Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

Odium, America as a whole despises the far right, and America generally dislikes Trump. I doubt he can get the nomination and he can't win in part because folks like you are supporting him.
IF it is "far right" to want to actually deport illegals, and to stop counting as citizens the children of Mexicans who are here against our laws, and that means that Trump can win? Then America is already dead and we just didn't know it.
You are far worse than deportation and hating Mexicans and blacks. Good Americans understand fully what you are about, and when you and your ilk are supporting a candidate, that candidate loses big time.

Bull. Trumps most "far right" policies are Deportation and losing Birthright Citizenship. And if that so "far right" that it means unelectable, than like I said America is already dead.

He's not the most conservative candidate. But it's his behavior that will turn people off.

The Presidency is serious. It's not a TV show.
Odium, America as a whole despises the far right, and America generally dislikes Trump. I doubt he can get the nomination and he can't win in part because folks like you are supporting him.
IF it is "far right" to want to actually deport illegals, and to stop counting as citizens the children of Mexicans who are here against our laws, and that means that Trump can win? Then America is already dead and we just didn't know it.
You are far worse than deportation and hating Mexicans and blacks. Good Americans understand fully what you are about, and when you and your ilk are supporting a candidate, that candidate loses big time.

Bull. Trumps most "far right" policies are Deportation and losing Birthright Citizenship. And if that so "far right" that it means unelectable, than like I said America is already dead.

He's not the most conservative candidate. But it's his behavior that will turn people off.

The Presidency is serious. It's not a TV show.

His manner is not very Presidential, that is true.

But he is seriously addressing issues that all establishment candidates have either been afraid to touch or on the wrong side of.
Of course they can.

I doubt the GOP can win with Trump.

He's too crazy.
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats. I NEVER supported the eventual GOP candidate in 2008 or 2012. I support Ron Paul both times and ended up voting 3rd party both times. I made sure as many as people as possible knew what a JOKE Romney was and how they screwed Ron Paul throughout the process. The difference this time is Trump can and WILL run independent if he needs to. Is it not obvious to you people the people voting in these polls HATE the other candidates! But hey go ahead. I am not a registered republican or democrat but long as Trump is in on Super Tuesday I will vote for him and again in November. If he isn't I will just vote 3rd party again and watch the GOP have the worst ass whipping its ever gotten in an election that should have been the EASIEST win ever.The GOP can bend and break for the democrats but won't bend to the will of the GOP voters.
The GOP would rather have Hillary than Trump.
Yep. Mine as well not much difference if any.

Moderates win elections. That's an empirical, unemotional fact. Republicans don't have to win moderates but they have to be close.

Trump will lose moderates bad. The Democrats will tear him to shreds. He creates his own negative attack ads with his antics. You're going to see him mocking handicapped people, saying he doesn't like POWs, that he doesn't think an ugly woman should be President being played on a continuous loop.

His antics appeal to his hardcore base but will alienate everyone else. That's what the base hasn't figured out.

Tell it to McCain.

Trump would lose worse than McCain.

McCain was a moderate who ran a moderate campaign and lost big time.

Trump will give a reason to conservatives democrats and unaffiliated moderates to vote GOP, ie immigration and trade.

If a hardcore conservative cannot win in the more conservative party, he can't win in the more moderate country. It's a fantasy to think otherwise.
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats.

That is something the jackbooted goons, bigots, and retards in the party made up to make themselves believe it wasn't their fault the GOP lost.
Odium, America as a whole despises the far right, and America generally dislikes Trump. I doubt he can get the nomination and he can't win in part because folks like you are supporting him.
IF it is "far right" to want to actually deport illegals, and to stop counting as citizens the children of Mexicans who are here against our laws, and that means that Trump can win? Then America is already dead and we just didn't know it.
You are far worse than deportation and hating Mexicans and blacks. Good Americans understand fully what you are about, and when you and your ilk are supporting a candidate, that candidate loses big time.

Bull. Trumps most "far right" policies are Deportation and losing Birthright Citizenship. And if that so "far right" that it means unelectable, than like I said America is already dead.

He's not the most conservative candidate. But it's his behavior that will turn people off.

The Presidency is serious. It's not a TV show.

His manner is not very Presidential, that is true.

But he is seriously addressing issues that all establishment candidates have either been afraid to touch or on the wrong side of.

I understand his appeal. Politicians are phony and the country has problems. Plus he's entertaining. But he doesn't have the temperament. He's not a serious person.
Does the GOP establishment really think it can win with a establishment candidate like Rubio or Bush or Christie? I mean they would have to have the vast majority of Trump supporters support the eventual nominee...I for one WILL NOT support anyone BUT Trump did same thing in 2012 and 2008. I was just reading an article that says Trump has given working class whites and blacks a voice and that the establishment would have to gain those if he is to lose the nomination. I just don't see it happening. Those working class whites DON'T support the GOP establishment for a REASON. What do yall think? Will the GOP cut off its nose to spite its face?
You have it completely backwards.

The GOP can't win if Trump IS the nominee.
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats. I NEVER supported the eventual GOP candidate in 2008 or 2012. I support Ron Paul both times and ended up voting 3rd party both times. I made sure as many as people as possible knew what a JOKE Romney was and how they screwed Ron Paul throughout the process. The difference this time is Trump can and WILL run independent if he needs to. Is it not obvious to you people the people voting in these polls HATE the other candidates! But hey go ahead. I am not a registered republican or democrat but long as Trump is in on Super Tuesday I will vote for him and again in November. If he isn't I will just vote 3rd party again and watch the GOP have the worst ass whipping its ever gotten in an election that should have been the EASIEST win ever.The GOP can bend and break for the democrats but won't bend to the will of the GOP voters.
Yep. Mine as well not much difference if any.

Moderates win elections. That's an empirical, unemotional fact. Republicans don't have to win moderates but they have to be close.

Trump will lose moderates bad. The Democrats will tear him to shreds. He creates his own negative attack ads with his antics. You're going to see him mocking handicapped people, saying he doesn't like POWs, that he doesn't think an ugly woman should be President being played on a continuous loop.

His antics appeal to his hardcore base but will alienate everyone else. That's what the base hasn't figured out.

Tell it to McCain.

Trump would lose worse than McCain.

McCain was a moderate who ran a moderate campaign and lost big time.

Trump will give a reason to conservatives democrats and unaffiliated moderates to vote GOP, ie immigration and trade.

If a hardcore conservative cannot win in the more conservative party, he can't win in the more moderate country. It's a fantasy to think otherwise.

Depends. If the deciding factor is a corrupt and moderate Party Establishment, that might not be true.
If Republicans nominate a liberal (RINO) then America will be ruled by liberals. In that case,. no point in halfway shit - we've had enough halfsie - we can only hope that Nutty Old Uncle Bernie gets elected and we can get on with degeneration in style!
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IF it is "far right" to want to actually deport illegals, and to stop counting as citizens the children of Mexicans who are here against our laws, and that means that Trump can win? Then America is already dead and we just didn't know it.
You are far worse than deportation and hating Mexicans and blacks. Good Americans understand fully what you are about, and when you and your ilk are supporting a candidate, that candidate loses big time.

Bull. Trumps most "far right" policies are Deportation and losing Birthright Citizenship. And if that so "far right" that it means unelectable, than like I said America is already dead.

He's not the most conservative candidate. But it's his behavior that will turn people off.

The Presidency is serious. It's not a TV show.

His manner is not very Presidential, that is true.

But he is seriously addressing issues that all establishment candidates have either been afraid to touch or on the wrong side of.

I understand his appeal. Politicians are phony and the country has problems. Plus he's entertaining. But he doesn't have the temperament. He's not a serious person.

IMO, you are judging the book by it's cover.

He is a very serious player with some serious policy ideas.

His manner is his way of selling himself. It's worked for him in the past, and is working at this point in time.
Of course they can.

I doubt the GOP can win with Trump.

He's too crazy.
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats. I NEVER supported the eventual GOP candidate in 2008 or 2012. I support Ron Paul both times and ended up voting 3rd party both times. I made sure as many as people as possible knew what a JOKE Romney was and how they screwed Ron Paul throughout the process. The difference this time is Trump can and WILL run independent if he needs to. Is it not obvious to you people the people voting in these polls HATE the other candidates! But hey go ahead. I am not a registered republican or democrat but long as Trump is in on Super Tuesday I will vote for him and again in November. If he isn't I will just vote 3rd party again and watch the GOP have the worst ass whipping its ever gotten in an election that should have been the EASIEST win ever.The GOP can bend and break for the democrats but won't bend to the will of the GOP voters.
The GOP would rather have Hillary than Trump.
Yep. Mine as well not much difference if any.

Moderates win elections. That's an empirical, unemotional fact. Republicans don't have to win moderates but they have to be close.

Trump will lose moderates bad. The Democrats will tear him to shreds. He creates his own negative attack ads with his antics. You're going to see him mocking handicapped people, saying he doesn't like POWs, that he doesn't think an ugly woman should be President being played on a continuous loop.

His antics appeal to his hardcore base but will alienate everyone else. That's what the base hasn't figured out.

Tell it to McCain.

Trump would lose worse than McCain.

McCain was a moderate who ran a moderate campaign and lost big time.

Trump will give a reason to conservatives democrats and unaffiliated moderates to vote GOP, ie immigration and trade.
No, Trump will only result in "abandon hope all ye who enter here."
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats. I NEVER supported the eventual GOP candidate in 2008 or 2012. I support Ron Paul both times and ended up voting 3rd party both times. I made sure as many as people as possible knew what a JOKE Romney was and how they screwed Ron Paul throughout the process. The difference this time is Trump can and WILL run independent if he needs to. Is it not obvious to you people the people voting in these polls HATE the other candidates! But hey go ahead. I am not a registered republican or democrat but long as Trump is in on Super Tuesday I will vote for him and again in November. If he isn't I will just vote 3rd party again and watch the GOP have the worst ass whipping its ever gotten in an election that should have been the EASIEST win ever.The GOP can bend and break for the democrats but won't bend to the will of the GOP voters.
Yep. Mine as well not much difference if any.

Moderates win elections. That's an empirical, unemotional fact. Republicans don't have to win moderates but they have to be close.

Trump will lose moderates bad. The Democrats will tear him to shreds. He creates his own negative attack ads with his antics. You're going to see him mocking handicapped people, saying he doesn't like POWs, that he doesn't think an ugly woman should be President being played on a continuous loop.

His antics appeal to his hardcore base but will alienate everyone else. That's what the base hasn't figured out.

Tell it to McCain.

Trump would lose worse than McCain.

McCain was a moderate who ran a moderate campaign and lost big time.

Trump will give a reason to conservatives democrats and unaffiliated moderates to vote GOP, ie immigration and trade.
No, Trump will only result in "abandon hope all ye who enter here."

you dem/libs are scared shitless of Trump, aren't you?

Well get used to it. Say it. President Trump.

you can also get used to saying "inmate number 12345, Hillary Clinton".
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats. I NEVER supported the eventual GOP candidate in 2008 or 2012. I support Ron Paul both times and ended up voting 3rd party both times. I made sure as many as people as possible knew what a JOKE Romney was and how they screwed Ron Paul throughout the process. The difference this time is Trump can and WILL run independent if he needs to. Is it not obvious to you people the people voting in these polls HATE the other candidates! But hey go ahead. I am not a registered republican or democrat but long as Trump is in on Super Tuesday I will vote for him and again in November. If he isn't I will just vote 3rd party again and watch the GOP have the worst ass whipping its ever gotten in an election that should have been the EASIEST win ever.The GOP can bend and break for the democrats but won't bend to the will of the GOP voters.
Yep. Mine as well not much difference if any.

Moderates win elections. That's an empirical, unemotional fact. Republicans don't have to win moderates but they have to be close.

Trump will lose moderates bad. The Democrats will tear him to shreds. He creates his own negative attack ads with his antics. You're going to see him mocking handicapped people, saying he doesn't like POWs, that he doesn't think an ugly woman should be President being played on a continuous loop.

His antics appeal to his hardcore base but will alienate everyone else. That's what the base hasn't figured out.

Tell it to McCain.

Trump would lose worse than McCain.

McCain was a moderate who ran a moderate campaign and lost big time.

Trump will give a reason to conservatives democrats and unaffiliated moderates to vote GOP, ie immigration and trade.
No, Trump will only result in "abandon hope all ye who enter here."

He is only running 4 and a half points behind Hillary. That hardly deserves such drama.
Moderates win elections. That's an empirical, unemotional fact. Republicans don't have to win moderates but they have to be close.

Trump will lose moderates bad. The Democrats will tear him to shreds. He creates his own negative attack ads with his antics. You're going to see him mocking handicapped people, saying he doesn't like POWs, that he doesn't think an ugly woman should be President being played on a continuous loop.

His antics appeal to his hardcore base but will alienate everyone else. That's what the base hasn't figured out.

Tell it to McCain.

Trump would lose worse than McCain.

McCain was a moderate who ran a moderate campaign and lost big time.

Trump will give a reason to conservatives democrats and unaffiliated moderates to vote GOP, ie immigration and trade.
No, Trump will only result in "abandon hope all ye who enter here."

He is only running 4 and a half points behind Hillary. That hardly deserves such drama.

pay me to do a poll, tell me what results you want and I will produce a poll that does that.

polls are bullshit. they are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Don't be deceived by the media, Trump will be the next president.
Tell it to McCain.

Trump would lose worse than McCain.

McCain was a moderate who ran a moderate campaign and lost big time.

Trump will give a reason to conservatives democrats and unaffiliated moderates to vote GOP, ie immigration and trade.
No, Trump will only result in "abandon hope all ye who enter here."

He is only running 4 and a half points behind Hillary. That hardly deserves such drama.

pay me to do a poll, tell me what results you want and I will produce a poll that does that.

polls are bullshit. they are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it.

Don't be deceived by the media, Trump will be the next president.

I hope you are correct.
You are far worse than deportation and hating Mexicans and blacks. Good Americans understand fully what you are about, and when you and your ilk are supporting a candidate, that candidate loses big time.

Bull. Trumps most "far right" policies are Deportation and losing Birthright Citizenship. And if that so "far right" that it means unelectable, than like I said America is already dead.

He's not the most conservative candidate. But it's his behavior that will turn people off.

The Presidency is serious. It's not a TV show.

His manner is not very Presidential, that is true.

But he is seriously addressing issues that all establishment candidates have either been afraid to touch or on the wrong side of.

I understand his appeal. Politicians are phony and the country has problems. Plus he's entertaining. But he doesn't have the temperament. He's not a serious person.

IMO, you are judging the book by it's cover.

He is a very serious player with some serious policy ideas.

His manner is his way of selling himself. It's worked for him in the past, and is working at this point in time.

He's polling fewer Republicans than Sanders is Democrats. Part of that is the number of candidates running, but he's been polling at 25-30% since August. He hasn't really changed.
Bull. Trumps most "far right" policies are Deportation and losing Birthright Citizenship. And if that so "far right" that it means unelectable, than like I said America is already dead.

He's not the most conservative candidate. But it's his behavior that will turn people off.

The Presidency is serious. It's not a TV show.

His manner is not very Presidential, that is true.

But he is seriously addressing issues that all establishment candidates have either been afraid to touch or on the wrong side of.

I understand his appeal. Politicians are phony and the country has problems. Plus he's entertaining. But he doesn't have the temperament. He's not a serious person.

IMO, you are judging the book by it's cover.

He is a very serious player with some serious policy ideas.

His manner is his way of selling himself. It's worked for him in the past, and is working at this point in time.

He's polling fewer Republicans than Sanders is Democrats. Part of that is the number of candidates running, but he's been polling at 25-30% since August. He hasn't really changed.

Considering the way he has been the target of the MSM, for that entire time, just holding is a very impressive feat.

We shall see what happens as more people drop out.
When Trump falters, the true conservatives will go with Carson's to join Cruz. The remainder of the party will support either Rubio, Christie, or Bush. After March 1, it will be a three person slog to the nomination. Trump may be one be one of those candidates; he will not, however, have enough delegates. If Rubio does not have the delegates he needs by then, the Convention may draft Romney.
Of course they can.

I doubt the GOP can win with Trump.

He's too crazy.
Crazy how? You GOP loyalists haven't grasped it yet that in 1996,2008 and 2012 YOU LOST because the candidates were WEAK "moderates" aka light democrats. I NEVER supported the eventual GOP candidate in 2008 or 2012. I support Ron Paul both times and ended up voting 3rd party both times. I made sure as many as people as possible knew what a JOKE Romney was and how they screwed Ron Paul throughout the process. The difference this time is Trump can and WILL run independent if he needs to. Is it not obvious to you people the people voting in these polls HATE the other candidates! But hey go ahead. I am not a registered republican or democrat but long as Trump is in on Super Tuesday I will vote for him and again in November. If he isn't I will just vote 3rd party again and watch the GOP have the worst ass whipping its ever gotten in an election that should have been the EASIEST win ever.The GOP can bend and break for the democrats but won't bend to the will of the GOP voters.
The GOP would rather have Hillary than Trump.
Yep. Mine as well not much difference if any.

Odium, I understand that we could NOT vote for Bush, Kasich, maybe Rubio or Christie; but to say it can only be Trump means you are as ideological as some Democrats. We heard the same thing from Ron Paul supporters last election, which fascinates me they are not in lockstep for Rand this time around!

Everyone on our side who is for any of the outsiders, agrees that the problem is WASHINGTON. The only solution is to slip someone in who either is NOT Washington, or is in Washington but stands against them.

We have more than 1 of those people on the GOP side. We can like who we like, but can accept any of the above, but not of the below. What we have is 3 or 4 candidates that both establishment wings of the party are scared to death of. All of them are a far cry better than Bimbo eruption, or the socialist.

We can all build our perfect candidate, and think our candidate is the best. But if we will only vote for 1 person for President out of 16, then we might as well not even register to vote. And imagine if we all felt like you did! Nobody from the GOP COULD get elected, because we would all take our vote, go home and pout.

I believe that the top 3 or 4 candidates voters can be a very dynamic coalition to push the eventual winner over the top in the general. I want Cruz, but I will vote for Trump or Carson if the GOP voters as whole pick them. I won't vote for Bush or Kasich for sure, and I would have to think very hard about Rubio, or Christie.

The GOP has screwed all of us by doing absolutely NOTHING after we gave them both house, and senate; when they promised they would. That is EXACTLY the reason I will NOT vote for an establishment candidate, and from what I am hearing, most supporters of the outsiders are saying the same thing, but they will support each other!

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