California woman gets life for chopping off husband's penis


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
First of all..

I am happy that this woman could spend the rest of her life in jail.

She deserves it.

What I don't understand is why did NBC.Com put it under their "Weird" news section?

California woman gets life for chopping off husband's penis - US news - Weird news | NBC Newsus_news-weird_news/t/california-woman-gets-life-chopping-husbands-penis/?lite&lite=obinsite

This isn't "weird". This was preplanned mutilation of man.

Maybe if he gotten it caught in a Hoover Vacum, then I could see "weird". But not a preplanned mutilation.

California woman gets life for chopping off husband's penis - US news - Weird news | NBC News

A judge sentenced a Southern California woman who cut off her estranged husband's penis and tossed it in the garbage disposal to life in prison with the possibility of parole.


C'mon — what's not to like?
Hoof it over to Facebook to join the weird news herd.

Catherine Kieu, 50, was convicted by an Orange County jury in April of aggravated mayhem and torture following the July 2011 assault on her ex-husband.

Kieu drugged her former spouse before tying him up and severing his penis with a knife. She then threw it into the garbage disposal unit.

An attorney for Vietnam-born Kieu argued at trial that she had suffered sexual abuse as a child which left her with post-traumatic stress. She was remorseful about the attack, he said.

After the sentencing hearing, the victim - identified only as "Glen" - said he wished Orange County Superior Court Judge Richard Toohey could have given Kieu more time behind bars, City News Service reported.

"Deep down inside I was hoping for a stronger sentence, but given the restraints of the law this is what he had to do," he said.

"There may be a situation where I can be happy, but whole? Never ... I've got a long ways to go."

NBC News treats this as if it were a joke or something.

My bet would be that it was a woman who was in charge when this story was uploaded.
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Horrible crime.

I am surprised she got life for it.

What does that mean?

That's she'll serve 5 or 10 year maybe?
You would think that fact that she drugged him, then tied him up before cutting him, then finally disposing it down the garbage disposal unit would be considered "special circumstances" and take away the possibility of parole.
From the looks of her ex, I doubt he'd ever need it again anyhow

what drugs did she use? and he is a light weight to fall in that trap. he deserved it....just for being stupid.
How could anyone hope for a more severe sentence when she got life?

Because she is going to be eligible for parole.

That means she may spend 10 years in jail.

She should never be allowed out of jail ever.

Suppose the genders had been reversed... Would you be satisfied with a man who mutilated a woman like that being eligible for probation?
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Tossing it in the disposal shows she never wanted him to be able to have it re attached. I don't give a shit if she was abused when she was young. Tough. Who hasn't. Now, if this guy beat her and raped her while they were married or even after, then he deserved what he got. However, that is not what was reported. Her excuse was the old standard "I was abused when I was a child". Um hm. Ok. Whatever.
How could anyone hope for a more severe sentence when she got life?

Because she is going to be eligible for parole.

That means she may spend 10 years in jail.

She should never be allowed out of jail ever.

Suppose the genders had been reversed... Would you be satisfied with a man who mutilated a woman like that being eligible for probation?

The genders are reversed on this all the time. Are you aware that in some states if a woman is raped, gets pregnant and keeps the child that the rapist not only gets out on parole, but has legal parental rights?

Khalid Adem only got 10 years for cutting off his 2 year old's clitoris with a pair of scissors.
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