Can anyone post a quote of Newt...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
...criticizing Clinton on Infidelity in Marriage?...


...criticizing Clinton on Infidelity in Marriage?...


Haven't seen any...but he has addressed it...

[ame=]Newt Gingrich Schools Chris Wallace on Clinton Impeachment - YouTube[/ame]
Can anyone post a quote of Newt...
...criticizing Clinton on Infidelity in Marriage?...

"I did not have sex with Hillary."

Wait...that was some one else.
...criticizing Clinton on Infidelity in Marriage?...



This is as close as I can get right now, but still searching...

[ame=]Clinton, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman... - YouTube[/ame]

Friday, October 30, 1998; Page A1

The GOP's multimillion dollar ad campaign invoking President Clinton's relationship with Monica S. Lewinsky was devised by House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and tested before more than three dozen groups of likely voters before Republicans unleashed the assault, party sources said yesterday.

In reviving the presidential sex scandal just one week before Election Day, Gingrich and his chief strategists aimed to energize their most loyal supporters, whose enthusiasm appeared to be waning after House conservatives lost the budget fight and the Clinton scandal fell off the front pages.

At the same time, the GOP ad-makers tried to calibrate the commercials so as not to infuriate Democratic and swing voters.

:eusa_eh: I am APPALLED!
[ame=]Bill Clinton It Depends on what the meaning of the word is is - YouTube[/ame]
Can anyone post a quote of Newt...
...criticizing Clinton on Infidelity in Marriage?...

Newt once said "no fat chicks, dude!" after a couple beers.
Newt as house speaker led the investigation in the Clowntoon scandals.

while courting the other woman. see timeline:

Newt Gingrich - Marital Affairs

Way to avoid the question.

Now, could you possibly show us a quote from Newt criticizing Clinton for infidelity? Thanks.

As deeply as it pains me to see the left correct on any topic. NYC did post the article.

"I will never again, as long as I am speaker, make a speech without commenting on this topic," referring to the presidential scandal.
Clinton is not running for president. And when he was president, he never said a word about Newt's many adulterous affairs.

Nothing like right wing "morals and family values".
Just as soon as Newt has an adulterous relationship with a young girl while serving as President, I will be the first to demand an investigation.
"I believe the term is manage au toi."


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