Can Even Fucking Idiot Tea Baggers Connect These Dots???...

I'm sure it's just coincidence that liberals define other people's best interests as anything that keeps liberals in power.

Take a look at KWO's rep. That'll give you a clue about how seriously people on this board take him. Pity the fool. :lol:

Pity you, you stupid ass bitch -- you actually think my "rep" points matter?? You tea baggers fuckholes hate my guts and I'm glad you do. I don't want stupid mother fucking idiots like you to like me.

You simply aren't smart enough to address the topic --You are nothing but a pathetic corporate tool. Are you actually stupid enough to believe that this tea bagger bullshit is a "grass roots" movement? Since when is a Repug dinosaur like Dick Armey a grass roots leader? The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports your dumb ass tea bagger candidates, that should show you that this whole tea bagger movement is completely controlled by rich corporate interests, but obviously you're a total unsophisticated stupid piece of shit sucker that can't see the obvious.

Not only do you suck rich Repug cock, you must like Chinese and Indian cock, too. Fucking idiot.
Lost jobs are due to the lack of enforcement of trade policy through the WTO.

[ame=""]Al Gore Pushing NAFTA[/ame]

During his presidency President Bill Clinton claimed that the agreement allowing China into the WTO, which was negotiated during his administration, "creates a win-win result for both countries". He argued that exports to China "now support hundreds of thousands of American jobs" and that "these figures can grow substantially with the new access to the Chinese market the WTO agreement creates". Others in the White House, such as Kenneth Liberthal, the special advisor to the president and senior director for Asia affairs at the National Security Council, echoed Clinton's assessments.

House Approves Trade Sanctions Bill but Obama Hedges on Chinese Currency Manipulation
On September 29, 2010 the House approved a trade sanctions bill targeted at China for their grossly undervalued currency by an overwhelming majority. In such a time where bipartisanship is rare it is prudent to ask why this bill garnered abundant support from both sides of the political aisle.

U.S. backs off in currency dispute with China
The Obama administration backed away on Friday from a showdown with Beijing over the value of China's currency that would have caused new frictions between the world's only superpower and its largest creditor.

The Treasury Department delayed a much-anticipated decision on whether to label China as a currency manipulator until after the U.S. congressional elections on November 2 and a Group of 20 leaders summit in South Korea on November 11.

Washington and the European Union accuse China -- set to become the world's second-largest economy after the United States this year -- of keeping the yuan artificially low to boost exports, undermining jobs and competitiveness in Western economies.

The decision to delay the Treasury's semi-annual currency report reflects a desire by the Obama administration to pursue diplomacy to resolve the dispute with China rather than provoke a confrontation that could potentially lead to a trade war and affect long-term interest rates. In July, China held $847 billion in U.S. government debt.

Obama refuses to label China as a currency manipulator even after a bipartisan Congress voted to do it.

So tell me again which party is sending jobs out of this country.
Perhaps you can explain how support for Democrat policies, which include punitive taxation and oppressive regulation of business, are in my best interests?

I disagree with your assessment. That's your *opinion* and not bourne out by fact. It is, frankly, a false statement that corporatists like to tout.

How does it benefit you to have our jobs outsourced to China and India and driving down wages for our workers.

You tihink destroying the middle class is a good thing? Living in a banana republic would benefit you?

I don't think it takes a lot of thought or a calculator to see that for instance a 35% corp. tax rate to start with and the deadlining of trade pacts with say, Colombia, S. Korea, Brazil etc. ( which Europe jumps all over) helps keep jobs here, yes it costs jobs.

There are many industries that would prefer to keep manufacturing sources here in the US. I suggest reading the posts ion the Solyndra Solar power thread, there in are examples straight away. Aside from china having cheap labor making their products more affordable are the ancillary costs as well, overburdened with taxes, regulation etc..

the Caterpillar example is apt; they are now building a factory in China. Why? They have never outsurced their heavy manufacturing the actual construction of the vehicles etc. they make, but, they have a little choice.

That Colombia example is a yardstick in and of itself- the dems refuse to allow the trade pact ( to which Colombia already has an advantage) to go forward because they don't think Colombia has made enough forward movement in their treatment of labor. This is an labor hierarchy bugaboo and the guys on the floor are taking the hit, in fact Caterpillar lost several large contracts to Japanese heavy machinery/vehicle manufacturers because we lacked a free trade agreement.

The unions, well Andy and his minions, said it would cost jobs..oh yea, its costs jobs, here, because japan now makes the vehicles and we don't because the price is inflated by tariff and a much higher corp. income tax rate. And its not a greedy chase for profits, these industries ralize the same relative profit margin.

I don't think it takes a lot of thought or a calculator to see that for instance a 35% corp. tax rate to start with and the deadlining of trade pacts with say, Colombia, S. Korea, Brazil etc. ( which Europe jumps all over) helps keep jobs here, yes it costs jobs.

This is such total horseshit. Fucking Goldman Sachs made over $1 billion in profits in 2008, despite the fact that Wall Street had an economic meltdown. And they paid a whopping $8 MILLION in taxes that year. Only corporations with the stupidest accountants in the world actually pay a 35% corporate tax rate because there are so many loopholes that it is rare if any of them ever pay over 15%. This is just more Repug/Tea Bagger (take your pick) bullshit that you stupid fucks just accept as fact.
The EPA is blowing more jobs out of this country than anyone else.

Whoa!! I didn't know that! The EPA is blowing more jobs than BP! Them bastards!

Stand aside before I take a giant shit on you, Repug simpleton assclown.
I disagree with your assessment. That's your *opinion* and not bourne out by fact. It is, frankly, a false statement that corporatists like to tout.

How does it benefit you to have our jobs outsourced to China and India and driving down wages for our workers.

You tihink destroying the middle class is a good thing? Living in a banana republic would benefit you?

I don't think it takes a lot of thought or a calculator to see that for instance a 35% corp. tax rate to start with and the deadlining of trade pacts with say, Colombia, S. Korea, Brazil etc. ( which Europe jumps all over) helps keep jobs here, yes it costs jobs.

There are many industries that would prefer to keep manufacturing sources here in the US. I suggest reading the posts ion the Solyndra Solar power thread, there in are examples straight away. Aside from china having cheap labor making their products more affordable are the ancillary costs as well, overburdened with taxes, regulation etc..

the Caterpillar example is apt; they are now building a factory in China. Why? They have never outsurced their heavy manufacturing the actual construction of the vehicles etc. they make, but, they have a little choice.

That Colombia example is a yardstick in and of itself- the dems refuse to allow the trade pact ( to which Colombia already has an advantage) to go forward because they don't think Colombia has made enough forward movement in their treatment of labor. This is an labor hierarchy bugaboo and the guys on the floor are taking the hit, in fact Caterpillar lost several large contracts to Japanese heavy machinery/vehicle manufacturers because we lacked a free trade agreement.

The unions, well Andy and his minions, said it would cost jobs..oh yea, its costs jobs, here, because japan now makes the vehicles and we don't because the price is inflated by tariff and a much higher corp. income tax rate. And its not a greedy chase for profits, these industries ralize the same relative profit margin.

I don't think it takes a lot of thought or a calculator to see that for instance a 35% corp. tax rate to start with and the deadlining of trade pacts with say, Colombia, S. Korea, Brazil etc. ( which Europe jumps all over) helps keep jobs here, yes it costs jobs.

This is such total horseshit. Fucking Goldman Sachs made over $1 billion in profits in 2008, despite the fact that Wall Street had an economic meltdown. And they paid a whopping $8 MILLION in taxes that year. Only corporations with the stupidest accountants in the world actually pay a 35% corporate tax rate because there are so many loopholes that it is rare if any of them ever pay over 15%. This is just more Repug/Tea Bagger (take your pick) bullshit that you stupid fucks just accept as fact.

They are back to making record profits now.

What's your point?
The EPA is blowing more jobs out of this country than anyone else.

Whoa!! I didn't know that! The EPA is blowing more jobs than BP! Them bastards!

Stand aside before I take a giant shit on you, Repug simpleton assclown.

Did BP blow the jobs, or did Obama blow the jobs when he ordered deepwater drilling stopped and exploration companies started taking rigs to the North Sea?
how about addressing the actual issue instead of just liking this because you think it gets your rightwingers into power.

you think people who think outsourcing is good because they get their money from china and india are acting in your best interests?

try actually watching the head of the u.s. chamber of commerce talk about how good outsourcing is for us.

and yes, i know its maddow's site. but the guy said what he said.

Rachel Maddow Show
Perhaps you can explain how support for Democrat policies, which include punitive taxation and oppressive regulation of business, are in my best interests?

And you actually have evidence to support your position -- "punitive taxation and oppressive regulation of business"??
I didn't think so. You know about as much about Democratic policies as you do about the Constitution, TSgt Tea Bagger Pussy. In other words, you don't know jack shit and we both know it, lightweight.

You defend this country for the benefit of foreign companies so that they can control our elections...good man.

He doesn't need any evidence beyond what YOU have presented. YOU have said that there are companies that are competing successfully against companies based in the USA AND that companies based in the USA are moving to other countries.

This is the only evidence that is required. Companies are driven by profit. If doing something makes them more profitable, they will do that thing. If firing their entire work force, closing their brick and mortar facilities enen though they cannot sell them and moving to a different country and training an entirely new workforce with all of the problems and difficulty that entails allows them to make more money, that should tell even YOU something.

You have one idea in your mind that clouds the rest of your thinking. Answer these questions:

Why would Caterpillar spend billions to relocate to China if they did not think it would increase profits.

If billions can be spent by Caterpillar to relocate and they will still make more money by this expenditure, How costly has doing business in the USA become?

You are a partisan hack who cannot see anything outside of the party-defined lines.

Open your mind. Find new opportunities. Question and learn.
I'm sure it's just coincidence that liberals define other people's best interests as anything that keeps liberals in power.

Take a look at KWO's rep. That'll give you a clue about how seriously people on this board take him. Pity the fool. :lol:

Pity you, you stupid ass bitch -- you actually think my "rep" points matter?? You tea baggers fuckholes hate my guts and I'm glad you do. I don't want stupid mother fucking idiots like you to like me.
You simply aren't smart enough to address the topic --You are nothing but a pathetic corporate tool. Are you actually stupid enough to believe that this tea bagger bullshit is a "grass roots" movement? Since when is a Repug dinosaur like Dick Armey a grass roots leader? The U.S. Chamber of Commerce supports your dumb ass tea bagger candidates, that should show you that this whole tea bagger movement is completely controlled by rich corporate interests, but obviously you're a total unsophisticated stupid piece of shit sucker that can't see the obvious.Not only do you suck rich Repug cock, you must like Chinese and Indian cock, too. Fucking idiot.

I don't hate your guts. You are just not thinking.

For your convenience, I've highlighted in red those parts of your post that were either insulting or profain.

Highlighted in blue are those parts that are either incisively intelligent or thoughtful.
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The EPA is blowing more jobs out of this country than anyone else.

Whoa!! I didn't know that! The EPA is blowing more jobs than BP! Them bastards!

Stand aside before I take a giant shit on you, Repug simpleton assclown.

Did BP blow the jobs, or did Obama blow the jobs when he ordered deepwater drilling stopped and exploration companies started taking rigs to the North Sea?

Actually, neither. The jobs still exist. They just exist elsewhere. But I'll concede your point.
I'm sure it's just coincidence that liberals define other people's best interests as anything that keeps liberals in power.

how about addressing the actual issue instead of just liking this because you think it gets your rightwingers into power.

you think people who think outsourcing is good because they get their money from china and india are acting in your best interests?

try actually watching the head of the u.s. chamber of commerce talk about how good outsourcing is for us.

and yes, i know its maddow's site. but the guy said what he said.

Rachel Maddow Show
Perhaps you can explain how support for Democrat policies, which include punitive taxation and oppressive regulation of business, are in my best interests?
How exactly is paying no taxes "punitive taxation?"

2/3 of corporations pay no taxes!!!!!
how about addressing the actual issue instead of just liking this because you think it gets your rightwingers into power.

you think people who think outsourcing is good because they get their money from china and india are acting in your best interests?

try actually watching the head of the u.s. chamber of commerce talk about how good outsourcing is for us.

and yes, i know its maddow's site. but the guy said what he said.

Rachel Maddow Show
Perhaps you can explain how support for Democrat policies, which include punitive taxation and oppressive regulation of business, are in my best interests?

And you actually have evidence to support your position -- "punitive taxation and oppressive regulation of business"??

I didn't think so. You know about as much about Democratic policies as you do about the Constitution, TSgt Tea Bagger Pussy. In other words, you don't know jack shit and we both know it, lightweight.

You defend this country for the benefit of foreign companies so that they can control our elections...good man.
Wow. You're even more delusional than I previously suspected, Capt Fantastic.

You just keep right on with your belief that Democrats can do no harm. Your childlike faith would be charming, except it's screwing up my country.
how about addressing the actual issue instead of just liking this because you think it gets your rightwingers into power.

you think people who think outsourcing is good because they get their money from china and india are acting in your best interests?

try actually watching the head of the u.s. chamber of commerce talk about how good outsourcing is for us.

and yes, i know its maddow's site. but the guy said what he said.

Rachel Maddow Show
Perhaps you can explain how support for Democrat policies, which include punitive taxation and oppressive regulation of business, are in my best interests?
How exactly is paying no taxes "punitive taxation?"

2/3 of corporations pay no taxes!!!!!
Link? And no Maddow.
The point is simple. Corporations do not care about people, because the worth of a corporation is based on its profits/loss line. People who run corporations don't care about other people, because they are concerned about their own earnings. Thus, outsourcing is good for corporations and their stockholders, regardless of whether it is good for the American people. So, considering during the last thirty year that (1) that the top 1% of Americans have increased their ownership of America's total wealth from 9% to 23%, while (2) the American middle' purchasing power has dropped. Either corporations are more closely regulated or the middle and working classes of America will regress to those in the third world during the next fifty years.
The point is simple. Corporations do not care about people, because the worth of a corporation is based on its profits/loss line. People who run corporations don't care about other people, because they are concerned about their own earnings. Thus, outsourcing is good for corporations and their stockholders, regardless of whether it is good for the American people. So, considering during the last thirty year that (1) that the top 1% of Americans have increased their ownership of America's total wealth from 9% to 23%, while (2) the American middle' purchasing power has dropped. Either corporations are more closely regulated or the middle and working classes of America will regress to those in the third world during the next fifty years.

You must continue to educate the Proletariat on the evils of Capitalism


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