Finally, a democrat speaks out against the Pro terrorist factions within his own party and then threatened for it

Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.) is not happy that his colleague, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), criticized him and other House Democrats who voted against a pro-Israel resolution.

Last Thursday, the House passed a resolution supporting Israel, condemning Hamas, and reaffirming the U.S. government's readiness to help Israel defend itself. Nine Democrats — including Carson — voted against the resolution, while another six failed to support it by voting "present." Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) was the only Republican who voted against it.

After the vote, Gottheimer, who is Jewish, torched his Democratic colleagues.

"Last night, 15 of my Democratic colleagues voted AGAINST standing with our ally Israel and condemning Hamas terrorists who brutally murdered, raped, and kidnapped babies, children, men, women, and elderly, including Americans," Gottheimer said. "They are despicable and do not speak for our party."

Carson, who is Muslim, responded by personally attacking Gottheimer as a "coward."

"I think he's shown himself to be very emotional. I think he's posturing before the cameras. He postured before caucus, but like most cowardly people, when you confront them, they're afraid. I'm unafraid of the guy. I'd like to sit down to talk to him. He probably doesn't want to talk to me," Carson told CNN.

"There are Americans out there who are deeply opposed to what’s happening. And if he wants to call us despicable, I'm saying he's a coward. And he's a punk and he should remember why the people sent him here and if he wants to play some kind of tough guy, a gangster – we can handle it like gentlemen, or we can get into something else," Carson added.

Carson's concluding remark — telling CNN that he and Gottheimer can handle their dispute like "gentlemen" or "get into something else" — was a veiled threat of violence, according to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.

"It's inexcusable for any member of Congress to threaten a colleague, & especially egregious that @RepAndreCarson is threatening a Jewish member for speaking out at a moment when we're seeing a massive spike in antisemitism," Greenblatt responded. "What's the point? Does he think it’s productive to intimidate @RepJoshG?"

Democrats, would murdering the Jewish democrat Congressman be just part of the global Palestinian justification for freedom or are we only allowed to murder Jews in Israel?

Israel has never been our ally, and instead is totally contrary to the democratic principles of local autonomy and self determination our Declaration of Independence is based on.
Israelis are almost entirely illegal immigrants from after 1930, who murdered and stole 85% of Palestine from the natives who not only have property ownership, but the only historic cultural ties as well.

All you have to do is look at the 1920 census data to see that.
And it is easy to see who is responsible for all the violence, when you read about Menachim Begin blowing up the King David Hotel and gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, so he could start wiping out Arab villages like Deir Yassin.

The fact Menachim Begin was then elected Prime Minister, condemns all Israelis.
90% of the Antisemitism of the last few years has been from far left & Left
Calling out all the Jews in your own party, eh?

Fire up them ovens!

Anyone supporting Israel, Jews or Christians, is a criminal.

And on a historic note, the ovens were only used in work camps to sanitize the bodies of those who died from rampant epidemics like dysentery and typhus.
Death camps did not have or use "ovens".

Yes I do.

Democracies is how you get fascism, racism, lynchings, etc.
A republic is better because you have codified Rule of Law that protects the principles and minorities against a greedy or emotional majority.

Rep. André Carson (D-Ind.) is not happy that his colleague, Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), criticized him and other House Democrats who voted against a pro-Israel resolution.

Last Thursday, the House passed a resolution supporting Israel, condemning Hamas, and reaffirming the U.S. government's readiness to help Israel defend itself. Nine Democrats — including Carson — voted against the resolution, while another six failed to support it by voting "present." Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) was the only Republican who voted against it.

After the vote, Gottheimer, who is Jewish, torched his Democratic colleagues.

"Last night, 15 of my Democratic colleagues voted AGAINST standing with our ally Israel and condemning Hamas terrorists who brutally murdered, raped, and kidnapped babies, children, men, women, and elderly, including Americans," Gottheimer said. "They are despicable and do not speak for our party."

Carson, who is Muslim, responded by personally attacking Gottheimer as a "coward."

"I think he's shown himself to be very emotional. I think he's posturing before the cameras. He postured before caucus, but like most cowardly people, when you confront them, they're afraid. I'm unafraid of the guy. I'd like to sit down to talk to him. He probably doesn't want to talk to me," Carson told CNN.

"There are Americans out there who are deeply opposed to what’s happening. And if he wants to call us despicable, I'm saying he's a coward. And he's a punk and he should remember why the people sent him here and if he wants to play some kind of tough guy, a gangster – we can handle it like gentlemen, or we can get into something else," Carson added.

Carson's concluding remark — telling CNN that he and Gottheimer can handle their dispute like "gentlemen" or "get into something else" — was a veiled threat of violence, according to Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt.

"It's inexcusable for any member of Congress to threaten a colleague, & especially egregious that @RepAndreCarson is threatening a Jewish member for speaking out at a moment when we're seeing a massive spike in antisemitism," Greenblatt responded. "What's the point? Does he think it’s productive to intimidate @RepJoshG?"

Democrats, would murdering the Jewish democrat Congressman be just part of the global Palestinian justification for freedom or are we only allowed to murder Jews in Israel?

Democrats aren't murdering anyone, fool. A refusal to "stand with Israel" in the face of their government's slaughter of innocent Palestinians is not "standing with Hamas".

More Palestinian civilians have been killed by the Israeli government in the past month, more than half of them women and children, than have been killed in the Ukraine since the start of the war February of 2022.

I have enormous sympathy for the Israeli people for the horrific slaughter ot their people but I neither condone nor support the indiscrimminate slaughter of innocent Palestinians being undertaken the Isreali leadership. They are no different than Hamas, and in many ways this slaughter, makes them much, much worse, because of that body count.
Anyone supporting Israel, Jews or Christians, is a criminal.

And on a historic note, the ovens were only used in work camps to sanitize the bodies of those who died from rampant epidemics like dysentery and typhus.
Death camps did not have or use "ovens".

The camps had and used ovens to dispose of the bodies, not because of disease, but because there were so many of them. The camps were covered in a layer of grey soot from the ovens as the bodies burned. Soldiers combed through the ashes for gold from teeth.

Anyone supporting Israel, Jews or Christians, is a criminal.

And on a historic note, the ovens were only used in work camps to sanitize the bodies of those who died from rampant epidemics like dysentery and typhus.
Death camps did not have or use "ovens".
Thanks Congress women Tliab or is this AOC?.

Glad to hear it.

90% of the Antisemitism of the last few years has been from far left & Left

The word "Semitic" means "of Arab origins" and has meant that for over 500 years, coming from Shem, a son of Noah.
So it has to be capitalized, and no Arab then could ever be called anti-Semitic.

But it is Israel that is anti-Semitic, since it has forgotten that the original Hebrew were Arabs.
Israel also have forgotten is religious conviction about supposed to being in atonement now, waiting for the coming of the Messiah.

But everyone, left and right, should be anti-Israel.
Clearly Israel can't be trusted.
They turned on the British and murdered them.
They gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
They even violated the 1948 UN partition in 1967.
The claim invading Jerusalem made them safer from an attack by Egypt, obviously is a lie.
The camps had and used ovens to dispose of the bodies, not because of disease, but because there were so many of them. The camps were covered in a layer of grey soot from the ovens as the bodies burned. Soldiers combed through the ashes for gold from teeth.

sorry, but totally wrong.

Auschwitz was never a death camp, but instead was a work camp where bodies of epidemic victims were cremated.
It had 100,000 long term inmates and dozens of factories.
When you see skinny and malnourished inmates, that obviously is not a death camp.
They would have been killed long before getting skinny.
Auschwitz had several epidemics, like Cholera, Dysentery, Typhus, etc., because their medical supplies had come from the US before the war.

The death camp was nearby at Birkenau, which never had any ovens or crematoria.
It had only a few hundred inmates, and almost no buildings at all.
All death camps were utterly destroyed before a single one could be captured.
Death camps had no factories, so were easily and quickly obliterated.
Bodies were first buried in sand to desiccate, dug up after a month, then stacked and burned, with the bodies with the most fat put at the bottom, as fuel.

It should be immediately obvious the oven rumor is false since it would take far more gas or oil than the whole world used in order to cremate 6 million bodies.
The word "Semitic" means "of Arab origins" and has meant that for over 500 years, coming from Shem, a son of Noah.
So it has to be capitalized, and no Arab then could ever be called anti-Semitic.

But it is Israel that is anti-Semitic, since it has forgotten that the original Hebrew were Arabs.
Israel also have forgotten is religious conviction about supposed to being in atonement now, waiting for the coming of the Messiah.

But everyone, left and right, should be anti-Israel.
Clearly Israel can't be trusted.
They turned on the British and murdered them.
They gunned down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
They massacred hundreds of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
They even violated the 1948 UN partition in 1967.
The claim invading Jerusalem made them safer from an attack by Egypt, obviously is a lie.
Clearly the Hatred of Practicing Jews & Israel ( The Tiny Jewish State) is all from the Far Left & Left today
The Dem morons poured fake blood on themselves and glued their hands to a public road to stop NY's Macy parade, in a show of support for Hamas.
sorry, but totally wrong.

Auschwitz was never a death camp, but instead was a work camp where bodies of epidemic victims were cremated.
It had 100,000 long term inmates and dozens of factories.
When you see skinny and malnourished inmates, that obviously is not a death camp.
They would have been killed long before getting skinny.
Auschwitz had several epidemics, like Cholera, Dysentery, Typhus, etc., because their medical supplies had come from the US before the war.

The death camp was nearby at Birkenau, which never had any ovens or crematoria.
It had only a few hundred inmates, and almost no buildings at all.
All death camps were utterly destroyed before a single one could be captured.
Death camps had no factories, so were easily and quickly obliterated.
Bodies were first buried in sand to desiccate, dug up after a month, then stacked and burned, with the bodies with the most fat put at the bottom, as fuel.

It should be immediately obvious the oven rumor is false since it would take far more gas or oil than the whole world used in order to cremate 6 million bodies.
Oh goodie! A far Left Holocaust denier. Not only are YOU historically and factually wrong, but you just insulted all of the WWII Vets who fought, bled, and died (my uncle included) in both the European and Pacific Theaters, dumbass!
sorry, but totally wrong.

Auschwitz was never a death camp, but instead was a work camp where bodies of epidemic victims were cremated.
It had 100,000 long term inmates and dozens of factories.
When you see skinny and malnourished inmates, that obviously is not a death camp.
They would have been killed long before getting skinny.
Auschwitz had several epidemics, like Cholera, Dysentery, Typhus, etc., because their medical supplies had come from the US before the war.

The death camp was nearby at Birkenau, which never had any ovens or crematoria.
It had only a few hundred inmates, and almost no buildings at all.
All death camps were utterly destroyed before a single one could be captured.
Death camps had no factories, so were easily and quickly obliterated.
Bodies were first buried in sand to desiccate, dug up after a month, then stacked and burned, with the bodies with the most fat put at the bottom, as fuel.

It should be immediately obvious the oven rumor is false since it would take far more gas or oil than the whole world used in order to cremate 6 million bodies.
You are never correct about anything.

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