California wants to allow discrimination

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)
If it helps any, I would be more than happy to pony up the cruise fare. .
Thats great. Do you also volunteer to put me on the boat? I'd go for free if someone could actually accomplish that. :)
Are you going to threaten me with physical violence again? I know you want to.
Are you afraid that I am going to threaten you? :)
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
"I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages"

How would that not be stealing? Besides, why can't we just call it even? Blacks enslaved whites also?

I say we're even.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
I think the reason you can’t cone up with a monetary number you are owed is because it may be less than the 1200 I’ve offered you.
Sure sounds like a violation of the "equal protection" clause in the Constitution and thus, it would make for a good law suit.

Basically, I believe this bill allows for discrimination against whites, that's the point of it. California banned affirmative action in 1996, when 55% of voters approved a constitutional amendment that made it illegal to give preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. (Repubs were in control then.) I.E., no Affirmative Action allowed. Nowadays the prog/libs want to restore preferential treatment to their chosen favs.

In 2016, the SCOTUS in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, deciding 4-3 that the race-conscious admissions program at the university is legal under the equal protection clause. In the majority opinion, they asserted that a higher education institution had the right to decide what admissions criteria would best serve its mission.
Poor Cali....:(

such beautiful piece of land...appropiated by the should not be allowed.

Throw them out.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
"I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages"

How would that not be stealing? Besides, why can't we just call it even? Blacks enslaved whites also?

I say we're even.
" How would that not be stealing? "

How can you steal whats yours? Are you retarded or something?

Blacks never enslaved whites in the US. Are you retarded or something?

I didnt ask you what you said. Youre a peon so what you say doesnt matter.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Sure sounds like a violation of the "equal protection" clause in the Constitution and thus, it would make for a good law suit.

Basically, I believe this bill allows for discrimination against whites, that's the point of it. California banned affirmative action in 1996, when 55% of voters approved a constitutional amendment that made it illegal to give preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. (Repubs were in control then.) Nowadays the prog/libs want to restore preferential treatment to their chosen favs.

In 2016, the SCOTUS in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, deciding 4-3 that the race-conscious admissions program at the university is legal under the equal protection clause.
In the majority opinion, they asserted that a higher education institution had the right to decide what admissions criteria would best serve its mission.
" Basically, I believe this bill allows for discrimination against whites"

How else do we level the playing field? I know you dont want your bosses to pay Blacks reparations do you?
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
I think the reason you can’t cone up with a monetary number you are owed is because it may be less than the 1200 I’ve offered you.
Theres a reason I've told you before not to attempt to think without a crash helmet, some pain killers, and a adult present. You'll always get it wrong trying to think on your own.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
"I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages"

How would that not be stealing? Besides, why can't we just call it even? Blacks enslaved whites also?

I say we're even.
" How would that not be stealing? "

How can you steal whats yours? Are you retarded or something?

Blacks never enslaved whites in the US. Are you retarded or something?

I didnt ask you what you said. Youre a peon so what you say doesnt matter.
If it's "yours" why are you begging for it? Take your money and disappear?

Also, they could still be my ancestors no matter whether it was here or not. Are you retarded or something?
Are you afraid that I am going to threaten you? :)

You have done so in the past and you have expressed pleasure that my disabled child was the victim of a racist attack as well.

The one thing I do know with perfect certainty is that if you did threaten me you would be here tomorrow to do it again and if you threatened me tomorrow you would be here the next and if you were to threaten me the next you would be here after that. . I also know that if I were to dare to say anything in response to these threats, I would not be able to post here for some period of time so I will just say

Have a nice day.
Are you afraid that I am going to threaten you? :)

You have done so in the past and you have expressed pleasure that my disabled child was the victim of a racist attack as well.

The one thing I do know with perfect certainty is that if you did threaten me you would be here tomorrow to do it again and if you threatened me tomorrow you would be here the next and if you were to threaten me the next you would be here after that. . I also know that if I were to dare to say anything in response to these threats, I would not be able to post here for some period of time so I will just say

Have a nice day.
Not sure when I was glad someone attacked a disabled child but you clowns tend to make up things alot anyway.

I think youre just soft. I simply asked who was going to volunteer to put me on a boat. Why you feel threatened about that is beyond me. Its not like I said I was going to do anything to you. I was asking who was going to do something to me. Why are you such a little bitch?
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.

Haven’t reparations already been paid a few times over?
How much have we spent in welfare paid out to the “black community”… How much have we spent to police and incarcerate the “black community”? Hasn’t the “black community” raped enough of our people? How many of our people have the “black community” murdered? Hasn’t the “black community” been America’s number one liability for decades?
Last edited:
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
"I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages"

How would that not be stealing? Besides, why can't we just call it even? Blacks enslaved whites also?

I say we're even.
" How would that not be stealing? "

How can you steal whats yours? Are you retarded or something?

Blacks never enslaved whites in the US. Are you retarded or something?

I didnt ask you what you said. Youre a peon so what you say doesnt matter.
If it's "yours" why are you begging for it? Take your money and disappear?

Also, they could still be my ancestors no matter whether it was here or not. Are you retarded or something?
I'm not begging for it. I said if its not given to me then I will stay here. I'm good either way. :)

Obviously you are retarded. We are talking about here in the US.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
"I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages"

How would that not be stealing? Besides, why can't we just call it even? Blacks enslaved whites also?

I say we're even.
" How would that not be stealing? "

How can you steal whats yours? Are you retarded or something?

Blacks never enslaved whites in the US. Are you retarded or something?

I didnt ask you what you said. Youre a peon so what you say doesnt matter.
If it's "yours" why are you begging for it? Take your money and disappear?

Also, they could still be my ancestors no matter whether it was here or not. Are you retarded or something?
I'm not begging for it. I said if its not given to me then I will stay here. I'm good either way. :)

Obviously you are retarded. We are talking about here in the US.
No, you are talking about the U.S. because it is advantageous to you. And, I'm glad you are good if you don't get to steal other people's money.

Anyways, goodnight, I'm out.
The party of slavery has only changed strategy. Ask yourself which is worse, physical abuse (yesterday's Dems) or mental abuse (today's Dems)?
"The party of slavery has only changed strategy."

No they changed from conservative to liberal. Now the repubs are the party of slavery.

Right sure. Have you shared your pity for a black-man today? You're a GD black man's hero in white.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.
"You personally dont owe me anything"

So, who owes? The gov't.? They have no money if it weren't for my/taxpayer money.
Yes the government.

Thats not my problem. If you wish to not pay your taxes I give you full permission. They wont miss your tiny contribution anyway.
Thanks, but I don't need your permission. Think of another way to steal people's money, you're intelligent, right. I'm sure you'll think of something.
I not trying to steal anyones money. I am demanding the back pay with interest and punitive damages for my ancestors that were enslaved. If your bosses dont want to pay then I'll just stay here and cause trouble. Its all up to them.
If it's reparations for the slavery that wasn't done to anyone living today, I suggest that you talk to the Democratic Party. The guilt is really on their hands. The Republican Party paid its dues by sacrificing 360,000 lives between 1861 and 1865, to end slavery. The Democratic Party of that era sent about 94,000 to their deaths, fighting to keep slavery alive.
I can see why the Democratic Party should have to pay slavery reparations, as they supported slavery.

But the very first Republican President was the one who freed the slaves. There's no way Republicans should have to pay reparations.

50% of reparations should be paid for by the Democratic Party.

The other 50% should be paid for by the African countries that enslaved their own people and sold them to U.S. slavetraders.
California Legislature Votes to Allow Discrimination by Race, Gender, National Origin

This week, the legislature in California voted to remove the constitutional prohibition on “discriminating against or granting preferential treatment to persons on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in public employment, public education, and public contracting.” That’s right, California just voted to allow racial and gender discrimination in all its public activities. The bill will move to the ballot in November for a popular vote.

The proponents of the bill, the most radical progressives in California (which is really saying something), say it’s about removing the ban on affirmative action, first passed in 1996. The University of California Board of Regents, headed by Janet Napolitano, supports this bill. Many have absurdly cited the CCP coronavirus pandemic and the murder of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department to say the era of affirmative action should end. Opponents call it nothing more than a racial spoils system designed to grant preferential treatment to some communities of color over others.
Yet, that’s where we are in 2020. We’re repealing non-discrimination portions of state constitutions in order to appease the woke mob and the BLM crowds. Little wonder, when too many don’t understand their own history enough to realize why we decided discrimination was a bad thing long ago, and decided as a people to put it into our foundational documents. In the 2020 landscape of race riots and pandemic lockdowns, history doesn’t matter, and the mob will be appeased.

Used to be we didn't want to allow discrimination, now we do. Or at least the prog/libs do. Merit won't matter, talent won't matter, hard work won't matter. It's all about the color of your skin.
Dont think of it as discrimination. Think of it as a leveling of the playing field. You cant have a meritorious society if whites have a 400 year head start. Stop your whining bitch.

It is racial discrimination and that is what it will be thought as.

You should be shipped back to Africa. Free yourself from white oppression.
Why didnt whites think it was racial discrimination when they were constructing a head start for all whites?

If someone is brave enough to put me on a boat back to Africa I will willingly go. Somehow I know there will be no takers for the task. :)

Why the fuck don’t you sell everything and go? Why is it on us to pay for your exit? You can go at any time.
Because you owe. You (the US) dont pay I dont go.

I don’t owe you anything. Why would you think I do? If you want to go then go. It’s not my problem.

Actually I just thought of something. If your idea of reperations is getting a plane ticket to Africa. I’m willing to use tax dollars for that. Line up the planes, load yourselves up and off you go. I’m willing to pay for that flight.
You personally dont owe me anything nor could you afford it if you did. My idea of reparations is the back wages of my ancestors with interest plus punitive damages for the racism afterwards. When I go visit Africa I can do that on my own.

If you keep asking for free shit you will get the ride to Africa whether you want it or not. This is not the American way - that's why we are not like one of the African shitholes.
Its not free shit. Its shit the US owes. Big difference. Now when are you going to volunteer to come make me move to Africa?

You aren't owed shit, well perhaps an ass kicking for asking for free shit, but other than that nothing.
So whos going to step up and render an ass kicking? Yes all Blacks that descended from the enslaved are owed. If you dont like that... then tough shit.

When you try the jogger crap it's going to be whoever happens to be there. I personally would prefer it to be a strong black man giving you the smack down, it seems you would respect that more.
Not sure what you mean by "jogger crap". Is that some white boy idiom?
That's code talk for him saying that the same thing that happened to Ahmaud Arbery will happen to you IF....

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