"California judge" blocks President Trump order withholding funding to sanctuary cities

Bahahahahaha....This ought to give the mo'fo a heart attack.

Federal judge blocks Trump's sanctuary cities order
Federal judge blocks Trump's sanctuary cities order
A San Francisco judge has blocked enforcement of President Trump’s executive order barring federal funds from so-called sanctuary cities.

San Francisco and Santa Clara County won preliminary injunctions to block Trump’s January order to withhold federal funds from cities that refuse to comply with federal authorities in enforcing immigration laws, according to multiple reports.

According to the judge’s order, the Justice Department can still withhold grants from places that don’t comply with the law, but it cannot enforce the order “in a way that violates the Constitution,” according to a Washington Post reporter.
The injunction says it “does nothing more than implement the effect of the Government’s flawed interpretation of the Order. It does not affect the ability of the Attorney General or the Secretary to enforce existing conditions of federal grants ... nor does it impact the Secretary’s ability to develop regulations or other guidance defining what a sanctuary jurisdiction is or designating a jurisdiction as such.”

I don't understand what this means. Does anyone else? In real life terms?
And notice the leftist pukes here, once again show who really is pro-illegal alien.

Every patriot is pro-illegal alien, but only the euro ones who "discovered" the land mass and murdered off the inhabitants who had been here for millennia.

And have YOU personally given up your own property to those same poor souls for which you advocate and are part of the group of said perpetrators? I think not. That might be hypocrisy.
"Orrick was nominated to his position by hardline abortion supporter President Barack Obama. He was also a major donor to and bundler for President Obama’s presidential campaign. He raised at least $200,000 for Obama and donated $30,800 to committees supporting him, according to Public Citizen."
Obama Appointee Blocks More Video Releases By Group Behind Planned Parenthood Sting
And he has demonstrated his inability to be objective and neutral, therefore he is not fit to sit on the bench.

It's a federal judge. What's "California" got to do with anything?

Is California "an island in the Pacific"? Or is there some new geographical feature this week that magically nullifies the federal judiciary?
Maybe that he's a federal district judge in SAN FRANCISCO? You know, up there in Northern California.

And again -- a federal judge, which means put there to interpret federal law, and that's true regardless whether he's on an island, an estuary, an archipelago, a peninsula, a plain, a steppe, a tundra, a rainforest, a desert, or whitewater rafting in the middle of a river.

Actually it's the Constitution. Perhaps what you want is a "dictator".
May I recommend North Korea.

This judge should have been around in 1861. He would have ruled that the Federal Government had no right to bring force against South Carolina for seceding.

What is really convoluted about this decision is that a few years ago the courts ruled that the states couldn't have their own immigration policy and that only the Feds could enforce it. It was the bailiwick of the Feds.

Seems like this judge was not very up to date on court cases.

However, the real problem is much more simple than that. The judge is simply a stupid bat shit crazy Libtard Moon Bat. There are a bunch of them around. Hopefully over the next eight years Trump can drain that swamp.
Looks like these political activist sensitive judges will soon feel the wrath of Neil Gorsuch and the Supreme Court.

You think he'll send 'em to die like he sent that convict who begged for a DNA test, didn't get it, then had to go to court with a drunk defender under a judge that was engaged in an affair with the prosecutor?
When Arizona wanted to take on illegal immigration themselves, it was the left that screamed bloody murder, and took them to court on the basis that immigration was a federal issue.

Now that we finally have an administration that wants to stop illegal immigration, on the federal level, once again fucking liberals work to block any effort.

As I've said for many years, this country needs an annual 'KICK-A-LIBERAL-DAY'.
And notice the leftist pukes here, once again show who really is pro-illegal alien.

Every patriot is pro-illegal alien, but only the euro ones who "discovered" the land mass and murdered off the inhabitants who had been here for millennia.

And have YOU personally given up your own property to those same poor souls for which you advocate and are part of the group of said perpetrators? I think not. That might be hypocrisy.
I don't own land son, no one really does, that's a very stupid euro-male-dominator-god concept very young in terms of human evolution.

But you're one of those folks who get very irritated upon being confronted with reality. A bunch of snowflakes that descended from genocidal slave trading marauders all pissy over folks who come later is hysterical. And the epitome of hypocrisy.
Donald Trump's run of failed Executive Orders is EPIC.
Only due to liberal activist judges over-stepping their legal bounds. Without California, snowflakes would be powerless.

Snowflakes everywhere are celebrating the fact that liberal cities are still using tax dollars to aid and abet criminals and enemies of the American people / this nation.
It's a federal judge. What's "California" got to do with anything?

Is California "an island in the Pacific"? Or is there some new geographical feature this week that magically nullifies the federal judiciary?
California just happens to be the most liberal state in the US, filled with liberal activist judges. No surprise here.
States right, whuyagonna do.
Just do it, Trump. These 'judges' have no say.
You have no say, obviously shoog, but whine on, by all means.
This faggot judge will be overruled. Like all 9th jerkit faggot rulings.
OH, the judge is gay? Why, I did not know that.

Yet another in the relentless litany of sound reasoning bases from the butthurt.

"faggot judge"....
"batshit crazy".....
"Impeach the fucker".....

Ah, I love the pungent smell of the Authoritarian dictator-worshipers in the evening.
It's a federal judge. What's "California" got to do with anything?

Is California "an island in the Pacific"? Or is there some new geographical feature this week that magically nullifies the federal judiciary?
California just happens to be the most liberal state in the US, filled with liberal activist judges. No surprise here.
States right, whuyagonna do.
A minority once again imposing its will on the majority, illegally again in this case.

It's what liberals do...
Just do it, Trump. These 'judges' have no say.
You have no say, obviously shoog, but whine on, by all means.
This faggot judge will be overruled. Like all 9th jerkit faggot rulings.
OH, the judge is gay? Why, I did not know that.

Yet another in the relentless litany of sound reasoning bases from the butthurt.

"faggot judge"....
"batshit crazy".....
"Impeach the fucker".....

Ah, I love the pungent smell of the Authoritarian dictator-worshipers in the evening.
You're a faggot too. Sorry for leaving your FAGGOT ass out.
Trump = not winning

Appeal it, Trump and go to the Court. You will win there.
Jake Fakey= Stolen Valor Lying Cuck.

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