Can Israel survive without American assisting?

Well as long as she showers first.

Don't worry, Huggies. You don't have to pretend.

Not everybody is cut out for hot, sweaty sex with beautiful women. It's nothing at all to be ashamed of.

It's not like she is perfect. I would like to draw your attention to her left earlobe. See the pimple!???

Now what do you think about the nasty wench?
So explain to me real slowly cuz I am a little older than you and I need to clean the wax outta my ears...Why is it that Israel SHOULD have nukes and the arabs NOT.

The answer is simple and obvious. Israelis can be trusted with them, where arabs cannot. NO ONE wants to see Syria or Iran with nukes. Why...because they have a terrible track record with peace and they are terrorist supporters.

Are you trying to make the case that if 1 country has nukes, all others should? How would that make the world any better?

Do you honestly believe those that believe that they have they have divine right to a piece of land would act rationally? If the Palestinians were able to get the land and property stolen from them back, do you honestly think Israel won't launch nukes? I'd be quite afraid to be anywhere in range of irrational, religious zealots with control of a nuclear arsenal, no matter whether Muslim or Jewish.

Israeli's are not religious zealots...if they were do you think they would have held off nuking the middle east that wants to destroy them for so long? :lol:
The answer is simple and obvious. Israelis can be trusted with them, where arabs cannot. NO ONE wants to see Syria or Iran with nukes. Why...because they have a terrible track record with peace and they are terrorist supporters.

Are you trying to make the case that if 1 country has nukes, all others should? How would that make the world any better?

Do you honestly believe those that believe that they have they have divine right to a piece of land would act rationally? If the Palestinians were able to get the land and property stolen from them back, do you honestly think Israel won't launch nukes? I'd be quite afraid to be anywhere in range of irrational, religious zealots with control of a nuclear arsenal, no matter whether Muslim or Jewish.

Israeli's are not religious zealots...

Of course there is a radical element among Israeli Jews. Their current goal seems to be acquiring more lebensraum. Some have been more focused on eliminating "undesirables."
Hebron Rioters Inspired by Radical Settler Leaders –
Olmert: 'Jewish underground' behind attack on leftist prof. - Haaretz - Israel News
IDF soldiers get cash reward for refusing to evict settlers - Haaretz - Israel News
Analysis: 'Goldsteinism' returns with killing of four Palestinians - Haaretz - Israel News
CNN - Alleged assassin says he has no regrets - Nov 4, 1995

This swine was quickly punished for his crime, alhamdulillah:
Jewish Settler Kills Four Israeli Arabs In Attack on Bus

The worst of all - thankfully this piece of filth was beaten to death before he could escape:
When Fury Rules - TIME
Do you honestly believe those that believe that they have they have divine right to a piece of land would act rationally? If the Palestinians were able to get the land and property stolen from them back, do you honestly think Israel won't launch nukes? I'd be quite afraid to be anywhere in range of irrational, religious zealots with control of a nuclear arsenal, no matter whether Muslim or Jewish.

Israeli's are not religious zealots...

Of course there is a radical element among Israeli Jews. Their current goal seems to be acquiring more lebensraum. Some have been more focused on eliminating "undesirables."
Hebron Rioters Inspired by Radical Settler Leaders –
Olmert: 'Jewish underground' behind attack on leftist prof. - Haaretz - Israel News
IDF soldiers get cash reward for refusing to evict settlers - Haaretz - Israel News
Analysis: 'Goldsteinism' returns with killing of four Palestinians - Haaretz - Israel News
CNN - Alleged assassin says he has no regrets - Nov 4, 1995

This swine was quickly punished for his crime, alhamdulillah:
Jewish Settler Kills Four Israeli Arabs In Attack on Bus

The worst of all - thankfully this piece of filth was beaten to death before he could escape:
When Fury Rules - TIME


Your so full of shit! There is tension between groups in the holy land and their are radicals on both sides no doubt. Of as an ignorant Muslim and Jew hater, you will only dwell on Jews attack Muslims, when in fact for every Jewish attack on Muslims, there are 100 attacks of Muslims on Jews. You will ignore ever single missile attack from Gaza, but cry out loud retalitory attacks against these missile attacks.

There is a huge difference! The Jews that committed these attacks are hunted downed, investigated and punished for their crimes. When a Palestinian attacks a Jew, the Palestinians is praised for his great deed. He is considered a hero! They name streets after him/her. Then Muslims around the world rejoice in the death of a Jew, which includes you! :evil:
of COURSE there is a huge difference, jew. YOU ARE JEWISH!


I tellya, nothing says "hunted down" quite like conjugal visits for assassins of prime ministers who dare to make peace with arabs! This is why we let Charles Manson enjoy 'tang in prison too.. oh wait.. no.. an actual western nation without an ethnic line to tow would never do that.
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The residental Nazi speaks! Shocking!

FYI: You are a COWARD!

of COURSE there is a huge difference, jew. YOU ARE JEWISH!


I tellya, nothing says "hunted down" quite like conjugal visits for assassins of prime ministers who dare to make peace with arabs! This is why we let Charles Manson enjoy 'tang in prison too.. oh wait.. no.. an actual western nation without an ethnic line to tow would never do that.
Of as an ignorant Muslim and Jew hater, you will only dwell on Jews attack Muslims,
Back up for a second, Rabbi Kahane. Let's look at the comment I was responding to:

Israeli's are not religious zealots...

The issue being dealt with is Jewish terrorism. I'm sorry that you feel compelled to throw a little fit when I insult Natan Zada and Goldstein, but they and their ilk were the subject of the discussion, not us evil Muslims. I'd be careful about who I called ignorant If I were you. :lol:

You will ignore ever single missile attack from Gaza, but cry out loud retalitory attacks against these missile attacks.
How many people have died in every single missile attack from Gaza? How many have been killed in "retaliatory" attacks? Unlike some, I do not believe that Israeli lives are more valuable than Palestinian lives. As a result, I tend to side with the group that is most brutalized by the other.

There is a huge difference! The Jews that committed these attacks are hunted downed, investigated and punished for their crimes.
Nope. Illegal settlers have acquired their lebensraum with the Israeli government standing right behind them.

When a Palestinian attacks a Jew, the Palestinians is praised for his great deed. He is considered a hero!
This, of course, is a prejudiced generalization. You think that the murderous pigs I mentioned above aren't given posthumous slaps on the back?

Natan Zada has been praised as a saint:

As for Goldstein, his grave became an object of reverence, attracting over 10,000 radicals who celebrated his mass murder of worshiping civilians. The government's decision to remove the shrine around his grave (after pressure from left-wingers) apparently did not make the site less attractive to his fans. His tombstone reads: "To the holy Baruch Goldstein, who gave his life for the Jewish people, the Torah and the nation of Israel."

BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Graveside party celebrates Hebron massacre

They name streets after him/her. Then Muslims around the world rejoice in the death of a Jew, which includes you! :evil:
You're aware that calling me an anti-Semite without any reason for doing so makes you look ridiculous, correct? I don't know why you decided to go into douchebag mode all of a sudden, but I'd recommend cutting the crap.
Of as an ignorant Muslim and Jew hater, you will only dwell on Jews attack Muslims,
Back up for a second, Rabbi Kahane. Let's look at the comment I was responding to:

Israeli's are not religious zealots...

The issue being dealt with is Jewish terrorism. I'm sorry that you feel compelled to throw a little fit when I insult Natan Zada and Goldstein, but they and their ilk were the subject of the discussion, not us evil Muslims. I'd be careful about who I called ignorant If I were you. :lol:

How many people have died in every single missile attack from Gaza? How many have been killed in "retaliatory" attacks? Unlike some, I do not believe that Israeli lives are more valuable than Palestinian lives. As a result, I tend to side with the group that is most brutalized by the other.

Nope. Illegal settlers have acquired their lebensraum with the Israeli government standing right behind them.

When a Palestinian attacks a Jew, the Palestinians is praised for his great deed. He is considered a hero!
This, of course, is a prejudiced generalization. You think that the murderous pigs I mentioned above aren't given posthumous slaps on the back?

Natan Zada has been praised as a saint:

As for Goldstein, his grave became an object of reverence, attracting over 10,000 radicals who celebrated his mass murder of worshiping civilians. The government's decision to remove the shrine around his grave (after pressure from left-wingers) apparently did not make the site less attractive to his fans. His tombstone reads: "To the holy Baruch Goldstein, who gave his life for the Jewish people, the Torah and the nation of Israel."

BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Graveside party celebrates Hebron massacre

They name streets after him/her. Then Muslims around the world rejoice in the death of a Jew, which includes you! :evil:
You're aware that calling me an anti-Semite without any reason for doing so makes you look ridiculous, correct? I don't know why you decided to go into douchebag mode all of a sudden, but I'd recommend cutting the crap.

Jews and Palestinians both bleed the same blood and its tragic when either group dies. The settlers are a sticky stiuation, when they yanked all the Jews out of Gaza, Gaza became the terrorist headquarters for attacks on Israel. Israel made a jesture and it was not returned. Face it some of the settlements have been build (and many by Palestinian hard work and labotr) to extensive cities. These settlements are not going to be abandoned. More than likely they will be exchanged for land in Israel (probably the Triangle). That is more than equitable.

However, if you are talking about Israel not prosecuting Jewish Terrorist or Jews who commit randomn acts of violence on Palestinians you are DEAD wrong. They are actively hunted down, investigated and prosecuted!

The same respect is never shown by the PA, PLO, Fatah or Hamas. Killers of Jews are idolized and made heros! You can either accept that as truth or live in denial that is up to you.

And to answer the question. There are many religious zealots in Israel, like there is in any country. However, its still a secular, Democratic and Free Country! Big difference!
The residental Nazi speaks! Shocking!

FYI: You are a COWARD!

of COURSE there is a huge difference, jew. YOU ARE JEWISH!


I tellya, nothing says "hunted down" quite like conjugal visits for assassins of prime ministers who dare to make peace with arabs! This is why we let Charles Manson enjoy 'tang in prison too.. oh wait.. no.. an actual western nation without an ethnic line to tow would never do that.

Go ahead and call the facts antisemitic, jew. That IS, after all, the sum total of your response to anything not actively falling over itself to suck on your circumcised dick at the snap of a hebrew finger. by all means, tell me I am wrong about israel's allowance of conjigul visits to the very JEW who assassinated Rabin. I look forward to your excuse for such a double standard, you anti-gentile motherfucker.
Jews and Palestinians both bleed the same blood and its tragic when either group dies.
If that's the case, why do you attempt to justify the massacre of over 1,000 Palestinians by mentioning that a handful of Israelis have been killed by their firecrackers over the years?

The settlers are a sticky stiuation, when they yanked all the Jews out of Gaza, Gaza became the terrorist headquarters for attacks on Israel.
What Jews in Gaza?

Israel made a jesture and it was not returned. Face it some of the settlements have been build (and many by Palestinian hard work and labotr) to extensive cities. These settlements are not going to be abandoned.
Frankly, I don't care if they're the size of New York. They're on land that rightfully belongs to others. The removal of settlers from the West Bank is imperative. Every day that a square inch of Palestinian land is controlled by illegal settlers represents another tally mark on Israel's record of injustice.

More than likely they will be exchanged for land in Israel (probably the Triangle). That is more than equitable.
Stealing a person's land and using it to barter for other land is still robbery, is it not?

However, if you are talking about Israel not prosecuting Jewish Terrorist or Jews who commit randomn acts of violence on Palestinians you are DEAD wrong. They are actively hunted down, investigated and prosecuted!
Perhaps the case would have been the same with Palestinians if Israel was feeling generous enough to allow them to form a functioning government. In the case of the two killers I mentioned who targeted Muslims, they were punished at the scene by their would-be victims and consequently never faced punishment administered by the Israeli government.

The same respect is never shown by the PA, PLO, Fatah or Hamas. Killers of Jews are idolized and made heros! You can either accept that as truth or live in denial that is up to you.
The PA routinely condemns "terrorists." Perhaps that's part of the reason Israel hasn't gone cast lead on the West Bank. The PLO and Fatah have displayed a willingness to negotiate. Hamas is no worse than Kach. Palestinian terrorism is an unfortunate product of Israeli oppression. As long as Israel continues to deprive Palestinians of their rights, a significant number of Palestinians will foolishly seek to liberate themselves through violence and terrorism.

And to answer the question. There are many religious zealots in Israel, like there is in any country. However, its still a secular,
Israel is a Jewish State.

Democratic and Free Country!
For a portion of its population, yes. Actual democracy and freedom involve equal treatment of all people, regardless of religious or ethnic background. South Africa was democratic for its dominant group during apartheid as well.
And now she's a speed bump. If she was so idealistic the idea to MOVE should have popped in her head. No Israel would not survive without American aid. However, Nukes would fly and when the dust settled we would have maybe 1/100 of the Arabic population left soo American aid to Israel is arguably in the best interest of the Arabic nations.

The above is precisely why we have been supporting Israel. I sometime joke that President Nixon could be called the "Savior of Damascus" for airlifting supplies to the Zionist state to prevent the start of WW III way back in 1973. That is the year the Arabs pulled the oil embargo to the U.S. If the nukes do fly in the middle east I suspect the population of the earth would be reduced substantially. Blackmail!!!!

An analysis of how we got here goes back to WW I. Had the U.S. not entered the war a bloody tie would have resulted. There would have been no Balfour declaration or Mein Kamfp.

Is'nt wonderful how President Wilson made the World safe for Democracy!:cuckoo:
Arn't we lucky!:confused:
Hi Rod:

Can Israel survive without American assisting?

Israel will be the greatest kingdom/power in the world for 1000 years, but the USA will collapse to become a third-world nation before Israel's rise to power even begins . . .


Hi Rod:

Can Israel survive without American assisting?

Israel will be the greatest kingdom/power in the world for 1000 years, but the USA will collapse to become a third-world nation before Israel's rise to power even begins . . .



I predict that some arab or muslim is going to get a nuke and blow tel aviv into radioactive dust within the next ten years.

The muslims have proven hundreds of times that they have the will to do the deed. What would it take? How about one of those cheezy ultralights? A few little carbon fiber poles ...a tiny gas engine with a good muffler...a fabric wing...a nuke and a willing pilot. Radar won't even pick it night no one will know its coming.

( .. )

Israels only chance for survival is to make a real peace. They are bullies and cowards and will never go to the wall like the palistinians will.
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Hi Rod:

Can Israel survive without American assisting?

Israel will be the greatest kingdom/power in the world for 1000 years, but the USA will collapse to become a third-world nation before Israel's rise to power even begins . . .



Your nutz! America is not close to collasping! She will outlast BRIC and the EU! Israel will never be the greatest kingdom or power. She will be what she is now! A small country that over-achieves, but no where close to what you put her at!
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If that's the case, why do you attempt to justify the massacre of over 1,000 Palestinians by mentioning that a handful of Israelis have been killed by their firecrackers over the years?
You arrogantly call them fire crackers and you arrogantly dismiss any Jewish suffering! For the last time Cast Lead was unfortunate and a tradegy, but it was highly necessary and justified!

What Jews in Gaza?
The settlers!

Frankly, I don't care if they're the size of New York. They're on land that rightfully belongs to others. The removal of settlers from the West Bank is imperative. Every day that a square inch of Palestinian land is controlled by illegal settlers represents another tally mark on Israel's record of injustice.
Not if its going to be used to commit attacks against Israel. Israel should not give up anything until they get some type of security. If she doesn't get some security then missiles will fly from the WB and strokes like you will cry foul when Israel retaliates!

Stealing a person's land and using it to barter for other land is still robbery, is it not?
Its an uniqure situation so don't try to make it like its not! Besides you have no problem with Palestinian taking the Jewish lands in '48 in East Jerusalem!

Perhaps the case would have been the same with Palestinians if Israel was feeling generous enough to allow them to form a functioning government. In the case of the two killers I mentioned who targeted Muslims, they were punished at the scene by their would-be victims and consequently never faced punishment administered by the Israeli government.
You are over-generalizing! Murders go unsolved in every country. Yet settlers and Jewish radicals that attack Palestinians get hunted down and prosecuted for their crimes by Israel. Palestinians can attack Jews in board daylight on camera and they are neither arrested nor prosecuted, they are considered heros! BIG DIFFERENCE!

The PA routinely condemns "terrorists." Perhaps that's part of the reason Israel hasn't gone cast lead on the West Bank.
Yep the good old Arafat condemnation. They condemn it in English to Western Media and then in the next breath to local media they openly support it in Arabic! Also words mean DICK actions are what counts!

The PLO and Fatah have displayed a willingness to negotiate.
Negotiate! They stick to a highly unreasonable and absolute deal-breaker of the so called "Palestinian Refugees" right to return! They don't make concession, they only expect Israel to. 98% (via the Camp David Accords) was not good enough!

Hamas is no worse than Kach.
What is Kach? I assume you mean that is a Jewish group. Kach is not in power, Hamas is though?

Palestinian terrorism is an unfortunate product of Israeli oppression.
Bull shit. Palestinian terrorist is a concious reaction by the Palestinian Authorities inability to come to a reasonable compromise!

As long as Israel continues to deprive Palestinians of their rights, a significant number of Palestinians will foolishly seek to liberate themselves through violence and terrorism.
As long as Palestinians demands are for every Jews to jump into the sea, then they will not have a country. As long as Palestinians commit terrorism they will have to go through checkpoints, have their borders closed, live with a wall separating Israel from Palestine and deal with large scale and destructive retalitory IDF attacks!

Israel is a Jewish State.
The courts are secular and the laws are secular. Every Arab and non-Jew has the EXACT same rights as Jewish Israelis, except that they are not forced to serve in the military!

For a portion of its population, yes. Actual democracy and freedom involve equal treatment of all people, regardless of religious or ethnic background. South Africa was democratic for its dominant group during apartheid as well.
Nice disingenious argument. You have gone off the deep-end once again! Only whites in SA had voting rights. In Israel, every Israeli, Jewish, White, Black, Arab, Muslim, Man, Women etc have 1 vote each. Strikingly different than SA. If you mean the Palestinians in Gaza and the WB, that is not Israel and they are not Israelis. They are Palestinians and they have their own governments!
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GHook93 said:

Only whites in SA had voting rights.


Zulus, Xhosas, Bushmen etc... WERE NOT South African citizens. They were "citizens" of Transkei, Ciskei, Kwazulu etc, etc...

REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEIR FAMILIES HAD LIVED FOR GENERATIONS, all blacks were assigned a specific Bantustan as their "homeland" and they needed a special permit, a "visa", to transit and work in South Africa.

Mandela himself was a Transkei citizen.

Palestinians treated as foreigners in Palestine and prevented from leaving Gaza and the West Bank by the Israeli government.

Black south africans treated as foreigners in South Africa and prevented from leaving the "black republics" by the white government.

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José;1215452 said:
GHook93 said:

Only whites in SA had voting rights.


Zulus, Xhosas, Bushmen etc... WERE NOT South African citizens. They were "citizens" of Transkei, Ciskei, Kwazulu etc, etc...

REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEIR FAMILIES HAD LIVED FOR GENERATIONS, all blacks were assined a specific Bantustan as their "homeland" and they needed a special permit, a "visa", to transit and work in South Africa.

Mandela himself was a Transkei citizen.

Palestinians treated as foreigners in Palestine and prevented from leaving Gaza and the West Bank by the Israeli government.

Black south africans treated as foreigners in South Africa and prevented from leaving the "black republics" by the white government.


Jose, you get the point, but the West Bank and Gaza in the end will not be part of Israel nor will the Palestinians living their, so your comparison is not only ignorant its a disingenuous bigoted attack! In fact nearly all of the WB and Gaza were already offered and your terrorist heros turned it down!
Can Israel survive without American assisting?

No, I don't think it can.

Remember that much of the AID going to Isreal goes to Egypt and the Palestinians.

Were we not propping up some of the so called "moderate" Arab governments, the more radical elements of the Islamic community would rprobably take over, and then Isreal would be, once again, facing the entire Arab world alone.

And without the military aid we give to Isreal?

I doubt Isreal would exist for long, but before it went down, I'm reasonable sure that the nukes would fly, folks.

And were I a Jew in Isreal about to witness another genocide of my people, I suspect I would let those nukes fly, too.

You wouldn't?

Not even if it was your family and your culture about to be wiped out?

I think most of you, even if you HATE JEWS, can understand why they fight, can't you?

If not America, there would be Russia

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