Calls For Olmert Administration Ouster


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Our World: The Olmert government must go
Caroline Glick, THE JERUSALEM POST Aug. 14, 2006

From all sides of the political spectrum calls are being raised for the establishment of an official commission of inquiry to investigate the Olmert government's incompetent management of the war in Lebanon. These calls are misguided.

We do not need a commission to know what happened or what has to happen. The Olmert government has failed on every level. The Olmert government must go.

The Knesset must vote no confidence in this government and new elections must be carried out as soon as the law permits. If the Knesset hesitates in taking this required step, then the people of Israel must take to the streets in mass demonstrations and demand that our representatives send Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, Defense Minister Amir Peretz and their comrades out to pasture.

Every aspect of the government's handling of the war has been a failure. Take relief efforts as an example. For five weeks the government ignored the humanitarian disaster in the North where over one million Israelis are under missile assault. The government developed no comprehensive plan for organizing relief efforts to feed citizens in bomb shelters or for evacuating them.

And then there is the military failure.
The IDF suffers from acute leadership failures - brought to Israel courtesy of Ariel Sharon who hacked away at the General Staff, undermined its sense of mission and treated our generals like office boys just as he decimated the Likud by undermining its political vision and promoting its weakest members.

Yet, guiding the generals to make the right decisions and finding the generals capable of making them in wartime is the government's responsibility. It was the government's responsibility to critique and question the IDF's operational model of aerial warfare and to cut its losses when after two or three days it was clear that the model was wrong. At that point the government should have called up the reserves and launched a combined ground and air offensive.

But the government didn't feel like it. It wanted to win the war on the cheap. And when the air campaign did not succeed, it abandoned its war goals, declared victory and sued for a cease-fire. When the public objected, after waiting two precious weeks, the government called up the reserves but then waited another unforgivable 10 days before committing them to battle.

All the while, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni did her best to demoralize the IDF and the public by publicly proclaiming that there is no military solution to what is clearly a military conflict.

OLMERT'S DECISION Friday to begin the ground offensive was by all accounts motivated not by a newfound understanding that this is a real war, but by the headlines in the newspapers that morning calling for his resignation. Yet, by Friday, the IDF had only 48 hours to achieve the objectives it had waited a month to receive Olmert's permission to accomplish.

Diplomatically, in the space of five weeks the government managed to undermine Israel's alliance with America; to hand Syria, Hizbullah and Iran the greatest diplomatic achievements they have ever experienced; and to flush down the toilet the unprecedented international support that US President Bush handed to Israel on a silver platter at the G-8 summit.

The UN cease-fire that Olmert, Livni and Peretz applaud undercuts Israel's sovereignty; protects Hizbullah; lets Iran and Syria off the hook; lends credibility to our enemies' belief that Israel can be destroyed; emboldens the Palestinians to launch their next round of war; and leaves IDF hostages Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev in captivity.

Israel's diplomatic maneuvers were cut to fit the size of our Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni who believes that her job is limited to being nice to other foreign ministers when they call her up on the telephone. In an interview with Yediot Aharonot over the weekend, Livni defended her decision not to engage in public diplomacy by claiming that this is not an important enough task for the foreign minister. It makes sense that this would be her view because as one who understands neither diplomacy nor English, she is incapable of conducting public diplomacy.

Livni argued that the job of the foreign minister is "to create diplomatic processes" - whatever that means. She also claimed that the best way to gain international support is not by publicly arguing Israel's case, but through back door discussions devoted to developing good relations with other foreign ministers. This is ridiculous. The job of the foreign minister is to defend Israel and advance Israel's national interests to foreigners, not to be their friend. Something I wish Condi would also heed.

ASIDE FROM the fact that the government's bungling of the military mission meant that Olmert and Livni sprinted to the negotiating table empty handed, the reason that the UN Security Council cease-fire resolution ignores every single Israeli demand is because Israel didn't aggressively pursue its goals. While the Lebanese and the Arabs massed all their forces and pressured the UN, the Foreign Ministry asked US Jewish leaders to say nothing about the draft resolution and to make no public objections to that diplomatic process Tzipi and Ehud "created" with their "friends." And so Israel's positions were ignored.

Yet the reason that this incompetent, embarrassment of a government must go is not simply because it has delivered Israel the worst defeat in its history. This government must go because every day it sits in power it exacerbates the damage it has already caused and increases the dangers to Israel.

Iran has been emboldened. Its success in the war is now being used by the ayatollahs to support their claim of leadership over the Arab world. In evidence of Iran's success, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak met in Cairo with Iran's Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki. So now, after 27 years of official estrangement, Egypt is moving towards establishing full diplomatic relations with Teheran.

The Palestinians have been emboldened. Hamas leaders and spokesmen are openly stating that just as Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon in May 2000 precipitated the Palestinian terror war in September 2000, so Israel's current defeat in Lebanon will spur the outbreak of a new Palestinian terror war against Israel today.

THE AMERICANS have lost faith in Israel as an ally. After he gave Israel every opportunity to win this war, even signaling clearly that Israel should feel free to go as far as Beirut if necessary, President Bush was convinced that Olmert simply didn't want to fight. The Americans were shocked by Israel's performance. They know that we can win when we set our mind to it and were flummoxed when presented with an Israeli leadership that refused to even try. I must say, I did not consider this idea, which carries a certain amount of common sense.

Today we have 30,000 soldiers in Lebanon with an unclear mission. Because of the failure of this government, Israel now needs to contend with an emboldened Hizbullah protected by Kofi Annan. Already on Sunday, Annan sent a letter to Olmert instructing him that once the cease-fire is put into effect, the IDF will be barred from taking action even if it comes under attack. As far as Annan is concerned, resolution 1701 says that if Israel is attacked, all it is allowed to do is call his secretary.

Given that both the Lebanese army and the countries which plan to send forces to Lebanon all say that they will not deploy to the south until after Hizbullah is dismantled, it is clear that the military mission is still to be accomplished.

In its helter-skelter offensive over the weekend, the IDF performed brilliantly as it tried to accomplish in 48 hours what it had been denied permission to accomplish for an entire month. Still now, in the diplomatic minefield this government set for it, the IDF remains the only military force capable of fighting and dismantling Hizbullah. But there can be no doubt that it will not be accomplished under this government.

There will be time to inquire into what has gone wrong in the IDF. There will be time to fire the generals that need to be fired. But we don't need a commission to determine what we need to do. Because of the Olmert government's failures, ever greater battles await us. As the dangers mount by the hour, we must replace this misbegotten government with one that can defend us.
Amazing how I warned you guys Israel would get its ass kicked, and you neocons scoffed at me. Israel accomplished nothing, Syria/Iran are still shipping in the weapons and the propaganda is being spun at an all time high. Israel lost because they, like us, are unwilling to do what is necessary to win this war.
Amazing how I warned you guys Israel would get its ass kicked, and you neocons scoffed at me. Israel accomplished nothing, Syria/Iran are still shipping in the weapons and the propaganda is being spun at an all time high. Israel lost because they, like us, are unwilling to do what is necessary to win this war.

I do believe that is what the article was about. Now, for me the lesson is that leadership matters...
I do believe that is what the article was about. Now, for me the lesson is that leadership matters...

Which should be a lesson learned worldwide against terrorism. We can't beat them with one hand tied behind our backs........Spy on them, infiltrate them, profile them, kill them, and use every weapon and tactic we have till we're done.
Which should be a lesson learned worldwide against terrorism. We can't beat them with one hand tied behind our backs........Spy on them, infiltrate them, profile them, kill them, and use every weapon and tactic we have till we're done.

:thup: Bonnie, are we the most violent on the board regarding the war, outside those who wish to turn countries to glass? :confused:
The only thing Olmert did wrong with lebanon is: he didnt hit hard enough, fast enough. What happened to the days when war meant killing as many people on the other side as possible? Now countries are afraid to accidentally kill a few civilians b/c the media will gobble it up.

Ground troops were never needed, Israel took more precautions to help civilians than any other country does. (1) they airdropped leaflets (written in arabic) telling everyone south of the LiTani river to get north of it quick. (2) they broadcast warnings all over Lebanese radio stations (spoken in Arabic) for multiple days. (3) they randomely called people in towns that were at risk of being invaded and told the people to leave and spread the word of Israel's invasion.

After these 3 things, theres nothing else that should have been done to help civilians- if they didnt get out by then, it was officially their problem... Israel should have not used ground troops, and should have used their airforce to take out all of souther lebanon - I mean all of it. And then threatened the LEbanese army to get control of the Hezbollah fighters in the North or else ISrael would bomb the North as well. Every road that connects Lebanon to Syria should have been blasted to oblivion.

If this were done, then Israel wouldnt have been bombarded by kytusha rockets every single day of the war, and many people's lives, homes and businesses from to Kyat-Shmona to Haifa, would be saved.
Amazing how I warned you guys Israel would get its ass kicked, and you neocons scoffed at me. Israel accomplished nothing, Syria/Iran are still shipping in the weapons and the propaganda is being spun at an all time high. Israel lost because they, like us, are unwilling to do what is necessary to win this war.

Israel didnt get their ass kicked. So I am still scoffing at you.

I am guessing this prime minister wont last. Giving self defense over to the UN is just ridiculous. The war isnt over just because they said "Peace" its so stupid.
The only thing Olmert did wrong with lebanon is: he didnt hit hard enough, fast enough. What happened to the days when war meant killing as many people on the other side as possible? Now countries are afraid to accidentally kill a few civilians b/c the media will gobble it up.

Ground troops were never needed, Israel took more precautions to help civilians than any other country does. (1) they airdropped leaflets (written in arabic) telling everyone south of the LiTani river to get north of it quick. (2) they broadcast warnings all over Lebanese radio stations (spoken in Arabic) for multiple days. (3) they randomely called people in towns that were at risk of being invaded and told the people to leave and spread the word of Israel's invasion.Olmert prevented/delayed the ground offensive, until it really had no purpose, other than to move to the river. If that had been the objective 2 weeks before, it would have meant something, at this point, it only inserted sitting ducks.

After these 3 things, theres nothing else that should have been done to help civilians- if they didnt get out by then, it was officially their problem... Israel should have not used ground troops, and should have used their airforce to take out all of souther lebanon - I mean all of it. And then threatened the LEbanese army to get control of the Hezbollah fighters in the North or else ISrael would bomb the North as well. Every road that connects Lebanon to Syria should have been blasted to oblivion.

If this were done, then Israel wouldnt have been bombarded by kytusha rockets every single day of the war, and many people's lives, homes and businesses from to Kyat-Shmona to Haifa, would be saved.
I'm sorry, but I believe you are wrong. Israel should have loosed their ground troops early and decisivel y. The air campaign was not suppressing the Katusha rockets, not too mention the longer range. The air could take out the launchers, but the ground troops would have stopped the attacks to begin with.
The article posted above inappropriately blames the Olmert Admin for the debacle in Lebanon. Hizbollah has had six years to develop military positions that would surely take any military more than one month to destroy. Contrary to the article posted above, we do not have Israel to thank for the harmful UNSC "cease-fire" resolution. Rather, we can thank the French and the Bush Administration for caving in to anti-Israeli international pressure as they supported a resolution that did not even mention Iran as the principle engine of the conflict. Iran knows that the Republicans are running scared and cannot afford another conflict before election day. It realizes that it can do almost whatever it wants without military reprocussions from the Bush Admin. For example, it can fund and weaponize psychos in Iraq and pay no price. It can supply missiles to homocide bombers in southern Labanon and pay no price. Iran can defy international efforts to curb its nuke program and pay no price. If there is a winner in the Israeli-Hizbollah stand-off it is Iran. It is rumored that 5000 French troops will command the UN "Forces" in southern Lebanon. Well now we can all sleep soundly. Perhaps the French will protect Jews better than they did in the 1940s. Why did the Bush Admin announce that no US troops would be available for disarming Hizbollah before the resolution was even passed? Obviously that position strengthened anti-Israel forces in the UN and helped to defeat a UNSC cease-fire resolution that identified Iran and Syria as sponsors of the conflict. Why did the Bush Admin play its cards before the hand was even dealt? Has Iraq crippled the Bush Admin's ability to appropriately react to Iranian provocations?
:thup: Bonnie, are we the most violent on the board regarding the war, outside those who wish to turn countries to glass? :confused:

Gee Im starting to wonder, I have always considered myself a peaceful person, I don't even kill bugs, I put them in a plastic cup and throw them outside,.... at the same time I have zero compassion for those that would blow up innocent men, women, and children simply because they are pissed off at their own shitty circumstances in life, and are stupid enough to listen to radical, evil, megalomaniacs, and if it comes down to me or them, I would kill in a blink.
Gee Im starting to wonder, I have always considered myself a peaceful person, I don't even kill bugs, I put them in a plastic cup and throw them outside,.... at the same time I have zero compassion for those that would blow up innocent men, women, and children simply because they are pissed off at their own shitty circumstances in life, and are stupid enough to listen to radical, evil, megalomaniacs, and if it comes down to me or them, I would kill in a blink.

I squash bugs in a blink, if they come into my abode. I want to squish rodents too, but I make the men folk do that, (yeah chavaunistic I know). I guess I feel the same regarding jihadis, though unlike the bugs and rodents, I'll not let them enter my door or border.
You people amaze me.

Over 800 lebanese civilians dead, over a million made into refugees, half of the country's infastructure lays in ruins and yet you say "they didn't do enough".

What exactly would satisfy you? Nukes?
at the same time I have zero compassion for those that would blow up innocent men, women, and children simply because they are pissed off at their own shitty circumstances in life, and are stupid enough to listen to radical, evil, megalomaniacs, and if it comes down to me or them, I would kill in a blink.

So you're saying you've sided with Hezbullah on this one?
Israel didnt get their ass kicked. So I am still scoffing at you.

I am guessing this prime minister wont last. Giving self defense over to the UN is just ridiculous. The war isnt over just because they said "Peace" its so stupid.

I'm not talking about the Israeli military. I'm talking about their political goals. Hezbollah was only strengthened politically, now more Lebonese are sympathetic to their cause....they may even get elected into the government next election. And as far as their military capabilities to wage their terror war, the supply line from Syria/Iran hasn't been stopped.

So as I said, Israel didn't accomplish anything because they weren't willing to do what is necessary to win a war like this.
You people amaze me.

Over 800 lebanese civilians dead, over a million made into refugees, half of the country's infastructure lays in ruins and yet you say "they didn't do enough".

What exactly would satisfy you? Nukes?

And your solution is? Have Israel sit around with its thumb up its ass while katusha rockets rain down on their cities?
And your solution is? Have Israel sit around with its thumb up its ass while katusha rockets rain down on their cities?

Of course! The only other alternative to full scale war in dealing with terrorists is to do nothing and wait to be killed....

Go do some reading on how the UK dealt with the IRA.
Of course! The only other alternative to full scale war in dealing with terrorists is to do nothing and wait to be killed....

Go do some reading on how the UK dealt with the IRA.

Difference is members of the IRA although dangerous and radical in their ideology are not nearly as beyond reason as radical Islamists are, secondly the numbers were not nearly as high in ranks for IRA members compared with the millions of Islamic terrorists, thirdly British soldiers were used as well as Scottland Yard and British intel, fourthly Britain was NOT surrounded by countries filled with IRA terrorists, and lastly the UK government installed cameras everywhere on every street of every city block and then some. If the Bush admn were to even atempt to do that they would be run out of town by the ACLU.
Basically I applaud what the UK did in that regard.
Difference is members of the IRA although dangerous and radical in their ideology are not nearly as beyond reason as radical Islamists are, secondly the numbers were not nearly as high in ranks for IRA members compared with the millions of Islamic terrorists, thirdly British soldiers were used as well as Scottland Yard and British intel, fourthly Britain was NOT surrounded by countries filled with IRA terrorists, and lastly the UK government installed cameras everywhere on every street of every city block and then some. If the Bush admn were to even atempt to do that they would be run out of town by the ACLU.
Basically I applaud what the UK did in that regard.

And the IRA typically was not primarily out for civilian casualties, just to terrorize them in their attempt to get the British public to pressure the government. They tended to give enough warnings to evacuate Harrod's or wherever, before bombings.

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