California teacher takes down US flag because it made her 'uncomfortable' invites student to pledge allegiance to Pride colors

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
This is a bit disturbing to watch. It's a high school teacher bragging about removing the American flag from her classroom and suggesting that students pledge allegiance to the LGBTQ flag instead.

She's extremely giddy about it.

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Get your kids out of public school if you can. Or homeschool them if you can. Seriously.

I like this one...

Of course, there are certainly other choices out there.
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This is a bit disturbing to watch. It's a high school teacher bragging about removing the American flag from her classroom and suggesting that students pledge allegiance to the LGBTQ flag instead.

She's extremely giddy about it.

Does she hand out skittles after class?

This young generation does not stand a chance in the real world.
They aren't going to have much of a chance at a future unless the current madness is stopped, SOON. At least they will see the negative impacts and in time, overcome them. What we see happening today is insanity and the results of it will be horrific for America.
Not true, it's how they're raised

Ours will devour leftists and trust me kids are not dumb, they observe and learn

I showed our oldest daughters this video and all three said fire her
I don't doubt it but the truth is, the corporate media has created a population of hate-filled zombies whose reality is whatever the media tells them it is. Secession and rededication to Constitutional principles and emphasis on traditional morality is the only thing that can save our experiment.
I don't doubt it but the truth is, the corporate media has created a population of hate-filled zombies whose reality is whatever the media tells them it is. Secession and rededication to Constitutional principles and emphasis on traditional morality is the only thing that can save our experiment.

It's an uphill battle for sure.

I have serious concerns about a dyke educator asking students to pledge allegiance to a fag flag. Very serious concerns.... indoctrination comes to mind
It's an uphill battle for sure.

I have serious concerns about a dyke educator asking students to pledge allegiance to a fag flag. Very serious concerns.... indoctrination comes to mind
Communist Goal #17

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Communist Goal #17

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

Not to mention educators diddling the youngsters is a sad epidemic
I sure you have proof of that, or did you simply make it up because you hate public education so very much?

I am not defending this froot loop. In any of my districts where I worked, she would have been fired.

One state. Now get past I'm uniformed whíle you pretend to be knower of all, jackass

She is another person that cares more about sexual orientation than the actual person. Her only concern is what your sexual preference is, not anyone as a person. In turn it shows she has no personality, no individuality, no ability to reason or think or be realistic because she worships ideals and not much else. She isnt a real person on her own so she has to throw herself in with a group and let that group be her personality. Her outfit is proof of that, she is just a walking billboard for "a lifestyle".

She is just as bad as people who only care about gender or skin color. Even if its "positive" its still incredibly negative because all they care about is what someone is and thats it. With people like her teaching kids I honestly feel our next generation is going to suffer greatly and the country as a whole will go to shit. Were raising a generation of weak minded and weak willed pussies.

If I had any control over it I would fire her from teaching and ban her from doing it ever again.

Why do full grown adults now feel the need to force real world adult concepts on children? You have to be 21 to drink a beer but when youre in 2nd grade you need to have racism and lesbians taught to you? Even most 18 year olds are too stupid to know enough about the real world because they are still kids, but a 10 year old needs to learn about gays and trannies? They cant even comprehend those concepts as a kid and end up just growing repeating what they are told because they dont understand and when they actually reach adulthood and ready for adult concepts they are already filled with nonsense they still dont understand.

Reading, writing, math, learning how to work with others, exercise, science, playing, having fun, learning basic life skills. THats the kind of shit kids need to learn. They dont need to learn adult concepts before their brains are even ready to know to truly behave in public or even know how to do things on their own.

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