Cameron to unveil plans to stop British jihadis


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
That is a one step in the direct direction. Good job Cameron.


Draconian plans to strip British jihadis of their UK citizenship will be unveiled by David Cameron tomorrow.
He will ban them from entering the UK, forcing them to stay in Iraq, Syria or other countries such as Turkey, from where many fly back to Britain.
The Prime Minister will argue that they must be stripped of their passports – and their right to come back to the UK – because they could be plotting terrorist attacks.
The move could land the Government in trouble with human rights judges, however. It is against international law to make an individual stateless – they can be stripped of their citizenship only if they have dual nationality.
The Prime Minister intends to get round this by claiming the ban is temporary – and justified following a warning by intelligence chiefs that the risk of a major terrorist attack on the UK mainland is ‘severe.’
The tough response from No 10 comes a week after former Shadow Home Secretary David Davis and Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, called for similar action.
Writing in The Mail on Sunday a week ago, Mr Davis poured scorn on Home Secretary Theresa May’s ‘limp’ plan to use anti-social behaviour orders to curb the risk posed by British jihadis.
‘Asbos for terrorists? It is hard to imagine ISIS killers quaking in their boots,’ he said.
His comments were echoed by Lord Carey who, in a separate article, said Britons pursuing jihad in Iraq and Syria should be forced to give up their passports.
London Mayor Boris Johnson and Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe demanded similar measures.

Read more: David Cameron to unveil draconian plans to stop British jihadis returning to the UK Mail Online
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Britain had a long standing policy of supporting jihad activities from its soil. Some of these jhadis were new immigrants to Britain. Some were born and raised there. Lately these jihadis had been turning on Britain itself. So this I guess is causing a change in heart in Britain and forcing it to reconsider its support for jihadis. It is a good move and will bring peace in long term to Britain.
Britain had a long standing policy of supporting jihad activities from its soil. Some of these jhadis were new immigrants to Britain. Some were born and raised there. Lately these jihadis had been turning on Britain itself. So this I guess is causing a change in heart in Britain and forcing it to reconsider its support for jihadis. It is a good move and will bring peace in long term to Britain.
Oh you must mean guys like this...

Two Men Convicted Of British Soldier Beheading - The Daily Beast

British intelligence is saying that jihadis are planning a Mumbai style spectacular attack in London. This is sort of jolting British elites who have been a traditional ally of jihadis.

It is against the international laws to make a person stateless. So I do not think Britain will be able to take their citizenship away unless those actors have dual citizenship. Britain needs to do two things:

a) Do not allow jihadis to leave Britain.
b) If somehow jihadis manage to leave Britain to carry out terror missions, do not let them back into Britain. Create some sort of prison system in Australia and dump these guys there.
Granny says, "Dat's right - ya gotta keep an eye on `em or dey'll blow the place up...

Mayor warns of thousands of terror suspects on London streets
October 11, 2014 ~ London's mayor Boris Johnson today said that thousands of potential terrorists are being monitored by security services in the British capital.
He warned that an attack was highly likely, causing the raising of the national terror threat level from substantial to severe more than a month ago. "In London we're very, very vigilant and very, very concerned. Every day - as you saw recently, we had to raise the threat level - every day the security services are involved in thousands of operations," he told the Telegraph. "There are probably in the low thousands of people that we are monitoring in London," he added.

His comments came as the city's police chiefs warned officers to be more vigilant in the face of a heightened terror threat for police. Five men are being held by Scotland Yard on suspicion of plotting a potentially significant attack in Britain. Johnson said that many of the 500 Britons thought to be fighting alongside the brutal Islamic State militant group in Syria were believed to be from London. "Probably of the five or six hundred that are out there we think a third, maybe more - maybe half - come from the London area. If and when they come back, we have a real job to deal with them," he said.

The mayor, who has written a biography of Sir Winston Churchill, claimed that the wartime prime minister would be authorising air strikes on IS if he were in power. "I think he (Churchill) would be appalled by the spectacle of these cowards executing journalists, and I think he would have wanted to do something to set them back a long way and, if need be, to neutralise them altogether. He was a great believer in airpower - don't forget he invented the RAF," Johnson said.

Mayor warns of thousands of terror suspects on London streets Business Standard News

See also:

London keeps thousands under terrorism radar, says Johnson
Britain’s security services are monitoring “thousands” of people in London, the city’s mayor Boris Johnson said in an interview on Saturday, amid heightened fears of attack by homegrown insurgents.
Johnson’s comments came as Scotland Yard continued to question five men arrested in the capital on Tuesday on suspicion of planning a terrorist act. “In London we’re very, very vigilant and very, very concerned,” Johnson told The Daily Telegraph. “Everyday – as you saw recently, we had to raise the threat level – every day the security services are involved in thousands of operations. “There are probably in the low thousands of people that we are monitoring in London.” Britain’s terrorism threat level was raised to “severe” in August, the second-highest, which means that an attack is thought to be “highly likely”.

Intelligence services say the threat comes primarily from the rebels of what is called Islamic State (IS) group and Al Qaeda. On Friday, police across Britain were also warned by the top officer in charge of counter-terrorism, Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley. “The threat level to police officers and staff has been heightened, but we are used to confronting risk and danger, this is what we do on a daily basis, and we are well trained,” he said. The government believes that around 500 people have travelled from Britain and are fighting in Iraq and Syria. Johnson said that of these, “we think a third, maybe more – maybe half – come from the London area”. “If and when they come back, we have a real job to deal with them,” he told the Telegraph.

Ministers have promised a string of measures to crack down on young British Muslims travelling to Syria and Iraq, including stopping them at airports and preventing them from travelling and tightening measures which could restrict their movements. “We must do everything we can to defeat this ideology and prevent the radicalisation of young British Muslims,” Home Secretary Theresa May told the Conservative Party conference last month. Two Britons, David Haines and Alan Henning, have been murdered by IS insurgents since September. Britain has sent eight jets to join air strikes on IS group targets in Iraq but is not taking place in strikes on targets in Syria.

Oman Tribune - the edge of knowledge
I wouldn't have thought it was legal to render a citizen stateless, but I do think it is a good idea. I would absolutely support it.

Should we really care about the human rights of someone who has chosen to go to Syria and join a terrorist organisation?
Empty words. He'll do no such thing because he's afraid of being called a racist.


I think there is a hope for your country. I recall when I was in my 20s and first started dealing with people of your country, I noticed that your country men used to have very unreasonable attitude towards Indians with respect to their challenges arising from Islamic terrorism. But that has changed drastically. Now, I constantly run into Brits who have sympathetic and favorable disposition towards Indians and their fight against terrorism. It is almost surreal.
Who are these British jihadis? Born and raised in the UK with generations of family before them? Or are they Muslims with British citizenship?

Muslims with dual nationality in most cases, that leave the UK to fight abroad. Many are claiming welfare and get their fellow muslims to "sign" the unemployment register for them

It is against the international laws to make a person stateless. So I do not think Britain will be able to take their citizenship away unless those actors have dual citizenship. Britain needs to do two things:

a) Do not allow jihadis to leave Britain.
b) If somehow jihadis manage to leave Britain to carry out terror missions, do not let them back into Britain. Create some sort of prison system in Australia and dump these guys there.

We can revoke their British passports though which does not make them stateless, just unable to travel outside the UK. If they have a second passport then they will have to use that to return to the UK and then face loss of citizenship
Empty words. He'll do no such thing because he's afraid of being called a racist.

Not racism to protect the lives of British citizens, and this is what he is doing. At the same time reducing the numbers of immigrants to the UK and reducing the welfare and health care bills.

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