Can anyone demonstrate one lie Trump told?

You're anti anti-fascism.
Normally socialists don't waste time on fascism. Fascism is defined as group of sticks. They used this term to denote they are socialists.
That is like you telling me the Nazis approved Hitler. Historians are far and away Democrats.
If they are just unprofessional politico Democrats why do they rank other Republicans so much better than Trump?

Does any of your bs add up?
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You made the claim. You tell me.
So you think you can say that everything people is not a lie by trump but not support what you say, no ace that's not how this works. so one more time ,so of that over 30 thousand lies ,that are verified as lies, you say they are all the truth, so I'll ask again show us why number 21,768 is not a lie , we all know it is a lie. so prove your point. Little bitty worm!
What isn't?
You are one dumb fuck . a total wast of time. Time for the little worm to go , by worm , So he is on my ignore list and he should be on everyone's ignore list for wasting and degrading this forum.
Yeah, ChoadBreath, angry white southern Christian bigots in the Bible Belt. You know, the region that mostly votes Republican now.
and the reason they switched to the hate nazi party its because they are bigots.
That's just a name made up for the gullible and stupid. They are not anti-fascist , anti-fascist people don't go around beating up other people that disagree with them .
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Now you've proven that you have fallen for it . You are an absolute idiot incest baby
How can anyone think that a world protest against police killing people is worse then a attempted overthrow of this great country to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. You can't make this crap up,

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