Can anyone name any world leader, in history, as dumb and clueless as Trump?


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
HItler was evil, Stalin was a brute, Kim yun dun a brute, etc, etc etc....but these men had purpose and had brains, however tormented they were.

I'm going through my history and I believe Donald J Trump is perhaps the dumbest leader ever in history to lead a country without knowing a gotdamn thing.
Barrak shit stain Obama. Hands down the lyinest laziest pile of shit to ever serve!
With that statement you've just rendered yourself, completely incompetent and sad.....your creds are useless....poof begone!!
HItler was evil, Stalin was a brute, Kim yun dun a brute, etc, etc etc....but these men had purpose and had brains, however tormented they were.

I'm going through my history and I believe Donald J Trump is perhaps the dumbest leader ever in history to lead a country without knowing a gotdamn thing.

Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Nero, oh hell half the Roman Emperors, and Hitler was an idiot because he failed history when he attacked Russia!
Barrak shit stain Obama. Hands down the lyinest laziest pile of shit to ever serve!
Any Trumpette complaining about anyone else lying is just plain funnier than shit.

Ttiumperte ;logic:

Bush Jr - Good - takes us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Obama - Bad - He took us from the Bush Recession to record consecutive months of job growths.

Trump - Good - He lies & has done nothing but alienate our country from the rest of the world.
Barrak shit stain Obama. Hands down the lyinest laziest pile of shit to ever serve!
Any Trumpette complaining about anyone else lying is just plain funnier than shit.

Ttiumperte ;logic:

Bush Jr - Good - takes us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Obama - Bad - He took us from the Bush Recession to record consecutive months of job growths.

Trump - Good - He lies & has done nothing but alienate our country from the rest of the world.
John McCain Slams Trump: U.S. Leadership Was Better Under Obama
Trump is telling the world “America doesn’t want to lead,” McCain said.
HItler was evil, Stalin was a brute, Kim yun dun a brute, etc, etc etc....but these men had purpose and had brains, however tormented they were.

I'm going through my history and I believe Donald J Trump is perhaps the dumbest leader ever in history to lead a country without knowing a gotdamn thing.

Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Nero, oh hell half the Roman Emperors, and Hitler was an idiot because he failed history when he attacked Russia!
How many go to the Supreme Court to get his temporary halt to visitors from a set number of countries arguing it is not a Muslim ban & then tweet it is a Muslim ban?
Barrak shit stain Obama. Hands down the lyinest laziest pile of shit to ever serve!
Any Trumpette complaining about anyone else lying is just plain funnier than shit.

Ttiumperte ;logic:

Bush Jr - Good - takes us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Obama - Bad - He took us from the Bush Recession to record consecutive months of job growths.

Trump - Good - He lies & has done nothing but alienate our country from the rest of the world.
John McCain Slams Trump: U.S. Leadership Was Better Under Obama
Trump is telling the world “America doesn’t want to lead,” McCain said.
Senator mctraitor is a sell out. You ever notice only Democrats here ever care what he says?
Barrak shit stain Obama. Hands down the lyinest laziest pile of shit to ever serve!
With that statement you've just rendered yourself, completely incompetent and sad.....your creds are useless....poof begone!!

HItler was evil, Stalin was a brute, Kim yun dun a brute, etc, etc etc....but these men had purpose and had brains, however tormented they were.

I'm going through my history and I believe Donald J Trump is perhaps the dumbest leader ever in history to lead a country without knowing a gotdamn thing.

Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Nero, oh hell half the Roman Emperors, and Hitler was an idiot because he failed history when he attacked Russia!
How many go to the Supreme Court to get his temporary halt to visitors from a set number of countries arguing it is not a Muslim ban & then tweet it is a Muslim ban?

Is that your only thing you judge stupidity on?

I say George W. Bush was far dumber for invading Iraq, but hey let go with Trump Muslim ban. I mean FDR put Japanese Americans in Prison camps and Andrew Jackson help genocide a good portion of the Native American population, but again let just focus on Trump stupidity. I mean could you imagine if Wilson were alive today and having German Americans arrested for protesting the war?

Yeah, this country had it share of dumb ass Presidents and Trump is one of them!
Barrak shit stain Obama. Hands down the lyinest laziest pile of shit to ever serve!
Any Trumpette complaining about anyone else lying is just plain funnier than shit.

Ttiumperte ;logic:

Bush Jr - Good - takes us from a balanced budget to the worst recession in 80 years.

Obama - Bad - He took us from the Bush Recession to record consecutive months of job growths.

Trump - Good - He lies & has done nothing but alienate our country from the rest of the world.
John McCain Slams Trump: U.S. Leadership Was Better Under Obama
Trump is telling the world “America doesn’t want to lead,” McCain said.
Senator mctraitor is a sell out. You ever notice only Democrats here ever care what he says?
You ever notice, anybody that escape the clown circus car, gets ran over by your party.....simply for thinking outside the madness?
HItler was evil, Stalin was a brute, Kim yun dun a brute, etc, etc etc....but these men had purpose and had brains, however tormented they were.

I'm going through my history and I believe Donald J Trump is perhaps the dumbest leader ever in history to lead a country without knowing a gotdamn thing.

One thought George W Bush was by far the dumbest person to hold high office and he was globally idiotic no doubt. But Trump has lowered the bar so that not even a bacteria could squeeze under. He's taken stupidity to levels not seen before. It isn't enough that he's by far the most ignorant batshit that has been elected but he doesn't listen to anyone around him that DOES know better and he threatens THEM. Mussolini was stupid as hell, Hugo Chavez. Lying Donald a vegetable that walks.
Jackson another Democrat might have been dumber. He should have let native American's roam free and put negro's on reservations.
HItler was evil, Stalin was a brute, Kim yun dun a brute, etc, etc etc....but these men had purpose and had brains, however tormented they were.

I'm going through my history and I believe Donald J Trump is perhaps the dumbest leader ever in history to lead a country without knowing a gotdamn thing.
Neville Chamberlain - I have a document here that will keep peace with Germany's Adolf Hitler.
Bill Clinton - I did not have sexual relations with that woman, married to the "smartest dumb" woman in the world.
Jimmy Carter - Malaise president- The world will run out of oil in 10 years(1976) we are 40 years now, still lots of oil.
And the winner is, Barrack Hussein Obama - 57 states, Hope and Change, Fundamental Transformation of America, Keep your doctor, and my favorite, Porky Pig impersonation.


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