Calling All Christians.

Jesus hated the Jews?:haha:

Hate to tell you dude, but Jesus was Jewish.

Jesus wasn't a Jew. Try to respond to the argument presented, rather than parroting lies. You're just proving that you're stupid.

Jesus wasn't a Jew? Really? Then you should have no problem posting a link that says so.

And, if Jesus wasn't Jewish, then why in the Bible does it say that when He was crucified, they also posted a sign at the top of his cross that translated said "King of the Jews"?

I was speaking of fulfilled prophesy and showing that Jesus wrapped up the prophesy with damning the Jews to Hell. What, Jesus didn't damn the Jews to Hell, as I quoted him doing, because the Romans posted a sign calling him the king of the Jews?

There's a difference between being a Jew and being King of the Jews.

And, you worthless piece of brainless shit, the Antichrist people you call Jews and try to equate Jesus to by calling Jesus a Jew are not real Jews.

Again, if Jesus wasn't Jewish, then what was He? Got a link that says otherwise, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?
And, you worthless piece of brainless shit, the Antichrist people you call Jews and try to equate Jesus to by calling Jesus a Jew are not real Jews.

Again, if Jesus wasn't Jewish, then what was He? Got a link that says otherwise, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?

Shithead, the NT word for "Jew" means Judean. The NT considers Jesus to be Nazarene. Mark 1:9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Matthew 21:11 And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.” You might have heard Jesus referd to as a Nazerine. Matthew 2:23 And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he would be called a Nazarene. [But you, worthless piece of shit, call Jesus a Jew.]

Shithead, maybe you could address the content of my previous post about God judging the Jews and throwing them into Hell? Oh wait, you can't do that, because you're worthless...
Jesus hated the Jews?:haha:

Hate to tell you dude, but Jesus was Jewish.

Jesus wasn't a Jew. Try to respond to the argument presented, rather than parroting lies. You're just proving that you're stupid.

Jesus wasn't a Jew? Really? Then you should have no problem posting a link that says so.

And, if Jesus wasn't Jewish, then why in the Bible does it say that when He was crucified, they also posted a sign at the top of his cross that translated said "King of the Jews"?

I was speaking of fulfilled prophesy and showing that Jesus wrapped up the prophesy with damning the Jews to Hell. What, Jesus didn't damn the Jews to Hell, as I quoted him doing, because the Romans posted a sign calling him the king of the Jews?

There's a difference between being a Jew and being King of the Jews.

And, you worthless piece of brainless shit, the Antichrist people you call Jews and try to equate Jesus to by calling Jesus a Jew are not real Jews.

Again, if Jesus wasn't Jewish, then what was He? Got a link that says otherwise, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?
He was a Christian duh...
And, you worthless piece of brainless shit, the Antichrist people you call Jews and try to equate Jesus to by calling Jesus a Jew are not real Jews.

Again, if Jesus wasn't Jewish, then what was He? Got a link that says otherwise, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?

Shithead, the NT word for "Jew" means Judean. The NT considers Jesus to be Nazarene. Mark 1:9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Matthew 21:11 And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.” You might have heard Jesus referd to as a Nazerine. Matthew 2:23 And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he would be called a Nazarene. [But you, worthless piece of shit, call Jesus a Jew.]

Shithead, maybe you could address the content of my previous post about God judging the Jews and throwing them into Hell? Oh wait, you can't do that, because you're worthless...

Kinda the response I expected from you. Nothing but bullshit and insults. I noticed that there is no link though.
And, you worthless piece of brainless shit, the Antichrist people you call Jews and try to equate Jesus to by calling Jesus a Jew are not real Jews.

Again, if Jesus wasn't Jewish, then what was He? Got a link that says otherwise, or is this just more crap you pulled outta your ass?

Shithead, the NT word for "Jew" means Judean. The NT considers Jesus to be Nazarene. Mark 1:9 In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Matthew 21:11 And the crowds said, “This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee.” You might have heard Jesus referd to as a Nazerine. Matthew 2:23 And he went and lived in a city called Nazareth, so that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, that he would be called a Nazarene. [But you, worthless piece of shit, call Jesus a Jew.]

Shithead, maybe you could address the content of my previous post about God judging the Jews and throwing them into Hell? Oh wait, you can't do that, because you're worthless...

Kinda the response I expected from you. Nothing but bullshit and insults. I noticed that there is no link though.
Jokes on him, Jews don't believe in a Hell...
You've probably heard atheists claim that there is no evidence for God. So I'm asking all of you to present any evidence you may have run across. It's impossible for one person to be aware of all the evidence, so I want your help to collect as much as possible. So let's see it. Post your best evidence here.
I'll start by saying that science has evidence for the existence of God. It is a scientific fact that nothing physical can create itself. So, where did we come from if there is no Creator.

There’s not going to be proof for god. If god gave us free will, then giving us undeniable proof of him would go against that free will. If you believe in free will then god is the ultimate secularist, or as Jefferson put it, if there is a god, surely he’d want us to question him with honesty and boldness. Atheism has taken a weird turn, most atheist do not believe in free will, at least the smart ones...but they also believe in morality. But that morality came up as a social structure.

Morality might be one of the better arguments for god. While an individual doesn’t need god or belief in god to be moral. But when society as a whole divorces itself from a set of morals they believe are eternal and bigger than them...usually things like nihilism, and ironically collectivism rises, and the bodies start dropping. Why, because nothing is agreed upon, and the universality of morals diminishes as nihilism rises.

What gets me though is the fact there has been like 8 holocausts. Somehow antisemitism is this canary in the coal mine for evil. It’s bizarre how many evil and notorious societies hate Jews, past and present. It’s just bizarre.
What gets me though is the fact there has been like 8 holocausts. Somehow antisemitism is this canary in the coal mine for evil. It’s bizarre how many evil and notorious societies hate Jews, past and present. It’s just bizarre.

If everyone hates you, it's probably you, not them. Jews are vile, dishonest, oppressive, etc. The only people who don't hate them are people brainwashed into thinking those children of Satan are God's chosen people, and those brainwashed people ignore every evil Jews do. (Here's were some ignorant fucktard spews the lie "Jesus was a Jew".)

If anyone who wants to know the truth about Jews, google "Talmud", the Jews' instructional guide to hating everyone else.
There’s not going to be proof for god. If god gave us free will, then giving us undeniable proof of him would go against that free will.

I think people are very capable of denying absolute proof. I see it every day in this forum. For example, Jesus called Jews the children of Satan, that's absolute proof to a Christian that Jews are not God's chose people. How effective is that simple and absolute proof in convincing so-called Christians the truth about Jews?

I don't believe in Free Will. If people had Free Will, they'd be able to accept simple and absolute proof. God is the potter who has made some people for greatness, and others for destruction.

Morality might be one of the better arguments for god. While an individual doesn’t need god or belief in god to be moral.

Atheists have no inherent morality. Their claim to morality is a lie they'd like you to believe. And, anything that looks like morality is really self-interest pragmatism. Thou shalt not murder, so that you don't murder them, not because they're against murder (see abortion).
I go on walks with god ()and my dog) I callthem treasure hunts because I ask questions and then he leads me to things that answer my questions. Like one time i didn't know if he wanted me to finish my book or not and he led me to this object i dont knowwhat it used to be but it looked exactly like a typewriter even with a piece of paper in it - he does things like this all the time for me

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