Can Any Dem/lib Tell Us What Agency The Govt Has Run Efficiently?

And usually these agencies could run more efficiently if republicans weren't always trying to cut their funding to the bare bones. This is what republicans do.

That's just not true. In many cases, it's the Federal employee unions and their supporters in the Democratic Administrations which have grossly created bad management decisions.

It's political policies passed by Congresses of both parties -- veteran preference comes to mind, or as I call it, 5 points dumber.

And, it's additional funding for useless and worthless programs passed by Congress (almost always by Democrats) that civil servants still have to spend, by law.
so whats so bad about giving Vets 5 points?....

Because it's supposed to be a merit system. Meaning that the most qualified people get jobs.

Not 5 points for volunteering in a totally unrelated job.
believe me the civil service exam has nothing to do with getting the most qualified people....all it does is let them know you can read English....

They don't have exams anymore. Well, they do, but it is very, very rarely used.
the Post Office they do.....
I was speaking of this "image" that Democrats are for and sympathizes with the middle class. Can you tell me HOW is President Obama going to Martha's Vineyard a true representative of a party who has empathy for and meets those needs of the middle class right where they are at.... particularly among those gulf states in dire need to see a boost in summer tourism revenue that they greatly depend upon?

I didn't think so.

We don't want him in Mississippi. Seriously.

Don't worry.

Nobody wants to be in Mississippi.


And you have first hand knowledge of this.

Why yes..yes I do.

No way I would go to Mississippi.

The 10 poorest states are:

1. Mississippi
Median household income: $37,095
Unemployment rate: 9.2 percent
Percent below poverty line: 24.2 percent
What Are the 10 Richest and Poorest States in America

Poorest state in the nation.

Good stay out and ignorant of Mississippi. We'll both be happy that way.
I'd like to keep my taxes out of Mississippi too.
There is no interest earned on worthless IOUs, moron. The taxes all go into the general fund, and the payments all come out of the general fund.

No they don't. Payroll taxes are dedicated funds. They cannot be used for general fund expenditures unless they are borrowed, and thus pay interest.

wrong again.

How is Social Security Financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax.

Social Security Administration How is Social Security financed

Now go ahead and prove that the SSA isn't telling the truth.

the money that is withheld from your paycheck for SS goes into the general fund. It is not put in a "SS only" account. SSA administers the payments using money transferred to them from the general fund.

You are incorrect. The money DOES go into a trust fund,then the greed cock suckers in congress borrow it.

Many people, myself included, beleve that it is in fact empty, no surplus, but the monthly intake DOES go into a trust fund

I would however love to see prove that the government pays interest on intergovernmental debt, because I don't believe they do.

Borrow it? How.

The money is put into t-bills. Which get income.

You think t-bills don't get interest? You might want to let alot of seniors and other bond holders know that.

Apparently YOU DON'T know what it means.

Efficiency in regards to running a government agency MEANS provisioning the right amount of RESOURCES to EFFECTIVELY get the job done.

If you DO NOT do that. Then you are NOT efficient.


You really don't know what the word means do you.

efficient = capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Now, which goverment agency fits that definition?


Redfish says: "I'm going to move this over over there...."

Has there ever been a program of any scale that has been run perfectly? No.
The thread and the author are both abject failures.

The reason why businesses in the private sector can run more efficiently than government is because they have to operate on a limited budget of resources, yet they must still remain competitive to survive. Government is built around the concept "if a program doesn't SPEND all the funding allocated to them, they may find themselves with a smaller budget to work with next year as a result." It doesn't take an Einstein to know, that when you run a government program based on those parameters, you are never going to be deemed efficient. Government has never balanced it's own books, is not afraid to take on added debt, and places itself in complete financial dependency of other nations to pay for what it "knows" it can't afford.

The fact that so many liberals prefer a government to provide for more of it's people's needs, only adds to the understanding that the left shares no concept of cost. How can they, when the left believes in the idea of "hand all responsibility to a Federal Government to provide for what they themselves don't feel they should have to pay themselves"? Instead, liberals will have someone else they classify as being "the rich" to take on the financial tab. Anytime you try to talk "government efficiency" to a liberal you are already having to go up against a "government provision" mindset, so of course a discussion centered around things like "cost" and "becoming more efficient" will turn into a foreign concept to them.

Government wastes because government can. That is the bottom line.

Apparently YOU DON'T know what it means.

Efficiency in regards to running a government agency MEANS provisioning the right amount of RESOURCES to EFFECTIVELY get the job done.

If you DO NOT do that. Then you are NOT efficient.


You really don't know what the word means do you.

efficient = capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Now, which goverment agency fits that definition?


Redfish says: "I'm going to move this over over there...."

Has there ever been a program of any scale that has been run perfectly? No.
The thread and the author are both abject failures.

The reason why businesses in the private sector can run more efficiently than government is because they have to operate on a limited budget of resources, yet they must still remain competitive to survive. Government is built around the concept "if a program doesn't SPEND all the funding allocated to them, they may find themselves with a smaller budget to work with next year as a result."

It's a misnomer that this is how all governments work or how it is "built around the concept"; My friend who works for Harris County reports that her organization just lost a multi-million dollar grant because it did not meet the goals of the State administered grant. "Not the same thing" you say? The staff she had working for her is now gone. She's been re-assigned.

That being said, a lot of General Fund programs are run as you describe. It is the smallest part of the budget in many (if not most) cases however.

It doesn't take an Einstein to know, that when you run a government program based on those parameters, you are never going to be deemed efficient. Government has never balanced it's own books, is not afraid to take on added debt, and places itself in complete financial dependency of other nations to pay for what it "knows" it can't afford.
That is why your basis is a misnomer. It is not standard practice as you allege it is.

The fact that so many liberals prefer a government to provide for more of it's people's needs, only adds to the understanding that the left shares no concept of cost. How can they, when the left believes in the idea of "hand all responsibility to a Federal Government to provide for what they themselves don't feel they should have to pay themselves"? Instead, liberals will have someone else they classify as being "the rich" to take on the financial tab. Anytime you try to talk "government efficiency" to a liberal you are already having to go up against a "government provision" mindset, so of course a discussion centered around things like "cost" and "becoming more efficient" will turn into a foreign concept to them.
Please name the last Republican President to leave with a smaller debt than he inherited...

Government wastes because government can. That is the bottom line.

The mission that the municipal, state, and federal government undertakes is difficult, the clients they take on are the clients that companies like Apple, IBM, T-Mobile, etc.... do not want. Do you want to have your credit run before the fire department puts out the fire consuming your house?
How about the Coast Guard checks the bank accounts of those they are sent to rescue to see who is most "worthy" of rescue? Perhaps we should just arrest those who can pay for attorneys themselves and spend only X amount to convict every case.

The reason government spends so much is because it has to more often than not. Could it do a better job? Sure. Could Apple? Sure. Could Xerox? Yup.
What Utter Bullshit

Republican Joe Barton apologizes to BP
That is what the Gulf States saw from Washington

I was speaking of this "image" that Democrats are for and sympathizes with the middle class. Can you tell me HOW is President Obama going to Martha's Vineyard a true representative of a party who has empathy for and meets those needs of the middle class right where they are at.... particularly among those gulf states in dire need to see a boost in summer tourism revenue that they greatly depend upon?

I didn't think so.

We don't want him in Mississippi. Seriously.

Don't worry.

Nobody wants to be in Mississippi.


And you have first hand knowledge of this.

Why yes..yes I do.

No way I would go to Mississippi.

The 10 poorest states are:

1. Mississippi
Median household income: $37,095
Unemployment rate: 9.2 percent
Percent below poverty line: 24.2 percent
What Are the 10 Richest and Poorest States in America

Poorest state in the nation.

All the more reason for America's example of a"middle class" president to setting the bar mingling among the very rich at Martha's Vineyard. Wouldn't you say?

Apparently YOU DON'T know what it means.

Efficiency in regards to running a government agency MEANS provisioning the right amount of RESOURCES to EFFECTIVELY get the job done.

If you DO NOT do that. Then you are NOT efficient.


You really don't know what the word means do you.

efficient = capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Now, which goverment agency fits that definition?


Redfish says: "I'm going to move this over over there...."

Has there ever been a program of any scale that has been run perfectly? No.
The thread and the author are both abject failures.

The reason why businesses in the private sector can run more efficiently than government is because they have to operate on a limited budget of resources, yet they must still remain competitive to survive. Government is built around the concept "if a program doesn't SPEND all the funding allocated to them, they may find themselves with a smaller budget to work with next year as a result." It doesn't take an Einstein to know, that when you run a government program based on those parameters, you are never going to be deemed efficient. Government has never balanced it's own books, is not afraid to take on added debt, and places itself in complete financial dependency of other nations to pay for what it "knows" it can't afford.

The fact that so many liberals prefer a government to provide for more of it's people's needs, only adds to the understanding that the left shares no concept of cost. How can they, when the left believes in the idea of "hand all responsibility to a Federal Government to provide for what they themselves don't feel they should have to pay themselves"? Instead, liberals will have someone else they classify as being "the rich" to take on the financial tab. Anytime you try to talk "government efficiency" to a liberal you are already having to go up against a "government provision" mindset, so of course a discussion centered around things like "cost" and "becoming more efficient" will turn into a foreign concept to them.

Government wastes because government can. That is the bottom line.

well said. But not one of our liberal posters has told us why they want to turn the entire healthcare industry over to a government that never operates efficiently.
You guys keep ranting about turning all of medicine over to the government. What has the government ever run efficiently? the post office? DOD? Social security? medicare? welfare? border security? the budget?

Why would you want to turn more of our economy over to them?
The military.
No they don't. Payroll taxes are dedicated funds. They cannot be used for general fund expenditures unless they are borrowed, and thus pay interest.

wrong again.

How is Social Security Financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax.

Social Security Administration How is Social Security financed

Now go ahead and prove that the SSA isn't telling the truth.

the money that is withheld from your paycheck for SS goes into the general fund. It is not put in a "SS only" account. SSA administers the payments using money transferred to them from the general fund.

You are incorrect. The money DOES go into a trust fund,then the greed cock suckers in congress borrow it.

Many people, myself included, beleve that it is in fact empty, no surplus, but the monthly intake DOES go into a trust fund

I would however love to see prove that the government pays interest on intergovernmental debt, because I don't believe they do.

Borrow it? How.

The money is put into t-bills. Which get income.

You think t-bills don't get interest? You might want to let alot of seniors and other bond holders know that.

The government does not receive the interest you fricken idiot. The government PAYS the interest. Much of it to foreign governments.

Are you claiming that the general fund pays interest to the SS fund? Are you that stupid?

Apparently YOU DON'T know what it means.

Efficiency in regards to running a government agency MEANS provisioning the right amount of RESOURCES to EFFECTIVELY get the job done.

If you DO NOT do that. Then you are NOT efficient.


You really don't know what the word means do you.

efficient = capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Now, which goverment agency fits that definition?


Redfish says: "I'm going to move this over over there...."

Has there ever been a program of any scale that has been run perfectly? No.
The thread and the author are both abject failures.

The reason why businesses in the private sector can run more efficiently than government is because they have to operate on a limited budget of resources, yet they must still remain competitive to survive. Government is built around the concept "if a program doesn't SPEND all the funding allocated to them, they may find themselves with a smaller budget to work with next year as a result." It doesn't take an Einstein to know, that when you run a government program based on those parameters, you are never going to be deemed efficient. Government has never balanced it's own books, is not afraid to take on added debt, and places itself in complete financial dependency of other nations to pay for what it "knows" it can't afford.

The fact that so many liberals prefer a government to provide for more of it's people's needs, only adds to the understanding that the left shares no concept of cost. How can they, when the left believes in the idea of "hand all responsibility to a Federal Government to provide for what they themselves don't feel they should have to pay themselves"? Instead, liberals will have someone else they classify as being "the rich" to take on the financial tab. Anytime you try to talk "government efficiency" to a liberal you are already having to go up against a "government provision" mindset, so of course a discussion centered around things like "cost" and "becoming more efficient" will turn into a foreign concept to them.

Government wastes because government can. That is the bottom line.

well said. But not one of our liberal posters has told us why they want to turn the entire healthcare industry over to a government that never operates efficiently.
Healthcare has not been turned over to the government. It remains a private industry.
Its funny because this thread is about liberals not being able to tell what govt runs efficiently but when you ask them who should run certain things they say private industry that also isnt efficient and dont answer to anyone.
You really don't know what the word means do you.

efficient = capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.

Now, which goverment agency fits that definition?


Redfish says: "I'm going to move this over over there...."

Has there ever been a program of any scale that has been run perfectly? No.
The thread and the author are both abject failures.

The reason why businesses in the private sector can run more efficiently than government is because they have to operate on a limited budget of resources, yet they must still remain competitive to survive. Government is built around the concept "if a program doesn't SPEND all the funding allocated to them, they may find themselves with a smaller budget to work with next year as a result." It doesn't take an Einstein to know, that when you run a government program based on those parameters, you are never going to be deemed efficient. Government has never balanced it's own books, is not afraid to take on added debt, and places itself in complete financial dependency of other nations to pay for what it "knows" it can't afford.

The fact that so many liberals prefer a government to provide for more of it's people's needs, only adds to the understanding that the left shares no concept of cost. How can they, when the left believes in the idea of "hand all responsibility to a Federal Government to provide for what they themselves don't feel they should have to pay themselves"? Instead, liberals will have someone else they classify as being "the rich" to take on the financial tab. Anytime you try to talk "government efficiency" to a liberal you are already having to go up against a "government provision" mindset, so of course a discussion centered around things like "cost" and "becoming more efficient" will turn into a foreign concept to them.

Government wastes because government can. That is the bottom line.

well said. But not one of our liberal posters has told us why they want to turn the entire healthcare industry over to a government that never operates efficiently.
Healthcare has not been turned over to the government. It remains a private industry.

Many of you on the left want single payer healthcare with the government controlling every aspect of it. Thats what is being discussed.
Yeah..that Silly Constitution.

You really are in the wrong country.

Saudi Arabia might be more to your liking.

ROFL! Holding up the Constitution is your argument? Really? Now it's unpatriotic to criticize the Post Office?

Here's a clue for you, moron: The Constitution allows the federal government to run the Post Office. It doesn't require it to run the Post Office. It also doesn't require the federal government to grant a legal monopoly to the Post Office.

Even if the Constitution did require the federal government to run the Post Office, that doesn't make it a good idea.

BTW, Saudi Arabia has a government run Post Office, just like the USA.

Your argument couldn't be more wrong, irrelevant or downright stupid.

Except Saudi Arabia is a monarchy.

Which is, to you, is a perfect government.

The rich rule there.

Everyone else? Is fucked.

Oh, so President Obama and other Democrat politicians have each chosen NOT to place their kids in private schools in FULL support of public education?

Last time I checked, DEMOCRATS were against parents choosing for themselves the best education for their kids ... while Republicans opened the door to "choice" through vouchers. So we have Democrat politicians that are allowed the free luxury opportunity of choice for their kids.

Everyone else? Is fucked.

Who has ever advocated banning private education? Not the Democrats

Democrats have just opposed the taxpayer funding private schools. So do I

That's because you are a Democrat.

Do you oppose taxpayer funded birth control?
Do you oppose taxpayer funded phone service?
Do you oppose taxpayer funded health care?
Do you oppose taxpayer funded abortion?
Do you oppose taxpayer funded TV stations?
Do you oppose taxpayer funded research?
I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea, the government can justify or not justify a bunch of funding.
Its funny because this thread is about liberals not being able to tell what govt runs efficiently but when you ask them who should run certain things they say private industry that also isnt efficient and dont answer to anyone.

When a private industry does not operate efficiently it goes out of business. Private industries are accountable to their owners or shareholders. Who is the government accountable to?
thats one projection, others are not so rosey. A simple solution that would work would be to collect SS taxes on all income, not just the first 106K.

we need to face the fact that we do not have individual SS savings accounts witht the government. SS is a tax, working people are paying for retired people.

We also need to raise the retirement age to 70
what if you have a job were you actually do something physical and by the time you hit 60 you may not be able to do what you do much longer?......thanks for your reply....
Then you have 40 years to prepare for the inevitable. I would suggest a 401k or have your union negotiate wage concessions for an earlier pension
Tens of thousands of babies in the 1950s-'60s were born with deformities like this from Thalidomide:​


Happened all over the world in over 40 countries. Didn't happen in the U.S.

Why not? Because the FDA put up a stop sign. And they were right.

This is Frances Kelsey of the FDA who put up that stop sign receiving the President's Award for Distinguished Citizen Service for doing that. She just turned 100 years old this summer.


I'm not sure what that has to do with "the economy" but there ya go.


The safety record of American Airliners are remarkable. That's not because the captains of industry wish Americans to safely travel by air. That's because the Government has rigorous regulations in regards to air travel.

another dem/lib that does not know what "efficient" means. Yes, american airlines are pretty safe compared to those of maylaysia and kenya. But is the FAA efficient in its regulation of airlines? Is TSA an efficiently run agency? How about the border patrol? are we getting efficient effective border security from that govt agency?

Apparently YOU DON'T know what it means.

Efficiency in regards to running a government agency MEANS provisioning the right amount of RESOURCES to EFFECTIVELY get the job done.

If you DO NOT do that. Then you are NOT efficient.


And usually these agencies could run more efficiently if republicans weren't always trying to cut their funding to the bare bones.

So let me get this straight: The way to make these agencies cheaper to run is to spend more money on them? Is that really what you're saying?
wrong again.

How is Social Security Financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax.

Social Security Administration How is Social Security financed

Now go ahead and prove that the SSA isn't telling the truth.

the money that is withheld from your paycheck for SS goes into the general fund. It is not put in a "SS only" account. SSA administers the payments using money transferred to them from the general fund.

You are incorrect. The money DOES go into a trust fund,then the greed cock suckers in congress borrow it.

Many people, myself included, beleve that it is in fact empty, no surplus, but the monthly intake DOES go into a trust fund

I would however love to see prove that the government pays interest on intergovernmental debt, because I don't believe they do.

Borrow it? How.

The money is put into t-bills. Which get income.

You think t-bills don't get interest? You might want to let alot of seniors and other bond holders know that.

The government does not receive the interest you fricken idiot. The government PAYS the interest. Much of it to foreign governments.

Are you claiming that the general fund pays interest to the SS fund? Are you that stupid?

Yes they do. What do you think is the purpose of Social Security buying Treasury Securities?
Its funny because this thread is about liberals not being able to tell what govt runs efficiently but when you ask them who should run certain things they say private industry that also isnt efficient and dont answer to anyone.

When a private industry does not operate efficiently it goes out of business. Private industries are accountable to their owners or shareholders. Who is the government accountable to?

It has been proven time and time again that the government is not accountable to taxpayers.
We also need to raise the retirement age to 70
what if you have a job were you actually do something physical and by the time you hit 60 you may not be able to do what you do much longer?......thanks for your reply....
Then you have 40 years to prepare for the inevitable. I would suggest a 401k or have your union negotiate wage concessions for an earlier pension

The safety record of American Airliners are remarkable. That's not because the captains of industry wish Americans to safely travel by air. That's because the Government has rigorous regulations in regards to air travel.

another dem/lib that does not know what "efficient" means. Yes, american airlines are pretty safe compared to those of maylaysia and kenya. But is the FAA efficient in its regulation of airlines? Is TSA an efficiently run agency? How about the border patrol? are we getting efficient effective border security from that govt agency?

Apparently YOU DON'T know what it means.

Efficiency in regards to running a government agency MEANS provisioning the right amount of RESOURCES to EFFECTIVELY get the job done.

If you DO NOT do that. Then you are NOT efficient.


And usually these agencies could run more efficiently if republicans weren't always trying to cut their funding to the bare bones.

So let me get this straight: The way to make these agencies cheaper to run is to spend more money on them? Is that really what you're saying?
How is Social Security Financed?

Social Security is financed through a dedicated payroll tax.

Social Security Administration How is Social Security financed

Now go ahead and prove that the SSA isn't telling the truth.

the money that is withheld from your paycheck for SS goes into the general fund. It is not put in a "SS only" account. SSA administers the payments using money transferred to them from the general fund.

You are incorrect. The money DOES go into a trust fund,then the greed cock suckers in congress borrow it.

Many people, myself included, beleve that it is in fact empty, no surplus, but the monthly intake DOES go into a trust fund

I would however love to see prove that the government pays interest on intergovernmental debt, because I don't believe they do.

Borrow it? How.

The money is put into t-bills. Which get income.

You think t-bills don't get interest? You might want to let alot of seniors and other bond holders know that.

The government does not receive the interest you fricken idiot. The government PAYS the interest. Much of it to foreign governments.

Are you claiming that the general fund pays interest to the SS fund? Are you that stupid?

Yes they do. What do you think is the purpose of Social Security buying Treasury Securities?

can you prove that it does?

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