California to give Free Health Care (MediCal) to Illegals

Eric Arthur Blair

Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2015
In a race to the bottom California is winning.

Rather than working independently, a fiercely liberal state senator from Los Angeles and a moderate Assembly member from the Central Valley are joining forces to pressure Newsom to make California the first state in the nation to cover every income-eligible resident regardless of immigration status. Unauthorized immigrants up to age 26 can already qualify for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program for low-income residents.

Does Gavin Newsom really have to be convinced to give illegals health care? Or is the media's way of helping him out since so many Californians want to toss this baboon with slicked back hair out of office?

That's the way to discourage illegals, Gav! Awwww...he's not listening anyway.
We should also offer free cars and survival supplies to anybody that manages to make it to the border.
. . . hell, given bulldog's logic, why not have America just foot the bill for medical coverage for every person on the planet that can't afford it then?


Otherwise, America is guilty of having people, "just die in the streets. . . "


No surprise, Claifornia ran by Dims are continually showing the rest of the country why more people now want to leave California than move there.
This is just another move that will make it even more expensive to live there.
I should say however, that this will encourage other illegals to move there, so maybe there is a bright side.
In a race to the bottom California is winning.

Rather than working independently, a fiercely liberal state senator from Los Angeles and a moderate Assembly member from the Central Valley are joining forces to pressure Newsom to make California the first state in the nation to cover every income-eligible resident regardless of immigration status. Unauthorized immigrants up to age 26 can already qualify for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program for low-income residents.

Does Gavin Newsom really have to be convinced to give illegals health care? Or is the media's way of helping him out since so many Californians want to toss this baboon with slicked back hair out of office?

That's the way to discourage illegals, Gav! Awwww...he's not listening anyway.
Where is the problem here ? It is the right thing to do.
In a race to the bottom California is winning.

Rather than working independently, a fiercely liberal state senator from Los Angeles and a moderate Assembly member from the Central Valley are joining forces to pressure Newsom to make California the first state in the nation to cover every income-eligible resident regardless of immigration status. Unauthorized immigrants up to age 26 can already qualify for Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program for low-income residents.

Does Gavin Newsom really have to be convinced to give illegals health care? Or is the media's way of helping him out since so many Californians want to toss this baboon with slicked back hair out of office?

That's the way to discourage illegals, Gav! Awwww...he's not listening anyway.

Right. So here is the problem, the title of the thread is wrong. California isn't giving anything to anyone. Two state Senators are introducing legislation to extend Medi-Cal to "income-eligible resident regardless of immigration status."

What's your title? "California to give Free Health Care (MediCal) to Illegals".

In this "race to the bottom", California has a largest gross state product ($3.7 trillion) than any other in the Union. It pays more in federal income taxes than any state in the union. ($472 billion). California, what a loser.
Free healthcare is a catch-22. You think that you want it, but you damn sure don't want to need it. These young people, under the age of 27 are not likely to need it at all. I was 40 when I got my first employer provided plan. Back then, every company provided 100% coverage with no deductible. It was much less expensive, and perks were how they recruited new employees.

I'm sure that everyone here can agree that those days are gone.
Right. So here is the problem, the title of the thread is wrong. California isn't giving anything to anyone. Two state Senators are introducing legislation to extend Medi-Cal to "income-eligible resident regardless of immigration status."

What's your title? "California to give Free Health Care (MediCal) to Illegals".
And Newsom and the state assembly are going to simply deny health care and other benefits to one of California's most precious client populations? Really? :rolleyes:
When has that happened before? Try never!
I lived in California for decades. I'll believe it when I see it.
In this "race to the bottom", California has a largest gross state product ($3.7 trillion) than any other in the Union. It pays more in federal income taxes than any state in the union. ($472 billion). California, what a loser.
California is hemorrhaging taxpayers and you can stupidly think the Golden Goose can never be killed
but Sacramento politicians are trying to tax those jumping off a sinking ship.

No shit! California is so desperate to stop the tide of people leaving they think they can tax you
years after giving Sacramento the finger. California Wealth and Exit Tax Would Be An Unconstitutional Disaster

That's a desperate illegal maneuver. California...what a loser indeed!
Nothing is free. Wonder what the tax payers in Cali think about free health care??

I'd bet they won't be too happy.

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