California Senate votes to end tax-exempt status of Scouts

I don't think they are being targeted any more than any other group. If there is a private charity organization that doesn't allow Jews, for example, they would also not be exempt from taxes: they wouldn't be exempt because they discriminate. Your problem is that you think gays should be discriminated against; however, the majority of people in the nation do not agree with you. Too bad for you. For example, the KKK, no matter how much 'charity' work they might do, would not be exempt from taxes because they discriminate. Maybe you can wrap your mind around that.
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I don't think they are being targeted any more than any other group. When there is a private charity organization that doesn't allow Jews, for example, they would also not exempt from taxes: they wouldn't be exempt because they discriminate. Your problem is that you think gays should be discriminated against; however, the majority of people in the nation do not agree with you. Too bad for you. For example, the KKK, no matter how much 'charity' work they might do, would not be exempt from taxes because they discriminate. Maybe you can wrap your mind around that.

The Catholic church will not allow same sex couples to marry in their temples. It won't change. In your book this is discrimination; isn't it? Will you compare the Catholic church with the KKK and antijew groups? Of course, many will. This is coming soon.

It's already happening on small scale:
Washington Florist Sued For Refusing to Provide Flowers For Same-Sex Wedding - ABC News

So taxpayers who don't agree with the government must be discriminated... in the name of non-discrimination.

PS: I'm for gay marriage. But it's becoming clearer and clearer that there is a "gay agenda". A political and ideological agenda. And gay marriage is only the first step.
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I don't think they are being targeted any more than any other group. When there is a private charity organization that doesn't allow Jews, for example, they would also not exempt from taxes: they wouldn't be exempt because they discriminate. Your problem is that you think gays should be discriminated against; however, the majority of people in the nation do not agree with you. Too bad for you. For example, the KKK, no matter how much 'charity' work they might do, would not be exempt from taxes because they discriminate. Maybe you can wrap your mind around that.

The Catholic church will not allow same sex couples to marry in their temples. It won't change. In your book this is discrimination; isn't it? Will you compare the Catholic church with the KKK and antijew groups? Of course, many will. This is coming soon.

It's already happening on small scale:
Washington Florist Sued For Refusing to Provide Flowers For Same-Sex Wedding - ABC News

So taxpayers who don't agree with the government must be discriminated... in the name of non-discrimination.

PS: I'm for gay marriage. But it's becoming clearer and clearer that there is a "gay agenda". A political and ideological agenda. And gay marriage is only the first step.

Religious groups are not in the same category a charity groups, so you are trying to compare apples and oranges.
I don't think they are being targeted any more than any other group. When there is a private charity organization that doesn't allow Jews, for example, they would also not exempt from taxes: they wouldn't be exempt because they discriminate. Your problem is that you think gays should be discriminated against; however, the majority of people in the nation do not agree with you. Too bad for you. For example, the KKK, no matter how much 'charity' work they might do, would not be exempt from taxes because they discriminate. Maybe you can wrap your mind around that.

The Catholic church will not allow same sex couples to marry in their temples. It won't change. In your book this is discrimination; isn't it? Will you compare the Catholic church with the KKK and antijew groups? Of course, many will. This is coming soon.

It's already happening on small scale:
Washington Florist Sued For Refusing to Provide Flowers For Same-Sex Wedding - ABC News

So taxpayers who don't agree with the government must be discriminated... in the name of non-discrimination.

PS: I'm for gay marriage. But it's becoming clearer and clearer that there is a "gay agenda". A political and ideological agenda. And gay marriage is only the first step.

What is the gay agenda?
This vote was taken after the BSA voted to allow gays so whatever the reason is to vote to end tax exempt status, it has nothing to do with gays.
This vote was taken after the BSA voted to allow gays so whatever the reason is to vote to end tax exempt status, it has nothing to do with gays.

gay SCOUTS, they still have the ban on gay LEADERS in place.

So gay kids yes, gay adults no.
I don't think they are being targeted any more than any other group. If there is a private charity organization that doesn't allow Jews, for example, they would also not be exempt from taxes: they wouldn't be exempt because they discriminate. Your problem is that you think gays should be discriminated against; however, the majority of people in the nation do not agree with you. Too bad for you. For example, the KKK, no matter how much 'charity' work they might do, would not be exempt from taxes because they discriminate. Maybe you can wrap your mind around that.

You imbecile, discrimination in and of itself is not necessarily evil. Indeed, discrimination is the essence of liberty, of free association. Discrimination is an inescapable fact of life.

You’re discriminating against Christians, traditionalists, ya idiot.

The only thing that mindless slugs like you will ever understand is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at your statist bootlick heads.

There. Now you can report me, pretend that I’m threatening you when in fact it is only you and punks like you making threats against the rights of Christians and traditionalist in general as the reality of it all just flies right over some nincompoop administrator’s head. I’m not threatening anyone. I’m stating a fact, illustrating just how stupid and ignorant and tyrannical jackasses like you are.

Fascist whore!
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I don't think they are being targeted any more than any other group. When there is a private charity organization that doesn't allow Jews, for example, they would also not exempt from taxes: they wouldn't be exempt because they discriminate. Your problem is that you think gays should be discriminated against; however, the majority of people in the nation do not agree with you. Too bad for you. For example, the KKK, no matter how much 'charity' work they might do, would not be exempt from taxes because they discriminate. Maybe you can wrap your mind around that.

The Catholic church will not allow same sex couples to marry in their temples. It won't change. In your book this is discrimination; isn't it? Will you compare the Catholic church with the KKK and antijew groups? Of course, many will. This is coming soon.

It's already happening on small scale:
Washington Florist Sued For Refusing to Provide Flowers For Same-Sex Wedding - ABC News

So taxpayers who don't agree with the government must be discriminated... in the name of non-discrimination.

PS: I'm for gay marriage. But it's becoming clearer and clearer that there is a "gay agenda". A political and ideological agenda. And gay marriage is only the first step.

Religious groups are not in the same category a charity groups, so you are trying to compare apples and oranges.

There are no apples and oranges, you imbecile. Regardless the nature of the organization, you're saying the state has the right to force the association of a group of persons with one morality on another group of persons with a different morality or else in a free society. You're a retard and a degenerate.

Are you saying that any given queer organization doesn't discriminate against moral traditionalists? Liar! Fraud. Are you saying that it’s okay for moral traditionalists to crash the membership of any given queer organization and dictate the terms of its charter? If not, why not? How is it that only queers or pagans or relativist like you, ya punk, don’t discriminate and can crash the membership of groups with whom you disagree and impose upon the terms of their charter or else? How is that not-for-profit, moral traditionalist groups who already have tax-exempt status under natural and constitutional law and have for decades and decades should suddenly lose it because leftist punks like you decide out of the blue that they are no longer protected under natural or constitutional law? Selective rights? Selective discrimination? Rights by whim? Mob rule? Christians and traditionalists need not apply as they are second-class citizens, to be disenfranchised, imposed upon, persecuted, imprisoned, murdered, destroyed. Where does it end?

Just how stupid are you?

You’re a thug, a two-bit punk statist bootlick, a fascist whore. You're a stupid and disgusting human being.

Punks like you just can't live and let live. No. You demand acceptance. You Zieg Heiling pig.
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This vote was taken after the BSA voted to allow gays so whatever the reason is to vote to end tax exempt status, it has nothing to do with gays.

The state has no business selectively withholding tax-exempt status whether the BSA allowed queer members or not. Queers are not entitled to extra-constitutional protections at the expense of fundamental rights.
This vote was taken after the BSA voted to allow gays so whatever the reason is to vote to end tax exempt status, it has nothing to do with gays.

gay SCOUTS, they still have the ban on gay LEADERS in place.

So gay kids yes, gay adults no.

You are right. I had forgotten that. NAMBLA members are still prohibited from being scout leaders.

Are you accusing gay people of being members of NAMBLA?
This vote was taken after the BSA voted to allow gays so whatever the reason is to vote to end tax exempt status, it has nothing to do with gays.

The state has no business selectively withholding tax-exempt status whether the BSA allowed queer members or not. Queers are not entitled to extra-constitutional protections at the expense of fundamental rights.

Equal rights are not an extra entitlement. They are what everyone is entitled to. They are not getting extra constitutional protections, they are, and should be, getting the same constitutional protections as everyone else. That is their fundamental right! You are basing your position on religious beliefs; this is not a theocracy, so you cannot force your religions rules on the rest of us.
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This vote was taken after the BSA voted to allow gays so whatever the reason is to vote to end tax exempt status, it has nothing to do with gays.

The state has no business selectively withholding tax-exempt status whether the BSA allowed queer members or not. Queers are not entitled to extra-constitutional protections at the expense of fundamental rights.

Equal rights are not an extra entitlement. They are what everyone is entitled to. They are not getting extra constitutional protections, they are, and should be, getting the same constitutional protections as everyone else. That is their fundamental right! You are basing your position on religious beliefs; this is not a theocracy, so you cannot force your religions rules on the rest of us.

I didn't say that equal rights were necessarily extra-constitutional. You're a liar. And allowing queers to violate the individual liberty and free-association of others most certainly does grant them extra-constitutional rights to which they are not entitled, and that is precisely what leftist goons are proposing.


You're a slogan-spouting nitwit. You don't know what I'm talking about at all. It is you, not I, who would empower the state after the fashion of a theocracy. I’m a Lockean, a classical liberal of the Anglo-American tradition, that of the Founders. There’s no theocracy here. Nothing even close to it. There’s no theocracy in properly limited government, you public-school-educated/popular-culture-brainwashed ninny. You're a PC space cadet, a multicultural dingbat.
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