California Man arrested by FBI for Allegedly Threatening Boston Globe

They could have made the whole thing up for publicity.

The FBI certainly didn't think so when they raided his home to arrest him.

Nor did the judge that granted the FBI the warrant to do so.

But I suppose you could imagine that they are all wrong and the whole thing is made up.
California Man Accused of Threatening The Boston Globe

Apparently, he's been lead to believe that they are the Enemy of the People or something...something....

This Stalinist crap has gotta stop.

It is going to end badly and Donald may have a Charlie Hebdo incident on his hands.
As if the blood of 2,000 Puerto Ricans wasn't enough already?
One can only hope that they separated his ass from all 20 of his guns.

Go to the 58 second mark and experience the wit, charm and essence of a true Trump Deplorable.

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California Man Accused of Threatening The Boston Globe

Apparently, he's been lead to believe that they are the Enemy of the People or something...something....

Oh, this idiot.

Yeah, a Trump supporter if ever there was one. And shocker....its an old, angry, white dude.

Yep, definitely an angry old Orangeling.

On August 10, the Boston Globe announced plans to carry out a nation-wide editorial campaign against President Trump and his alleged attacks on the media. The Globe’s editors said they wanted newspapers around the country to publish editorials on August 16 in response to Trump’s statements about the media. You can read more about that here.

Massachusetts U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling, a Trump appointee, said in a statement,“In the past few months, this office has charged people with threatening to bomb a minority commencement ceremony at Harvard, threatening to shoot people at a Second Amendment rally, offering money to anyone who kills a federal agent, and mailing white powder and threatening notes to certain public figures. Anyone – regardless of political affiliation – who puts others in fear for their lives will be prosecuted by this office. In a time of increasing political polarization, and amid the increasing incidence of mass shootings, members of the public must police their own political rhetoric. Or we will.”


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