Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

You and I know what the Republican problem was in 2012. We just heard it late last week. It was a Pew Center poll. If the "white vote" had shown up in the same percentage and voted for Romney in 2012 as it voted for McCain in 2008, Romney would have won.

Obama got many fewer votes in 2012 than he got in 2008.

The difference-maker was, a lot of white voters stayed home.


Well, I'll tell you.

A lot of Republicans think that white voters stayed home because conservative talk radio during the primary season demanded that Romney be a rigid, card-carrying conservative. And because the right-wing conservative talk radio host demanded that Romney be something that he wasn't, it turned off a bunch of moderate Republicans.

That's not what happened. What happened was -- well, who can know for certain. My best guess at what happened was, why the white vote stayed home, they didn't think the Republican Party was conservative enough, but there was also a disgust, who are these people? They're the bitter clingers. It's one thing to hear Obama denouncing 'em. It's another thing to hear Republican Party going after everybody but them.

They're listening to both candidates' campaign, making appeals here and appeals there, making a generic economic appeal. And I think there was just a general sense of disgust or resignation, just throw their hands up in resignation. None of this relates to me, but the point is the Republicans are now accepting what the Democrats and the media are telling them, that they lost because the Hispanics don't like 'em. The Hispanics think that you Republicans want them to go away. The Hispanics think that you Republicans want them to self-deport. And if you don't self-deport, they think you want to kick 'em out of the country. So you Republicans, you better get with it, and you better make the Hispanics understand that you like 'em.

So the party's doing that. They've got this new pathway to citizenship immigration bill. They're saying all the right things. But, again, remember, the percentage of the electorate that was Hispanic in 2012 was 7%. Obama got 71% of it; Romney got 27%. And if you reverse that, Romney gets 70%, he still loses. The highest percentage of the Hispanic vote any Republican president's ever got was Bush at 44. So the point of saying that even if Romney gets 70% he would still lose, it tells you that the Republican Party's problem is not the Hispanic vote.

It goes far deeper or is far more diversified than that. No doubt about it. How else would you read this? If you give Romney 70% of the Hispanic vote and he still loses, with everything else in 2012 being the same, then what are they doing? They're following the advice of their consultant class. They're following what the media's telling them.

They're following what the Democrats are telling them, what the conventional wisdom inside the Beltway is. I found it fascinating.

The Hispanic Vote Isn't Why Romney Lost - The Rush Limbaugh Show
The White Vote and the GOP

"Romney was not able to connect with white voters who were so turned off by [his] campaign that they abandoned the GOP and in many cases stayed away from the polls altogether," the Washington Examiner's chief political correspondent, Byron York, wrote in 2013. "As many as 5 million white voters simply stayed home on Election Day. If they had voted at the same rate they did in 2004, even with the demographic changes since then, Romney would have won."
Can GOP win if Trump isn't nominee?

That's the only way they can win.
They will lose because the white and black working class sees no reason to vote for anyone else. Why vote for people who are going to send MORE of our jobs overseas? Makes no sense. We defeated Romney in 2012 we will do it again. Go ahead. Nominate a RINO establishment clown. I do wonder how many elections its going to take the GOP to remove its head from its ass. Course that also means Trump runs independent and crushes both parties. ;)

Dems are not doing squat about sending jobs overseas.

Trump is talking about renegotiating these bad trade deals. He will do something to reverse that trend.

This issue is one of the reasons Trump is the best bet for the GOP to win, because he might be able to take away some of the working class votes of Dems.
To be honest, Republicans can't win regardless of who they pick

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Hillary or Sanders could lose it. YOu have managed to find two really crappy candidates.

Hillary is about as likable as a pit viper, and Sanders is too pink even for 2016 America.
Why Did Three Million Republicans Stay Home? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

3 million WHITE voters stayed home in 2012..I bet it will be even bigger this time if some RINO shithead is the nominee....well maybe not. If Trump runs as independent I bet it sets a new record. But not for the GOP.

In a book titled “2016 and Beyond: How Republicans Can Elect a President in the New America,” GOP pollster Whit Ayres—who works with Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign—writes that relying on finding “missing white voters” is “an excuse to avoid confronting the very real problems facing the Republican Party in a 21st century electorate.”

The number of white votes did drop by 4.2 million between the 2008 and 2012 elections, Mr. Ayres notes, and some of those were blue-collar Americans who didn’t warm to Mr. Romney.

But he also notes that if all those missing white voters had shown up and voted Republican, they still wouldn’t have saved Mr. Romney, who lost by 5 million votes.​

Can Evangelicals Swing 2016 for GOP, as Cruz Says?

Any way you cut it.....Getting more white voters in solid Red States does not help Republicans win

Until they find a way to take swing states that are becoming increasingly blue, they cannot take the whitehouse

It's true, importing the Third World was a brilliant move by the dems.

Trump, with his anti-Free Trade position and anti-immigration position can appeal to some of those working class voters than normally vote dem.
To be honest, Republicans can't win regardless of who they pick

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Hillary or Sanders could lose it. YOu have managed to find two really crappy candidates.

Hillary is about as likable as a pit viper, and Sanders is too pink even for 2016 America.

Hillary will get the nomination. In spite of the Hillary hate rhetoric you get from your conservative news sources, Hillary does quite well in swing states, with minorities, with women and younger Americans...the same constituencey that kicked your ass in 2008 and 2012
The GOP was not elected to carry out the Teaper mantra.


True, and the tea party is a very small faction of republicans and conservatives and independents.

However, on the dem side you have two far left losers leading the pack. an old, tired, lying, corrupt white female with brain issues and an old crazy white male socialist with no brains at all. The party of diversity????????????????????? not even close.
You worry about the Dems while real GOP worry about our party. Rubio and Kasich can win, and the far right is doing everything to prevent that.

The "real" GOP? Like McCain and Graham and Rove? Screw them!. They are nothing but dems with an R behind their names.

Trump will be the nominee, Rubio would be a good choice for VP. Kasich is history, forget him.
To be honest, Republicans can't win regardless of who they pick

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Hillary or Sanders could lose it. YOu have managed to find two really crappy candidates.

Hillary is about as likable as a pit viper, and Sanders is too pink even for 2016 America.

Hillary will get the nomination. In spite of the Hillary hate rhetoric you get from your conservative news sources, Hillary does quite well in swing states, with minorities, with women and younger Americans...the same constituencey that kicked your ass in 2008 and 2012

The FBI is very close to indicting her. Can she run from a jail cell? The Clintons are the definition or political corruption. The entire country is finally aware of that. She also cannot escape her ties to obozo the Kenyan messiah. She has no chance and you stupid dems have no one in the wings except an old crazy socialist.
But you deserve it.
The GOP was not elected to carry out the Teaper mantra.


True, and the tea party is a very small faction of republicans and conservatives and independents.

However, on the dem side you have two far left losers leading the pack. an old, tired, lying, corrupt white female with brain issues and an old crazy white male socialist with no brains at all. The party of diversity????????????????????? not even close.
You worry about the Dems while real GOP worry about our party. Rubio and Kasich can win, and the far right is doing everything to prevent that.

The "real" GOP? Like McCain and Graham and Rove? Screw them!. They are nothing but dems with an R behind their names.

Trump will be the nominee, Rubio would be a good choice for VP. Kasich is history, forget him.

Actually, they are the REAL GOP that has been running the party for decades

It is the extremists who are abandoning real Republican values
The biggest problem is not will Trump win the GOP nomination.....he won't.

But what will he do to the Republican brand and how will he affect the party affiliation of future voters?

make it stronger by having the guts to address the real issues facing the country and not bowing to the false gods of political correctness.

The trump campaign has been very good for America whether he wins or loses, because he has forced the other candidates and the media to talk about the real issues, and not merely pushing bullshit.
To be honest, Republicans can't win regardless of who they pick

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Hillary or Sanders could lose it. YOu have managed to find two really crappy candidates.

Hillary is about as likable as a pit viper, and Sanders is too pink even for 2016 America.

Hillary will get the nomination. In spite of the Hillary hate rhetoric you get from your conservative news sources, Hillary does quite well in swing states, with minorities, with women and younger Americans...the same constituencey that kicked your ass in 2008 and 2012

The FBI is very close to indicting her. Can she run from a jail cell? The Clintons are the definition or political corruption. The entire country is finally aware of that. She also cannot escape her ties to obozo the Kenyan messiah. She has no chance and you stupid dems have no one in the wings except an old crazy socialist.
But you deserve it.

11 hours of GOP interrogation found nothing

You need an actual crime to indict someone. 20 years of GOP led Clinton investigations have shown that
To be honest, Republicans can't win regardless of who they pick

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Hillary or Sanders could lose it. YOu have managed to find two really crappy candidates.

Hillary is about as likable as a pit viper, and Sanders is too pink even for 2016 America.

Hillary will get the nomination. In spite of the Hillary hate rhetoric you get from your conservative news sources, Hillary does quite well in swing states, with minorities, with women and younger Americans...the same constituencey that kicked your ass in 2008 and 2012

Hillary does well with imported Third World voters.

If she wins, or if any dem wins, it will because of the tens of millions you have imported over the last 50 years.

The young age and the high birth rate among Third World populations is the reason it LOOKS like Hillary does well with the young.

THe GOP will win young whites, like it always does.

Women? She might get a few extra who are goofy enough to agree with Hillary that her gender is a qualification.

But, she is a mean and unpleasant person. I have reasonable hopes that the more we see her face on TV and hear her voice, the more she will turn off voters.
The GOP was not elected to carry out the Teaper mantra.


True, and the tea party is a very small faction of republicans and conservatives and independents.

However, on the dem side you have two far left losers leading the pack. an old, tired, lying, corrupt white female with brain issues and an old crazy white male socialist with no brains at all. The party of diversity????????????????????? not even close.
You worry about the Dems while real GOP worry about our party. Rubio and Kasich can win, and the far right is doing everything to prevent that.

The "real" GOP? Like McCain and Graham and Rove? Screw them!. They are nothing but dems with an R behind their names.

Trump will be the nominee, Rubio would be a good choice for VP. Kasich is history, forget him.

Actually, they are the REAL GOP that has been running the party for decades

It is the extremists who are abandoning real Republican values

Bullshit, they represent the establishment of both parties who are responsible for fiscal mess that the country is in today.

Those establishment assholes are scared shitless of Trump because they know that THEY cannot control him and that he will not kowtow to the power brokers.

Its a good day in America because the establishment politicians are being taken down.
To be honest, Republicans can't win regardless of who they pick

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Hillary or Sanders could lose it. YOu have managed to find two really crappy candidates.

Hillary is about as likable as a pit viper, and Sanders is too pink even for 2016 America.

Hillary will get the nomination. In spite of the Hillary hate rhetoric you get from your conservative news sources, Hillary does quite well in swing states, with minorities, with women and younger Americans...the same constituencey that kicked your ass in 2008 and 2012

The FBI is very close to indicting her. Can she run from a jail cell? The Clintons are the definition or political corruption. The entire country is finally aware of that. She also cannot escape her ties to obozo the Kenyan messiah. She has no chance and you stupid dems have no one in the wings except an old crazy socialist.
But you deserve it.

11 hours of GOP interrogation found nothing

You need an actual crime to indict someone. 20 years of GOP led Clinton investigations have shown that

Disclosing classified information is a crime, even when committed by a Clinton. There is so much corruption in the Clinton foundation that will be coming to light. Be patient, the Clintons are going down, just wait and watch.
Its time Republicans face the obvious. They are no longer capable of winning the Presidency. You just lack the electoral votes to reach 270. Bush barely broke 270 and Republicans no longer enjoy the demographics that Bush had. Hillary will start with 242 of the 270 votes she needs to win. Too tall an order for Republicans

If it makes you feel any better, Democrats are not capable of taking the House of Representatives. The Republican stranglehold on state legislatures will ensure a gerrymandered House for a generation

Politics is not fair. The results are predetermined by the political machines that are firmly in place
Its time Republicans face the obvious. They are no longer capable of winning the Presidency. You just lack the electoral votes to reach 270. Bush barely broke 270 and Republicans no longer enjoy the demographics that Bush had. Hillary will start with 242 of the 270 votes she needs to win. Too tall an order for Republicans

If it makes you feel any better, Democrats are not capable of taking the House of Representatives. The Republican stranglehold on state legislatures will ensure a gerrymandered House for a generation

Politics is not fair. The results are predetermined by the political machines that are firmly in place

It is likely that that will be true, in not now, then soon.

How do you think Whites will react to permanent disenfranchisement?
Its time Republicans face the obvious. They are no longer capable of winning the Presidency. You just lack the electoral votes to reach 270. Bush barely broke 270 and Republicans no longer enjoy the demographics that Bush had. Hillary will start with 242 of the 270 votes she needs to win. Too tall an order for Republicans

If it makes you feel any better, Democrats are not capable of taking the House of Representatives. The Republican stranglehold on state legislatures will ensure a gerrymandered House for a generation

Politics is not fair. The results are predetermined by the political machines that are firmly in place

Your basic premise that minorities swing elections is wrong. Do you understand the definition of the word "minority" ?

But I will guarantee something today, so store it away in your memory banks-------------If Hillary Clinton wins there will be a serious secession movement starting with Texas and Oklahoma and moving to all of the southern and Midwestern states. More than half of americans are fed up with the left wing movement in this country. Whether you libs like it or not, The People still control the USA.
The GOP was not elected to carry out the Teaper mantra.


True, and the tea party is a very small faction of republicans and conservatives and independents.

However, on the dem side you have two far left losers leading the pack. an old, tired, lying, corrupt white female with brain issues and an old crazy white male socialist with no brains at all. The party of diversity????????????????????? not even close.
You worry about the Dems while real GOP worry about our party. Rubio and Kasich can win, and the far right is doing everything to prevent that.

The "real" GOP? Like McCain and Graham and Rove? Screw them!. They are nothing but dems with an R behind their names.

Trump will be the nominee, Rubio would be a good choice for VP. Kasich is history, forget him.
:) Ah, you can hear time's winged feet coming near. Trump has no chance. It will be Rubio and Kasich.
"he has forced the other candidates and the media to talk about the real issues, and not merely pushing bullshit" is the best Redfish observation ever.
Its time Republicans face the obvious. They are no longer capable of winning the Presidency. You just lack the electoral votes to reach 270. Bush barely broke 270 and Republicans no longer enjoy the demographics that Bush had. Hillary will start with 242 of the 270 votes she needs to win. Too tall an order for Republicans

If it makes you feel any better, Democrats are not capable of taking the House of Representatives. The Republican stranglehold on state legislatures will ensure a gerrymandered House for a generation

Politics is not fair. The results are predetermined by the political machines that are firmly in place

Your basic premise that minorities swing elections is wrong. Do you understand the definition of the word "minority" ?

But I will guarantee something today, so store it away in your memory banks-------------If Hillary Clinton wins there will be a serious secession movement starting with Texas and Oklahoma and moving to all of the southern and Midwestern states. More than half of americans are fed up with the left wing movement in this country. Whether you libs like it or not, The People still control the USA.

Demographics win elections

Old/young, male/female, white/minority, rich/poor, urban/rural......

Demographics no longer add up for a Republican win of the Presidency. After the 2012 beatdown, independent Republicans conducted an autopsy of why they lost and what they need to do for 2016. It involved reaching out to hispanics, women and younger voters......Republicans have only made it worse in the last four years

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