California may place third gender option on state documents


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

A bill under consideration in California would place a third gender option on state documents — which, if it passes would make California the first state in the country to do so.

The effort, however, is not being pushed by the “transgender movement,” but rather by people who are biologically neither male nor female — or, alternatively, both.

According to a report by Sacramento’s local CBS affiliate (CBS13), it all

California the breeding ground of brain damaged rejects in society. ( Those awake to this american take down game) don't count. But Ca. is fkn clipped in all ways there is. Won't be long before those lunatic legalize kids getting married at 9 yrs old. I mean my gawd we can't have anyone's feelings hurt because they Identify as being turned on my 9 yr olds now can we, we wouldn't want to hurt their little snowfalke feelings.
Maybe it's because so many people use drugs and it permanently damaged their brains.
You do realized 1 in 2000 babies are born intersex, don't you. Gay, homosexual, bi sexual, asexual , transsexual , none of that is new, what is new is the coming all of it coming out into the open.

My dear sweet Mom probably turned over in her grave when news of Rock Hudson surfaced.

It possibly is more pronounced today due to hormone infested meats, and genetic mutations.
You do realized 1 in 2000 babies are born intersex, don't you. Gay, homosexual, bi sexual, asexual , transsexual , none of that is new, what is new is the coming all of it coming out into the open.

My dear sweet Mom probably turned over in her grave when news of Rock Hudson surfaced.

It possibly is more pronounced today due to hormone infested meats, and genetic mutations.
No they are not lol. That number is based off mid wives and shit not being able to tell a babies sex at birth. Maybe you mean "tiny dick syndrome" or "huge clit syndrome"
That term (intersex) got introduced to replace "hermaphrodite" because it wasn't PC and they wanted to fuck with science and integrate mental deficiencies in with physical ones. Its disgusting.
You do realized 1 in 2000 babies are born intersex, don't you. Gay, homosexual, bi sexual, asexual , transsexual , none of that is new, what is new is the coming all of it coming out into the open.

My dear sweet Mom probably turned over in her grave when news of Rock Hudson surfaced.

It possibly is more pronounced today due to hormone infested meats, and genetic mutations.
No they are not lol. That number is based off mid wives and shit not being able to tell a babies sex at birth. Maybe you mean "tiny dick syndrome" or "huge clit syndrome"
That term (intersex) got introduced to replace "hermaphrodite" because it wasn't PC and they wanted to fuck with science and integrate mental deficiencies in with physical ones. Its disgusting.
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance
You do realized 1 in 2000 babies are born intersex, don't you. Gay, homosexual, bi sexual, asexual , transsexual , none of that is new, what is new is the coming all of it coming out into the open.

My dear sweet Mom probably turned over in her grave when news of Rock Hudson surfaced.

It possibly is more pronounced today due to hormone infested meats, and genetic mutations.
No they are not lol. That number is based off mid wives and shit not being able to tell a babies sex at birth. Maybe you mean "tiny dick syndrome" or "huge clit syndrome"
That term (intersex) got introduced to replace "hermaphrodite" because it wasn't PC and they wanted to fuck with science and integrate mental deficiencies in with physical ones. Its disgusting.
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance
Good luck debunking it :D
You do realized 1 in 2000 babies are born intersex, don't you. Gay, homosexual, bi sexual, asexual , transsexual , none of that is new, what is new is the coming all of it coming out into the open.

My dear sweet Mom probably turned over in her grave when news of Rock Hudson surfaced.

It possibly is more pronounced today due to hormone infested meats, and genetic mutations.
No they are not lol. That number is based off mid wives and shit not being able to tell a babies sex at birth. Maybe you mean "tiny dick syndrome" or "huge clit syndrome"
That term (intersex) got introduced to replace "hermaphrodite" because it wasn't PC and they wanted to fuck with science and integrate mental deficiencies in with physical ones. Its disgusting.
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance
You're the ignorant one along with Penis-Envelope.

" Some groups use an old prevalence statistic that says we make up 1 in 2000, or .05%, percent of the population, but that statistic refers to one specific intersex trait, ambiguous genitalia, which is but one of many variations which, combined (as they are in medical diagnostics and coding), constitute the 1.7% estimate "

How Common is Intersex? An Explanation of the Stats.
I wonder what the next absurd issue the democrats will come up with in their left wing think tanks to divide us.

I cannot really think of anything. What I do know is the absurdity will be epic.

Like this fucking subject.

Understand that as long as the left wing losers control the media and are able to hype agendas, they are in control of the country.

Regardless of who is president. Just understand that sobering reality.
Its about time!! Other states must and will follow. People will get over it just like they got over same sex marriage and gays in the military. It's a changing world deal with it. A little education about the trans and intersex issues might go a long way towards overcoming the fear born of ignorance.

People got over same sex marriage and gays serving openly in the military?

In libworld maybe. In the real world gays are still running for safe spaces.
You do realized 1 in 2000 babies are born intersex, don't you. Gay, homosexual, bi sexual, asexual , transsexual , none of that is new, what is new is the coming all of it coming out into the open.

My dear sweet Mom probably turned over in her grave when news of Rock Hudson surfaced.

It possibly is more pronounced today due to hormone infested meats, and genetic mutations.
No they are not lol. That number is based off mid wives and shit not being able to tell a babies sex at birth. Maybe you mean "tiny dick syndrome" or "huge clit syndrome"
That term (intersex) got introduced to replace "hermaphrodite" because it wasn't PC and they wanted to fuck with science and integrate mental deficiencies in with physical ones. Its disgusting.
Feel free to continue to wallow in ignorance
Good luck debunking it :D
I just can't believe the stupidity!! You have no fucking idea at all what you're talking about. You're just making shit up. Hermaphrodite is a mythical figure who has ALL of the sexual characteristics BOTH males and females. They do not exist and it is not what an intersexed person is. What is truly amazing is that you have not desire to learn a damned thing because that would undermine you ability to spew your bigotry

However, just in case there is any hope for you: Intersex Society of North America | A world free of shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgery
Its about time!! Other states must and will follow. People will get over it just like they got over same sex marriage and gays in the military. It's a changing world deal with it. A little education about the trans and intersex issues might go a long way towards overcoming the fear born of ignorance.
I'm all for the 3 gender categories.

Male.....Female.......Freakazoid. ...... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

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