Can any snowflake explain this?

There may still be fall out, russia isn't happy about the strike. WIll daddy Vlad lay a spank down on donnie? We will see.

Nice partisan snowflake response. Trump just proved, unlike Barry, he's not Vlad's bitch.

Russia did what they are going to do - publicly complain. If they push too far they will have to answer how Assad still had chemical weapons since Russia was supposed to take them all away, answer the question of whether they were complicit or incompetent.
That was quick. Took you just a handful of posts to become a cheerleader for more war in Syria.
Your live must be absolute HELL, being unable to read / comprehend anything you read.

What part of 'There was never any reason to go to war in Syria - all that was required was a tactical, proportional response - military strike - to the chemical attacks', which is what Trump just did, do you not understand, snowflake?!
It wasn't quick, I have been against the assad regime consistently. I was very worried that our new puppet pres would align us with russia and assad. Again, I support the strike. Assad is a war criminal and a dictator.
I was responding to TOS, whose comment was aimed at me...
There may still be fall out, russia isn't happy about the strike. WIll daddy Vlad lay a spank down on donnie? We will see.

Nice partisan snowflake response. Trump just proved, unlike Barry, he's not Vlad's bitch.

Russia did what they are going to do - publicly complain. If they push too far they will have to answer how Assad still had chemical weapons since Russia was supposed to take them all away, answer the question of whether they were complicit or incompetent.
They should have to answer those questions regardless. They are in violation.
People on the right feel that he should have gotten approval too..but are glad he did it..
Why does Trump need to ask Congress for permission to conduct a military strike in the middle of an on-going war?
That was quick. Took you just a handful of posts to become a cheerleader for more war in Syria.
Your live must be absolute HELL, being unable to read / comprehend anything you read.

What part of 'There was never any reason to go to war in Syria - all that was required was a tactical, proportional response - military strike - to the chemical attacks', which is what Trump just did, do you not understand, snowflake?!
It wasn't quick, I have been against the assad regime consistently. I was very worried that our new puppet pres would align us with russia and assad. Again, I support the strike. Assad is a war criminal and a dictator.
I was responding to TOS, whose comment was aimed at me...
Sorry, I am still new.
That was quick. Took you just a handful of posts to become a cheerleader for more war in Syria.
Your live must be absolute HELL, being unable to read / comprehend anything you read.

What part of 'There was never any reason to go to war in Syria - all that was required was a tactical, proportional response - military strike - to the chemical attacks', which is what Trump just did, do you not understand, snowflake?!
Right now you dumb fucking rubes are the ones in power. Remember what you've been saying for 8 years, and all your condemnation against wars in the middle east? All I can do is hope that wins out over your conservative lust for war. I don't want to see our soldiers dead and trillions wasted all for nothing again like under Dubya.
The United States was dragged into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya by Barak Obama. After 3 months (90 days) the Obama administration (and snowflakes) argued that no approval to fight the war in Libya was required because 'the US only played a supporting role in that war'. (Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval)

:wtf:So it is ok for a LIBERAL President to take the country to war without Congressional approval to do so as long as our military only 'plays a supporting role in that war'?!

The United States was dragged into war against Syria - the war that continue to go on - without Congressional approval to do so, making it Un-Constitutional. Not one Democrat ever declared Obama had to go before Congress to request the approval to wage this war.

As mentioned, Obama's war is STILL ON-GOING...and in the middle of this on-going war that never had the Congressional authority to be fought - with combat troops already on the ground fighting in Syria...after Trump launches a tactical air strike as a measured response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons, there are some politicians who are claiming before HE - Trump - makes any more decisions to act militarily in Syria....I guess above and beyond what is already going on there without Congressional authority...must come before Congress to ask for their authority to do whatever else he wants to do.

Again... :wtf:?!

Does that mean that all the Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized military action being taken already gets to continue but anything 'NEW' needs approval?

WHY, again, did Obama never have to get Congressional approval to drag the US to war with / IN Syria...but Trump suddenly does have to? (Don't get me wrong - I think BOTH Presidents should have had to / should have to get permission TO GO TO WAR.

The War Powers Act does give Trump the authority to use military force for a short period of time; however, I guess, Trump has to take into consideration the time already, used by Obama in waging his own private war in Syria.

I just find it interesting that after all this time the US has been fighting Obama's Un-authorized war, having US combat troops 'invading' Syria, that Democrats and some other politicians are finally NOW worried about congressional approval. Funny....
Obama's involvement in the middle east was his worst mistake as President. But at least he was sane. Trump's been in office 2 months and WW3 is already being put on the table.

World War III has been on the table longer than Trump has been President.

The threat from China growth, North Korea willingness to be China puppet, Iran Nuclear wishes, Russia aggression in Ukraine have all set it up nicely and no Obama is not the only one at fault for allowing this to fall into place and Trump will take the blame for the next great war but let be factual World War III has been coming for decades and now is the time for the war to start, or not!
The United States was dragged into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya by Barak Obama. After 3 months (90 days) the Obama administration (and snowflakes) argued that no approval to fight the war in Libya was required because 'the US only played a supporting role in that war'. (Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval)

:wtf:So it is ok for a LIBERAL President to take the country to war without Congressional approval to do so as long as our military only 'plays a supporting role in that war'?!

The United States was dragged into war against Syria - the war that continue to go on - without Congressional approval to do so, making it Un-Constitutional. Not one Democrat ever declared Obama had to go before Congress to request the approval to wage this war.

As mentioned, Obama's war is STILL ON-GOING...and in the middle of this on-going war that never had the Congressional authority to be fought - with combat troops already on the ground fighting in Syria...after Trump launches a tactical air strike as a measured response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons, there are some politicians who are claiming before HE - Trump - makes any more decisions to act militarily in Syria....I guess above and beyond what is already going on there without Congressional authority...must come before Congress to ask for their authority to do whatever else he wants to do.

Again... :wtf:?!

Does that mean that all the Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized military action being taken already gets to continue but anything 'NEW' needs approval?

WHY, again, did Obama never have to get Congressional approval to drag the US to war with / IN Syria...but Trump suddenly does have to? (Don't get me wrong - I think BOTH Presidents should have had to / should have to get permission TO GO TO WAR.

The War Powers Act does give Trump the authority to use military force for a short period of time; however, I guess, Trump has to take into consideration the time already, used by Obama in waging his own private war in Syria.

I just find it interesting that after all this time the US has been fighting Obama's Un-authorized war, having US combat troops 'invading' Syria, that Democrats and some other politicians are finally NOW worried about congressional approval. Funny....
Obama's involvement in the middle east was his worst mistake as President. But at least he was sane. Trump's been in office 2 months and WW3 is already being put on the table.

World War III has been on the table longer than Trump has been President.

The threat from China growth, North Korea willingness to be China puppet, Iran Nuclear wishes, Russia aggression in Ukraine have all set it up nicely and no Obama is not the only one at fault for allowing this to fall into place and Trump will take the blame for the next great war but let be factual World War III has been coming for decades and now is the time for the war to start, or not!
I agree, our current state of affairs has been developing for quite some time.
That was quick. Took you just a handful of posts to become a cheerleader for more war in Syria.
Your live must be absolute HELL, being unable to read / comprehend anything you read.

What part of 'There was never any reason to go to war in Syria - all that was required was a tactical, proportional response - military strike - to the chemical attacks', which is what Trump just did, do you not understand, snowflake?!
Right now you dumb fucking rubes are the ones in power. Remember what you've been saying for 8 years, and all your condemnation against wars in the middle east? All I can do is hope that wins out over your conservative lust for war. I don't want to see our soldiers dead and trillions wasted all for nothing again like under Dubya.
It must hurt, being as old as you are, yet trying to contort yourself in such awful positions, spinning the way you do.

Let's sum this all up:

Instead of doing what Trump just did - delivering a swift, decisive, one-time tactical strike on the airbase in Syria from which a chemical weapons attack was launched - Obama issued a Red line, cowered from it, delayed, then dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war - a civil war between a Russian-backed Tyrant and terrorists, invading that country by putting US combat troops on the ground.

Just yesterday snowfakes went as insane as to create a thread declaring 'Trump Killed Children in Syria' for NOT taking action, forgetting it was Obama who refused to take action after 2 previous chemical weapons attacks.

President Trump just enforced OBAMA'S 'Red Line'...and it did not take violating the Constitution, it did not take going to war, it did not take invading Syria, and it did not take putting boots on the ground in the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a dictator.

And snowflakes are 'triggered' that Trump just schooled Obama on Foreign policy and how to handle incidents like this.

People on the right feel that he should have gotten approval too..but are glad he did it..
Why does Trump need to ask Congress for permission to conduct a military strike in the middle of an on-going war?

You mean the on going involvement Bush and Cheney got us involved with over in the middle east?
The involvement that we were lied to about, and that Cheney made zillions on..
That was quick. Took you just a handful of posts to become a cheerleader for more war in Syria.
Your live must be absolute HELL, being unable to read / comprehend anything you read.

What part of 'There was never any reason to go to war in Syria - all that was required was a tactical, proportional response - military strike - to the chemical attacks', which is what Trump just did, do you not understand, snowflake?!
Right now you dumb fucking rubes are the ones in power. Remember what you've been saying for 8 years, and all your condemnation against wars in the middle east? All I can do is hope that wins out over your conservative lust for war. I don't want to see our soldiers dead and trillions wasted all for nothing again like under Dubya.
It must hurt, being as old as you are, yet trying to contort yourself in such awful positions, spinning the way you do.

Let's sum this all up:

Instead of doing what Trump just did - delivering a swift, decisive, one-time tactical strike on the airbase in Syria from which a chemical weapons attack was launched - Obama issued a Red line, cowered from it, delayed, then dragged the US into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war - a civil war between a Russian-backed Tyrant and terrorists, invading that country by putting US combat troops on the ground.

Just yesterday snowfakes went as insane as to create a thread declaring 'Trump Killed Children in Syria' for NOT taking action, forgetting it was Obama who refused to take action after 2 previous chemical weapons attacks.

President Trump just enforce OBAMA'S 'Red Line'...and it did not take violating the Constitution, it did not take going to war, it did not take invading Syria, and it did not take putting boots on the ground.

And snowflakes are 'triggered' that Trump just schooled Obama on Foreign policy and how to handle incidents like this.

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Put your dick away about Obama. You've been fighting for 8 years to de-escalate and get out of Syria. I am asking you to continue supporting that, because getting involved in the Middle East was Obama's greatest mistake.
The United States was dragged into an Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized war in Libya by Barak Obama. After 3 months (90 days) the Obama administration (and snowflakes) argued that no approval to fight the war in Libya was required because 'the US only played a supporting role in that war'. (Obama administration: Libya action does not require congressional approval)

:wtf:So it is ok for a LIBERAL President to take the country to war without Congressional approval to do so as long as our military only 'plays a supporting role in that war'?!

The United States was dragged into war against Syria - the war that continue to go on - without Congressional approval to do so, making it Un-Constitutional. Not one Democrat ever declared Obama had to go before Congress to request the approval to wage this war.

As mentioned, Obama's war is STILL ON-GOING...and in the middle of this on-going war that never had the Congressional authority to be fought - with combat troops already on the ground fighting in Syria...after Trump launches a tactical air strike as a measured response to Assad's latest use of chemical weapons, there are some politicians who are claiming before HE - Trump - makes any more decisions to act militarily in Syria....I guess above and beyond what is already going on there without Congressional authority...must come before Congress to ask for their authority to do whatever else he wants to do.

Again... :wtf:?!

Does that mean that all the Un-Constitutional, Un-Authorized military action being taken already gets to continue but anything 'NEW' needs approval?

WHY, again, did Obama never have to get Congressional approval to drag the US to war with / IN Syria...but Trump suddenly does have to? (Don't get me wrong - I think BOTH Presidents should have had to / should have to get permission TO GO TO WAR.

The War Powers Act does give Trump the authority to use military force for a short period of time; however, I guess, Trump has to take into consideration the time already, used by Obama in waging his own private war in Syria.

I just find it interesting that after all this time the US has been fighting Obama's Un-authorized war, having US combat troops 'invading' Syria, that Democrats and some other politicians are finally NOW worried about congressional approval. Funny....
The right wing claims to believe in laissez-fair. Laissez-fair foreign policy!
People on the right feel that he should have gotten approval too..but are glad he did it..
Why does Trump need to ask Congress for permission to conduct a military strike in the middle of an on-going war?

You mean the on going involvement Bush and Cheney got us involved with over in the middle east?
The involvement that we were lied to about, and that Cheney made zillions on..
was that when bush "lost" 22 million emails that were sent using a private server.
*GASP* Not the emails!
You've been fighting for 8 years to de-escalate and get out of Syria. I am asking you to continue supporting that, because getting involved in the Middle East was Obama's greatest mistake.
Wrong, dumbass. I have been stating the fact that Obama F*ed up and Un-Constitutionally dragged the US into a war that never needed to be fought. He did so because he did not know what the F* he was doing.

Again, Trump just demonstrated there was NEVER a need to GO TO WAR. Trump just did last night the only thing that ever needed to be done - a swift, decisive, tactical ONE-TIME, measured strike in response to the use of chemical weapons against innocent people.

NO jumping into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a Russian-protected dictator.

NO US troop invasion of Syria.

NO US troops on the ground.

Face it - EMBRACE IT - OBAMA F*ED UP and got us into the on-going war we are in. The sad thing is your rabid partisanship / ego will NOT let you admit that. And if you can't condemn it that must mean you think he did a GREAT job getting us into this war and putting boots on the ground, right?

As Schumer even said, what Trump did last night was the RIGHT, measured thing to do.

I agree 100% with you on one thing - getting involved in the Middle East - dragging us to war in both Libya and Syria without congressional approval to do so was a huge Obama mistake.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner should have followed Bush's timeline for troop withdrawal. He should have allowed US planes to completely destroy the ISIS mile-long convoys flowing through the desert towards Iraq. He should have never helped al Qaeida in Libya - another civil war between a dictator and the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12).

Trump needs to declare 'We're out' and pull US troops out of Syria.'
The right wing claims to believe in laissez-fair. Laissez-fair foreign policy!
Most of the time you can tell when people are full of shit - it's when THEY attempt to speak for other people / groups and say things like, "They believe", "The Right believes', "The Left believes"....

They try to put words in others mouths so they will have something to rail against.

I am not necessarily talking about you, just saying....
You've been fighting for 8 years to de-escalate and get out of Syria. I am asking you to continue supporting that, because getting involved in the Middle East was Obama's greatest mistake.
Wrong, dumbass. I have been stating the fact that Obama F*ed up and Un-Constitutionally dragged the US into a war that never needed to be fought. He did so because he did not know what the F* he was doing.

Again, Trump just demonstrated there was NEVER a need to GO TO WAR. Trump just did last night the only thing that ever needed to be done - a swift, decisive, tactical ONE-TIME, measured strike in response to the use of chemical weapons against innocent people.

NO jumping into the middle of a civil war between terrorists and a Russian-protected dictator.

NO US troop invasion of Syria.

NO US troops on the ground.

Face it - EMBRACE IT - OBAMA F*ED UP and got us into the on-going war we are in. The sad thing is your rabid partisanship / ego will NOT let you admit that. And if you can't condemn it that must mean you think he did a GREAT job getting us into this war and putting boots on the ground, right?

As Schumer even said, what Trump did last night was the RIGHT, measured thing to do.

I agree 100% with you on one thing - getting involved in the Middle East - dragging us to war in both Libya and Syria without congressional approval to do so was a huge Obama mistake.

The Nobel Peace Prize winner should have followed Bush's timeline for troop withdrawal. He should have allowed US planes to completely destroy the ISIS mile-long convoys flowing through the desert towards Iraq. He should have never helped al Qaeida in Libya - another civil war between a dictator and the terrorists who perpetrated 9/11/01 (and 9/11/12).

Trump needs to declare 'We're out' and pull US troops out of Syria.'

You stupid c*nt I've said multiple times Obama intervening in the Middle East was his biggest mistake. As Trump escalates the fuck out of Syria and starts shopping around for new wars to start, I hope you stand against him.


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As Trump escalates the fuck out of Syria ....


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Trump has also increased the number of troops in Syria and will no longer report how many troops are there. Fun times.

Anyways, as the shit continues to hit the fan, stand by what you've been saying for 8 years. That's all I ask.
The idea that a solution to the violence in the middle east is more violence never occurs to the OP, and that is the strength of simple thinkers and fools. Fools react emotinally, and thus fail to consider all the consequences when taking overt actions.

Consider, the attack on the WTC on Sept. 11th, it destroyed buildings and killed + or - 3,000 people - Americans and foreign nationals; first responders and innocent travelers. That was tragic, an evil and immoral event. In the response, 4,500 + or - American soldiers were killed, thousands more wounded, a trillion or more have dollars have been spent, and the everyday life of our citizens have changed - not for the better.

My first reaction to the events of last night was to reflect on Wag the Dog; as the President's approval rating continued to drop, and his Russian problem became a larger thorn for him, he may a felt a distraction was needed.

Maybe a better Idea would have been to build an economic wall on the eastern front or Europe, and work with NATO and the coalition of the willing and appalled by the Putin/Assad inhumanity, and tell them and ISIS to pound sand and eat oil.

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