California Senate votes to end tax-exempt status of Scouts

The state has no business selectively withholding tax-exempt status whether the BSA allowed queer members or not. Queers are not entitled to extra-constitutional protections at the expense of fundamental rights.

Equal rights are not an extra entitlement. They are what everyone is entitled to. They are not getting extra constitutional protections, they are, and should be, getting the same constitutional protections as everyone else. That is their fundamental right! You are basing your position on religious beliefs; this is not a theocracy, so you cannot force your religions rules on the rest of us.

I didn't say that equal rights were necessarily extra-constitutional. You're a liar. And allowing queers to violate the individual liberty and free-association of others most certainly does grant them extra-constitutional rights to which they are not entitled, and that is precisely what leftist goons are proposing.


You're a slogan-spouting nitwit. You don't know what I'm talking about at all. It is you, not I, who would empower the state after the fashion of a theocracy. I’m a Lockean, a classical liberal of the Anglo-American tradition, that of the Founders. There’s no theocracy here. Nothing even close to it. There’s no theocracy in properly limited government, you public-school-educated/popular-culture-brainwashed ninny. You're a PC space cadet, a multicultural dingbat.

My goodness: you are so articulate, obviously a thinking man. How much name calling can you do in one post? Liar, queer, goon, pagen bootlick, two-bit punk, fascist, thug, slogan spouting nitwit, brain washed ninny, PC space cadet, multicultural dingbat...Wow, how impressive. They say people without any substance to their position resort to name calling--guess that makes your argument more like a sink hole, less than any kind of substance....The founding fathers would be so proud of you and so happy you consider yourself one who thinks like they do. LMAO:lol:

All men are created equal: that does not just apply to white heterosexuals. Sorry.
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The Boy Scouts have nothing to do with a theocracy. They are a private organization and we still, for the moment, allowed a right of free association.

The BSA is perfectly capable of taking the State to court to prevent this kind of discrimination and will no doubt do so.
Equal rights are not an extra entitlement. They are what everyone is entitled to. They are not getting extra constitutional protections, they are, and should be, getting the same constitutional protections as everyone else. That is their fundamental right! You are basing your position on religious beliefs; this is not a theocracy, so you cannot force your religions rules on the rest of us.

I didn't say that equal rights were necessarily extra-constitutional. You're a liar. And allowing queers to violate the individual liberty and free-association of others most certainly does grant them extra-constitutional rights to which they are not entitled, and that is precisely what leftist goons are proposing.


You're a slogan-spouting nitwit. You don't know what I'm talking about at all. It is you, not I, who would empower the state after the fashion of a theocracy. I’m a Lockean, a classical liberal of the Anglo-American tradition, that of the Founders. There’s no theocracy here. Nothing even close to it. There’s no theocracy in properly limited government, you public-school-educated/popular-culture-brainwashed ninny. You're a PC space cadet, a multicultural dingbat.

My goodness: you are so articulate, obviously a thinking man. How much name calling can you do in one post? Liar, queer, goon, pagen bootlick, two-bit punk, fascist, thug, slogan spouting nitwit, brain washed ninny, PC space cadet, multicultural dingbat...Wow, how impressive. They say people without any substance to their position resort to name calling--guess that makes your argument more like a sink hole, less than any kind of substance....The founding fathers would be so proud of you and so happy you consider yourself one who thinks like they do. LMAO:lol:

All men are created equal: that does not just apply to white heterosexuals. Sorry.

You again?

You're clearly a thoughtless product of the public education system or a mindless lump of duh churned out by mainstreamia—the blather flickering on the parlor walls, echoing in the halls of lower leaning. . . .

You have no idea how ignorant you are. You're a pissant, a fool . . . intellectually speaking. A rash has a higher socio-political IQ than you. You're a cartoon cutout. A caricature. You're a lockstep-marching Beta Type in a sea of the same. You really need to read Huxley's Brave New World. You'll see your reflection. Got Soma? Why, of course you do. It's coming out of your ears. Pavlovian-conditioned dogs have more self-awareness and intellectual range than you.

You'd be an hilariously stupid object of ridicule if you weren‘t so tragically clueless. Are you blond?

You make baby talk about equal rights and theocracy and call that substantive . . . all the while talking to a Lockean. LOL! You're a mindless, slogan-spouting twit. You blather the obvious, trite clichés, as if you were handing down profundities; for example: "All men are created equal: that does not just apply to white heterosexuals." LOL! What a rube. Get this through your thick skull, brainwash: you don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect.

You want substance, Einstein? Spend the next few hours learning from one who knows what he's talking about, a person who actually thinks for himself, real thought, original thought, then get back to me. . . .

Prufrock's Lair
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The Boy Scouts have nothing to do with a theocracy. They are a private organization and we still, for the moment, allowed a right of free association.

The BSA is perfectly capable of taking the State to court to prevent this kind of discrimination and will no doubt do so.

If they are a private organization and want to discriminate, that's fine. However, they don't get tax exempt status if they do. It's that simple.
I didn't say that equal rights were necessarily extra-constitutional. You're a liar. And allowing queers to violate the individual liberty and free-association of others most certainly does grant them extra-constitutional rights to which they are not entitled, and that is precisely what leftist goons are proposing.


You're a slogan-spouting nitwit. You don't know what I'm talking about at all. It is you, not I, who would empower the state after the fashion of a theocracy. I’m a Lockean, a classical liberal of the Anglo-American tradition, that of the Founders. There’s no theocracy here. Nothing even close to it. There’s no theocracy in properly limited government, you public-school-educated/popular-culture-brainwashed ninny. You're a PC space cadet, a multicultural dingbat.

My goodness: you are so articulate, obviously a thinking man. How much name calling can you do in one post? Liar, queer, goon, pagen bootlick, two-bit punk, fascist, thug, slogan spouting nitwit, brain washed ninny, PC space cadet, multicultural dingbat...Wow, how impressive. They say people without any substance to their position resort to name calling--guess that makes your argument more like a sink hole, less than any kind of substance....The founding fathers would be so proud of you and so happy you consider yourself one who thinks like they do. LMAO:lol:

All men are created equal: that does not just apply to white heterosexuals. Sorry.

You again?

You're clearly a thoughtless product of the public education system or a mindless lump of duh churned out by mainstreamia—the blather flickering on the parlor walls, echoing in the halls of lower leaning. . . .

You have no idea how ignorant you are. You're a pissant, a fool . . . intellectually speaking. A rash has a higher socio-political IQ than you. You're a cartoon cutout. A caricature. You're a lockstep-marching Beta Type in a sea of the same. You really need to read Huxley's Brave New World. You'll see your reflection. Got Soma? Why, of course you do. It's coming out of your ears. Pavlovian-conditioned dogs have more self-awareness and intellectual range than you.

You'd be an hilariously stupid object of ridicule if you weren‘t so tragically clueless. Are you blond?

You make baby talk about equal rights and theocracy and call that substantive . . . all the while talking to a Lockean. LOL! You're a mindless, slogan-spouting twit. You blather the obvious, trite clichés, as if you were handing down profundities; for example: "All men are created equal: that does not just apply to white heterosexuals." LOL! What a rube. Get this through your thick skull, brainwash: you don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect.

You want substance, Einstein? Spend the next few hours learning from one who knows what he's talking about, a person who actually thinks for himself, real thought, original thought, then get back to me. . . .

Prufrock's Lair

delusional psycho :cuckoo:
My goodness: you are so articulate, obviously a thinking man. How much name calling can you do in one post? Liar, queer, goon, pagen bootlick, two-bit punk, fascist, thug, slogan spouting nitwit, brain washed ninny, PC space cadet, multicultural dingbat...Wow, how impressive. They say people without any substance to their position resort to name calling--guess that makes your argument more like a sink hole, less than any kind of substance....The founding fathers would be so proud of you and so happy you consider yourself one who thinks like they do. LMAO:lol:

All men are created equal: that does not just apply to white heterosexuals. Sorry.

You again?

You're clearly a thoughtless product of the public education system or a mindless lump of duh churned out by mainstreamia—the blather flickering on the parlor walls, echoing in the halls of lower leaning. . . .

You have no idea how ignorant you are. You're a pissant, a fool . . . intellectually speaking. A rash has a higher socio-political IQ than you. You're a cartoon cutout. A caricature. You're a lockstep-marching Beta Type in a sea of the same. You really need to read Huxley's Brave New World. You'll see your reflection. Got Soma? Why, of course you do. It's coming out of your ears. Pavlovian-conditioned dogs have more self-awareness and intellectual range than you.

You'd be an hilariously stupid object of ridicule if you weren‘t so tragically clueless. Are you blond?

You make baby talk about equal rights and theocracy and call that substantive . . . all the while talking to a Lockean. LOL! You're a mindless, slogan-spouting twit. You blather the obvious, trite clichés, as if you were handing down profundities; for example: "All men are created equal: that does not just apply to white heterosexuals." LOL! What a rube. Get this through your thick skull, brainwash: you don't fly anywhere near the altitude of my intellect.

You want substance, Einstein? Spend the next few hours learning from one who knows what he's talking about, a person who actually thinks for himself, real thought, original thought, then get back to me. . . .

Prufrock's Lair

delusional psycho :cuckoo:

Oh, shut up, we both know you stepped into it with a real intellect and that you don’t have the slightest clue.

So that’s it? LOL! So what we really have from you is no real substance at all, just slogans and insults . . . and not very interesting ones at that.

You're dismissed.
I don't think they are being targeted any more than any other group. When there is a private charity organization that doesn't allow Jews, for example, they would also not exempt from taxes: they wouldn't be exempt because they discriminate. Your problem is that you think gays should be discriminated against; however, the majority of people in the nation do not agree with you. Too bad for you. For example, the KKK, no matter how much 'charity' work they might do, would not be exempt from taxes because they discriminate. Maybe you can wrap your mind around that.

The Catholic church will not allow same sex couples to marry in their temples. It won't change. In your book this is discrimination; isn't it? Will you compare the Catholic church with the KKK and antijew groups? Of course, many will. This is coming soon.

It's already happening on small scale:
Washington Florist Sued For Refusing to Provide Flowers For Same-Sex Wedding - ABC News

So taxpayers who don't agree with the government must be discriminated... in the name of non-discrimination.

PS: I'm for gay marriage. But it's becoming clearer and clearer that there is a "gay agenda". A political and ideological agenda. And gay marriage is only the first step.

1. Those groups absolutely have comparable elements. The primary difference is that that the KKK, et al. are actually organized around those elements, while the Catholic Church is not.
2. The florist story is no different that stores in the 60s refusing to serve African-Americans.
3. No one is being discriminated again. Groups like the Boy Scouts are asking for special privileges. Those privileges have conditions.
The sooner that the San Andreas fault fails catastrophically the sooner we will be rid of the Land of Fruits and Nuts... a.k.a. the People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Kalipornia... good riddance.

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Are you accusing gay people of being members of NAMBLA?


Why that response? At least Bodecea was nice enough to frame it as a question and give him an chance to backpedal out of that batshit crazy statement.

Nice is overrated. I prefer sanity and truth. I'm just not as desensitized as others to the depraved and dishonest claptrap voiced here and on other forums as casually as a dog licks it genitals 24/7. It's called exasperation and contempt. Try it sometime. Try seeing things from the manly perspective of old, from the perspective of Providence. It's only the stuff of passion and poetry and music and romance! You know, before all the sissy, limp-wristed blather of political correctness and multiculturalism.

It's precisely because we have been overly nice and "tolerant" of depravity and, as you put it, of "batshit crazy statements" and the effeminate, vicious little pricks that spout them that they now pollute our discourse with regularity.

In response to an especially monstrous sentiment spouted by some leftist, I recently suggested that the only thing today’s leftist will ever understand is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at their stupid heads. Some mindless administrator censored me. LOL! I'm a Christian, a sheep for the slaughter, a lamb for the lions, should it come to what a number of sickos threaten every day on this board with regard to the religious liberty of Christians . . . and, inevitably, with regard to the liberty of us all. I wasn’t threatening anyone, merely illustrating the truth about the mentality of the left. They are bootlick statists, punks, thugs, liars and degenerates. They're the ones threatening me, my family and my friends. They're the enemies of liberty, the filthy swine of Fascism, Marxism and Jacobinianism. The administrator's mindless reaction demonstrates just how desensitized some have become to the evil of progressivism, from its promotion of sexual depravity, promiscuity and infanticide to its attack on the family of nature and God, including the notion that amounts to reckoning our children to be the property of the state.

These are abominations, serious offences against God and nature, the rising tide of an impending flood of tyranny and atrocity.

Does that answer your question?
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Yes, as well all know, Christians have been the victims of so much persecution in America. :rolleyes:
Baptists Plan exodus from Boy Scouts

May 31st, 2013 - 04:19 PM ET - By Daniel Burke, CNN Belief Blog Co-Editor


CNN) – For Southern Baptist pastor Tim Reed, it was Scripture versus the Scouts.

“God’s word explicitly says homosexuality is a choice, a sin,” said Reed, pastor of First Baptist Church of Gravel Ridge in Jacksonville, Arkansas.

So when the Boy Scouts of America voted to lift its ban on openly gay youths on May 24, Reed said the church had no choice but to cut its charter with Troop 542.

“It’s not a hate thing here,” Reed told CNN affiliate Fox 16. “It’s a moral stance we must take as a Southern Baptist church.”

Southern Baptist leaders say Reed is not alone.

Baptist churches sponsor nearly 4,000 Scout units representing more than 100,000 youths, according to the Boy Scouts of America.

That number could drop precipitously.

The Southern Baptist Convention, the country’s largest Protestant denomination, will soon urge its 45,000 congregations and 16 million members to cut ties with the Scouts, according to church leaders.

The denomination will vote on nonbinding but influential resolutions during a convention June 11-12 in Houston.

“There’s a 100% chance that there will be a resolution about disaffiliation at the convention,” said Richard Land, the longtime head of the Southern Baptists’ Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, “and a 100% chance that 99% of people will vote for it.”

“Southern Baptists are going to be leaving the Boy Scouts en masse,” Land continued.

Roger “Sing” Oldham, a spokesman for the Southern Baptist Convention, emphasized that local congregations make their own decision on the Scouts.

But he, too, said he expects Baptist delegates, which the church calls “messengers,” to voice their disagreement with the BSA's decision to allow gay youths.

“With this policy change, the Boy Scouts’ values are contradictory to the basic values of our local churches,” Oldham said.

Several religious groups with strong Scouting ties support the new policy.

“We have heard from both those who support the amended policy and those who would have preferred it would not have changed,” said BSA spokesman Deron Smith.

Faith-based organizations charter more than 70% of Scout chapters, providing meeting space and leadership, according to the BSA.

“There have been some organizations that have decided not to renew their charters with Scouting," said Smith, "but we can’t quantify the impact of the amended policy."

The National Jewish Committee on Scouting, the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church, the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which sponsors more Scout units than any other faith, all endorsed the change.

The National Catholic Committee on Scouting, which is run with oversight from a bishop, said Thursday that allowing gay youths in the Scouts does not conflict with church teaching. Each bishop will decide whether or not to allow churches in his diocese to charter Scout units, the committee added.

“We ask that Catholic Scouters and chartered organization heads not rush to judgment,” said Edward Martin, chairman of the National Catholic Committee on Scouting.

But the Rev. Derek Lappe, pastor of the Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church in Bremerton, Washington, has already made up his mind.

“I do not feel that it is possible for us to live out, and to teach, the authentic truth about human sexuality within the confines of the Boy Scout’s new policy,” said Lappe.

The priest told CNN affiliate FOX16 that his parish will part ways with the Scouts and develop its own programs.

There may soon be an alternative to the Scouts for social conservatives like Lappe.

John Stemberger, founder of On My Honor, a group that opposed the Scouts’ change in policy, plans to convene conservatives in Louisville, Kentucky, in June to consider forming a new Scout-like group, which could be up and running by the end of 2013.

“Churches and Scoutmasters are looking for leadership and direction,” said Stemberg, an attorney in Orlando, Florida.

A number of conservative religious denominations already sponsor their own groups.

For instance, the Southern Baptists have the Royal Ambassadors, an explicitly Christian program founded in 1908 for boys in first through sixth grade. (A similar group called Challengers equips older boys in “mission education.”)

The name comes from the New Testament, in which the Apostle Paul tells Christians to be “ambassadors for Christ.”

The estimated 31,000 Royal Ambassadors pledge “ to become a well-informed, responsible follower of Christ; to have a Christlike concern for all people; to learn how to carry the message of Christ around the world; to work with others in sharing Christ; and to keep myself clean and healthy in mind and body."

While not as outdoorsy as the Boy Scouts, Ambassadors do camp and play sports, said Land, who was a member of the group during the 1950s. But instead of merit badges for archery and bird study, young Ambassadors earn patches for memorizing Bible verses and mission work.

Southern Baptists said they are preparing for a surge of interest in the Royal Ambassadors at their upcoming convention in Houston.

“We really have an opportunity here to strengthen our RA programs,” the Rev. Ernest Easley, chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee, said in a sermon last Sunday, “and to get the boys in a program where they’re going to be protected, where there’s a high moral standard and where they will have an opportunity to learn about camping, missions, evangelism in the local church.”

Baptists plan exodus from Boy Scouts ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs


And so the Exodus begins... a blind man could'a seen this one comin' a mile away...
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Yes, as well all know, Christians have been the victims of so much persecution in America. :rolleyes:

No. You don't. You're an arrogant, insensitive ass.

But I didn't say anything about Christians as such. Your contempt is showing, and your attitude is indicative of the typical leftist who takes sides among groups instead of the side of justice for all.

I talked about the designs that leftists thugs have on the Republic and the people thereof in general, and, at the same time, am well aware of the hostility the political left has always had for religious traditionalists in general and orthodox Christians in particular.

Do you deny that?

But since you raised the issue. . . .

I know what the Jacobins did to Christians in France. What the Marxists did to Christians in Russia and China and Cuba and North Korea. . . . I know what the Nazis in Germany intended to do to Christians after the war they never won ended. I know what the elites of leftist thugery are trying to do here in America. I know that Christian organizations and businesses are constantly being sued by leftists thugs because the former refuse to accept the latter and their morality. I know that Christians are not doing that to pagan leftists. I know what the left is doing in the public education system. You don't care, first, because you're a pig of human being, and, second, because it doesn't effect your rights . . . wait, same thing, you're a pig of a human being. Whilst a classical liberal like myself is outraged by any and all violations of individual liberty by the state, whether the victims be Christians or not.
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You didn't say anything about Christians being persecuted? Because I could swear you posted this...

I'm a Christian, a sheep for the slaughter, a lamb for the lions, should it come to what a number of sickos threaten every day on this board with regard to the religious liberty of Christians . . . and, inevitably, with regard to the liberty of us all. I wasn’t threatening anyone, merely illustrating the truth about the mentality of the left. They are bootlick statists, punks, thugs, liars and degenerates. They're the ones threatening me, my family and my friends. They're the enemies of liberty, the filthy swine of Fascism, Marxism and Jacobinianism.

You are absolutely correct though that I have contempt for those claiming the banner of "justice for all," as long as the "all" is Baptist, Mormon, Catholic, or Methodist.

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