Can A Politician Opt Out Of Having His Dead Body Paraded Around?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
When exactly did this tradition start, of having a corpse worshiped? It is obviously very political lately since Deep State Swamp bodies have been making the rounds lately and they are used to attack our living President.
You tell us and your hero..

The ironic thing is that is what comes to mind when the Swamp parades around corpses of Swamp people. Speaking of which, Bob Dole, who obviously suffered from dementia for years, possibly decades, endorsed low energy Swamp Rat JEB Bush! Do the math! The Swamp is waiting for Dole to check out so his corpse can be paraded around to attack our living, high energy, highly intelligent President.
The ironic thing is that is what comes to mind when the Swamp parades around corpses of Swamp people. Speaking of which, Bob Dole, who obviously suffered from dementia for years endorsed low energy Swamp Rat JEB Bush! Do the math! The Swamp is waiting for Dole to check out so his corpse can be paraded around to attack our President.

What are you thinking, first you make fun of a 94 year old man ,now you are trying to trash a 95 year old?

Give it a rest.

bear513, what is your level of education? Curious as to why the truth makes you butthurt.
bear513, you retard, couldn't the gay, bald, middle eastern looking guy raise RHINO Dole's right hand to salute the Swamp Rat? How much is that guy getting paid for changing Dole's diapers daily?
When exactly did this tradition start, of having a corpse worshiped? It is obviously very political lately since Deep State Swamp bodies have been making the rounds lately and they are used to attack our living President.
Yes it is disgusting how some Americans venerate mass murdering criminals masquerading as statesman.
sparky seems to be somewhat clueless. Hey bear513, are you retarded, uneducated or just plain stupid? Answer the question you douche!
sparky seems to be somewhat clueless. Hey bear513, are you retarded, uneducated or just plain stupid? Answer the question you douche!
I like how some of you internet message board tough guys insult and challenge folks who are offline.
When exactly did this tradition start, of having a corpse worshiped? It is obviously very political lately since Deep State Swamp bodies have been making the rounds lately and they are used to attack our living President.
Worshipped is your word. Others see it as respect. Huge difference.
I like how some of you internet message board tough guys insult and challenge folks who are offline.

The nerd was online for hours after I challenged her. You douche. :p And why are you showing up as offline right now?
I like how some of you internet message board tough guys insult and challenge folks who are offline.

The nerd was online for hours after I challenged her. You douche. :p And why are you showing up as offline right now?
Ya, sure. Like you are even close to being a believable poster here. Probably a big conspiracy theory against you.
When JEB croaks and that idiot Bush #43 we need a holiday! Tremendous public service! For the SWAMP! :p
sparky seems to be somewhat clueless. Hey bear513, are you retarded, uneducated or just plain stupid? Answer the question you douche!

When I first joined the board Bear was bragging about dropping out of school after the 2nd grade to start working to help his family.
When exactly did this tradition start, of having a corpse worshiped? It is obviously very political lately since Deep State Swamp bodies have been making the rounds lately and they are used to attack our living President.

Seems it started in 1852 and anyone but a former POTUS can opt out.

By regulation and custom, only Presidents, military commanders, and members of Congress are granted the honor of lying in state. Except for Presidents and former Presidents, the honor is not automatic. Not all those entitled to the honor have it accepted by their survivors. The first leader to receive this honor was Henry Clay, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, when he died in 1852. Since then, the honor has been extended to 32 people, including 12 Presidents, and four Unknown Soldiers, representing U.S. service members who have died without their remains being identified.

Lying in state - Wikipedia

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