Can a Party actually win the highest office on support for abortions, support for LGBT’s, support for illegal aliens, disdain for 2A rights?

Cutting & pasting a whole bunch of stuff from that you don't even understand.

How sad.

DIpshit, I compiled that list over the last four years. The fact it, Biden is a failure. Everything he touched has turned to shit and you libtards are so fucking stupid, you want to double down with that ignorant twat Kamalalalala.

Like dogs returning to their vomit.
DIpshit, I compiled that list over the last four years. The fact it, Biden is a failure. Everything he touched has turned to shit and you libtards are so fucking stupid, you want to double down with that ignorant twat Kamalalalala.

Like dogs returning to their vomit.
Did I already mention that Trump is going to lose badly in November?
so you've been called a faggot many times before eh .. glad I helped keep a trend trendy ... faggot .:cool:
Not by someone who is actually proud of you are.

And you Trump supporters are supposed to be the "good guys", correct?

In all seriousness, all of you need help. Winning at all costs is not winning. Not when you have lost all sense of decency in the process.
So fucked up Trump was telling the truth when he said kids are having sex change operations at school???
Why are you so hostile…Why is your TDS acting up at this level?
Did Trump stop you from killing your baby?
Did he stop you from using abortion as a contreceptive?
What would our Founders think? Do you think they knew this was the path they sent us down?
They would have one look at Trump and say, Who let that fucker in charge.
As amazing as our Founders were and as amazing as they did on so many levels….boy did they miss this one by a mile…huh?
They didn't expect one of the major parties, GOP, so consumed with retaining power that they would sell out the US people.
Trump is an international joke.

I guess, God gave us the ability to self-destruct and so too did our great Founders.
The Founding Fathers like every living President not endorse Trump...

Neither does a large part of the staff that worked for him or his last VP who his supporters wanted to kill...

The convicted criminal, Trump pardoned criminals to protect them testifying against him in other cases.

So it is simple why Trump should loose...

And yes, we expect to have unfounded claims of Voter Fraud after the election, hopefully from a jail cell...
What will you do if Trump wins again?

What is most disturbing is that you actually believe this.

You are not going to like what happens in November. It's best that you prepare yourself for the worst.

People are sick and tired of the racist, fascist Trump and his demented cult Republican Party.
What is most disturbing is that you actually believe this.
Because you said so….Should we believe the purple hair abortion lovers instead?
People are sick and tired of the racist, fascist Trump and his demented cult Republican Party.
Should we believe the purple hair abortion lovers instead?

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So the 70% of women who are against overturning Roe vs Wade are "purple hair abortion lovers"???

You're a child, not capable of having an honest discussion of how badly Trump and your Republican Party have fucked up. You all have made this election much easier for Harris to win.

There is no point talking to you.

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