California Imam prays for Allah to annihilate Jews in public

California Imam Prays for Allah to 'Annihilate' Jews in Public Sermon - Breitbart

Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in California delivered a sermon on Friday in which he quoted an antisemitic hadith and prayed for Allah to “annihilate” Jews “down to the very last one.”

But you won't see a word said about this. Trendy's

Its nothing new ----my first mosque experience took place when I was still----technically, a kid.
(age 20 when age of majority was 21------I am THAT OLD) The Friday sermon was all about
GOOD FRIDAY-------because it was good Friday. It was so disgustingly "anti Christian"----
that I had to take deep breaths to avoid vomiting on the carpet. Good Friday being a SCHOOL
HOLIDAY-----resulted in lots of the "audience" being little boys-------that they were exposed
to the filth made me SICK. The subject was the Islamic "fact" that Christians are
"PERVERSE LIARS" "ENEMIES OF ISLAAAM" ----and the bible (NT in this case) is a perverse
lie designed to "destroy islam" I was so naïve at that time that I considered the IMAM to----be---
simply NUTS (an evaluation far too kind) My hosts could not understand why I objected----the
schmuck had not even mentioned "JOOOOOOOS"
California Imam Prays for Allah to 'Annihilate' Jews in Public Sermon - Breitbart

Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in California delivered a sermon on Friday in which he quoted an antisemitic hadith and prayed for Allah to “annihilate” Jews “down to the very last one.”

But you won't see a word said about this. Trendy's
Do you think the uber wealthy, liberal, Jew, Steven Spielberg would like to know about this?

Wealthy Jews: Steven Spielberg
The religion and political views of Steven Spielberg. Religion. Spielberg is a Jew! ... Spielberg seems to be quite socially liberal as well.
Davis Islamic Center Under Fire After Sermon Translation Surfaces Online

It's not what they say in English that matters, it's what they say in Arabic.

not all muslims know Arabic. Talk to an Iranian and mention Arabic and he might vomit.
South east Asians TYPICALLY do not know Arabic AT ALL. My Arabic is confined to
what just about anyone who knows a smattering of Hebrew knows----some Arabic words
are the same or almost the same as Hebrew. ------my EXPERTISE in Arabic so IMPRESSED
southeast Asian friends LONG AGO----that they were convinced that I KNOW THE LANGUAGE.
California Imam Prays for Allah to 'Annihilate' Jews in Public Sermon - Breitbart

Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in California delivered a sermon on Friday in which he quoted an antisemitic hadith and prayed for Allah to “annihilate” Jews “down to the very last one.”

But you won't see a word said about this. Trendy's
Do you think the uber wealthy, liberal, Jew, Steven Spielberg would like to know about this?

Wealthy Jews: Steven Spielberg
The religion and political views of Steven Spielberg. Religion. Spielberg is a Jew! ... Spielberg seems to be quite socially liberal as well.

He knows
Davis Islamic Center Under Fire After Sermon Translation Surfaces Online

It's not what they say in English that matters, it's what they say in Arabic.
Exactly. These hate sermons have been going on in American Islamic Centers, Islamic conferences held at hotels, Mosques all over the country for years. Read "The Terrorist Hunter." She infiltrated Mosques and Islamic meetings undercover wearing a Burkah and videotaped these type of "sermons." She also went undercover and busted the Holy Land Foundation (Islamic fund group for terrorists) and she also busted Sami El Arian (not sure of spelling) who worked it. These hate sermons are happening in the USA and all over the world and we've got trolls on this board who claim that they have lived in other Islamic countries and the Muslims are just as peaceful there as anyone else. It's a full on lie. Rome has an agenda and that agenda is mass immigration of these people into the west, open borders, accept these Islamic jihadists in the name of mercy and altruism. I say, nonsense! Hopefully Trump will shut these places down for good and tell them all not happening here in America. Not happening. Good to see you, Mike.
that imam just puts his god first, instead of government. yeehaw

Leave "god" out of it. Except for little standard Arabic interjections that include the word
"allah"-------it seems to me that "allah" has nothing to do with the usual KHUTBAH JUMAAT
(Friday sermon) The sermons are ALL ABOUT ISLAM and how wonderful is islam and
muslims and how evil is EVERYONE ELSE (and their lousy books). Nothing like a church
sermon -----'helo your neighbor and pretend you are a mustard seed'
that imam just puts his god first, instead of government. yeehaw
Wrong. He puts his Koran ahead of the oath he took to uphold the Constitution in order to become a US Citizen. Clearly he committed perjury and should be deported immediately.
Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America

Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America


"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
Here's my idea: Take this shithead Imam, deport his ass to Israel and give him a wooden crate to stand on and preach his hateful message somewhere in downtown Jerusalem.

See how that works out for the shithead.
California Imam Prays for Allah to 'Annihilate' Jews in Public Sermon - Breitbart

Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in California delivered a sermon on Friday in which he quoted an antisemitic hadith and prayed for Allah to “annihilate” Jews “down to the very last one.”

But you won't see a word said about this. Trendy's

If he's counting on his prayer to validate his belief in Allah, he might as well become an atheist.
California Imam Prays for Allah to 'Annihilate' Jews in Public Sermon - Breitbart

Imam Ammar Shahin of the Islamic Center of Davis in California delivered a sermon on Friday in which he quoted an antisemitic hadith and prayed for Allah to “annihilate” Jews “down to the very last one.”

But you won't see a word said about this. Trendy's
Do you think the uber wealthy, liberal, Jew, Steven Spielberg would like to know about this?

Wealthy Jews: Steven Spielberg
The religion and political views of Steven Spielberg. Religion. Spielberg is a Jew! ... Spielberg seems to be quite socially liberal as well.
Here's my idea: Take this shithead Imam, deport his ass to Israel and give him a wooden crate to stand on and preach his hateful message somewhere in downtown Jerusalem.

See how that works out for the shithead.
There are many Liberal morons in Israel as well.
In all religious books there are offensive and quite unacceptable activities. If you use these ancient books as reasoning and logic to engage in ethnic cleansing, you should face some consequences especially if someone actually follows this nuts "prayer".

That is the biggest difference I find with radicals and followers of a religion. You can believe in God and follow rules as provided by God, but this doesn't circumvent the law and rights of others. This guy has been watching too many angry videos on the internet.

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