Can Christians Ever Answer WHY?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Why could your god not save himself, his apostles, nor his followers?
Why did your god say he had a G0d?
Why would he argue with himself and ask why did he forsake himself? Split personality?
Why could he not deliver on his promises?
Why would your god choose to heal only a few followers instead of all?
Why does your god have handicap parking spaces at his churches if he did come to heal all?
Why does your god have cemetaries and hospitals in his name?
Why does your god try to convert Jews away from YHWH if he is one in the same and why does he switch names and birthdates and eras to suit your stories?
Why would your god say he was the nemesis of the hebrew God (Rev 22;16) if they are the same?
Why would your god say he was Lucifer the one placed higher then G0d?
Why can't Priests/Pastors/Followers answer the most basic question:
Who is the historical christ you are calling Jesus? So simple yet 1 out of a hundred ever answer it.
As to how could Yeshua be Yeshua and God at the same time, isn't impossible in fact. Temporal Coexistence is a physics-reality in which 1 atom exists simulataneously in two locations. :)

Always wondered why churches had locks on their doors. Isn't the thief just damning himself stealing from a church anyway? :)
One at a time, then, as time permits.

Why could your god not save himself, his apostles, nor his followers?

Jesus (and later the Apostles) did not come to save themselves, but to give themselves. The purpose: That we might have life (beginning right now on earth) and have it more abundantly. The message: God loves us and forgives us.
Why did your god say he had a G0d?
Why would he argue with himself and ask why did he forsake himself? Split personality?

Jesus was fully human. One way to think of this is to reflect on the air all around us. Now consider a balloon filled with air, in air. The balloon is limited by the amount of air he can contain. The same with Jesus. Being fully human, he was limited to the amount of divinity his human frame could accommodate. He was limited, communicating (praying) to the Unlimited.

On the cross, Jesus was reflecting on Psalm 22, the prayer of an innocent person. Jesus was not telling us God had forsaken him. He was reminding us (ending of Psalm 22): The generation to come will be told of the Lord, that they may proclaim to a people yet unborn, the deliverance you have brought.
SEE YOU ARE calling them suicidal. But we know these are lame excuses.
One can give themselves and not cause harm to ones friends in doing so. If one has power to save himself and friends and dies not then that power is bogus and claims insane.
1)you'd be claiming David Koresh and Jim Jones followers gave of themselves instead of being lead to death by a delusional and forbidden by the rules warned not to listen to. So not only did Jesus go down a cursed death for breaking the rules and warnings, but so too was his followers cursed along side him.
2) the martyred apostles is from the accounts of Theudas the ad christ figure in your trinity of christs making up the image Jesus. So is Theudas your Jesus then?
This is whrre you avoid telling us who your christ is- pkead the fifth like the rest.
3) God says Moshiach can't quit nor fail, love means providing what you claim you can not teasing people and giving nothing you claim uou can and will.
Lucifer is such a tease that way.

Delta, you just exposed a flaw in the xtian logic.
The Hebrew God is not a msn nor form and being in 2 lsyers of existance is still a form and a ghost and kingdom in heaven still has a form and place in snother time dimension therefore it can't be the same Teaching of God and furthermore they'd still exist with the same name and not change that name including the foolish JW and Adventist and some coptics who say Jesus is Michael. Michael must be Michael for prophecy to be true and not jim joe or jesus, Yhwh can't come as Jim Jones, David Koresh or Jesus.
Existing in 1 or 2 or several layers or another planet they all still keep their name and have a further process in creating them thus all have a creator thus can't be the most finite source and power in life.
If I'm wrong he can strike me dead before the next sentence.

Well looks like I was right, he has no power except that in the pen of men who wrote the stories and their little fishies that bought it hook line and sinker.
Meri did you just use a hot air reference to jesus?
Why would your god choose to heal only a few followers instead of all?
Why does your god have handicap parking spaces at his churches if he did come to heal all?

First, there is not "your" God or "my" God. God is One, One God. Human nature has its frailties. We all experience these from one degree to another from infancy through old age. It is part of the human experience. Do you believe those God heals of one infirmity do not go on to suffer others?

Catholics believe marriage does it best to emulate the love God has for His people. God is there during our mountain top experiences, and he is there when we are traversing through dark valleys. He is there in our sickness and our health.
Meri previously yoy swore they did not plagiarize the OT snd now you proving they did as Psalms is about David having his hands tied or being boggled down sort of speaking by saying "at his hands and feet" does not say pierced. So they plagiarised the text changing the word to act as if its fulfillment, these blunders only make you a fool for christ , not my words, his.
Meri I say your because you have another precept that's forbiden. You have a physical form, an idol.
Your faith proves it's another by spending millions trying to convert Jews instead of non believers.
When people like the forum poster Jeremiah tries to sway
people away from Yhwh and over to zjesus and lift This idol over God then they prove it's not the same.
Basically you're still Baal worshipers and because you gave it a new name doesn't make it any different then the harvest seed hustlers of old.
Why would your god choose to heal only a few followers instead of all?
Why does your god have handicap parking spaces at his churches if he did come to heal all?

First, there is not "your" God or "my" God. God is One, One God. Human nature has its frailties. We all experience these from one degree to another from infancy through old age. It is part of the human experience. Do you believe those God heals of one infirmity do not go on to suffer others?

Catholics believe marriage does it best to emulate the love God has for His people. God is there during our mountain top experiences, and he is there when we are traversing through dark valleys. He is there in our sickness and our health.
That is also why we don't need the Law to tell us how to act. When you marry, you do not tell your spouse to "write me a list of rules that I can obey. I will try to get around them, will twist their meaning to allow me to do what I want anyway, and will ignore as many of them as I can, but as long as I claim to be following them, you have to love me". Of course you don't. What you do is learn as much about your spouse as possible so you can do what makes them happy. You don't need rules, you need relationship. We now have relationship.
Meri I say your because you have another precept that's forbiden. You have a physical form, an idol.
Your faith proves it's another by spending millions trying to convert Jews instead of non believers.
When people like the forum poster Jeremiah tries to sway
people away from Yhwh and over to zjesus and lift This idol over God then they prove it's not the same.
Basically you're still Baal worshipers and because you gave it a new name doesn't make it any different then the harvest seed hustlers of old.
Yeshua and YHWH are one. Refuse Yeshua, and you refuse YHWH.
SEE YOU ARE calling them suicidal. But we know these are lame excuses.
One can give themselves and not cause harm to ones friends in doing so. If one has power to save himself and friends and dies not then that power is bogus and claims insane.

Please listen to what I am saying. You don't have to agree with it, but stop with putting words into my mouth. Is the person who dies for child, brother, sister, parent suicidal? Of course not. Love overcomes fear of death, they lay down their lives.

1)you'd be claiming David Koresh and Jim Jones followers gave of themselves instead of being lead to death by a delusional and forbidden by the rules warned not to listen to. So not only did Jesus go down a cursed death for breaking the rules and warnings, but so too was his followers cursed along side him.

See, it is this type of reasoning and machinations that makes it very difficult to believe anything you say. You lose credibility with me when you cannot discern the differences between Koresh/Jones and Jesus. It makes me wonder if you are able to discern the differences between a giraffe and a swan, or whether you would insist that long necks make them the same animal. I wish you would stop doing this.

2) the martyred apostles is from the accounts of Theudas the ad christ figure in your trinity of christs making up the image Jesus. So is Theudas your Jesus then?

I've told you before Theudas and Jesus are different people. Once again, making them one and the same comes from your inability to distinguish differences.

This is whrre you avoid telling us who your christ is- pkead the fifth like the rest.
3) God says Moshiach can't quit nor fail, love means providing what you claim you can not teasing people and giving nothing you claim uou can and will.
Lucifer is such a tease that way.

Jesus lived and died in the early first century of the current era. He was an itinerant Jewish preacher who reached out to the poor, the sick, and the lost to teach them of God's love and forgiveness. He made enemies of the high priests at the time, more than likely because they feared that Temple offerings would drop off if Jesus was able to convince the majority that sins ARE forgiven.

Rome probably wasn't too happy with his criticism of their appointed minions.

We also see that during destitute times, Jesus urged his followers to remember Jewish hospitality to the poor, to the stranger, to their fellowman. So many stories of Jesus involved the setting of sharing a meal with others.

Well looks like I was right, he has no power except that in the pen of men who wrote the stories and their little fishies that bought it hook line and sinker.

Jesus had the power to convince many to look after the poor and the lame, to visit those in prison, to care for the sick, to teach those who are unaware that God loves and God forgives, to look after the widow and orphans. He taught us the power of seeking and doing the will of God--that not even death can overcome those who love God and their fellowman. And you sneer at such a person?
Meri did you just use a hot air reference to jesus?

:) I said 'air'. You thought adding 'hot' would make your point. Did you bother to reflect on my point? After all, I was, in good faith, answering a question you posed.
SEE YOU ARE calling them suicidal. But we know these are lame excuses.
One can give themselves and not cause harm to ones friends in doing so. If one has power to save himself and friends and dies not then that power is bogus and claims insane.

Please listen to what I am saying. You don't have to agree with it, but stop with putting words into my mouth. Is the person who dies for child, brother, sister, parent suicidal? Of course not. Love overcomes fear of death, they lay down their lives.

1)you'd be claiming David Koresh and Jim Jones followers gave of themselves instead of being lead to death by a delusional and forbidden by the rules warned not to listen to. So not only did Jesus go down a cursed death for breaking the rules and warnings, but so too was his followers cursed along side him.

See, it is this type of reasoning and machinations that makes it very difficult to believe anything you say. You lose credibility with me when you cannot discern the differences between Koresh/Jones and Jesus. It makes me wonder if you are able to discern the differences between a giraffe and a swan, or whether you would insist that long necks make them the same animal. I wish you would stop doing this.

2) the martyred apostles is from the accounts of Theudas the ad christ figure in your trinity of christs making up the image Jesus. So is Theudas your Jesus then?

I've told you before Theudas and Jesus are different people. Once again, making them one and the same comes from your inability to distinguish differences.

This is whrre you avoid telling us who your christ is- pkead the fifth like the rest.
3) God says Moshiach can't quit nor fail, love means providing what you claim you can not teasing people and giving nothing you claim uou can and will.
Lucifer is such a tease that way.

Jesus lived and died in the early first century of the current era. He was an itinerant Jewish preacher who reached out to the poor, the sick, and the lost to teach them of God's love and forgiveness. He made enemies of the high priests at the time, more than likely because they feared that Temple offerings would drop off if Jesus was able to convince the majority that sins ARE forgiven.

Rome probably wasn't too happy with his criticism of their appointed minions.

We also see that during destitute times, Jesus urged his followers to remember Jewish hospitality to the poor, to the stranger, to their fellowman. So many stories of Jesus involved the setting of sharing a meal with others.

Well looks like I was right, he has no power except that in the pen of men who wrote the stories and their little fishies that bought it hook line and sinker.

Jesus had the power to convince many to look after the poor and the lame, to visit those in prison, to care for the sick, to teach those who are unaware that God loves and God forgives, to look after the widow and orphans. He taught us the power of seeking and doing the will of God--that not even death can overcome those who love God and their fellowman. And you sneer at such a person?
And, the next time He shows up, it will be to rule with an iron rod.
That is also why we don't need the Law to tell us how to act. When you marry, you do not tell your spouse to "write me a list of rules that I can obey. I will try to get around them, will twist their meaning to allow me to do what I want anyway, and will ignore as many of them as I can, but as long as I claim to be following them, you have to love me". Of course you don't. What you do is learn as much about your spouse as possible so you can do what makes them happy. You don't need rules, you need relationship. We now have relationship.

It's not about Law, it is about loving promises and assurances. Marriage is about two people who desire to go through life together, as one. In other words, sickness will not separate them, bad times will not separate them.

As far as happiness...I did not marry my husband so he could make me happy. Happiness is what each of us brought into the marriage, and it springs from self, to be shared by the other. i.e., my husband does not make me happy--I am happy whether he is with me or not.
That is also why we don't need the Law to tell us how to act. When you marry, you do not tell your spouse to "write me a list of rules that I can obey. I will try to get around them, will twist their meaning to allow me to do what I want anyway, and will ignore as many of them as I can, but as long as I claim to be following them, you have to love me". Of course you don't. What you do is learn as much about your spouse as possible so you can do what makes them happy. You don't need rules, you need relationship. We now have relationship.

It's not about Law, it is about loving promises and assurances. Marriage is about two people who desire to go through life together, as one. In other words, sickness will not separate them, bad times will not separate them.

As far as happiness...I did not marry my husband so he could make me happy. Happiness is what each of us brought into the marriage, and it springs from self, to be shared by the other. i.e., my husband does not make me happy--I am happy whether he is with me or not.
Of course, but when you decide that you will love someone (agape), you will do what is right and best for that person, putting them ahead of yourself.
That is also why we don't need the Law to tell us how to act. When you marry, you do not tell your spouse to "write me a list of rules that I can obey. I will try to get around them, will twist their meaning to allow me to do what I want anyway, and will ignore as many of them as I can, but as long as I claim to be following them, you have to love me". Of course you don't. What you do is learn as much about your spouse as possible so you can do what makes them happy. You don't need rules, you need relationship. We now have relationship.

It's not about Law, it is about loving promises and assurances. Marriage is about two people who desire to go through life together, as one. In other words, sickness will not separate them, bad times will not separate them.

As far as happiness...I did not marry my husband so he could make me happy. Happiness is what each of us brought into the marriage, and it springs from self, to be shared by the other. i.e., my husband does not make me happy--I am happy whether he is with me or not.
Of course, but when you decide that you will love someone (agape), you will do what is right and best for that person, putting them ahead of yourself.

Agree. Nicely said.
Did Jesus ever smoke any Disciple cock during their get togethers?
god have cemetaries and hospitals in his name?

Cemeteries, hospitals, parks, and other buildings are named in honor of people. Christians believe upon leaving this life, we are with God.

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