Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In at Whistleblower's Law Firm


A Rooincarnation
Nov 7, 2012
The offices of a Dallas law firm representing a high-profile State Department whistleblower were broken into last weekend. Burglars stole three computers and broke into the firm's file cabinets. But silver bars, video equipment and other valuables were left untouched.

Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In at Whistleblower's Law Firm | The Cable

What do you suppose Obama's guys were looking for?
This Admin is so ham handed it isn't even laughable any more.
The whistleblower should have gone to a friendly country that protected him (or her) before blowing that whistle.
I hope they catch and prosecute them. We on the left do not make hero's out of convicted felons who break into buildings, ala G. Gordon Liddy.
A lot of assumptions being made here without evidence.

I notice the media stories do not report that files relative to the whistleblower case were on the stolen computers, or that anything connected in any way to the whistlebower case was stolen. That would make the robberies UNRELATED to the whistleblower.

In the surveillance video, the stolen computers look brand new, still in their boxes.

So go ahead and masturbate to your fantasy of an Obama-ordered "Watergate", but you look like fools.
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I hope they catch and prosecute them. We on the left do not make hero's out of convicted felons who break into buildings, ala G. Gordon Liddy.

really, just ones who stuff papers down their pants
A lot of assumptions being made here without evidence.

I notice the media stories do not report that files relative to the whistleblower case were on the stolen computers, or that anything connected in any way to the whistlebower case was stolen. That would make the robberies UNRELATED to the whistleblower.

In the surveillance video, the stolen computers look brand new, still in their boxes.

So go ahead and masturbate to your fantasy of an Obama-ordered "Watergate", but you look like fools.

Too funny, g if the Admin was caught red handed you'd still defend him.

A lot of assumptions being made here without evidence.

I notice the media stories do not report that files relative to the whistleblower case were on the stolen computers, or that anything connected in any way to the whistlebower case was stolen. That would make the robberies UNRELATED to the whistleblower.

In the surveillance video, the stolen computers look brand new, still in their boxes.

So go ahead and masturbate to your fantasy of an Obama-ordered "Watergate", but you look like fools.

Too funny, g if the Admin was caught red handed you'd still defend him.

A completely false strawman.

The only hacks here are those who ASSUME much from this break-in without a single SHRED of evidence.

A couple people break into an office and steal some computers and you have Obama ordering the theft! Amazing.

Show me those computers were even related to the whistleblower. Go ahead. Knock me out with your genius.
Thank God! Another fauxraged fake scandal. I was starting to worry that an entire week went by without one.
The offices of a Dallas law firm representing a high-profile State Department whistleblower were broken into last weekend. Burglars stole three computers and broke into the firm's file cabinets. But silver bars, video equipment and other valuables were left untouched.

Cameras Catch Mystery Break-In at Whistleblower's Law Firm | The Cable

What do you suppose Obama's guys were looking for?

Move along, there is nothing to see here. This was, obviously, a random burgary, and had nothing to do with the fact that they are reresenting someone on Obama's emeies list. Besides, they had a warrant issued by a top secrret court that garauntees due process.
A lot of assumptions being made here without evidence.

I notice the media stories do not report that files relative to the whistleblower case were on the stolen computers, or that anything connected in any way to the whistlebower case was stolen. That would make the robberies UNRELATED to the whistleblower.

In the surveillance video, the stolen computers look brand new, still in their boxes.

So go ahead and masturbate to your fantasy of an Obama-ordered "Watergate", but you look like fools.

Exactly my point, this was a random burgary, and had nothing to do with them representing a anyone on Obama's enemy list. The fact that they ignored silver bars is completely irrelevent.
A lot of assumptions being made here without evidence.

I notice the media stories do not report that files relative to the whistleblower case were on the stolen computers, or that anything connected in any way to the whistlebower case was stolen. That would make the robberies UNRELATED to the whistleblower.

In the surveillance video, the stolen computers look brand new, still in their boxes.

So go ahead and masturbate to your fantasy of an Obama-ordered "Watergate", but you look like fools.

Too funny, g if the Admin was caught red handed you'd still defend him.


Like G. Gordon Liddy gets defended? Like Oliver North gets defended?
LOL....moral equivalence on display.

There is no evidence that this has anything to do with the Prez...but that really doesn't matter....the truth is that ALL of those OTHER things that are going on DO point to the Prez and you people will dfend him no matter WHAT he does.

Oh yes and bod?

You want a felon for a President do ya?

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