Can anyone explain this???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 10.14.12 AM.png
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040
Strange sh*t indeed, most peculiar.
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040
Strange sh*t indeed, most peculiar.
Another STUPID IDIOT!!!!!
Brilliant response! You don't know do you? Simple arithmetic confuses you?
There is a 60% error in reporting and you have no questions? Maybe simple arithmetic is too complicated for you.
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040
It sounds to me like it is, “People that are in the dark shadows.”
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
Damn you are an IDIOT, creating a conspiracy theory out of your STUPIDITY!!!!
Creating a conspiracy theory , while the stupid Kuuunt Nancy Pelosi has her hair done in a Salon that is closed to peons like you, but she gets special billing? Fuck you are stupid...
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
Damn you are an IDIOT, creating a conspiracy theory out of your STUPIDITY!!!!
So explain to me then the arithmetic errors I've made.
I've added deaths...190,014, to total cases... 6,291,776 and to recovered/discharged...3,547,926... please add those numbers up.
A total of 10,029,716. Now divide 190,014 deaths by the total 10,029,716--- still comes up to 1.89% not near 60% more that the MSM
uses of 3.02%.... how am I creating a "conspiracy" when the MSM isn't telling the truth?
Shouldn't this thread be banished to the "Conspiracy Theory" board, or since it helps feed the RWNJ's paranoia and justifies many other of their off-the-wall beliefs, will the message board censors keep it on the "Politics" board?

This whole thing was bullshit from the start.

I think the chinese did a job by acting all secretive, allowing "leaks" that claimed 1000's were dying by the day, pretending they had a serious pandemic that got loose and were trying to cover it up. They simply followed a movie script that the global media eagerly spread.

The 2018 Flu H3N2 was way worse, but the left was clinging to the Russia hoax at the time, and didn't want it to distract attention. Once all other options were used up, they destroyed the economy with a fucking cold that most people barely knew they had.

I hope most people are aware of this and Trump crushes 2020 so that these leftist assholes really come out stupid and the green lights come on.

Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040

I don't understand. It shows total cases 6.3 million total cases, where are you getting your 10 million number? The last column has always been total population, at least what I've seen.

Nice spreadsheet, you might consider new cases/total cases ratio, demonstrates current "severity", which is a pinch subjective considering all the tests.
Shouldn't this thread be banished to the "Conspiracy Theory" board, or since it helps feed the RWNJ's paranoia and justifies many other of their off-the-wall beliefs, will the message board censors keep it on the "Politics" board?

Where is the conspiracy? Arithmetic is arithmetic...(unless you are a "New Math" advocate...).
Seems pretty clear. The MSM IS NOT reporting the total facts which is indisputable. They are overestimating the % of deaths for some reason. Because the arithmetic is simple.
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040
Are you not double counting cases? Total cases of now 6,301,034 includes those recovered and at least almost all the deaths
Damn you are an IDIOT, creating a conspiracy theory out of your STUPIDITY!!!!
Creating a conspiracy theory , while the stupid Kuuunt Nancy Pelosi has her hair done in a Salon that is closed to peons like you, but she gets special billing? Fuck you are stupid...

That's Weapons Grade Stupid. Pieces of shit like that are dangerous when left unsecured or in the wrong hands. The sociopaths that use Weapons Grade Imbeciles like edthecynic Lakhota Penelope jillian are throwing everything they have at bringing the country down because they did not have the success they were hoping for with their meat puppet faggot Queen Antifa...


Then when Trump got in the WH and pretty much erased everything that treasonous piece of shit "accomplished", the global collectivists have been enraged.

Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040

I don't understand. It shows total cases 6.3 million total cases, where are you getting your 10 million number? The last column has always been total population, at least what I've seen.

Nice spreadsheet, you might consider new cases/total cases ratio, demonstrates current "severity", which is a pinch subjective considering all the tests.
Right what you've seen and as I pointed out I take the information from the web site and populate a spreadsheet I created with the information. So yes the web site shows total population. I'm not including that because it is not necessary.
YOU... go to the web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,287,262 Cases and 869,226 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Cursor down to the USA.
  • Take the numbers of total cases reported: 6,291,776
  • add the total deaths or 190,014,
  • add the to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926
  • For total of 10,029,716
What is 190,014 divided by 10,029,716? 1.08%
What is 190,014 divided by 6,291,776 3.02%
Divide 1.08%/3.02% equals 60% error.
Simple math...
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040

I don't understand. It shows total cases 6.3 million total cases, where are you getting your 10 million number? The last column has always been total population, at least what I've seen.

Nice spreadsheet, you might consider new cases/total cases ratio, demonstrates current "severity", which is a pinch subjective considering all the tests.
Right what you've seen and as I pointed out I take the information from the web site and populate a spreadsheet I created with the information. So yes the web site shows total population. I'm not including that because it is not necessary.
YOU... go to the web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,287,262 Cases and 869,226 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Cursor down to the USA.
  • Take the numbers of total cases reported: 6,291,776
  • add the total deaths or 190,014,
  • add the to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926
  • For total of 10,029,716
What is 190,014 divided by 10,029,716? 1.08%
What is 190,014 divided by 6,291,776 3.02%
Divide 1.08%/3.02% equals 60% error.
Simple math...

I'm not seeing it. Total cases reported should include the total death and recovered totals, why would you add them again?
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040

How many times are you going to start a thread on the same friggin conspiracy theory? Shouldn't you move on? We have an election coming up and your savior is going to need all the help you can muster for him.
These numbers are from today. In its simplest statistical terms. Deaths divided by Total Cases X 100. Or in other words, 3.19%. But since the response to this pandemic has been pathetic and the politicization of the CDC and NIH by this administration
has been rampant, until the dust settles and we account for as many cases and deaths as can be determined, we won't know the final numbers.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop

EDIT - Sorry. 3.019%. Hit the Post button a bit too quick. :)
Last edited:
Just in case some of you haven't go to this web site:Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,289,886 Cases and 869,251 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
The below screenshot from the above web site shows:
Total cases... 6,302,203 now I take that as being total cases active NOW...
But when you add "Recovered of 3,548,122 meaning they are NOT cases now.. total is 9,850,325 cases .
Add 190,300 deaths to 9,850,325 gets 10,040,625. The MSM tells us there are 6,302,203 cases... but those are ACTIVE.
There were 10,040,625 total cases counting active, recovered and deaths. 190,300/10,040,625 equals 1.89%
If you take 190,300/6,302,203 "total cases"... that's 3.01% again please explain...
Screen Shot 2020-09-03 at 11.00.47 AM.png
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040

I don't understand. It shows total cases 6.3 million total cases, where are you getting your 10 million number? The last column has always been total population, at least what I've seen.

Nice spreadsheet, you might consider new cases/total cases ratio, demonstrates current "severity", which is a pinch subjective considering all the tests.
Right what you've seen and as I pointed out I take the information from the web site and populate a spreadsheet I created with the information. So yes the web site shows total population. I'm not including that because it is not necessary.
YOU... go to the web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,287,262 Cases and 869,226 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Cursor down to the USA.
  • Take the numbers of total cases reported: 6,291,776
  • add the total deaths or 190,014,
  • add the to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926
  • For total of 10,029,716
What is 190,014 divided by 10,029,716? 1.08%
What is 190,014 divided by 6,291,776 3.02%
Divide 1.08%/3.02% equals 60% error.
Simple math...

I'm not seeing it. Total cases reported should include the total death and recovered totals, why would you add them again?
Because the web site says Total cases... does that mean from the beginning cases or current cases? Since that's the point.

So then 6,291,776 are the total cases since the beginning of which 3,547,926 recovered.
That might explain it... But the web site doesn't state that "Total cases" mean total since the beginning or "active cases".

If that's the case then the
Every day I go to this web site: Coronavirus Update (Live): 26,253,245 Cases and 868,739 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
I copy the data into the following spreadsheet..
Now the last column DOES NOT exist on the above web site.
10,029,716 total USA cases. This number does not appear.
So I add cases USA.. 6,291,776 to total deaths... 190,014, to recovered/discharged... 3,547,926 or total of 10,029,716 cases including deaths/recovered.
So why does the MSM say total cases or 6,291,776?
This means a lot because instead of a 3% mortality rate (190,014/6,291,776= 3.02%
Divide 190,014 deaths by 10,029,716 the mortality rate is 1.895%
Think about what the MSM is doing. They are NOT telling you there is a 1.8% mortality but a 3.02% mortality rate.
A 60% error in reporting. WHY? I have an idea but won't share yet!!!

View attachment 384040

How many times are you going to start a thread on the same friggin conspiracy theory? Shouldn't you move on? We have an election coming up and your savior is going to need all the help you can muster for him.
These numbers are from today. In its simplest statistical terms. Deaths divided by Total Cases X 100. Or in other words, 3.19%. But since the response to this pandemic has been pathetic and the politicization of the CDC and NIH by this administration
has been rampant, until the dust settles and we account for as many cases and deaths as can be determined, we won't know the final numbers.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
1M pop
1M pop
How has the response been pathetic, except in Dem led states where they lead the globe in deaths? Our 3.0% mortality rate was at 6.5% three months ago, and we are currently better than the global rate of 3.3% and many countries too. Our 84 million tests have allowed many to be identified with the virus or having had it without having known it.....and if you include the Penn State study or listen to the CDC who say at least 10 million more were infected our mortality rate falls to about .032%. So again, outside of Killer Cuomo and his band of Inepts, our US response has been great.

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