Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

Could Trump be, not just the first politician, but the first human being in human history to have never told a lie?
Dunno. But I hear all these claims that he lied, but strangely, no one is able to cite one.
Leave it to the left to redefine the term "lie". Biden's fantasy accounts are never examined and his flubs and errors are excused but if Trump quotes a figure of a million and the real number is nine hundred and ninety nine thousand it's viewed by the left and their minions in the media as a "lie". The left has a built in tax exempt source (Media Matters) for analyzing and spinning every word ever spoken by republicans. There is no such advantage on the right.
I'm gonna start with one you can't possibly refute.
It's not an opinion.

I was voted Man of the Year, in Michigan.

Michigan folks have come out and said, this award has never been given to trump from the State of Michigan.
Evidence, please.
I just posted this and we were having a good discussion, but it got deleted.

Trump is a salesman as has been pointed out and exaggerates all the time, but none of it matters, it's his gig. But his lies are not material. Biden lies his ass off all the time and Democrats don't care. Trump has never steered us wrong for things that matter. Biden has never been honest for things that matter
Dunno. But I hear all these claims that he lied, but strangely, no one is able to cite one.
I cited one, and it cannot be refuted. He signed three more budgets like the first one, after stating unequivocally that he would not.

That is the very definition of a lie.

What you are doing is spinning your incorrect opinion about what a lie is to suit your own semantical narcissism.

This is just you trying to get people to jump through your hoops. The others can oblige you, I'll move on.
I cited one, and it cannot be refuted. He signed three more budgets like the first one, after stating unequivocally that he would not.

That is the very definition of a lie.

What you are doing is spinning your incorrect opinion about what a lie is to suit your own semantical narcissism.

This is just you trying to get people to jump through your hoops. The others can oblige you, I'll move on.
Did Trump say it was like the first one?
I just posted this and we were having a good discussion, but it got deleted.
It really comes down to the charity or intent or understanding of those calling out 'lies'.

If I tell you my product cures cancer when I know it doesn't, that's a lie.
If I tell you my product is best when I know it isn't, there's a gray area in there between lying and salesmanship.

If I say I told you that exactly 100 times when I know I didn't, that's a lie.
If I say I told you that a million times, we both know I didn't but it is just using hyperbole to emphasize a point. Not a lie.

Are those who believe in God and say so lying in the eyes of an Atheist who argues there is no evidence of any kind for that? If Trump and many others believe the 2020 election was stolen and say so are they lying when the media, etc. say there is no evidence that it was?

Being wrong is no more a 'lie' than believing in a flat Earth or that the Holocaust was faked or Elvis is still alive makes that belief a lie.

Is it a lie to be wrong or exaggerate for emphasis?
Or is a lie an intentional act to deceive?

My definition is a lie is intended to mislead or deceive.
Those who say Trump lies seem to believe if it isn't verifiably true, then it's a lie.
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I'm gonna start with one you can't possibly refute.
It's not an opinion.

I was voted Man of the Year, in Michigan.

Michigan folks have come out and said, this award has never been given to trump from the State of Michigan.
He's so damn insecure, he couldn't handle it when the media pointed out that he has small hands with short fat fingers. He broke down and twittered to his cult "my fingers are long and beautiful". That was a few years ago. Recently he treated himself to a body makeover. He's now 6'3" and 215 pounds.
Fair enough, but was it a lie? Or was it Trump's big head hearing what he wanted to hear? For example, the Repub lackey in your article confirmed Trump's man of the year statement at a dinner. Perhaps someone else told him he'd be "Man of the Year" if he showed up?

When Trump mentioned the Man of the Year award at the 2017 roundtable, Trott just nodded, he recalled.

"Because I sure wasn’t comfortable correcting him in front of a group of automotive CEOs.
No one can successfully demonstrate any of his myriad lies because they will be dismissed as fake news. No matter how clear they are.

It would be an abject waste of time and effort, when we already know what will happen. So this thread is pointless.
When Biden told you Hunter's laptop was russian disinformation and he never spoke about business deals, you believed him and still do.

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