Can a mortal tell another--you are saved?


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY

Can a mortal tell another--you are saved( or born again)?--NO.
Ist they would have had to seen ones name(s) written in the book of life--they have not done this.
2nd they would have to be able to read another' true heart.--they cannot.
Gods word teaches-- those who endure until the end will be saved-(Matt 10:22)----Can a mortal know if another can endure till the end--NO.

The proof is pedophiles-- no one has a clue until something occurs-- some make it all the way to teacher, nor the teacher who may have been the one telling you that you are saved. Was he a man of God?

No mortal has the right to tell another--you are saved--they are elevating themselves into Gods position--I do believe one should run away from those religions. God warned all--GET OUT OF HER.

Again, you are ignoring the Bible.

1 John 5:13; John 20:23

You are also ignoring numerous verses like John 3:16; John 5:24 and by doing so you've become an illegal mediator between God and man. Can a mortal like you ignore God's words?

Can a mortal tell another--you are saved?


Again, you are ignoring the Bible.


Can a mortal like you ignore God's words?

how about a mortal implying to another--you are doomed ?

I disagree. You can tell anyone they are saved. You can tell anyone they are damned.

What you say doesn't matter. What God says does. Just because you say something doesnt mean it's true.
I disagree. You can tell anyone they are saved. You can tell anyone they are damned.

What you say doesn't matter. What God says does. Just because you say something doesnt mean it's true.

So in other words, you agree.

No one knows who is saved and who may be headed elsewhere. That is certain.

If the Catholic Church violates that all, they do deem canonized saints as in heaven, and some martyrs of the Church. But that's all. And they are very clear they will never make a judgment on any individual being deserving of hell.

Without purgatory the teachings of our Lord becomes extremely problematic, imo.

Can a mortal tell another--you are saved( or born again)?--NO.
Ist they would have had to seen ones name(s) written in the book of life--they have not done this.
2nd they would have to be able to read another' true heart.--they cannot.
Gods word teaches-- those who endure until the end will be saved-(Matt 10:22)----Can a mortal know if another can endure till the end--NO.

The proof is pedophiles-- no one has a clue until something occurs-- some make it all the way to teacher, nor the teacher who may have been the one telling you that you are saved. Was he a man of God?

No mortal has the right to tell another--you are saved--they are elevating themselves into Gods position--I do believe one should run away from those religions. God warned all--GET OUT OF HER.

No, because if they could, then the opposite would also have to be true, that a mortal can condemn another mortal to damnation.

Can a mortal tell another--you are saved?


Again, you are ignoring the Bible.


Can a mortal like you ignore God's words?

how about a mortal implying to another--you are doomed ?


They can only use Gods judgements from his written word to do that--- it is not mans judgements--it is Gods judgements that condemns one--man can only share them.

Again, you are ignoring the Bible.

1 John 5:13; John 20:23

You are also ignoring numerous verses like John 3:16; John 5:24 and by doing so you've become an illegal mediator between God and man. Can a mortal like you ignore God's words?

I am sure the supposed Christians Jesus is speaking to at judgement time--felt like your answer is correct--but Jesus' words prove you wrong. Matt 7:21-23--- Anyone who practices sin is not even known by Jesus. Maybe that is why Jesus kept teaching---GO SIN NO MORE--- he meant it.

Can a mortal tell another--you are saved?


Again, you are ignoring the Bible.


Can a mortal like you ignore God's words?

how about a mortal implying to another--you are doomed ?


They can only use Gods judgements from his written word to do that--- it is not mans judgements--it is Gods judgements that condemns one--man can only share them.

Except you didn't bother to read what I posted.

1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Mortal men did tell others if they had eternal life or not:

John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

What you were saying is that mortal men cannot say if they or others have eternal life or not. You are appealing to the Bible while denying the Bible. You don't bother to read.

Again, you are ignoring the Bible.

1 John 5:13; John 20:23

You are also ignoring numerous verses like John 3:16; John 5:24 and by doing so you've become an illegal mediator between God and man. Can a mortal like you ignore God's words?

I am sure the supposed Christians Jesus is speaking to at judgement time--felt like your answer is correct--but Jesus' words prove you wrong. Matt 7:21-23--- Anyone who practices sin is not even known by Jesus. Maybe that is why Jesus kept teaching---GO SIN NO MORE--- he meant it.

John 5:24 ¶ Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

There are over 80 verses which support Justification by Faith alone.

Otherwise you have to say what John said is incorrect and then you pick and choose which verses you want to believe and you might have the same reason to accuse me of the same thing except I have 80 more verses than you.

John didn't say that we might have or could have everlasting life but "hath" everlasting life.

1 Corinthians 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.
I disagree. You can tell anyone they are saved. You can tell anyone they are damned.

What you say doesn't matter. What God says does. Just because you say something doesnt mean it's true.

So in other words, you agree.

No one knows who is saved and who may be headed elsewhere. That is certain.

If the Catholic Church violates that all, they do deem canonized saints as in heaven, and some martyrs of the Church. But that's all. And they are very clear they will never make a judgment on any individual being deserving of hell.

Without purgatory the teachings of our Lord becomes extremely problematic, imo.

I read that like Avatar. The interjection of the word 'mortal' in the original post implies a contrast to something immortal. Read it as you wish, of course.
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Can a mortal tell another--you are saved?

how about a mortal implying to another--you are doomed ?


They can only use Gods judgements from his written word to do that--- it is not mans judgements--it is Gods judgements that condemns one--man can only share them.

Except you didn't bother to read what I posted.

1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Mortal men did tell others if they had eternal life or not:

John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

What you were saying is that mortal men cannot say if they or others have eternal life or not. You are appealing to the Bible while denying the Bible. You don't bother to read.

These believe on the name of the son of God--it didn't do them any good-Matt 7:21-23---Jesus did sum up the bottom line of what it takes in 21-- Those that do the will of my Father in heaven, will enter his kingdom.
Paul taught Jesus sacrifice doesn't count for a worker of iniquity( lawlessness) = a practicer of sin. Hebrews 10:26)
They can only use Gods judgements from his written word to do that--- it is not mans judgements--it is Gods judgements that condemns one--man can only share them.

Except you didn't bother to read what I posted.

1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Mortal men did tell others if they had eternal life or not:

John 20:23 Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.

What you were saying is that mortal men cannot say if they or others have eternal life or not. You are appealing to the Bible while denying the Bible. You don't bother to read.

These believe on the name of the son of God--it didn't do them any good-Matt 7:21-23---Jesus did sum up the bottom line of what it takes in 21-- Those that do the will of my Father in heaven, will enter his kingdom.
Paul taught Jesus sacrifice doesn't count for a worker of iniquity( lawlessness) = a practicer of sin. Hebrews 10:26)

Except you said that mortal man cannot tell me if I have eternal life or not and the two verses I quoted say I can. You lied. Plain and simple. They do say I can know. They say that mortal man can tell me. You lied and you go off to additional verses instead of addressing what I said.
... you are saved?

is a judgement call and not the same as professing the possibility of - and is not the purview even of an immortal per what standards have been accomplished without adequate knowledge.

... you are saved?

is a judgement call and not the same as professing the possibility of - and is not the purview even of an immortal per what standards have been accomplished without adequate knowledge.


There are professors and posessors.

The truth is that none of us are righteous so we have to trust Christ do the saving.

He will point to verses about not being righteous enough. The fact is that my lack of righteousness is wiped away and His (Jesus) righteousness is added to my account.

His sins are being counted. My sins are not being counted.

There are some that say you have to work but John 3 says that you have to be born again which means from above. Just like you didn't birth yourself the first time means you can't birth yourself the second time.

I was at a Catholic funeral and the priest prayed for God to accept the deceased sacrifices / works for eternal life.

You can't buy eternal life because you can't pay the price which is eternal value in the Lord Jesus Christ which is God Himself. If you could buy it, Jesus died in vain.
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I disagree. You can tell anyone they are saved. You can tell anyone they are damned.

What you say doesn't matter. What God says does. Just because you say something doesnt mean it's true.

So in other words, you agree.

No one knows who is saved and who may be headed elsewhere. That is certain.

If the Catholic Church violates that all, they do deem canonized saints as in heaven, and some martyrs of the Church. But that's all. And they are very clear they will never make a judgment on any individual being deserving of hell.

Without purgatory the teachings of our Lord becomes extremely problematic, imo.

I don't agree at all. God can reveal to anyone He wants who is saved or damned. The key is God is the one who determines it, not man.
Matt 7:21-23----- these believe in Jesus, will call on his name--they believe in grace and faith and salvation----- They loved Jesus so much they did powerful works in his name, expelled demons, etc---

2 problems got in the way of all of that---1) they did not live to do Gods will now--2) they practiced sin.

Its a guarantee some teacher of darkness told them they were saved and the believed they were saved---it wasn't truth.
I disagree. You can tell anyone they are saved. You can tell anyone they are damned.

What you say doesn't matter. What God says does. Just because you say something doesnt mean it's true.

So in other words, you agree.

No one knows who is saved and who may be headed elsewhere. That is certain.

If the Catholic Church violates that all, they do deem canonized saints as in heaven, and some martyrs of the Church. But that's all. And they are very clear they will never make a judgment on any individual being deserving of hell.

Without purgatory the teachings of our Lord becomes extremely problematic, imo.

I don't agree at all. God can reveal to anyone He wants who is saved or damned. The key is God is the one who determines it, not man.

Do you have some knowledge or evidence where God revealed to someone to let them know they were saved or lost?

More importantly, are you saying that this is all predetermined and there is nothing a man can do to help determine his fate?
I disagree. You can tell anyone they are saved. You can tell anyone they are damned.

What you say doesn't matter. What God says does. Just because you say something doesnt mean it's true.

yeah, but the people you're saying it to can think you don't know what you're talking about and are arrogant for thinking your own beliefs are the only valid ones.

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