Camo hat sales/donations to Trump campain soar

"Leave Rioters Alone!"


Another stunning and brave video comrades
Well I dont know about soar but after watching this I want one....

Oh no! I'm all broken down in TEARS! I'm so upset my hands are trembling, I can hardly TYPE! Trump is sending out minor gifts of a camo hat now in payment for contributions? Wha? Good God, you mean we are going to allow a two-party election and even allow Trump on the ticket?

Quick! Cover Joe Biden in shoe polish and run him as the Black Lives Matter Candidate so no one can contest a word he says!
Nothing warms my heart more that seeing a crying looney liberal having a total meltdown. ... :thup: .. :lol: :lol:
. . . ITMT, be on the lookout this Fall for Trump supporters in Camo hats . . . they could be attempting to use them in disguise to sneak in and vote TWICE. News at Eleven . . .

Screen shot 2013-02-12 at 11.11.21 AM.png

Sneeky rotten bastards
A bunch of fat retirees drinking Old Milwaukee Light and complaining on the internet about a teenage girl.

Because “conservative values”. :lol:
Your violent hatred towards her is making me feel unsafe. You discounting her feelings is an uncaring sick crime of hate ....
You deserve to be fined and lose your job

Shes stunning and brave took real courage to take a stand and cry orange man army camo hat nazis bad

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