Can any snowflake explain this?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The United States was dragged into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya by Barak Obama. After 3 months (90 days) the Obama administration (and snowflakes) argued that no approval to fight the war in Libya was required because 'the US only played a supporting role in that war'. (Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval)

:wtf:So it is ok for a LIBERAL President to take the country to war without Congressional approval to do so as long as our military only 'plays a supporting role in that war'?!

The United States was dragged into war against Syria - the war that continue to go on - without Congressional approval to do so, making it Un-Constitutional. Not one Democrat ever declared Obama had to go before Congress to request the approval to wage this war.

As mentioned, Obama's war is STILL ON-GOING...and in the middle of this on-going war that never had the Congressional authority to be fought - with combat troops already on the ground fighting in Syria...after Trump launches a tactical air strike as a measured response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons, there are some politicians who are claiming before HE - Trump - makes any more decisions to act militarily in Syria....I guess above and beyond what is already going on there without Congressional authority...must come before Congress to ask for their authority to do whatever else he wants to do.

Again... :wtf:?!

Does that mean that all the Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized military action being taken already gets to continue but anything 'NEW' needs approval?

WHY, again, did Obama never have to get Congressional approval to drag the US to war with / IN Syria...but Trump suddenly does have to? (Don't get me wrong - I think BOTH Presidents should have had to / should have to get permission TO GO TO WAR.

The War Powers Act does give Trump the authority to use military force for a short period of time; however, I guess, Trump has to take into consideration the time already, used by Obama in waging his own private war in Syria.

I just find it interesting that after all this time the US has been fighting Obama's Un-authorized war, having US combat troops 'invading' Syria, that Democrats and some other politicians are finally NOW worried about congressional approval. Funny....
The progressive snowflake is a mystery to commonsense...
The United States was dragged into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya by Barak Obama. After 3 months (90 days) the Obama administration (and snowflakes) argued that no approval to fight the war in Libya was required because 'the US only played a supporting role in that war'. (Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval)

:wtf:So it is ok for a LIBERAL President to take the country to war without Congressional approval to do so as long as our military only 'plays a supporting role in that war'?!

The United States was dragged into war against Syria - the war that continue to go on - without Congressional approval to do so, making it Un-Constitutional. Not one Democrat ever declared Obama had to go before Congress to request the approval to wage this war.

As mentioned, Obama's war is STILL ON-GOING...and in the middle of this on-going war that never had the Congressional authority to be fought - with combat troops already on the ground fighting in Syria...after Trump launches a tactical air strike as a measured response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons, there are some politicians who are claiming before HE - Trump - makes any more decisions to act militarily in Syria....I guess above and beyond what is already going on there without Congressional authority...must come before Congress to ask for their authority to do whatever else he wants to do.

Again... :wtf:?!

Does that mean that all the Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized military action being taken already gets to continue but anything 'NEW' needs approval?

WHY, again, did Obama never have to get Congressional approval to drag the US to war with / IN Syria...but Trump suddenly does have to? (Don't get me wrong - I think BOTH Presidents should have had to / should have to get permission TO GO TO WAR.

The War Powers Act does give Trump the authority to use military force for a short period of time; however, I guess, Trump has to take into consideration the time already, used by Obama in waging his own private war in Syria.

I just find it interesting that after all this time the US has been fighting Obama's Un-authorized war, having US combat troops 'invading' Syria, that Democrats and some other politicians are finally NOW worried about congressional approval. Funny....
Obama was not the first to engage in an unconstitutional war, that precedent has already been set.
Obama was not the first to engage in an unconstitutional war, that precedent has already been set.

This snowflake respects the strike. I am worried we could be dragged into the middle of a very complex war for who knows how long.. but assad needs to face consequences.
This snowflake respects the strike. I am worried we could be dragged into the middle of a very complex war for who knows how long.. but assad needs to face consequences.
We have already been dragged into another complex war - a civil war between a Russian-supported dictator and terrorist ISIS.

The ONLY thing that ever needed to be done right off the bat, after the 2nd use of chemical weapons by Assad was what Trump did - a definitive, timely tactical strike in response to the use of chemical weapons. There was NEVER a reason to go to war and put combat boots on the ground in Syria. Every expert 'out there' will tell you Putin was NEVER going to let Assad fall.
The United States was dragged into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya by Barak Obama. After 3 months (90 days) the Obama administration (and snowflakes) argued that no approval to fight the war in Libya was required because 'the US only played a supporting role in that war'. (Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval)

:wtf:So it is ok for a LIBERAL President to take the country to war without Congressional approval to do so as long as our military only 'plays a supporting role in that war'?!

The United States was dragged into war against Syria - the war that continue to go on - without Congressional approval to do so, making it Un-Constitutional. Not one Democrat ever declared Obama had to go before Congress to request the approval to wage this war.

As mentioned, Obama's war is STILL ON-GOING...and in the middle of this on-going war that never had the Congressional authority to be fought - with combat troops already on the ground fighting in Syria...after Trump launches a tactical air strike as a measured response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons, there are some politicians who are claiming before HE - Trump - makes any more decisions to act militarily in Syria....I guess above and beyond what is already going on there without Congressional authority...must come before Congress to ask for their authority to do whatever else he wants to do.

Again... :wtf:?!

Does that mean that all the Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized military action being taken already gets to continue but anything 'NEW' needs approval?

WHY, again, did Obama never have to get Congressional approval to drag the US to war with / IN Syria...but Trump suddenly does have to? (Don't get me wrong - I think BOTH Presidents should have had to / should have to get permission TO GO TO WAR.

The War Powers Act does give Trump the authority to use military force for a short period of time; however, I guess, Trump has to take into consideration the time already, used by Obama in waging his own private war in Syria.

I just find it interesting that after all this time the US has been fighting Obama's Un-authorized war, having US combat troops 'invading' Syria, that Democrats and some other politicians are finally NOW worried about congressional approval. Funny....
Obama's involvement in the middle east was his worst mistake as President. But at least he was sane. Trump's been in office 2 months and WW3 is already being put on the table.
the ongoing action in the Middle East and also in south east asia ------is considered
a WAR by the US military--------war on terrorism
Regarding Obama's un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized War in Libya:

"It's long been established that Obama failed to secure a congressional declaration of war, as the constitution and Senator Obama's understanding of it dictated; and that he violated the War Powers Resolution."

"From the president's point of view there was a certain benefit in the indifference of the American public to whatever was happening in Libya. It enabled him to do, at least for a moment, pretty much whatever he wanted to do."

"Obama made his decision: push for the U.N resolution and effectively invade another Arab country. Of the choice not to intervene he says, "That's not who we are," by which he means that's not who I am. The decision was extraordinarily personal. "No one in the Cabinet was for it," says one witness. "There was no constituency for doing what he did."

"Of the principals only Susan Rice (enthusiastically) and Hillary Clinton (who would have settled for a no-fly zone) had the view that any sort of intervention made sense."

" if Congress came into the picture at all, it wasn't enough to merit mention in the retelling, and certainly not enough to follow the constitution and put the prospective war to a vote. The people's representatives were excluded"

That remains a scandal.

And it is telling that Michael Lewis, one of America's finest journalists, didn't even ask Obama about failing to put the decision about Libya before Congress. He didn't ask despite the plain language of the Constitution, Obama's prior statements indicating he fully understood his legal obligations, and the fact that various members of Congress complained about his unilateral action.

That is quite a precedent Obama has set."

How Obama Ignored Congress, and Misled America, on War in Libya
This snowflake respects the strike. I am worried we could be dragged into the middle of a very complex war for who knows how long.. but assad needs to face consequences.
We have already been dragged into another complex war - a civil war between a Russian-supported dictator and terrorist ISIS.

The ONLY thing that ever needed to be done right off the bat, after the 2nd use of chemical weapons by Assad was what Trump did - a definitive, timely tactical strike in response to the use of chemical weapons. There was NEVER a reason to go to war and put combat boots on the ground in Syria. Every expert 'out there' will tell you Putin was NEVER going to let Assad fall.
This strike does escale our involvement. But I agree Assad should have been hit.
The chemical attack required a proportional response. Trump delivered on. Had he targeted Assad there probably WOULD have been a huge escalation by Russia.

Thank God Trump is smarter than a lot of people on this board...
The chemical attack required a proportional response. Trump delivered on. Had he targeted Assad there probably WOULD have been a huge escalation by Russia.

Thank God Trump is smarter than a lot of people on this board...
There may still be fall out, russia isn't happy about the strike. WIll daddy Vlad lay a spank down on donnie? We will see.
That was quick. Took you just a handful of posts to become a cheerleader for more war in Syria.
Your live must be absolute HELL, being unable to read / comprehend anything you read.

What part of 'There was never any reason to go to war in Syria - all that was required was a tactical, proportional response - military strike - to the chemical attacks', which is what Trump just did, do you not understand, snowflake?!
That was quick. Took you just a handful of posts to become a cheerleader for more war in Syria.
Your live must be absolute HELL, being unable to read / comprehend anything you read.

What part of 'There was never any reason to go to war in Syria - all that was required was a tactical, proportional response - military strike - to the chemical attacks', which is what Trump just did, do you not understand, snowflake?!
It wasn't quick, I have been against the assad regime consistently. I was very worried that our new puppet pres would align us with russia and assad. Again, I support the strike. Assad is a war criminal and a dictator.
The United States was dragged into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya by Barak Obama. After 3 months (90 days) the Obama administration (and snowflakes) argued that no approval to fight the war in Libya was required because 'the US only played a supporting role in that war'. (Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval)

:wtf:So it is ok for a LIBERAL President to take the country to war without Congressional approval to do so as long as our military only 'plays a supporting role in that war'?!

The United States was dragged into war against Syria - the war that continue to go on - without Congressional approval to do so, making it Un-Constitutional. Not one Democrat ever declared Obama had to go before Congress to request the approval to wage this war.

As mentioned, Obama's war is STILL ON-GOING...and in the middle of this on-going war that never had the Congressional authority to be fought - with combat troops already on the ground fighting in Syria...after Trump launches a tactical air strike as a measured response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons, there are some politicians who are claiming before HE - Trump - makes any more decisions to act militarily in Syria....I guess above and beyond what is already going on there without Congressional authority...must come before Congress to ask for their authority to do whatever else he wants to do.

Again... :wtf:?!

Does that mean that all the Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized military action being taken already gets to continue but anything 'NEW' needs approval?

WHY, again, did Obama never have to get Congressional approval to drag the US to war with / IN Syria...but Trump suddenly does have to? (Don't get me wrong - I think BOTH Presidents should have had to / should have to get permission TO GO TO WAR.

The War Powers Act does give Trump the authority to use military force for a short period of time; however, I guess, Trump has to take into consideration the time already, used by Obama in waging his own private war in Syria.

I just find it interesting that after all this time the US has been fighting Obama's Un-authorized war, having US combat troops 'invading' Syria, that Democrats and some other politicians are finally NOW worried about congressional approval. Funny....

Oh stop

( question for the day ) did you know Hillary called out to bomb the airfields yesterday too...haaa

People on the right feel that he should have gotten approval too..but are glad he did it..

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