Can a Trump supporter translate what Trump means about Navalny?

This has already been discussed. Trump makes everything about him but the fact is, he should be under no obligation to discuss it at all.
We are the judge of that. Trump is a coward.
"Coward"? Obama was called "coward" when he refused to publicise his birth certificate but then when decided to publish it after all he was called a "forger". Trump is no chump.
Trump figured he had to say SOMETHING, and he knew he couldn't point at Putin.

So he just awkwardly tried to leverage the Navalny story to quickly pivot away and spray out his typical, ham-handed "I'm the victim" crap.

A child acting out in a most transparent way. Par for the course.
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Why do you post pure propaganda video....?

I see that your definition of "propaganda" is anything you disagree with, Care4me.

Fuck both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. Oh, and you too.
let us take a closer look at the issue, shall we? The video begins by naming all of the "pure propaganda" that you agree with. The video then continues by debunking all of it. So, I guess I'm interested in knowing what "pure propaganda" you are referring to. Is your explosive language meant to be in support of me and the video .... or against it?:tomato:
one issue voter.jpg
It often boils down to that, yes. It's a matter of asking yourself, "Do I want my sons to get killed in another illegal war ... or not?"
let us take a closer look at the issue, shall we? The video begins by naming all of the "pure propaganda" that you agree with. The video then continues by debunking all of it. So, I guess I'm interested in knowing what "pure propaganda" you are referring to. Is your explosive language meant to be in support of me and the video .... or against it?:tomato:
She didn't debunk any of it, she simply gave the oh so wonderful and beloved by trumpers, Alternative truth, fake news.

Who is she? Why should you believe her?
Let’s get a President who…
.. Refers to busing and integration of schools as subjecting his kids to a “racial jungle” amazed that US can elect a Black President that is ‘clean and articulate’.
.. tells Blacks they will be put in chains if they vote Republican
.. then tell Blacks they are not Blacks if they don’t vote for him.

And Blacks brag that 90 percent of them vote for this!!
This has already been discussed. Trump makes everything about him but the fact is, he should be under no obligation to discuss it at all.

Yes, Trump is not obligated to talk about core democratic values and to speak out against repressive autocrat regimes who grossly violate human rights.

He is also under no obligation to be an American president.
let us take a closer look at the issue, shall we? The video begins by naming all of the "pure propaganda" that you agree with. The video then continues by debunking all of it. So, I guess I'm interested in knowing what "pure propaganda" you are referring to. Is your explosive language meant to be in support of me and the video .... or against it?:tomato:
She didn't debunk any of it, she simply gave the oh so wonderful and beloved by trumpers, Alternative truth, fake news.

Who is she? Why should you believe her?
So admit it, Care4me, in addition to your explosive vocabulary, you've included illiteracy as part of your repertoire. A very nice touch! :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, Trump is not obligated to talk about core democratic values and to speak out against repressive autocrat regimes who grossly violate human rights.

He is also under no obligation to be an American president.
I guess, instead of being diplomatic, Trump could be like Biden and Obama, and talk about Putin with a lot of bluster.

Of course, each of them stood by helplessly as Putin invaded the Crimea and Ukraine.

But, by gum! Each of them talk plenty tough about Putin!
Yes, Trump is not obligated to talk about core democratic values and to speak out against repressive autocrat regimes who grossly violate human rights.

He is also under no obligation to be an American president.

We have no business believing we are the world police. Russia didn't do anything we haven't done.

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