Can Any of These Cuckoos Beat Trump ?

Beat Trump? Can they beat each other? The Clown Car has derailed and democrats are left with America's weird uncle, Joe Stalin or Fauxahontis.
Imagine what we could achieve with a working mother in the White House instead of a misogynist.

Uh, a sinking GDP growth rate. Rising unemployment. Open borders and it's MANY harms. Gun free zones everywhere - mass shootings galore. Mass exodus of workforce age whites. Imagine.

that's not how we measure success while people are dyin of opioid addiction.

i dont like this idea of people needlessly being dyin

GDP is just a statistic like the fake polls. they dont have meaning in real life!

that's not how we measure success while people are dyin of opioid addiction.

i dont like this idea of people needlessly being dyin

GDP is just a statistic like the fake polls. they dont have meaning in real life!
Maybe you don't measure a country's economic success by GDP, but 99% of everyone else does. You can keep on trotting down your little candy flowered road though.

Oh. did you mention opiod addiction ?

President Trump mobilized his entire Administration to combat the opioid crisis that has devastated communities across the country.

  • President Trump launched an Initiative to Stop Opioid Abuse and Reduce Drug Supply and Demand, introducing new measures to confront the driving forces behind this crisis.
  • The President signed the landmark SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, the largest and most comprehensive legislative package addressing a single drug crisis in history.
  • The President helped secure a record $6 billion in funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
  • The Administration provided more than $2 billion in grants in 2018 to help States, territories, tribes, and local communities prevent and treat opioid abuse.
  • The Administration pursued scientific solutions to prevent and treat addiction through the Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEAL) Initiative.
  • The President launched a national public awareness campaign about the dangers of opioid addiction and youth opioid usage.
    • Last year, President Trump created a Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis, which recommends ways to tackle the opioid crisis.
    • The Administration declared the opioid crisis a nationwide Public Health Emergency in 2017.
    • President Trump is working to cut off the flow of deadly opioids into our country and to disrupt the networks that distribute them to our communities.
    • The Administration secured first-ever indictments against Chinese nationals for fentanyl trafficking.
    • The Department of Justice (DOJ) launched a surge to target fentanyl and heroin dealers in the districts with the most severe overdose death rates.
    • The DOJ formed a Joint Criminal Opioid Darknet Enforcement team and shut down the biggest Darknet distributor of drugs.
    • Last year, the DOJ announced the largest healthcare fraud takedown in history, arresting more than 120 defendants with opioid-related crimes.
    • The President launched a Safer Prescribing Plan that seeks to cut nationwide opioid prescription fills by one-third within three years.
    • The Administration has led four National Prescription Drug Take-Back Days, collecting a record-breaking 1,837 tons of expired and unneeded prescription drugs.

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