Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

That's the only way they can win.
They will lose because the white and black working class sees no reason to vote for anyone else. Why vote for people who are going to send MORE of our jobs overseas? Makes no sense. We defeated Romney in 2012 we will do it again. Go ahead. Nominate a RINO establishment clown. I do wonder how many elections its going to take the GOP to remove its head from its ass. Course that also means Trump runs independent and crushes both parties. ;)

You know Odium, I am going to say this, and you are going to think I am talking black helicopter. Truth is, Trump and Cruz are more than likely, instead of less than likely, in cahoots. You haven't heard either one of them attack one another, have you? Who else can you say that about when it comes to Trump? Maybe that will tell you something.

As far as the establishment candidate getting the nod; it is their party, so I won't say it can't happen. But the facts are easy to see.................if Carson, Trump, and Cruz control the largest part of the delegates, as long as Carson goes along, one of those 3 are getting the nod, the other will be the Vice nominee, and the 3rd will probably be something else high up in the administration.

Now, every person is automatically going to jump to the conclusion that Trump is going to head this ticket because of who he is. Maybe, maybe not..........and here is why----> Trump is all about the deal and screwing someone. It is what great business people do. He would enjoy worrying less about BLM, and instead concentrate on screwing the Chinese and Iranians.

Time will tell, but I have a funny feeling, when you look at the top of the GOP candidates, you are looking at co-operation because they love this country. They will work together to wrest the nomination from the hands of the establishment. Watch and see.
The GOP was not elected to carry out the Teaper mantra.


True, and the tea party is a very small faction of republicans and conservatives and independents.

However, on the dem side you have two far left losers leading the pack. an old, tired, lying, corrupt white female with brain issues and an old crazy white male socialist with no brains at all. The party of diversity????????????????????? not even close.
We have a binary system and an atmosphere that penalizes the misstep more than it rewards competence. Outside of Bernie Sanders and the 1%ers on the GOP side....anyone can win the election based on simply outpacing one other candidate
The GOP was not elected to carry out the Teaper mantra.


True, and the tea party is a very small faction of republicans and conservatives and independents.

However, on the dem side you have two far left losers leading the pack. an old, tired, lying, corrupt white female with brain issues and an old crazy white male socialist with no brains at all. The party of diversity????????????????????? not even close.
You worry about the Dems while real GOP worry about our party. Rubio and Kasich can win, and the far right is doing everything to prevent that.
The GOP was not elected to carry out the Teaper mantra.


True, and the tea party is a very small faction of republicans and conservatives and independents.

However, on the dem side you have two far left losers leading the pack. an old, tired, lying, corrupt white female with brain issues and an old crazy white male socialist with no brains at all. The party of diversity????????????????????? not even close.
You worry about the Dems while real GOP worry about our party. Rubio and Kasich can win, and the far right is doing everything to prevent that.

Hey, if they win fair and square with the votes and delegates Jake, then I say "good for them." They won't though, and everyone on this board knows it. The thing that drives fully 25 to 30% (Trump candidacy) of the voters is almost ONE issue, and that is illegal alien, immigration; and the effect it has on blue collar employment.

Your guys are on the WRONG side of the issue, which means that 25 to 30% of the vote will NEVER come their way, and when you add that to Cruz who stands on the issue where Trump does, there is no path for them to win out right, and will need a brokered convention to win.

And is reality...............NONE of your guys can win out right by just running the numbers of support for that one issue, either of our guys can. Good luck!
They are on the right side of the issue, and they can win the nomination and the election.
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To be honest, Republicans can't win regardless of who they pick

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet
Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

3 million WHITE voters stayed home in 2012..I bet it will be even bigger this time if some RINO shithead is the nominee....well maybe not. If Trump runs as independent I bet it sets a new record. But not for the GOP.

In a book titled “2016 and Beyond: How Republicans Can Elect a President in the New America,” GOP pollster Whit Ayres—who works with Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign—writes that relying on finding “missing white voters” is “an excuse to avoid confronting the very real problems facing the Republican Party in a 21st century electorate.”

The number of white votes did drop by 4.2 million between the 2008 and 2012 elections, Mr. Ayres notes, and some of those were blue-collar Americans who didn’t warm to Mr. Romney.

But he also notes that if all those missing white voters had shown up and voted Republican, they still wouldn’t have saved Mr. Romney, who lost by 5 million votes.​

Can Evangelicals Swing 2016 for GOP, as Cruz Says?
Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

3 million WHITE voters stayed home in 2012..I bet it will be even bigger this time if some RINO shithead is the nominee....well maybe not. If Trump runs as independent I bet it sets a new record. But not for the GOP.

In a book titled “2016 and Beyond: How Republicans Can Elect a President in the New America,” GOP pollster Whit Ayres—who works with Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign—writes that relying on finding “missing white voters” is “an excuse to avoid confronting the very real problems facing the Republican Party in a 21st century electorate.”

The number of white votes did drop by 4.2 million between the 2008 and 2012 elections, Mr. Ayres notes, and some of those were blue-collar Americans who didn’t warm to Mr. Romney.

But he also notes that if all those missing white voters had shown up and voted Republican, they still wouldn’t have saved Mr. Romney, who lost by 5 million votes.​

Can Evangelicals Swing 2016 for GOP, as Cruz Says?

Any way you cut it.....Getting more white voters in solid Red States does not help Republicans win

Until they find a way to take swing states that are becoming increasingly blue, they cannot take the whitehouse
Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

3 million WHITE voters stayed home in 2012..I bet it will be even bigger this time if some RINO shithead is the nominee....well maybe not. If Trump runs as independent I bet it sets a new record. But not for the GOP.

In a book titled “2016 and Beyond: How Republicans Can Elect a President in the New America,” GOP pollster Whit Ayres—who works with Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign—writes that relying on finding “missing white voters” is “an excuse to avoid confronting the very real problems facing the Republican Party in a 21st century electorate.”

The number of white votes did drop by 4.2 million between the 2008 and 2012 elections, Mr. Ayres notes, and some of those were blue-collar Americans who didn’t warm to Mr. Romney.

But he also notes that if all those missing white voters had shown up and voted Republican, they still wouldn’t have saved Mr. Romney, who lost by 5 million votes.​

Can Evangelicals Swing 2016 for GOP, as Cruz Says?
4.9 million but close enough.
Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

3 million WHITE voters stayed home in 2012..I bet it will be even bigger this time if some RINO shithead is the nominee....well maybe not. If Trump runs as independent I bet it sets a new record. But not for the GOP.

In a book titled “2016 and Beyond: How Republicans Can Elect a President in the New America,” GOP pollster Whit Ayres—who works with Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign—writes that relying on finding “missing white voters” is “an excuse to avoid confronting the very real problems facing the Republican Party in a 21st century electorate.”

The number of white votes did drop by 4.2 million between the 2008 and 2012 elections, Mr. Ayres notes, and some of those were blue-collar Americans who didn’t warm to Mr. Romney.

But he also notes that if all those missing white voters had shown up and voted Republican, they still wouldn’t have saved Mr. Romney, who lost by 5 million votes.​

Can Evangelicals Swing 2016 for GOP, as Cruz Says?

Any way you cut it.....Getting more white voters in solid Red States does not help Republicans win

Until they find a way to take swing states that are becoming increasingly blue, they cannot take the whitehouse
Romney lost in 2012 because 1. He alienated his own base which are republicans with their disgusting attack on Ron Paul during the primaries/caucuses and also at the actual convention. 2. A LOT of white christians refused to vote for a mormon 3. Blacks didn't see the benefit of voting for Romney because he wouldn't have done SHIT about Illegals taking jobs from blacks AND whites. Those 3 things are all swinging the other way for Trump.
Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

That's the only way they can win.
They will lose because the white and black working class sees no reason to vote for anyone else. Why vote for people who are going to send MORE of our jobs overseas? Makes no sense. We defeated Romney in 2012 we will do it again. Go ahead. Nominate a RINO establishment clown. I do wonder how many elections its going to take the GOP to remove its head from its ass. Course that also means Trump runs independent and crushes both parties. ;)

You know Odium, I am going to say this, and you are going to think I am talking black helicopter. Truth is, Trump and Cruz are more than likely, instead of less than likely, in cahoots. You haven't heard either one of them attack one another, have you? Who else can you say that about when it comes to Trump? Maybe that will tell you something.

As far as the establishment candidate getting the nod; it is their party, so I won't say it can't happen. But the facts are easy to see.................if Carson, Trump, and Cruz control the largest part of the delegates, as long as Carson goes along, one of those 3 are getting the nod, the other will be the Vice nominee, and the 3rd will probably be something else high up in the administration.

Now, every person is automatically going to jump to the conclusion that Trump is going to head this ticket because of who he is. Maybe, maybe not..........and here is why----> Trump is all about the deal and screwing someone. It is what great business people do. He would enjoy worrying less about BLM, and instead concentrate on screwing the Chinese and Iranians.

Time will tell, but I have a funny feeling, when you look at the top of the GOP candidates, you are looking at co-operation because they love this country. They will work together to wrest the nomination from the hands of the establishment. Watch and see.

I think that it eventually will come down to Trump, Cruz and Rubio. Carson will fade, but I doubt most of his votes will go to Trump. I think they'll go to Cruz and some to Rubio. Carson's support comes primarily from evangelicals. They won't go to Trump, mostly.

As the other candidates drop out, most of their support will go to Rubio. So you'll have a situation where the three remaining candidates will have roughly a third of the vote each. The interesting thing will be what Cruz and Trump do to each other. They certainly are in some detente, but will it last? Cruz's courting of Trump is under the assumption that Trump eventually fades, which hasn't happened, and looks like it won't. So does Cruz start a stealth campaign against Trump? Apparently, some of his financial backers have met with a group being formed by the GOP establishment to run negative ads against Trump in Iowa and NH.

Rubio is currently the odds on favourite to win by bookmakers and in the prediction markets.

2016 President - Republican Nomination | PredictWise
93 million eligible voters did not vote in 2012

93 million! That's how many people did not vote in 2012 that COULD HAVE. I wonder what the difference is this time? Also reading all these things the amount of 1. registered democrats and 2. democratic voters is dropping more than 1. republican voters and 2. registered republicans. Interesting. All we hear is that republicans are out of step but sure seems the other way around to me!
The biggest problem is not will Trump win the GOP nomination.....he won't.

But what will he do to the Republican brand and how will he affect the party affiliation of future voters?
Romney lost in 2012 because 1. He alienated his own base which are republicans with their disgusting attack on Ron Paul during the primaries/caucuses and also at the actual convention. 2. A LOT of white christians refused to vote for a mormon 3. Blacks didn't see the benefit of voting for Romney because he wouldn't have done SHIT about Illegals taking jobs from blacks AND whites. Those 3 things are all swinging the other way for Trump.

Mitt Romney won more conservative voters than any Republican candidate in history. He also won the second highest proportion of conservatives since exit polls started.

The Conservative Presidential Vote

Conservatives voted for Romney in droves.

He lost because he was hammered amongst moderates. A Republican has never won the Presidency over the past 40 years when losing moderates by double-digits.
Does the GOP establishment really think it can win with a establishment candidate like Rubio or Bush or Christie? I mean they would have to have the vast majority of Trump supporters support the eventual nominee...I for one WILL NOT support anyone BUT Trump did same thing in 2012 and 2008. I was just reading an article that says Trump has given working class whites and blacks a voice and that the establishment would have to gain those if he is to lose the nomination. I just don't see it happening. Those working class whites DON'T support the GOP establishment for a REASON. What do yall think? Will the GOP cut off its nose to spite its face?
I will vote for Trump regardless of which party he runs in.
Fuck the Establishment.
Does the GOP establishment really think it can win with a establishment candidate like Rubio or Bush or Christie? I mean they would have to have the vast majority of Trump supporters support the eventual nominee...I for one WILL NOT support anyone BUT Trump did same thing in 2012 and 2008. I was just reading an article that says Trump has given working class whites and blacks a voice and that the establishment would have to gain those if he is to lose the nomination. I just don't see it happening. Those working class whites DON'T support the GOP establishment for a REASON. What do yall think? Will the GOP cut off its nose to spite its face?
I will vote for Trump regardless of which party he runs in.
Fuck the Establishment.
Same here!

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