California Parents Allege Teacher, Admin Conspired To Teach Eight-Year-Olds About Gender, Sex

If you are so smart, why don't you know the answer?

BTW, I don't think Sue teaches high school. I did!

My high school that I attended never hear of AP anything. My kids attended public schools but none took AP Physics. They concentrated on other areas, such as my youngest took AP English Composition and AP Biology. My grandsons will attend the best of 5 high schools in our area. Unfortunately, both are special education and will not be taking AP classes in all likelihood.

BTW, everywhere I taught, AP Physics was a 12th grade class.

Different schools, different kids, different rules and different outcomes.
"If I'm so smart?" Hey, bite me....I may not be a PhD, but as a parent of grown kids, and now a grandchild that in 5 years will in all likelyhood have to attend public school where this may or may not be subjected on her....

You tell me teach, Why is it necessary to teach gender, and sex to 8 year old's?
"If I'm so smart?" Hey, bite me....I may not be a PhD, but as a parent of grown kids, and now a grandchild that in 5 years will in all likelyhood have to attend public school where this may or may not be subjected on her....

You tell me teach, Why is it necessary to teach gender, and sex to 8 year old's?
Need reading comprehension lessons? Show me where I said any such thing! i was talking about AP classes.

I have you beaten easily. First, I was a teacher, second I do have Master's, third 2 of my 3 kids attended the school where I taught. Finally, I have three grandkids that will all be teenagers by Christmas, one already ending his freshman year in high school.
Need reading comprehension lessons? Show me where I said any such thing!

I have you beaten easily. First, I was a teacher, second I do have Master's, third 2 of my 3 kids attended the school where I taught. Finally, I have three grandkids that will all be teenagers by Christmas, one already ending his freshman year in high school.
Post #78 from you...

"If you are so smart, why don't you know the answer?"

To that I say you are being a pompous jerk, and I really have no desire to talk with someone like you.
Post #78 from you...

"If you are so smart, why don't you know the answer?"

To that I say you are being a pompous jerk, and I really have no desire to talk with someone like you.
Sir, you are the pompous jerk. You asked a question about AP physics to a teacher who does not teach high school. You cannot get any more pompous than that!
Sir, you are the pompous jerk. You asked a question about AP physics to a teacher who does not teach high school. You cannot get any more pompous than that!
She brought it up, or have you not read the entire conversation you wish to inject yourself into?
She brought it up, or have you not read the entire conversation you wish to inject yourself into?
I read the conversation. You were questioning her opinions as to parent's inputs on AP Physics. As a non-high school teacher, she would have just as much input as know-nothing parents. As a high school teacher of upper level math courses required as a prerequisite for AP Physics, I would have a valid input.
I read the conversation. You were questioning her opinions as to parent's inputs on AP Physics. As a non-high school teacher, she would have just as much input as know-nothing parents. As a high school teacher of upper level math courses required as a prerequisite for AP Physics, I would have a valid input.
Good for you…but all those brains led you to misinterpret what the conversation was about. I was talking about parents having a say in elementary age curriculum, not senior level advanced courses. Sue brought up AP physics to highlight that parents wouldn’t be qualified, IMHO, as a deflection…
Good for you…but all those brains led you to misinterpret what the conversation was about. I was talking about parents having a say in elementary age curriculum, not senior level advanced courses. Sue brought up AP physics to highlight that parents wouldn’t be qualified, IMHO, as a deflection…
That's your opinion. Have a nice day!
That's EXACTLY what she's saying and she's RIGHT.

Parents don't have the first clue about what children need to know to succeed in the 21st Century. Education is designed to get children thinking for themselves and not swallowing the bullshit they're being fed. The right wants your education system to turn out good little conservatives, not free thinking people.

The fight for rights and education has always been politicized by conservatives to fight change. Once again, Americans have to fight for the right to an education which is NOT determined by the most narrow minded citizens of the country.

Parents do have a clue. They just don't know specifics because it's not their field, same as I don't know how to drive a big rig nor the laws surrounding them.
With a little help, and practice Sue, I'm sure you could do it...Just like with having parental representation in curriculum meetings.

I think we are getting off the rails here a little...I'm not advocating that parents have input into Physics, or AP Science, or any advanced HS academic course they know nothing about. BUT, this thread is about a teacher, and an administration that colluded to teach 8 year old's about gender, and sex. Do you believe that that is appropriate? Because I don't. So, before we get too far down the rabbit hole into how much parents should be involved, I'd like to know if this was in a curriculum....And it if was, then why is it seemingly off limits to raise hell about this?

You specifically wanted more parents on a curriculum council than administrators. Who were teachers. You know it takes just as much knowledge to teach a classroom full of young children to do anything well as it takes advanced HS courses. First grade. You have to teach all these children to read. You have three readers at a fourth grade level and three who don't even know their letters. And everything in between.

And you really think just a random set of parents can fill in all these gaps? Okay.
Gee, you're not real smart are you.

I am the public

Who's the public if not me?

As I said before. Cops are public servants. Now go up to a cop and ask him to serve you and demand that he do it since you pay his salary. Tell him he is YOUR servant since you pay his salary.

Do it big guy. Film it. Let's see it here.
You specifically wanted more parents on a curriculum council than administrators. Who were teachers. You know it takes just as much knowledge to teach a classroom full of young children to do anything well as it takes advanced HS courses. First grade. You have to teach all these children to read. You have three readers at a fourth grade level and three who don't even know their letters. And everything in between.

And you really think just a random set of parents can fill in all these gaps? Okay.
First, I never said I wanted more parents than teachers. Second, if teaching 2nd graders gender, and sex is part of curriculum then yes I want parents to have a strong say. Why is that wrong?
As I said before. Cops are public servants. Now go up to a cop and ask him to serve you and demand that he do it since you pay his salary. Tell him he is YOUR servant since you pay his salary.

Do it big guy. Film it. Let's see it here.
Are cops in the news trying to teach 8 year olds what a penis is?
First, I never said I wanted more parents than teachers. Second, if teaching 2nd graders gender, and sex is part of curriculum then yes I want parents to have a strong say. Why is that wrong?

It's not wrong and that's what the parents would be there for exactly. To have a strong NO in the room and to go to other parents in the community. But you wanted to know the parent/admin/teacher ratio. Here is what you don't know: the vast majority of time on Curriculum Council is spent pouring over minutiae that would put almost anyone to sleep and is completely non-controversial to anyone but those who are immersed in that world. You don't NEED more than a couple of parents to weigh the merits of this or that pedagogy. You don't WANT that and not because you're trying to hide something. Because those parents will never return out of sheer boredom.
Are cops in the news trying to teach 8 year olds what a penis is?

One cop was in the news leaning on a black guy's neck.

Some black folks said the cops had been racist for years. That all cops are, in fact, racists. Even black cops.

Cops took a look around and said, yeah, there are bad cops. But you know what? I get paid much too little and work much too hard to put up with THIS on top of everything else.

So they quit, retired, told their kids don't do this, and scaled back.

Coming soon to a school near you.

I guess we're not really smarter than Leftists.
It's not wrong and that's what the parents would be there for exactly. To have a strong NO in the room and to go to other parents in the community. But you wanted to know the parent/admin/teacher ratio. Here is what you don't know: the vast majority of time on Curriculum Council is spent pouring over minutiae that would put almost anyone to sleep and is completely non-controversial to anyone but those who are immersed in that world. You don't NEED more than a couple of parents to weigh the merits of this or that pedagogy. You don't WANT that and not because you're trying to hide something. Because those parents will never return out of sheer boredom.
So, they’re just token then, right? I mean we’ve already seen that admin and some teachers don’t give a damn what parents want or say when it comes to agenda.
One cop was in the news leaning on a black guy's neck.

Some black folks said the cops had been racist for years. That all cops are, in fact, racists. Even black cops.

Cops took a look around and said, yeah, there are bad cops. But you know what? I get paid much too little and work much too hard to put up with THIS on top of everything else.

So they quit, retired, told their kids don't do this, and scaled back.

Coming soon to a school near you.

I guess we're not really smarter than Leftists.
Is that the same? Really?

What grade level do you teach?
So, they’re just token then, right? I mean we’ve already seen that admin and some teachers don’t give a damn what parents want or say when it comes to agenda.

Why would ANYONE sit in on those meetings if they were just "token"??

Do you really think the particulars of content curriculum should be made by people who have never taught and don't even know the content?

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