Call Obama a Marxist, Socialist, Communist, whatever...

Oscar Wao

Victory is Mine
Dec 15, 2008
...What is just as scary, or even more scary, is his total ignorance of real economics...especially during a time when an economy is on shaky ground.

Like his plan to take over a portion of this country's economy, for instance.

Thanks 53% for voting for economic ignorance.
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...What is just as scary, or even more scary, is his total ignorance of real economics...especially during a time when an economy is on shaky ground.

Like his plan to take over a portion of this country's economy.

Thanks 53% for voting for economic ignorance.
Check this out: Caterpillar: Health care bill would cost it $100M - Chicago Breaking Business

Caterpillar: Health care bill would cost it $100M
Published on March 19, 2010 7:10 AM

Dow Jones Newswires | Caterpillar Inc. said the health-care overhaul legislation being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives would increase the company's health-care costs by more than $100 million in the first year alone.

In a letter Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio, Caterpillar urged lawmakers to vote against the plan "because of the substantial cost burdens it would place on our shareholders, employees and retirees."


The Peoria-based company said these provisions would increase its insurance costs by at least 20 percent, or more than $100 million, just in the first year of the health-care overhaul program.


A letter Thursday to President Barack Obama and members of Congress signed by more than 130 economists predicted the legislation would discourage companies from hiring more workers and would cause reduced hours and wages for those already employed.

Corporate flight to offshore seems the only option for US employers.
I bet he never took an economics class in his life. And if he did, he must have fallen asleep in the back of the class.
Watch the unemployment levels skyrocket over the next two years with this monstrosity. Watch us lose even more domestic product in the next couple of years. We have little left to lose, too.
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Watch the unemployment levels skyrocket over the next two years with this monstrosity. Watch us lose even more domestic product in the next couple of years. We have little left to lose, too.
Do we even HAVE any money to lose?!

Oh, wait, we can just print up some if we don't.
Watch the unemployment levels skyrocket over the next two years with this monstrosity. Watch us lose even more domestic product in the next couple of years. We have little left to lose, too.
Do we even HAVE any money to lose?!

Oh, wait, we can just print up some if we don't.
Right. And we don't produce much of anything any longer. Caterpillar is one who still remains, until tomorrow, that is.
...What is just as scary, or even more scary, is his total ignorance of real economics...especially during a time when an economy is on shaky ground.

Like his plan to take over a portion of this country's economy, for instance.

Thanks 53% for voting for economic ignorance.

Wow Wao!
Healthcare is ACT 1 of his intent, not only his intent, but that of the Statists in the Congress.

[ame=]YouTube - Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered[/ame]#

I can't wait until I have a right to everything. Aren't you all waiting for that glorious day?

I just want to sit at the lunch counter, eat for free, eat more for free, and just get along.

Don't judge Me Man!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I can't wait until I can just walk into Best Buy with my head up high, thinking I'm all that, wearing my FREE new stylish clothes and taking a bunch of CD's, a new Blackberry, some new TV Shows DVDs, a Sims 3 Expansion Pak, and a huge TV...all for FREE!!! I have a right to free music, cell phones, movies!, computer games, and televisions!!

Oh...and I'm taking my stuff to my free house too. Then, I will go out with my (future) partner to celebrate at the Chinese Buffet (fave place to eat)..a FREE meal!

People are miserable for their lack of entertainment and eating out! We must make sure they have universal access to food and vices! Otherwise, the world will end and Jesus will rapture us!!! OMG!!! We mustn't trample on their rights!!

Ain't entitlements and invented rights great?!
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I can't wait until I can just walk into Best Buy with my head up high, thinking I'm all that, wearing my FREE new stylish clothes and taking a bunch of CD's, a new Blackberry, some new TV Shows DVDs, a Sims 3 Expansion Pak, and a huge TV...all for FREE!!! I have a right to free music, cell phones, movies!, computer games, and televisions!!

Oh...and I'm taking my stuff to my free house too. Then, I will go out with my (future) partner to celebrate at the Chinese Buffet (fave place to eat)..a FREE meal!

People are miserable for their lack of entertainment and eating out! We must make sure they have universal access to food and vices! Otherwise, the world will end and Jesus will rapture us!!! OMG!!! We mustn't trample on their rights!!

Ain't entitlements and invented rights great?!

Nail? Meet Hammer. Precisely. So many 'Rights' have been fabricated by the left that the main REAL right(s) afforded by the Constitution don't mean a thing.

You've got to hand it to the left and their masterful job of undermining the Constitution, by not really teaching it.

The real right(s) of the people are Life, Liberty, The Persuit of happiness on their own accord unaccosted BY the government.

Pehaps the leftist perverts love accosting the people.

We beat on Tyranny ALREADY

Wake up people. B O H I C A.
...What is just as scary, or even more scary, is his total ignorance of real economics...especially during a time when an economy is on shaky ground.

Like his plan to take over a portion of this country's economy, for instance.

Thanks 53% for voting for economic ignorance.

Wow Wao!
Why are you so surprised?

I've always been a conservative.

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