in their deportation cases. All three men live in Los Angeles County and were brought to the U.S. legally as children,
California governor pardons 3 convicted immigrants to help block deportations
California Gov Gruesome Gavin Newsom Pardons 3 Convicted Immigrants To Protect Them From Deportation
3 more votes for democrats! But doesn't Gavin know they already have enough to win the state? Or maybe he plans to export them to Texas where they can be better used?
California. The armpit of America. San Andreas can’t hit soon enough.

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Protecting them from fair federal immigration law. Why? I know people from Poland, Lithuania, Czechoslovakia or Hungry that fled deprivation and persecution and still followed immigration laws. They deserved sanctuary status, but they never asked for it. That's why I have no respect for illegal aliens from Mexico. That goes double for the so called democrat politicians that give wetbacks sanctuary without permission of the populace.

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