Calls for Biden’s Impeachment Increase Exponentially – And It’s About to Get a Whole Lot Louder

Trump fell for a hoax that the DNC servers were in Ukraine.

He then tried to create a new one by extorting Zelensky to fabricate a Biden scandal. Zelensky had the integrity not to participate, even though he badly needed the arms package.

No wonder Trump doesn't mind that the love of his life Putin is trying to kill Zelensky. Trump is one of the most vindictive, petty assholes crawling on the Earth.
A Biden impeachment is another hoax. Theater for the rubes. It is as likely to happen as Trump or the GOP producing their promised Obamacare replacement.

That hoax got them elected, and then the dumb rube herd didn't hold them accountable for it.

So the rubes are encouraging their idols to hoax them more and more.

They DESERVE to be lied to.
Here's the script.

Five minutes after being sworn in, a Trump cultist in the House will introduce articles of impeachment and pound his chest like a gorilla for the rubes back home.

An ejaculatory topic or two will be posted on this forum.

And then that will be the last we hear of a Biden impeachment.

Then, as they always do, the rubes will say, "Well, they tried. Deep State!"

Cold hard facts? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

And what cold hard facts back up the hoax that Biden urged the firing of the prosecutor to protect his son?

None. Zip. Nada. Zero.

The cold hard facts are right in front of your face. You just don't want to see them. The guy who would know better than anyone else if Hunter did anything wrong says he did not.

The investigation into Burisma took place TWO YEARS BEFORE BIDEN JOINED THE COMPANY.

What the ever living fuck is behind this willful blindness in you tards?

Okay. It's never remotely documented but let's say that's right and Hunter Biden never got his fake job at Burisma until an investigation was supposedly made before Biden got there, it's alleged.
So what does this other investigation allege?
And NO ONE disputes Hunter Biden was being paid for work he was not qualified to perform and only
held his job due to who his father was.
So the Bidens are so fucking crooked we can't tell which job Hunter Biden had (China or Ukraine)at any given
time and which prosecutor investigated him at any given time.

So only an authoritative book on the issue of massive corruption by Peter Sweizer Profiless in Corruption
could unravel this knot.
A Biden impeachment is another hoax. Theater for the rubes. It is as likely to happen as Trump or the GOP producing their promised Obamacare replacement.

That hoax got them elected, and then the dumb rube herd didn't hold them accountable for it.

So the rubes are encouraging their idols to hoax them more and more.

They DESERVE to be lied to.
Just for massive lawlessness at the border alone Joe Biden could easily be impeached. And that is just one of many issues that could knock Joe right out of his Depnds adult diapers.
Okay. It's never remotely documented but let's say that's right and Hunter Biden never got his fake job at Burisma until an investigation was supposedly made before Biden got there, it's alleged.
So what does this other investigation allege?
And NO ONE disputes Hunter Biden was being paid for work he was not qualified to perform and only
held his job due to who his father was.
So the Bidens are so fucking crooked we can't tell which job Hunter Biden had (China or Ukraine)at any given
time and which prosecutor investigated him at any given time.

So only an authoritative book on the issue of massive corruption by Peter Sweizer Profiless in Corruption
could unravel this knot.
A child making money in China off her father's name, you say?

Just for massive lawlessness at the border alone Joe Biden could easily be impeached. And that is just one of many issues that could knock Joe right out of his Depnds adult diapers.

What is the crime involved in your little crack-induced fantasy?

What cold hard facts do you have?
Just for massive lawlessness at the border alone Joe Biden could easily be impeached. And that is just one of many issues that could knock Joe right out of his Depnds adult diapers.
The President is wearing Depends, you say?

Trump committed actual crimes.
Saw my first impeach Clinton sign in September 1992.
My first Impeach Obama sign was November 2008.
Both before either had even taken office.


you idiots with complete control of both houses failed to impeach Obama and your impeachment of clinto was the most ludicrous clown show of the 20th century.

So dream on.
You impeachment wet dream will ensure a 2nd term for Biden if he wants it.
Obama was aiding terrorists and selling out the country...he allowed and enable biden to take bribes while he somehow managed to spend more than the was taking in which screams bribes via his families bank accounts and board membership as well.
Obama was aiding terrorists and selling out the country...he allowed and enable biden to take bribes while he somehow managed to spend more than the was taking in which screams bribes via his families bank accounts and board membership as well.
We already schooled you on that. You are lying now.

In the mean time FOX fucking Putin news is using his propaganda outlet to pedal lies about a non-existent bio-weapons lab in Ukraine;

Tucker Carlson is a willful collaborator.
We already schooled you on that. You are lying now.

In the mean time FOX fucking Putin news is using his propaganda outlet to pedal lies about a non-existent bio-weapons lab in Ukraine;

Tucker Carlson is a willful collaborator.

You school Anyone? BWAHAHA...

I never lie but you like to try cheap meaningless smears and claims other do as you do. It's sad. EVerything that I posted is absolute fact---Biden taking bribes and running it through his families bank accounts has been well documented. And your made up bullshit can hide the smell.

As you idiots proved in 1998 you don't need an actual crime for impeachment.
Just a bunch of weak kneed coward doing backflips for their moronic constituents.

But, you go be you.
Guarantee a 2nd term for Biden.
Perjury is an actual crime.

Yes, Democrats, lying is foolish, and lying under oath is an actual crime.

I've only been here 4 days now, but eventually when we get to know each other we'll learn a lot from each other. I'll show you some stuff you won't see (much) anywhere else.

The Deep State. Remember Admiral John Poindexter? Iran-Contra and all that?

He was convicted of lying under oath to the Senate. And for that he lost his job.

But nine months later, he was back at work, back in the job. Why? Because he was THAT smart, that valuable. They couldn't do without him.

He headed something called OTIA, the "Office of Total information Awareness", which was the beginning of the surveillance culture. But LONG before 9/11, this would have been mid to late 80's, starting under the Reagan administration.

Ultimately, NO ONE CARED that he lied under oath, because he lied on behalf of the Deep State. Nine months later he had his job back and everything was hunky dory.
Hello. The grammar police have attacked me again.
Youre out of ammo son.

Again, for any impeachment too proceed it must be supported by a crime. Thats where you expose your hatred simply because you want him impeached but there is no crime. Why can't you grasp that?

I don't want Biden impeached. Perish the thought. I want the weaponization of impeachment STOPPED, and I want Nancy Pelosi punished for abusing it.
Here is an idea. If they take over they can address actual problems and not dumbass Tucker Carlson talking points. Too much to ask I know.

I don't want Biden impeached. Perish the thought. I want the weaponization of impeachment STOPPED, and I want Nancy Pelosi punished for abusing it.
Youre a liar.
You all want revenge. She used it because he broke his oath of office and it is her duty to proceed with it. Thats a fact. That is part of her job.
What you really mean is you hate Pelosi and use that weaponising crap as justification.

I'm not interested in your poor excuses. Cut the bullshit.

Congressman Lance Carter Gooden is leading an effort to impeach Joe Biden and it’s gaining significant traction.

“The bar was so low to impeach President Trump,” Gooden explains. “And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement.”

“What we’re seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral,” he continued. Americans are witnessing an unprecedented surge at the southern board, which has become so bad that Biden is secretly flying illegal to various U.S. cities in the dead of the night.

To provide some perspective, Americans saw the lowest number of illegal crossings on the southern U.S. border in over 40 years under Trump.

Under Biden, after he lifted Trump’s key “Remain-in-Mexico” policy, the U.S. has suffered the highest number of illegal border crossings in over 60 years.

Trump’s policy forced foreign nationals seeking to enter the U.S. through the southern border — illegally or without proper documentation — to be returned to Mexico.

These individuals will need to wait in Mexico while their legal cases are adjudicated.

Predictably, Democrats ended this policy and open the border, creating a massive disaster.

Gooden responded, “The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we’re seeing [is] they’re filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel.”

“It’s really a travesty. And it’s not what this country should be about,” Gooden added.

As the GOP gains more power and control in Congress from Democrats, it appears there is signficant agreement that Biden is committing an impeachable offense.

Here’s the critical conclusion via Trending Politics:

So, while little can happen now, as Democrats are still in control of the legislature, it’s coming up and calls for impeachment will get louder as the red wave crashes over the Swamp and puts the GOP back in power.

Rep. Gibbs said as much recently, declaring that “When Republicans take back the House, we will take our commitment to the separation of powers, our role as a check and balance to the executive branch, seriously. President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire administration is officially on notice.”

The GOP might just have grown enough spine to start treating Democrats as Democrats treated them; we’ll see, but with everyone from Ted Cruz to MGT, Lance Gooden to Bob Gibbs pushing the idea, it’s obviously getting more and more popular


..and there are not 67 Senators who would convict”

No there aren’t, but that didn’t stop the dems from impeaching DJT twice.
I see a lot of people who have been screaming for his ouster since shortly after he was inaugurated but it isn't going to happen at least until the mid terms are over.

Democrats in their attempts to punish Trump and ruin his legacy made a joke of impeachment and I hope the republicans will not be foolish enough to play Tit For Tat with impeachments.

With strong majorities in both houses impeachment becomes a possibility but that power should only be used if there's no other means to achieve the end.

In all likelihood even a fully justified impeachment would be billed as nothing but "payback" 24/7 in the media and consequently there's likely to be huge blowback in 2024.

Of course, the real is, "Ok We impeached and removed him, what now?"

Now you get president Harris, perhaps the only person in DC less qualified to be Commander in Chief, with the potential for a Pelosi VP.

That would be a disaster on a scale never before seen in US Politics.

There are very good reasons to impeach Biden and remove him from office but that doesn't make it the wisest course of action. Biden/Harris is probably the most beatable ticked in the country come 2024 and it's crucial dem's don't get another 4 years. They've done more damage in one year already than any president in the past has managed to do in 4.
Perjury is an actual crime.

Yes, Democrats, lying is foolish, and lying under oath is an actual crime.

I've only been here 4 days now, but eventually when we get to know each other we'll learn a lot from each other. I'll show you some stuff you won't see (much) anywhere else.

The Deep State. Remember Admiral John Poindexter? Iran-Contra and all that?

He was convicted of lying under oath to the Senate. And for that he lost his job.

But nine months later, he was back at work, back in the job. Why? Because he was THAT smart, that valuable. They couldn't do without him.

He headed something called OTIA, the "Office of Total information Awareness", which was the beginning of the surveillance culture. But LONG before 9/11, this would have been mid to late 80's, starting under the Reagan administration.

Ultimately, NO ONE CARED that he lied under oath, because he lied on behalf of the Deep State. Nine months later he had his job back and everything was hunky dory.
You neglected to mention that his convictions were overturned on appeal because witness were influenced by his previous testimony for which he received immunity.

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