California Republican Alone Sponsored The Sequester Law in US House

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
California Republican Alone Sponsored The Sequester Law in US House

Obama Signing Sequester Bill "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No."

The GOP had to pass the bill. Obama suggested it. :laugh2:

US House of Representatives: David Dreier (R) California -
No Co-Sponsors

US Senate: Sen. Thomas “Tom” Harkin [D-IA]
No Co-Sponsors

The House passed the Budget Control Act[1] on August 1, 2011 by a vote of 269–161. 174 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted for it, while 66 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted against it.

The Senate passed the Act on August 2, 2011 by a vote of 74–26. 6 Democrats and 19 Republicans voted against it


Presidential signature

President Obama signed the bill shortly after it was passed by the Senate. In doing so, the president said, "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year."

Budget Control Act of 2011 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

H.R.2693: Budget Control Act of 2011 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress

Budget Control Act of 2011 (2011; 112th Congress S. 365) -
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Shields and Brooks on Sequester Blame Game, Immigration Reform | PBS NewsHour | Feb. 22, 2013 | PBS

MARK SHIELDS: No, I think the Republicans, you can see where they are. They are very much behind the political eight ball. And they are now saying -- they're reduced to saying, well, the cuts aren't going to be that serious. They're really -- the Democrats are exaggerating them.

And even though they have warned about these cuts were terrible on defense, now they're not going to be that serious, and now it was also the president's idea to begin with. I mean, that seems to be their fallback position.

MARK SHIELDS: Yes. No, that has been the -- obviously, the administration's position, that this is going to be very serious and it's going to inconvenience people and it's going to inconvenience travelers.

And there is a potential threat to the economy; 800,000 jobs has been predicted as the loss by Congressional Budget Office. I mean, we're talking about serious implications and a downside. But I don't see, Judy -- I mean, I recall in 1990, when George H.W. Bush was president, and we went to Andrews Air Force Base for five weeks with the leadership of the Congress and the leadership of the White House and Dick Darman and John Sununu and -- who was chief of staff for President Bush -- and the president was involved and Bob Dole.

And ,you know, it was just really a major thing. I don't see anything approaching that sense of urgency, engagement or involvement at this -- at this point.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Boehner crackin' the whip...
Boehner Tells Senate to Get ‘Off Their Ass’ and Deal With Sequester
February 26, 2013 – The House of Representatives, in the last session of Congress, passed two bills to replace the sequester – and now it’s time for the Senate to get “off their ass” and do likewise, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told reporters on Tuesday.
“We have moved a bill in the House twice,” Boehner said. “We should not have to move a third bill before the Senate gets off their ass and begins to do something.” Boehner said President Barack Obama is not “focused on trying to find a solution” to the automatic, indiscriminate spending reductions that will begin to take effect on Friday. “The president has been traveling all over the country and today going down to Newport News, in order to use our military men and women as a prop in yet another campaign rally to support his tax hikes,” Boehner said. “Now the American people know, the president gets more money they’re just going to spend it. The fact is that he’s gotten his tax hikes.”

“It’s time to focus on the real problem here in Washington and that is spending,” he said. “The President has known for 16 months that this sequester was looming out there when the super committee failed to come to an agreement.” “And so for 16 months the President’s been traveling all over the country holding rallies instead of sitting down with Senate leaders in order to try to forge an agreement over there in order to move a bill,” Boehner said. “We have moved a bill in the House twice.” “We should not have to move a third bill before the Senate gets off their ass and begins to do something.” The Senate is expected to vote this week on legislation that would replace the sequester, but press reports say no bill is expected to pass.

Democrats insist that higher tax revenue should be part of any solution, while Republicans say Democrats have already had their tax increase and now is the time to focus on spending cuts. Speaking on CNN Monday, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he's will to raise revenue (taxes) on one condition: "I'm willing to raise $600 billion in new revenue if my Democratic friends would be willing to reform entitlement so we can fix sequestration together. Because if you don't think it's that bad, why don't you come up with your own plan?" President Obama was traveling to the Newport News Shipbuilding on Tuesday to warn about the consequences of letting sequestration happen.

See more at: Boehner Tells Senate to Get ?Off Their Ass? and Deal With Sequester | CNS News

See also:

Michigan Gov.: States Dealt with Budget Cuts Larger Than Washington, ‘And We All Got the Job Done’
February 26, 2013 – Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder on Monday said that if states “got the job done” despite dealing with larger budget cuts than Congress has to make in the federal budget, why can’t Washington do the same.
“When you look at the states—I was sitting in the governors meeting yesterday, and as I looked around the room, probably most of us in that room had to deal with budget cuts in the last two or three years larger than what they’re talking about, and we all got the job done. And the question is why can’t it be done here in Washington in a more effective, thoughtful way?” the Republican governor said on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal.” C-SPAN referenced a New York Times story on the sequester that said President Barack Obama is proposing a drop in aid to states. “What are you bracing for in Michigan?” C-SPAN asked Snyder, who was in Washington for the National Governors Associations’ annual meeting.

Snyder said his state is “looking at cuts in many ways.” “One of the things I’d say though, though is this whole issue of getting to the sequester’s a failure. That was the point of putting it in place to begin with – it wasn’t supposed to happen, and that illustrates the mess in Washington compared to the states,” he said.

Snyder proposed cutting the federal deficit by getting rid of “a number of the prescriptive programs.” There are “way too many programs from the federal government, and I’m not asking for a block grant, but let’s do outcome-based programs,” he said. There are over 40 workforce programs, for instance, Snyder said. He suggested cutting all but five based on outcomes “and I’m not asking for a block grant, but let’s do outcome-based programs.” “That would reduce costs substantially, and we could provide better service,” he added.

See more at: Michigan Gov.: States Dealt with Budget Cuts Larger Than Washington, ?And We All Got the Job Done? | CNS News
So the republicans have the majority in the house and more dems voted against the sequester bill than republicans did?

And yet some moroons are saying it is the dems fault?

Personal responsibility my ass.
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So the republicans have the majority in the house and more dems voted against the sequester bill than republicans did?

And yet some moroons are saying it is the dems fault?

Personal responsibility my ass.

The self-proclaimed party of personal responsibility has taken leave of their senses after the Great Unhinging of 12012, when a black man beat them in a national election for the second time in a row
Pretty pathetic when the best candidate the republicans could choose was defeated soundly by "the worst president in history".
Per their description of Obama.

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