California Plans to Spray Pesticide Over Urban San Francisco, Marin County and the Ea


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2007

Good frikin grief!!! So instead of taking away our guns, because they can't without it being real messy, they will just turn all us men into breast growing tree huggers that have no desire to pick up a gun...Someone somewhere please stop the madness!!!

Good frikin grief!!! So instead of taking away our guns, because they can't without it being real messy, they will just turn all us men into breast growing tree huggers that have no desire to pick up a gun...Someone somewhere please stop the madness!!!

No body in San Fran owns a gun....legally anyway...
Most of the men already have pretty nice racks from what I hear....and
Just don't hug a tree with a bees nest in that knothole that turned you on...
No body in San Fran owns a gun....legally anyway...
Most of the men already have pretty nice racks from what I hear....and
Just don't hug a tree with a bees nest in that knothole that turned you on...

The point is...It won't be long until it is happening in your neighborhood. And you don't care if the government does a crime against a population by spraying them with chemicals that can make them steril and possibly kill some just as long as its not the one you are in at the time??? Do you not see that this could happen to us all and not just this substance? Do you not get the point that this is illegal and inhumane sick behavior by our government? This is not something to be scoffed at!!! This is one of the problems happening right now. As we are all being led like cattle to slaughter, if it happens to one group of people its ok, but to your group of people and well its a different story then. People downplaying events like this when they happen is why we are now without a constitution and living under the control of a dictator. I suppose when the pretty little trains come to pick you up in the middle of the night to take you to the F.E.M.A. concentration camps being built in the desert, and they ARE being built just like hitler did, then it won't be so funny! But I do understand...You have been programmed and brainwashed by all the horseshit you have been fead in school and on tv and movies and now you meekly accept events like this that if you wern't programmed and brainwashed you would be extremy upset and demanding something be done about it and would stand up for right and wrong. That is another part of the whole thing as well. Most people don't know the difference between right and wrong anymore because of all the stuff they feed our minds with to distract from what they are really doing behind the scenes. You have already been sprayed without your knowing it by our government. With what? who knows. But the chemtrails fly high and heavy every day and there are pics of the jets with nozles spraying over populated areas. try or org.
I grew up in Southern California where they did spraying due to fruit flies if a problem area wasn't able to be contained by other means. Too much of California's economy depends on the agriculture to not take major steps with a pest attack. I see no problem with their choice to do that.
I grew up in Southern California where they did spraying due to fruit flies if a problem area wasn't able to be contained by other means. Too much of California's economy depends on the agriculture to not take major steps with a pest attack. I see no problem with their choice to do that.

You don't mind breathing the harmful substances along with the fruit flies?
I grew up in Southern California where they did spraying due to fruit flies if a problem area wasn't able to be contained by other means. Too much of California's economy depends on the agriculture to not take major steps with a pest attack. I see no problem with their choice to do that.

Unbelievable!!! I lived most of my life in up dudette? I can't believe you don't have a problem with the govt. spraying the general public with crap that will steralize men and who knows what else with the possability of killing inocent men women and children. All in the name of some rediculious excuse for the economy. Its a bunch of bullshit and no one should be subjected to this kind of on slaught of chemical warfare. This makes our govt. no different than Sadam. I guess there is one difference, he didn't try to hide it under the guise of some made up bullshit. So if you were there in N. Cal. and they sprayed and your husband became steril and you two couldn't have anymore babies and the one you did have that is say 2 or 3 years died because he/she put something in their mouth that was coated with the chemical outside, that would be perfectly acceptable?...Unbelievable!!! The drugs in Ca. must still be as good as when I left! Wasn't it bad enough that we had to cover our cars when it rained so the acid in the rain didn't eat holes in the paint and down to the metal? Now they wan't to just oputright kill people and stop people from having children by giving them airborn chemicals against their will .

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