California State Official Escorted Out Of Heated School Board Meeting On Gender Policy


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Why are Democrats so adamant about keeping parents in the dark about what their children are doing in school? They want cameras on cops, cameras on cars, cameras on buildings. Time for a camera in every classroom that parents can access at any time.

California’s superintendent of public instruction was escorted out of a heated school board meeting on Thursday after he argued against a new policy requiring schools to tell parents about student gender transitions.

The Chino Valley Unified School District just east of Los Angeles approved the gender policy on Thursday after several hours of debate.

Why they don't want cameras in Classrooms. Cause they don't want you to see that your kids are not being taught anything worthwhile.

Shoot..the teachers aren't there at least a quarter of the time.....they must take a break or the school allows them to go here or there or nowhere and i remember once that they all the lefties that is, had to have a couple days off because they were so traumatized by the Trump 2016 win. They should have all been fired for that. These same teachers behave as if they are specialists in one thing or another and they aren't. Their education was no better than what they are doing to our kids in pubic schools. One i know of specifically should have been charged with animal AG teacher. it was horrendous. animals not housed properly, improper bedding, inconsistent feeding/watering/care. and a woman too. incompetent mush head.

Classes consist of propaganda film. Substitute teachers are left with bare instructions and no class assignments for the day. lOLOL Pathetic. and we pay for that sub for the day in addition to the salary that incompetent teacher is receiving.
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It says he was acting belligerently and had to be escorted out. Seems reasonable.
He interrupted the meeting and was thrown out because he wanted policy that perverted children. The board has been redpilled apparently. GOOD for them.

What did he do to get kicked out of the meeting? You didn't tell us.
Candy, I think you are confused. It was a woke lefty who was escorted out.

From the link:

Thurmond’s speaking time ran out and his microphone was cut, but he continued speaking for several seconds afterward.
Chino Valley school board president Sonja Shaw responded and pushed back on Thurmond’s criticism.

“Tony Thurmond, I appreciate you being here tremendously, but here’s the problem. We’re here because of people like you. You’re in Sacramento proposing things that pervert children,” Shaw said as the crowd in the room erupted into cheers.

Thurmond returned to the podium and asked to be allowed to respond.

“No, this is not your meeting. You may have a seat, because if I did that to you in Sacramento you would not accept it. Please sit.” Shaw said. “You will not bully us here in Chino.”

Four security officers approached Thurmond and motioned for him to leave, which he did not do immediately. One of the security officers took him by the arm before Thurmond relented and walked out of the room to shouts, chants, and clapping from the crowd.

This tactic of escorting public speakers out of meetings for running a little over, when the time allotted is often so short is just another way of silencing dissent. It is wrong, no matter which side does it.

Most often it is the pro-woke school boards that do it. That's what confused Candycorn.

Remember the dad of the girl who was raped after the district deliberately moved a rapist into her school and allowed him to keep using the girls' bathroom even though that were the first rape took place?


His crime was also going over time. Deputies were on duty, because that school board knew that it had committed an act of violence against his daughter.

Understand that you cannot allow an unlimited fillibuster. But speaking over your time is a protest, and we honor protest in this country. At least, we used to.
Candy, I think you are confused. It was a woke lefty who was escorted out.

From the link:

Thurmond’s speaking time ran out and his microphone was cut, but he continued speaking for several seconds afterward.
Chino Valley school board president Sonja Shaw responded and pushed back on Thurmond’s criticism.

“Tony Thurmond, I appreciate you being here tremendously, but here’s the problem. We’re here because of people like you. You’re in Sacramento proposing things that pervert children,” Shaw said as the crowd in the room erupted into cheers.

Thurmond returned to the podium and asked to be allowed to respond.

“No, this is not your meeting. You may have a seat, because if I did that to you in Sacramento you would not accept it. Please sit.” Shaw said. “You will not bully us here in Chino.”

Four security officers approached Thurmond and motioned for him to leave, which he did not do immediately. One of the security officers took him by the arm before Thurmond relented and walked out of the room to shouts, chants, and clapping from the crowd.

This tactic of escorting public speakers out of meetings for running a little over, when the time allotted is often so short is just another way of silencing dissent. It is wrong, no matter which side does it.

Most often it is the pro-woke school boards that do it. That's what confused Candycorn.

Remember the dad of the girl who was raped after the district deliberately moved a rapist into her school and allowed him to keep using the girls' bathroom even though that were the first rape took place?

View attachment 806916

His crime was also going over time. Deputies were on duty, because that school board knew that it had committed an act of violence against his daughter.

Understand that you cannot allow an unlimited fillibuster. But speaking over your time is a protest, and we honor protest in this country. At least, we used to.
I was told he interrupted the meeting.
I was told he interrupted the meeting.
He did in a very minor way. Woke as he is, he should still have a right to speak and no "security officer" should have put his hands on him for running over his time, or for asking to respond to being called out by the board after his speaking time ran out.

This is what we are quickly losing in this country, that "I disagree with what you say, but I'll fight for your right to say it."
He did in a very minor way. Woke as he is, he should still have a right to speak and no "security officer" should have put his hands on him for running over his time, or for asking to respond to being called out by the board after his speaking time ran out.

This is what we are quickly losing in this country, that "I disagree with what you say, but I'll fight for your right to say it."
Why would anyone disagree with keeping parents informed?

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