Can A President Be Indicted?

You wish, I say he can an should.

I’ll take the blob’s side (sort of) in this case. We should never forget that despite the lies, the ridiculous campaign promises that could never be fulfilled, the sleaze of “grabbing the pussy”, the making fun of handicapped people, the hate, the idiocy, etc… he won an electoral contest via enough voters in select states checking a box next to his name. How he got to that point and the legal path is being determined but more people in the necessary states selected him. Russia didn’t change a ballot but they did change a mind. Killing stories in the Enquirer and other media outlets via payoffs changed minds but didn’t change ballots.

We’ll see where all of this goes but two things remain true.

He won.
And he’s a disgusting pervert who has zero business being in the Oval Office.

The legality of the former is being investigation
The truth the latter is not in question.

Did you think JFK and WJC were disgusting perverts?

JFK was before I was born. WJC? He had a ton of extramarital affairs.

Well both JFK and RFK were in my time and neither of them would get elected today.

Both were notorious bed hoppers. Both had affairs with Marilyn Monroe.

Back then the press new about what they did but it was never reported. It just wasn't done back then.

Today. Every twenty four hour news station would have had it on twenty four/seven.

JFK would have never made it to the WH.

Every defense of the blob involves bringing up people who were not relevant in this century. Wonder why that is….

I am just trying to gauge if this is a moral compass that you find offensive or what?
Did you think JFK and WJC were disgusting perverts?

JFK was before I was born. WJC? He had a ton of extramarital affairs.

Well both JFK and RFK were in my time and neither of them would get elected today.

Both were notorious bed hoppers. Both had affairs with Marilyn Monroe.

Back then the press new about what they did but it was never reported. It just wasn't done back then.

Today. Every twenty four hour news station would have had it on twenty four/seven.

JFK would have never made it to the WH.

Is there any proof JFK and RFK had an affair with Monroe?

LOL --- sometimes you just need to use common sense. Something you seem to lack. There is proof about WJC. With an intern no less. Creepy.

Very creepy.

And how does this make Trump paying off Stormy acceptable?

Paying a whore to not tell the world she's a whore isn't acceptable?

Once again Candy, we know you don't really care about this issue and are just whining about Trump because I searched and could not find a single post of yours demanding to know which members of Congress have used tax payer money to pay actual victims of their sexual misconduct to keep quiet. Instead you pretend to be outraged that Trump paid a whore to not talk about the consensual sex that they had.

You are truly a pathetic person.
No he hid donors with the FEC takes seriously.

He paid a $375,000.00 dollar fine.

Was one of them a porn star?

Why does that matter?

That the blob is paying off a porn star to buy her silence right before an election? Or that he didn’t report it as a campaign expenditure?

Which scandal are you talking about?

Do you think if he were not running he would not have paid her off? Honest question.

That's exactly why he paid her off. Nothing says he had an affair with her. Its he said. She said. But it was a smart move on his part. Pay her off so she doesn't land in his campaign.

Nothing illegal about it.
You just described an illegal campaign contribution
Was one of them a porn star?

LOL I don't know. Ask Barry.

So you don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing new there. LOL

You asked. There might have been a porn star among his donors. You never know.

Well, we know Trump paid off a porn star. Your conjecture about President Obama is funny and completely irrelevant (much like yourself)

Why does it matter? He was a celebrity before becoming POTUS, that was in his normal course of business. No judge would ever find this as an outside of course of dealings for DJT. Are you just trolling?

Why does it matter that the President of the United States paid off a porn star and lied about it numerous times?

Is that your question?
Trumpers are saying no, based on a Nixon era policy...

But you might remember that Clinton was forced to testify in a CIVIL SUIT regarding an event that occurred years before he was elected.

That sets the bar considerably LOWER than what we are discussing here

ILMAO @ indicted. The entire investigation is a spectacle, and I'm surprised they can prosecute anyone. Cohen is an outcast and gets what he gets. The guy doesn't have an ounce of integrity. But what they've done to Flynn and MANY like him is criminal in itself. Our FBI and justice dept. is crooked, plain and simple. When did politics take priority over justice? wholly fuck. There's been some house-cleaning, though much is a leftover from the O'bummer admin.
Did you think JFK and WJC were disgusting perverts?

JFK was before I was born. WJC? He had a ton of extramarital affairs.

Well both JFK and RFK were in my time and neither of them would get elected today.

Both were notorious bed hoppers. Both had affairs with Marilyn Monroe.

Back then the press new about what they did but it was never reported. It just wasn't done back then.

Today. Every twenty four hour news station would have had it on twenty four/seven.

JFK would have never made it to the WH.

Is there any proof JFK and RFK had an affair with Monroe?

LOL --- sometimes you just need to use common sense. Something you seem to lack. There is proof about WJC. With an intern no less. Creepy.

Very creepy.

And how does this make Trump paying off Stormy acceptable?

I will explain because you're dumb:

#1) Trump was a celebrity before being a candidate. Paying small $$ (to him) to hush up affairs is likely a normal course of dealings for him. Meaning (again since you're dumb) he would have paid that money had he not been running. If that is in his normal course of dealings then it is not a crime of any kind.

#2) Stormy was not an employee and he didn't have any power over her. It was 100% consensual. Clinton was POTUS and ML his intern...creepy as it would have been tough for her to say "no".

#3) Trump has a history of "dating" models and attractive women. He was very well liked until he ran under the GOP umbrella. This is a giant witch hunt.
JFK was before I was born. WJC? He had a ton of extramarital affairs.

Well both JFK and RFK were in my time and neither of them would get elected today.

Both were notorious bed hoppers. Both had affairs with Marilyn Monroe.

Back then the press new about what they did but it was never reported. It just wasn't done back then.

Today. Every twenty four hour news station would have had it on twenty four/seven.

JFK would have never made it to the WH.

Is there any proof JFK and RFK had an affair with Monroe?

LOL --- sometimes you just need to use common sense. Something you seem to lack. There is proof about WJC. With an intern no less. Creepy.

Very creepy.

And how does this make Trump paying off Stormy acceptable?

Paying a whore to not tell the world she's a whore isn't acceptable?

Once again Candy, we know you don't really care about this issue and are just whining about Trump because I searched and could not find a single post of yours demanding to know which members of Congress have used tax payer money to pay actual victims of their sexual misconduct to keep quiet. Instead you pretend to be outraged that Trump paid a whore to not talk about the consensual sex that they had.

You are truly a pathetic person.

Ahh…we’ve had RFK, JFK, WJC, and now it’s members of Congress….. Anyone else you guys want to try to implicate as some sort of air cover for the blob?

And how does any of their actions excuse the actions of the blob?
LOL I don't know. Ask Barry.

So you don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing new there. LOL

You asked. There might have been a porn star among his donors. You never know.

Well, we know Trump paid off a porn star. Your conjecture about President Obama is funny and completely irrelevant (much like yourself)

Why does it matter? He was a celebrity before becoming POTUS, that was in his normal course of business. No judge would ever find this as an outside of course of dealings for DJT. Are you just trolling?

Why does it matter that the President of the United States paid off a porn star and lied about it numerous times?

Is that your question?

Yes, that's the question. The answer is because TRUMP!! it's quite obvious that you don't care if politicians are dishonest. But TRUMP!!!
And how does this make Trump paying off Stormy acceptable?

Its 100% legal to pay Hush Money.

100% legal for President Trump to order his fixer to make the payoff.

There is no proof at all that Trump ordered Cohen to make the payoff in an illegal manor. Indeed, Trump counted on Cohen to do it in a legit manner.
Trumpers are saying no, based on a Nixon era policy...

But you might remember that Clinton was forced to testify in a CIVIL SUIT regarding an event that occurred years before he was elected.

That sets the bar considerably LOWER than what we are discussing here

Your example of a civil suit has NOTHING to do with an indictment. No a sitting President can not be indicted, that it standing Justice Department finding since at least the 1970s.
A civil suit has a LOWER standing than a criminal one. If Clinton can stand trial for a civil matter and President can stand trial for a criminal one
LOL I don't know. Ask Barry.

So you don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing new there. LOL

You asked. There might have been a porn star among his donors. You never know.

Well, we know Trump paid off a porn star. Your conjecture about President Obama is funny and completely irrelevant (much like yourself)

Why does it matter? He was a celebrity before becoming POTUS, that was in his normal course of business. No judge would ever find this as an outside of course of dealings for DJT. Are you just trolling?

Why does it matter that the President of the United States paid off a porn star and lied about it numerous times?

Is that your question?

He lied about it under oath? Please provide some proof.
JFK was before I was born. WJC? He had a ton of extramarital affairs.

Well both JFK and RFK were in my time and neither of them would get elected today.

Both were notorious bed hoppers. Both had affairs with Marilyn Monroe.

Back then the press new about what they did but it was never reported. It just wasn't done back then.

Today. Every twenty four hour news station would have had it on twenty four/seven.

JFK would have never made it to the WH.

Is there any proof JFK and RFK had an affair with Monroe?

LOL --- sometimes you just need to use common sense. Something you seem to lack. There is proof about WJC. With an intern no less. Creepy.

Very creepy.

And how does this make Trump paying off Stormy acceptable?

I will explain because you're dumb:

#1) Trump was a celebrity before being a candidate. Paying small $$ (to him) to hush up affairs is likely a normal course of dealings for him. Meaning (again since you're dumb) he would have paid that money had he not been running. If that is in his normal course of dealings then it is not a crime of any kind.

#2) Stormy was not an employee and he didn't have any power over her. It was 100% consensual. Clinton was POTUS and ML his intern...creepy as it would have been tough for her to say "no".

#3) Trump has a history of "dating" models and attractive women. He was very well liked until he ran under the GOP umbrella. This is a giant witch hunt.

1). Doubtful that this is the “normal course of business” for most celebrities.

2). It was consensual. Trump had an extramarital affair with Stormy and Ms. Mcdougal. That part is true.
That he lied about it currently makes it relevant.

3). Trump’s history of sleaze is well documented. A lot of politicians are sleazy. However, he’s the one who is President now and thus, his sleaze factor is relevant.
So you don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing new there. LOL

You asked. There might have been a porn star among his donors. You never know.

Well, we know Trump paid off a porn star. Your conjecture about President Obama is funny and completely irrelevant (much like yourself)

Why does it matter? He was a celebrity before becoming POTUS, that was in his normal course of business. No judge would ever find this as an outside of course of dealings for DJT. Are you just trolling?

Why does it matter that the President of the United States paid off a porn star and lied about it numerous times?

Is that your question?

He lied about it under oath? Please provide some proof.

Did I say under oath? Please provide some proof.
Well both JFK and RFK were in my time and neither of them would get elected today.

Both were notorious bed hoppers. Both had affairs with Marilyn Monroe.

Back then the press new about what they did but it was never reported. It just wasn't done back then.

Today. Every twenty four hour news station would have had it on twenty four/seven.

JFK would have never made it to the WH.

Is there any proof JFK and RFK had an affair with Monroe?

LOL --- sometimes you just need to use common sense. Something you seem to lack. There is proof about WJC. With an intern no less. Creepy.

Very creepy.

And how does this make Trump paying off Stormy acceptable?

Paying a whore to not tell the world she's a whore isn't acceptable?

Once again Candy, we know you don't really care about this issue and are just whining about Trump because I searched and could not find a single post of yours demanding to know which members of Congress have used tax payer money to pay actual victims of their sexual misconduct to keep quiet. Instead you pretend to be outraged that Trump paid a whore to not talk about the consensual sex that they had.

You are truly a pathetic person.

Ahh…we’ve had RFK, JFK, WJC, and now it’s members of Congress….. Anyone else you guys want to try to implicate as some sort of air cover for the blob?

And how does any of their actions excuse the actions of the blob?

Jesus you are truly stupid. My post wasn't meant to excuse Trump's behavior. It was meant to illustrate your blatant dishonesty. Not that everyone who reads a post of yours doesn't see that first and foremost.

You are truly dumb. Wait , I just remembered you're the same dumb bitch who was in a thread last week screaming that Trump wanted to power our aircraft carriers with steam power based on some statements he made about returning to using the steam powered catapults instead of the new electromagentic catapult in the Ford class carrier, damn you are stupid.
Trumpers are saying no, based on a Nixon era policy...

But you might remember that Clinton was forced to testify in a CIVIL SUIT regarding an event that occurred years before he was elected.

That sets the bar considerably LOWER than what we are discussing here


If the Supreme Court decides the issue that TRUMP is above the law they are setting a dangerous precedent, and opening the door for him to violate the Separation of Powers clearly enunciated in The Constitution of the United States.
So you don’t know what you’re talking about. Nothing new there. LOL

You asked. There might have been a porn star among his donors. You never know.

Well, we know Trump paid off a porn star. Your conjecture about President Obama is funny and completely irrelevant (much like yourself)

Why does it matter? He was a celebrity before becoming POTUS, that was in his normal course of business. No judge would ever find this as an outside of course of dealings for DJT. Are you just trolling?

Why does it matter that the President of the United States paid off a porn star and lied about it numerous times?

Is that your question?

Yes, that's the question. The answer is because TRUMP!! it's quite obvious that you don't care if politicians are dishonest. But TRUMP!!!

Well, yeah; he’s the highest elected official in the nation. So as a citizen of the nation, his actions are a cause for concern. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) who had to resign from office due to his sex scandal has zero bearing on the national debate or the nation’s health.
Trumpers are saying no, based on a Nixon era policy...

But you might remember that Clinton was forced to testify in a CIVIL SUIT regarding an event that occurred years before he was elected.

That sets the bar considerably LOWER than what we are discussing here

Your example of a civil suit has NOTHING to do with an indictment. No a sitting President can not be indicted, that it standing Justice Department finding since at least the 1970s.
A civil suit has a LOWER standing than a criminal one. If Clinton can stand trial for a civil matter and President can stand trial for a criminal one

I suppose a President can rule from prison if convicted in a civil court too.

But I don't see this as a benefit.

What would it say about America if the President was forced to attend G20 meetings in an orange jumpsuit accompanied by shotgun wielding marshals?
Trumpers are saying no, based on a Nixon era policy...

But you might remember that Clinton was forced to testify in a CIVIL SUIT regarding an event that occurred years before he was elected.

That sets the bar considerably LOWER than what we are discussing here

Your example of a civil suit has NOTHING to do with an indictment. No a sitting President can not be indicted, that it standing Justice Department finding since at least the 1970s.
A civil suit has a LOWER standing than a criminal one. If Clinton can stand trial for a civil matter and President can stand trial for a criminal one

incorrect dummy, civil cases do not involve INDICTMENTS, criminal cases do. A sitting US President can not be INDICTED, the Justice Department has no opinion on civil cases and SCOTUS has ruled on them separately from criminal cases.
Is there any proof JFK and RFK had an affair with Monroe?

LOL --- sometimes you just need to use common sense. Something you seem to lack. There is proof about WJC. With an intern no less. Creepy.

Very creepy.

And how does this make Trump paying off Stormy acceptable?

Paying a whore to not tell the world she's a whore isn't acceptable?

Once again Candy, we know you don't really care about this issue and are just whining about Trump because I searched and could not find a single post of yours demanding to know which members of Congress have used tax payer money to pay actual victims of their sexual misconduct to keep quiet. Instead you pretend to be outraged that Trump paid a whore to not talk about the consensual sex that they had.

You are truly a pathetic person.

Ahh…we’ve had RFK, JFK, WJC, and now it’s members of Congress….. Anyone else you guys want to try to implicate as some sort of air cover for the blob?

And how does any of their actions excuse the actions of the blob?

Jesus you are truly stupid. My post wasn't meant to excuse Trump's behavior. It was meant to illustrate your blatant dishonesty. Not that everyone who reads a post of yours doesn't see that first and foremost.

You are truly dumb. Wait , I just remembered you're the same dumb bitch who was in a thread last week screaming that Trump wanted to power our aircraft carriers with steam power based on some statements he made about returning to using the steam powered catapults instead of the new electromagentic catapult in the Ford class carrier, damn you are stupid.

Your personal attacks are gratifying…that I occupy so much space in your head is interesting.

But back to the topic…you’re admitting Trump is a sleaze bag, right? C’mon…you can summon some manhood and admit it; can’t you?
Sorry but if a sitting President is liable in a civil matter he certainly is liable in a criminal one

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