California wants to make drought restrictions permanent

welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???
with all the mexican backhoes that they let sneak into their state you would think it wouldnt take very long to dig it either.
of course then you have the problem of the diverting of the natural flow of water to the rivers etc.. while the lake is filling. Or some endangered slug that only lives where the runoff from the rain dilutes the salt in that 3 inch wide section of beach.
and lets just wait and see when they get too much water at once somewhere in Cally, flooding all over the place,,,and then they will blame trump for not building a dam fast enough!
Or someone gets a picture of him drinking a glass of water while in California and they claim he caused the drought
welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???
with all the mexican backhoes that they let sneak into their state you would think it wouldnt take very long to dig it either.
of course then you have the problem of the diverting of the natural flow of water to the rivers etc.. while the lake is filling. Or some endangered slug that only lives where the runoff from the rain dilutes the salt in that 3 inch wide section of beach.
and lets just wait and see when they get too much water at once somewhere in Cally, flooding all over the place,,,and then they will blame trump for not building a dam fast enough!
Or someone gets a picture of him drinking a glass of water while in California and they claim he caused the drought
did u see that movie{dont recall if it hit the theaters},,,i think it was called 10.5?,,,,,it looked like after the quake,,,LA shifted into the ocean and became an Island......well,,,no need to worry about water anymore.
Well at least they will have a bullet train that will produce
Not much more than cost over runs and operating deficits.....sometime maybe next decade or the one after that.....m
bullet train would be pretty cool but Im not sure it would be able to see its full potential in the U.S.
our cities are basically so close together that as soon as it got up to speed it would be time to slow back down to stop at the next terminal. So, the ride would be first you get slammed into the back wall of the car, then you fly forward and get slammed into the front wall of the car,
the places that this type of high speed train is working out are countries where you might have a 2 or 3 hundred mile run between stops. Not 40 or 50 miles.
what was the point of building these trains being they have earthquakes all the time?
Well at least they will have a bullet train that will produce
Not much more than cost over runs and operating deficits.....sometime maybe next decade or the one after that.....m
bullet train would be pretty cool but Im not sure it would be able to see its full potential in the U.S.
our cities are basically so close together that as soon as it got up to speed it would be time to slow back down to stop at the next terminal. So, the ride would be first you get slammed into the back wall of the car, then you fly forward and get slammed into the front wall of the car,
the places that this type of high speed train is working out are countries where you might have a 2 or 3 hundred mile run between stops. Not 40 or 50 miles.
what was the point of building these trains being they have earthquakes all the time?
understand, these are the same people that build their house on a mud cliff than stand there looking shocked when it slides to the bottom during the first rain storm.
Then they rebuild it at the top of the same mud cliff.
California wants to make drought restrictions permanent due to predictions of "global warming"
...including fines
The right-wingers should not concern themselves with the water restrictions, they will not apply to the super-rich. The billionaires the righties worship as gods will have all the water they can steal from the rest of California.

I'll be honest with you, despite being "conservative" I'm really conservative. I'm not against Ca. conserving water. Personally, if you're taking long shows, leaving the water on while you clean up etc., in my mind you're selfish leaning on vegetable.

Additionally, MOST dumb ass homeowners and professionals build such piece of shit irrigation systems, and they don't know how to landscape. My half acre is second to none. Grass, lots of trees and bushes, lots of rock structures, etc. My highest water bill ever was $180. Everybody else in the neighborhood runs $400-$700 in August. How can that be when I'm one of the few with kids at home? Speak of grass, why the fuck do people use anything but organic fertilizer is beyond me. It's not expensive, it doesn't kill animals or poison the fucking earth. And the grass is less prone to disease. Got some weeds? Don't spray, pull the fucking things on time. If they're in the grass then spot with weed B gone.
I have 5 acres, its all woods except for a field I cleared that is 350 ft by 50 ft. Thats grass.
I dont water any of it ever, I dont fertilize and I dont weed. I do cut it though.
What pretty much pisses me off around here is all the people with the sprinkler systems that are set on timers. During any heavy rainstorm you can drive around and spot at least 10 homes that have the sprinkler system going during the rain. How much damn water does that lawn really need? Or the people that are too lazy to properly adjust the heads, or they put the wrong heads in to start with and they end up watering the road or their driveway. I dont care how much water you put on that driveway, unless you actually dig and put in new concrete you will never get it to grow enough to fit all your cars.
I have 5 acres, its all woods except for a field I cleared that is 350 ft by 50 ft. Thats grass.
I dont water any of it ever, I dont fertilize and I dont weed. I do cut it though.
What pretty much pisses me off around here is all the people with the sprinkler systems that are set on timers. During any heavy rainstorm you can drive around and spot at least 10 homes that have the sprinkler system going during the rain. How much damn water does that lawn really need? Or the people that are too lazy to properly adjust the heads, or they put the wrong heads in to start with and they end up watering the road or their driveway. I dont care how much water you put on that driveway, unless you actually dig and put in new concrete you will never get it to grow enough to fit all your cars.

Ha, we can't get away with not watering, May through Oct. We're naturally sagebrush and weeds. That's just it too, how much water does a lawn really need? If my lawn hints brown in Aug. due to the heat never mind the dogs, I'll get over it. So will the grass, in Sept. Yeah, my stuff is on a timer, but I'm on it like white on rice when it rains. My highly LIBERAL neighbor has a different approach, water in freezing temperatures when the grass is supposed to be dormant. Course he's always fixing the "professional" irrigation. I put mine in 16 years ago, only repair is two heads, and of course an emitter on occasion (hard water).

Speak of "professional jobs"......His rock-dumb landscapers parked the balance of material in the natural drain above my property. I discovered it after a torrential rain overnight, you know, with the new 1' deep trenches running down my hill and over the retaining wall (which didn't budge). The dick tried to deny it, and coincidentally, I was burned by his father some years earlier. Runs in the family.
does this mean 1 million lawn maintainence mexicans will have to move back to Los Angeles?
welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???
Atlantic Ocean huh?? Does the water travel along the transcontinental river that flows along Route 66? What other gems of wisdom do you have to enlighten us with?
does this mean 1 million lawn maintainence mexicans will have to move back to Los Angeles?
welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???

Wow. I thought I've read some amazingly stupid posts on this forum before, but yours above is by far the dumbest. Please, never reproduce.
Crazy Cali can do whatever they want... just leave the rest of us out of it.
does this mean 1 million lawn maintainence mexicans will have to move back to Los Angeles?
welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???

Wow. I thought I've read some amazingly stupid posts on this forum before, but yours above is by far the dumbest. Please, never reproduce.
Rex isn't the brightest bulb of the bunch
does this mean 1 million lawn maintainence mexicans will have to move back to Los Angeles?
welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???

Wow. I thought I've read some amazingly stupid posts on this forum before, but yours above is by far the dumbest. Please, never reproduce.
whats so dumb about that? Many lakes in the U.S are considered man made. Deep creek lake in Maryland is one of them.
Problem with man made lakes, in my mind you're not producing water. You might actually be doing the opposite. I'm no scientist, but above ground water is more prone to evaporation. The water has to go someplace, and if it's not into a "crater" then it's below the surface.
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California wants to make drought restrictions permanent due to predictions of "global warming"
...including fines

Great job of citation and accuracy- and timeliness.

May 9, 2016.

California Governor Makes Some Water Restrictions Permanent

May 9, 20167:02 PM ET
California Gov. Jerry Brown has made some of the state's temporary water restrictions permanent. The executive order, in response to the state's drought, permanently bans wasteful practices like hosing sidewalks and washing cars with hoses that don't have shut-off nozzles.
does this mean 1 million lawn maintainence mexicans will have to move back to Los Angeles?
welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???

Wow. I thought I've read some amazingly stupid posts on this forum before, but yours above is by far the dumbest. Please, never reproduce.
whats so dumb about that? Many lakes in the U.S are considered man made. Deep creek lake in Maryland is one of them.
why do Democrats take every comical remark I say seriously? havent they figured out that I have a sense of humor? now they really think that I think Callyfornia sits on the Atlantic Ocean? God, I could claim that Guam will fall into the Spacific Ocean someday because too many people live on it, and they will accuse of being a retard.
does this mean 1 million lawn maintainence mexicans will have to move back to Los Angeles?

I think your comment just goes to show how incredibly ignorant you are. Like you were somehow dropped on your head at birth causing permanent injury, kind of ignorant.

Residents consume less than 20 percent of all the water consumed in California. With industry consuming the rest. No amount of savings from residents will meet with even minimal water conservation goals laid out by the state. Industry alone can & must produce the kinds of savings that will meet minimum goals set by the state.
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welll, at least we are going into their rainy/snowy season,,the illegals can at least eat/drink the white and yellow snow being Trump wont be sending them food stamps
Ummmmm,, lemon snow
California has had 100 years to figure out a way to keep all of the rain! yet they just let it wash away into the atlantic ocean!,,,,is it just too hard to dig out a 50 Mile wide lake???

Wow. I thought I've read some amazingly stupid posts on this forum before, but yours above is by far the dumbest. Please, never reproduce.
whats so dumb about that? Many lakes in the U.S are considered man made. Deep creek lake in Maryland is one of them.
why do Democrats take every comical remark I say seriously? havent they figured out that I have a sense of humor? now they really think that I think Callyfornia sits on the Atlantic Ocean? God, I could claim that Guam will fall into the Spacific Ocean someday because too many people live on it, and they will accuse of being a retard.
No my geographically deprived friend, I fear that I might take the position of post retard on this one.
Until you mentioned it, I didnt even catch the Atlantic Ocean part of the post. LOL
But, the rest is based on reasonable considerations. If not for digging a hole and filling it with water, Las Vegas would still just be a pile of sand.

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