Can Any Dem/lib Tell Us What Agency The Govt Has Run Efficiently?

How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?
How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?

according to the dictionary. "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.
How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?

according to the dictionary. "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Using that definition, isn't the concept of "waste" a value judgement? I recognize that there is lots of resources, time and energy being put into the EPA, but I agree with the EPA's overall mission as an agency so therefore I don't view any of it as "waste"
How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?

according to the dictionary. "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Using that definition, isn't the concept of "waste" a value judgement? I recognize that there is lots of resources, time and energy being put into the EPA, but I agree with the EPA's overall mission as an agency so therefore I don't view any of it as "waste"

great, opinons are like assholes, everyone has one.

In this country, for now anyway, we are all free to express our opinions. But if the PC police continue their expansion and liberalism stays in fashion, our thoughts and beliefs will be dictated by the government.
Using that definition, isn't the concept of "waste" a value judgement? I recognize that there is lots of resources, time and energy being put into the EPA, but I agree with the EPA's overall mission as an agency so therefore I don't view any of it as "waste"
So no government agency can become too bloated or inefficient as long as you agree with the basic function? Wow, amazing set of blinders you wear to avoid reality.
How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?

according to the dictionary. "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Using that definition, isn't the concept of "waste" a value judgement? I recognize that there is lots of resources, time and energy being put into the EPA, but I agree with the EPA's overall mission as an agency so therefore I don't view any of it as "waste"

great, opinons are like assholes, everyone has one.

In this country, for now anyway, we are all free to express our opinions. But if the PC police continue their expansion and liberalism stays in fashion, our thoughts and beliefs will be dictated by the government.

I think you are overreacting, I was just looking for a technical standard of what could be considered "efficient" or "not efficient" so this conversation could actually be productive. How can you expect to have an intelligent conversation about the efficiency of agencies if you don't know how to define what is or is not efficient?
As in, when thinktanks and policy groups use the term efficiency, is there a common conceptualization they all cite? I don't know. I was hoping you could tell me.
Government agencies have a different role than corporations, government agencies are usually not created to make a profit but to provide services to the people of the nation. Is the word "efficient" even in the Constitution?
As in, when thinktanks and policy groups use the term efficiency, is there a common conceptualization they all cite? I don't know. I was hoping you could tell me.

you are making it too complicated. The government consistently spends more than it collects----------the government is, by definition, inefficient.
How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?

according to the dictionary. "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Using that definition, isn't the concept of "waste" a value judgement? I recognize that there is lots of resources, time and energy being put into the EPA, but I agree with the EPA's overall mission as an agency so therefore I don't view any of it as "waste"

great, opinons are like assholes, everyone has one.

In this country, for now anyway, we are all free to express our opinions. But if the PC police continue their expansion and liberalism stays in fashion, our thoughts and beliefs will be dictated by the government.

I think you are overreacting, I was just looking for a technical standard of what could be considered "efficient" or "not efficient" so this conversation could actually be productive. How can you expect to have an intelligent conversation about the efficiency of agencies if you don't know how to define what is or is not efficient?

Ok, lets make it simple. one dollar over budget is inefficient, one dollar under budget is efficient-----------as long as the product is delivered as contracted.
wrong again.

How is Social Security Financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax.

Social Security Administration How is Social Security financed

Now go ahead and prove that the SSA isn't telling the truth.

the money that is withheld from your paycheck for SS goes into the general fund. It is not put in a "SS only" account. SSA administers the payments using money transferred to them from the general fund.

You are incorrect. The money DOES go into a trust fund,then the greed cock suckers in congress borrow it.

Many people, myself included, beleve that it is in fact empty, no surplus, but the monthly intake DOES go into a trust fund

I would however love to see prove that the government pays interest on intergovernmental debt, because I don't believe they do.

Borrow it? How.

The money is put into t-bills. Which get income.

You think t-bills don't get interest? You might want to let alot of seniors and other bond holders know that.

The government does not receive the interest you fricken idiot. The government PAYS the interest. Much of it to foreign governments.

Are you claiming that the general fund pays interest to the SS fund? Are you that stupid?

Yes, he is that stupid, along with NYcarbineer. They have both insisted that the worthless government IOUs in the SS Trust Fund are earning interest for the taxpayers.
I was speaking of this "image" that Democrats are for and sympathizes with the middle class. Can you tell me HOW is President Obama going to Martha's Vineyard a true representative of a party who has empathy for and meets those needs of the middle class right where they are at.... particularly among those gulf states in dire need to see a boost in summer tourism revenue that they greatly depend upon?

I didn't think so.

We don't want him in Mississippi. Seriously.

Don't worry.

Nobody wants to be in Mississippi.


And you have first hand knowledge of this.

Why yes..yes I do.

No way I would go to Mississippi.

The 10 poorest states are:

1. Mississippi
Median household income: $37,095
Unemployment rate: 9.2 percent
Percent below poverty line: 24.2 percent
What Are the 10 Richest and Poorest States in America

Poorest state in the nation.

All the more reason for America's example of a"middle class" president to setting the bar mingling among the very rich at Martha's Vineyard. Wouldn't you say?


What does that have to do with anything?

Apparently YOU DON'T know what it means.

Efficiency in regards to running a government agency MEANS provisioning the right amount of RESOURCES to EFFECTIVELY get the job done.

If you DO NOT do that. Then you are NOT efficient.


You really don't know what the word means do you.

efficient = capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Now, which goverment agency fits that definition?


Redfish says: "I'm going to move this over over there...."

Has there ever been a program of any scale that has been run perfectly? No.
The thread and the author are both abject failures.

The reason why businesses in the private sector can run more efficiently than government is because they have to operate on a limited budget of resources, yet they must still remain competitive to survive. Government is built around the concept "if a program doesn't SPEND all the funding allocated to them, they may find themselves with a smaller budget to work with next year as a result." It doesn't take an Einstein to know, that when you run a government program based on those parameters, you are never going to be deemed efficient. Government has never balanced it's own books, is not afraid to take on added debt, and places itself in complete financial dependency of other nations to pay for what it "knows" it can't afford.

The fact that so many liberals prefer a government to provide for more of it's people's needs, only adds to the understanding that the left shares no concept of cost. How can they, when the left believes in the idea of "hand all responsibility to a Federal Government to provide for what they themselves don't feel they should have to pay themselves"? Instead, liberals will have someone else they classify as being "the rich" to take on the financial tab. Anytime you try to talk "government efficiency" to a liberal you are already having to go up against a "government provision" mindset, so of course a discussion centered around things like "cost" and "becoming more efficient" will turn into a foreign concept to them.

Government wastes because government can. That is the bottom line.

well said. But not one of our liberal posters has told us why they want to turn the entire healthcare industry over to a government that never operates efficiently.

My hospital system is still owned by shareholders...not the government.

Why is it you cannot tell the truth?
Its funny because this thread is about liberals not being able to tell what govt runs efficiently but when you ask them who should run certain things they say private industry that also isnt efficient and dont answer to anyone.

When a private industry does not operate efficiently it goes out of business. Private industries are accountable to their owners or shareholders. Who is the government accountable to?

The voters. We do have elections every 2 years on the federal side of things.
wrong again.

How is Social Security Financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax.

Social Security Administration How is Social Security financed

Now go ahead and prove that the SSA isn't telling the truth.

the money that is withheld from your paycheck for SS goes into the general fund. It is not put in a "SS only" account. SSA administers the payments using money transferred to them from the general fund.

You are incorrect. The money DOES go into a trust fund,then the greed cock suckers in congress borrow it.

Many people, myself included, beleve that it is in fact empty, no surplus, but the monthly intake DOES go into a trust fund

I would however love to see prove that the government pays interest on intergovernmental debt, because I don't believe they do.

Borrow it? How.

The money is put into t-bills. Which get income.

You think t-bills don't get interest? You might want to let alot of seniors and other bond holders know that.

The government does not receive the interest you fricken idiot. The government PAYS the interest. Much of it to foreign governments.

Are you claiming that the general fund pays interest to the SS fund? Are you that stupid?

You really aren't that bright..are you?

But heck.

Fill me in on which American that retired and applied for SSI didn't get it because the fund has dried up.

How is Social Security Financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax.

Social Security Administration How is Social Security financed

Now go ahead and prove that the SSA isn't telling the truth.

the money that is withheld from your paycheck for SS goes into the general fund. It is not put in a "SS only" account. SSA administers the payments using money transferred to them from the general fund.

You are incorrect. The money DOES go into a trust fund,then the greed cock suckers in congress borrow it.

Many people, myself included, beleve that it is in fact empty, no surplus, but the monthly intake DOES go into a trust fund

I would however love to see prove that the government pays interest on intergovernmental debt, because I don't believe they do.

Borrow it? How.

The money is put into t-bills. Which get income.

You think t-bills don't get interest? You might want to let alot of seniors and other bond holders know that.

The government does not receive the interest you fricken idiot. The government PAYS the interest. Much of it to foreign governments.

Are you claiming that the general fund pays interest to the SS fund? Are you that stupid?

Yes, he is that stupid, along with NYcarbineer. They have both insisted that the worthless government IOUs in the SS Trust Fund are earning interest for the taxpayers.

SS recipients received some of that interest in the last 2 years.
How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?

according to the dictionary. "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.
with a big operation that is tough to do.....private or public....

Exactly, I spent a decent amount of time working construction, and looking at the process at which contractors bid for jobs and then how many actually stay within the budget they bid is an unrealistic standard to hold private sector organizations to, and, as someone above posted, the government wasn't designed to be held accountable to free market standards.
Its funny because this thread is about liberals not being able to tell what govt runs efficiently but when you ask them who should run certain things they say private industry that also isnt efficient and dont answer to anyone.

When a private industry does not operate efficiently it goes out of business. Private industries are accountable to their owners or shareholders. Who is the government accountable to?

The voters. We do have elections every 2 years on the federal side of things.

Redfish doesnt understand that being accoutable to Shareholders doesnt mean jack if they are making money. If the private business is ripping us off guess what? Redfish will complain about govt overreach when they move on the private business
How are you defining efficiently? Is there a threshold in which you classify something as not efficient?

according to the dictionary. "capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.
with a big operation that is tough to do.....private or public....

no its not. every private business, large or small, has to operate efficently if it is to survive. The point is that the govt does not have to be efficient, and in fact never is.

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