Cameron: UK won't pay £1.7bn EU bill


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
David Cameron has angrily insisted the UK will not pay £1.7bn being demanded by the European Union.

"If people think I am paying that bill on 1 December, they have another think coming," the prime minister said in Brussels. "It is not going to happen."

But Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the demand should "not have come as a surprise" to the UK.

He said it was made under a system agreed by all the member states and based on data provided by them.

EU finance ministers have agreed to the UK's request for emergency talks about the top-up payment, which would add about a fifth to the UK's net EU contribution of £8.6bn for this year.

BBC News - Cameron UK won t pay 1.7bn EU bill

It seems like the EU is not as solid as it’s meant to be. And it’s definitely not a fair union either. Some get to pay more, others – to benefit from it. Who decides that? Don’t know. But add here the fact that the EU is going to provide the financial help to Ukraine. Who’s going to give money for that? So here comes the question: will the EU last long enough for Ukraine to join it?
Yeah, sure he won't. Cameron's a spineless faggot who holds the E.U. in higher esteem than the soil he was born on. Brussels will get its pound of flesh, don't you worry about that.
Yeah, sure he won't. Cameron's a spineless faggot who holds the E.U. in higher esteem than the soil he was born on. Brussels will get its pound of flesh, don't you worry about that.

To me, he seemed pretty self-confident while talking about the issue... Or do you mean that Cameron will pay, but later?
Anyway, I wouldn't like the whole situation if I were British. The biggest hypocrisy about the situation is that the EU included in the estimations the revenue from prostitution and drugs like they are the real sectors of British economy... And now wants the country to pay for them...

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