Can Israel survive without American assisting?

hehehe.. the racist bullshit from Jewhook never ceases to crack me up.. Yea, dude... Russia is SO frustrated with muslims that they are GIVING IRAN NUCLEAR MATERIAL! I tellya! Once the MUSLIMS move into the neighborhood watch for home values to drop! just ask a JEW!


Once the MUSLIMS move into the neighborhood watch for home values to drop! just ask a JEW!

Why ask the jews? Why not ask the French, or the English? They have rampant problems with your beloved muslims.
Once the MUSLIMS move into the neighborhood watch for home values to drop! just ask a JEW!

Why ask the jews? Why not ask the French, or the English? They have rampant problems with your beloved muslims.

....because a jew was making the racist comments. Tell me, are muslims the new ****** to you? Are they all just a safety pin away from throwing a grenade at a jew on sight? do you REALLY think that England and France are out there demonizing ALL muslims like you are or just the specific pains in the ass?

I know I know... muslims are evil and spawns of satan and every toddler probably has a bomb crammed up his ass..

Once the MUSLIMS move into the neighborhood watch for home values to drop! just ask a JEW!

Why ask the jews? Why not ask the French, or the English? They have rampant problems with your beloved muslims.

....because a jew was making the racist comments. Tell me, are muslims the new ****** to you? Are they all just a safety pin away from throwing a grenade at a jew on sight? do you REALLY think that England and France are out there demonizing ALL muslims like you are or just the specific pains in the ass?

I know I know... muslims are evil and spawns of satan and every toddler probably has a bomb crammed up his ass..


Im certain that most Nazis didnt like that their party was rounding up and killing jews, but i dont excuse them either. Like the muslims, those nazis didnt speak out because they feared reprisals.

Good muslims open the mosques that bad muslims come from, so i dont care to give them a break. Islam is poison and it deserves the bad reputation it has.
Why ask the jews? Why not ask the French, or the English? They have rampant problems with your beloved muslims.

....because a jew was making the racist comments. Tell me, are muslims the new ****** to you? Are they all just a safety pin away from throwing a grenade at a jew on sight? do you REALLY think that England and France are out there demonizing ALL muslims like you are or just the specific pains in the ass?

I know I know... muslims are evil and spawns of satan and every toddler probably has a bomb crammed up his ass..


Im certain that most Nazis didnt like that their party was rounding up and killing jews, but i dont excuse them either. Like the muslims, those nazis didnt speak out because they feared reprisals.

Good muslims open the mosques that bad muslims come from, so i dont care to give them a break. Islam is poison and it deserves the bad reputation it has.

uh, WHAT? :lol:

Nazi'ism was BASED on super nationalism in post ww1 germany, stupid! It BEGAN with blaming a ****** class (jews) for the aftermath of that war. Good fucking grief, how do you expect to have a conversation about shit that you seem to know nothing about. the NAZI political party didn't start out as some antithesis party, stupid. They were not the fucking republicans of Europe. WOW dude.


Your ignorance is what fuels your last ironic statement. Trust me, stupid, you have more in common with nazis than muslims do.
those nazis didnt speak out because they feared reprisals.

Whoa, where do you come up with that, seriously, that is pure fantasy. Further why do you state "Nazis".

Its more accurate to state German people.
I guess you could ask the prophetic 144k jews who "become perfected"....

Can Israel survive without the USA. You can ask that of the whole world and the answer is no. Without the USA the whole world dies a slow, dictator, tyrant ruled death.

Israel became a country without the USA's assistance so I am sure they can survive the short term without our help. Long term most likely not.
Who do we assume might attack Israel if Israel continues to follow her present course of action?

We could posit any number of scenarios and draw conclusions from them.

Those countries that may be said to be democracies or quasi democracies are the most likely to attack Israel and they include
in particular
Iraq and
Egypt ranks next as a possible attacker,
followed by Turkey, a much less likely attacker,
Pakistan and Afghanistan are possible
but unlikely attackers.

Because of its influence in th contries of the European Union, Israel formerly had some support in Europe but the weakness of the US military and the now proven inability of the United States to successfully occupy a conquered region has chilled Israel's European support.

Israel's unhidden and unchecked
chokehold on the US establishment
assures Israel of US support.
But though Israel dominates the US news media,
and much of the foreign, as well as US domestic, policy,
the US establishment must, in time,
come to terms
with the pro-American,
anti-Israeli ground swell
and for such reason
Israel believes
that whatever radical action it might take
should be taken now.

If their interests were not being directly affected,
China and Russia would not be active participants,
but might welcome a limited conflict
in which they were not directly involved,
knowing it would be sure to further weaken the United States.

Fearful of rocking the boats containing the personal wealth of their rulers, , Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, the Emirates Quatar, Kuwait, etc, would avoid commiting themselves to any degree that might prompt uprisings within their own communities.


[I]Of interest is Russia's willingness to permit us to secure a supply route into Afghanistan.
The US press attributes such willingness to Russia's own fear of Muslim extemism,
but such willingness
almost certainly is based in much part upon a recognition that such a route will encourage the US to further expose itself to further losses in Afghanistan,
which is a larger and more populous country than Iraq
and one that has defeated the British three times,
the Russians once
and that is presently bleeding the US to dea th.
Israel would lose its military edge (where all the US money goes to), but they would still remain a strong industrialized Western style democratic country.

Israel might be poor in resources, but they have achieved a lot! They went from 0 to an developed industrial western style powerhouse faster than any country ever! She maintains a diversified mixed economy with substantial state ownership and a rapidly developing high-tech sector

(1) Israel is considered one of the most advanced countries in Southwest Asia in economic and industrial development. The country is ranked 3rd in the region on the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index. Which is an amazing feat given her surrounding enemies
Rankings - Doing Business - The World Bank Group

(2) It has the second-largest number of startup companies in the world (after the United States) and the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America
NASDAQ Newsroom

(3) In 2007, Israel had the 44th-highest gross domestic product and 22nd-highest gross domestic product per capita (at purchasing power parity) at US$232.7 billion and US$33,299, respectively.
Report for Selected Countries and Subjects

(4) Israel is part Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which promotes free trade between many countries.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(5) Intensive development of the agricultural and industrial sectors over the past decades has made Israel largely self-sufficient in food production, apart from grains and beef.

(6) Israel is a world leader in: (a) Argicultural developments and produce, (fruits, vegetables), (b) pharmaceuticals, (c) software, (d) chemicals, (e) military technology, (f) diamonds, (g) water conservation (h) geothermal energy, (i) Solar energy and (j) its development of cutting-edge technologies in software, communications and the life sciences have evoked comparisons with Silicon Valley; in 2006, Israeli exports reached US$42.86 billion
Israel keen on IT tie-ups

(7) Israel's Silicon Valley: Israel has want Warren Buffet and Bill Gates calll the "The Silicon Valley in the Desert!" Both have moved many operations over to Israel

(8) Israel's Economy remains strong:
$205.5 billion GDP in 2008 (which grew 4.5% from the previous year) that is $185,883 (or 55th in the world) in GDP PPP. She had a 5.9% unemployment rate in 2008 (put has surely gone up). And in 2008 only 10.8% of the population lived under the poverty line.

Israel's media household income is $37,000 which is 7th highest behind, Switzerland, US, Canada, New Zealand, UK and Austrialia!

(9) Israel has one of the most advance education systems in Asia. It has the 2nd highest school live rate and the highest literacy rate in Asia.

Israel's seven research universities (excluding the Open University) have been ranked in the top 500 in the world.
ARWU2006-Top 500 World Universities

Israel ranks third in the world in the number of citizens who hold university degrees (20 percent of the population).
Israeli Consulate, NYC - Economic Mission

(10) Scient: Israel has produced four Nobel Prize-winning scientists and publishes among the most scientific papers per capita of any country in the world.
Chemical & Engineering News: Science & Technology - Globalization Of Science Rolls On

(11) Israel has embraced solar energy, its engineers are on the cutting edge of solar energy technology and its solar companies work on projects around the world. Over 90% of Israeli homes use solar energy for hot water, the highest per capita in the world.

They are also rolling out the electric car.
What if you had to avoid all technology developed in Israel, ignore all Israeli scientific advances and otherwise pretend that Israel never existed? Could you do it?

For starters, you could not use any cell phones. The cell phone was developed by Motorola's Israeli R&D team. But who needs to talk to people anyway?

While we're on the subject, the internationally popular ICQ instant messaging platform was developed in Israel by a company called Mirabilis before being sold to AOL. In addition to popularizing instant messaging, Mirabilis also pioneered the large-scale peer-to-peer network architecture later used by companies such as Napster and Kazaa.

Forget emailing and doing work on your laptop, since Intel's Israeli R&D team designed the Pentium M/Centrino and the dual core processor. If you're using a laptop with an Intel processor, the sticker on it should probably say 'Israel Inside'.

For those of you with older Macs (before MacBooks came out), your processors were made by IBM. Any guesses on which small Middle Eastern country holds IBM's largest R&D facilities outside the United States?

It's not just laptop users that would be affected, however. Most of Windows NT was developed by Microsoft's Israel R&D team. And the popular Windows XP operating system is built on top of NT. So have fun writing your term papers in Linux.

In fact, if you're missing out on Israel, you're missing out on a lot. Israel is home to the largest concentration of technology companies outside the U.S. There are about 35,000 high tech companies in Israel, which has a population of about seven million people. America is the only country with more companies listed on the NASDAQ than Israel.

That tiny country (about the size of New Jersey) also has more biotech start-ups per capita than any other nation. Among the things you'd be missing out on are Given Imaging's M2A camera-in-a-pill that has tremendous medical and scientific applications, the Ex-Press shunt for glaucoma patients, and the first once-a-day pill for Parkinson's disease.

Of special interest to women, Israel's Savyon Diagnostics recently created the first over-the-counter test for yeast infections. For those afraid of needles, an Israeli company called Transpharma just created the first medicated patch for osteoperosis. Then there's HealOr, which is revolutionizing care for diabetic ulcers. And don't forget Optimata, which developed a Virtual Cancer Patient Engine that is state-of-the-art in predicting how breast cancer patients will respond to chemotherapy. The list goes on.

Israel and you - ISRAEL21c
What if you had to avoid all technology developed in Israel, ignore all Israeli scientific advances and otherwise pretend that Israel never existed? Could you do it?

For starters, you could not use any cell phones. The cell phone was developed by Motorola's Israeli R&D team. But who needs to talk to people anyway?

While we're on the subject, the internationally popular ICQ instant messaging platform was developed in Israel by a company called Mirabilis before being sold to AOL. In addition to popularizing instant messaging, Mirabilis also pioneered the large-scale peer-to-peer network architecture later used by companies such as Napster and Kazaa.

Forget emailing and doing work on your laptop, since Intel's Israeli R&D team designed the Pentium M/Centrino and the dual core processor. If you're using a laptop with an Intel processor, the sticker on it should probably say 'Israel Inside'.

For those of you with older Macs (before MacBooks came out), your processors were made by IBM. Any guesses on which small Middle Eastern country holds IBM's largest R&D facilities outside the United States?

It's not just laptop users that would be affected, however. Most of Windows NT was developed by Microsoft's Israel R&D team. And the popular Windows XP operating system is built on top of NT. So have fun writing your term papers in Linux.

In fact, if you're missing out on Israel, you're missing out on a lot. Israel is home to the largest concentration of technology companies outside the U.S. There are about 35,000 high tech companies in Israel, which has a population of about seven million people. America is the only country with more companies listed on the NASDAQ than Israel.

That tiny country (about the size of New Jersey) also has more biotech start-ups per capita than any other nation. Among the things you'd be missing out on are Given Imaging's M2A camera-in-a-pill that has tremendous medical and scientific applications, the Ex-Press shunt for glaucoma patients, and the first once-a-day pill for Parkinson's disease.

Of special interest to women, Israel's Savyon Diagnostics recently created the first over-the-counter test for yeast infections. For those afraid of needles, an Israeli company called Transpharma just created the first medicated patch for osteoperosis. Then there's HealOr, which is revolutionizing care for diabetic ulcers. And don't forget Optimata, which developed a Virtual Cancer Patient Engine that is state-of-the-art in predicting how breast cancer patients will respond to chemotherapy. The list goes on.

Israel and you - ISRAEL21c

I hear Shogun already, "stupid Jews stole the information frpm the Arabs and they need to develop these techologies for the smart bombing of Palestinian Children! Zionist asshole"

Did I get Shogtroll don't right?
What if you had to avoid all technology developed in Israel, ignore all Israeli scientific advances and otherwise pretend that Israel never existed? Could you do it?

For starters, you could not use any cell phones. The cell phone was developed by Motorola's Israeli R&D team. But who needs to talk to people anyway?

While we're on the subject, the internationally popular ICQ instant messaging platform was developed in Israel by a company called Mirabilis before being sold to AOL. In addition to popularizing instant messaging, Mirabilis also pioneered the large-scale peer-to-peer network architecture later used by companies such as Napster and Kazaa.

Forget emailing and doing work on your laptop, since Intel's Israeli R&D team designed the Pentium M/Centrino and the dual core processor. If you're using a laptop with an Intel processor, the sticker on it should probably say 'Israel Inside'.

For those of you with older Macs (before MacBooks came out), your processors were made by IBM. Any guesses on which small Middle Eastern country holds IBM's largest R&D facilities outside the United States?

It's not just laptop users that would be affected, however. Most of Windows NT was developed by Microsoft's Israel R&D team. And the popular Windows XP operating system is built on top of NT. So have fun writing your term papers in Linux.

In fact, if you're missing out on Israel, you're missing out on a lot. Israel is home to the largest concentration of technology companies outside the U.S. There are about 35,000 high tech companies in Israel, which has a population of about seven million people. America is the only country with more companies listed on the NASDAQ than Israel.

That tiny country (about the size of New Jersey) also has more biotech start-ups per capita than any other nation. Among the things you'd be missing out on are Given Imaging's M2A camera-in-a-pill that has tremendous medical and scientific applications, the Ex-Press shunt for glaucoma patients, and the first once-a-day pill for Parkinson's disease.

Of special interest to women, Israel's Savyon Diagnostics recently created the first over-the-counter test for yeast infections. For those afraid of needles, an Israeli company called Transpharma just created the first medicated patch for osteoperosis. Then there's HealOr, which is revolutionizing care for diabetic ulcers. And don't forget Optimata, which developed a Virtual Cancer Patient Engine that is state-of-the-art in predicting how breast cancer patients will respond to chemotherapy. The list goes on.

Israel and you - ISRAEL21c

I hear Shogun already, "stupid Jews stole the information frpm the Arabs and they need to develop these techologies for the smart bombing of Palestinian Children! Zionist asshole"

Did I get Shogtroll don't right?

we all know that a sniper bullet seems to work just fine when your kind have a pregnant arab mother fleeing cast lead jews in your sights. I'm sure you and Jillian had your Cast Lead T-shirts overnighted anyway.. complete with a few drops of Toddler blood just to refresh that new master race feeling...

I hear Shogun already, "stupid Jews stole the information frpm the Arabs and they need to develop these techologies for the smart bombing of Palestinian Children! Zionist asshole"

Did I get Shogtroll don't right?

we all know that a sniper bullet seems to work just fine when your kind have a pregnant arab mother fleeing cast lead jews in your sights. I'm sure you and Jillian had your Cast Lead T-shirts overnighted anyway.. complete with a few drops of Toddler blood just to refresh that new master race feeling...

Master race..hardly. They are a nation of cowards. Every palisinian suicide bomber underlines the fact that the arabs and muslims are brave enough to sacrifice everything and the jews are too selfish to give it all up for thier fellow jews.

If only ONE of those so called victims of Hitler had stepped up and done what hundreds of arabs have done there would have never been a holocaust.
Can Israel survive without the USA. You can ask that of the whole world and the answer is no. Without the USA the whole world dies a slow, dictator, tyrant ruled death.

Israel became a country without the USA's assistance so I am sure they can survive the short term without our help. Long term most likely not.

Netanyahu has stated in the past that Israel would be BETTER off without aid from the US----that aid comes with strings. ----- He might be right----but the real problem is that the US might not be better off. ------do we really want Israel selling technology to the highest bidder and keeping it from US??? Or do we really want to NOT be in a position to put constraints on Israel's actions in the Middle east? Netanyahu had more power now than he ever had before----to ----enact his own concepts.. I find him a bit flamboyant.
Israel would lose its military edge (where all the US money goes to), but they would still remain a strong industrialized Western style democratic country.

Israel might be poor in resources, but they have achieved a lot! They went from 0 to an developed industrial western style powerhouse faster than any country ever! She maintains a diversified mixed economy with substantial state ownership and a rapidly developing high-tech sector

(1) Israel is considered one of the most advanced countries in Southwest Asia in economic and industrial development. The country is ranked 3rd in the region on the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index. Which is an amazing feat given her surrounding enemies
Rankings - Doing Business - The World Bank Group

(2) It has the second-largest number of startup companies in the world (after the United States) and the largest number of NASDAQ-listed companies outside North America
NASDAQ Newsroom

(3) In 2007, Israel had the 44th-highest gross domestic product and 22nd-highest gross domestic product per capita (at purchasing power parity) at US$232.7 billion and US$33,299, respectively.
Report for Selected Countries and Subjects

(4) Israel is part Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, which promotes free trade between many countries.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(5) Intensive development of the agricultural and industrial sectors over the past decades has made Israel largely self-sufficient in food production, apart from grains and beef.

(6) Israel is a world leader in: (a) Argicultural developments and produce, (fruits, vegetables), (b) pharmaceuticals, (c) software, (d) chemicals, (e) military technology, (f) diamonds, (g) water conservation (h) geothermal energy, (i) Solar energy and (j) its development of cutting-edge technologies in software, communications and the life sciences have evoked comparisons with Silicon Valley; in 2006, Israeli exports reached US$42.86 billion
Israel keen on IT tie-ups

(7) Israel's Silicon Valley: Israel has want Warren Buffet and Bill Gates calll the "The Silicon Valley in the Desert!" Both have moved many operations over to Israel

(8) Israel's Economy remains strong:
$205.5 billion GDP in 2008 (which grew 4.5% from the previous year) that is $185,883 (or 55th in the world) in GDP PPP. She had a 5.9% unemployment rate in 2008 (put has surely gone up). And in 2008 only 10.8% of the population lived under the poverty line.

Israel's media household income is $37,000 which is 7th highest behind, Switzerland, US, Canada, New Zealand, UK and Austrialia!

(9) Israel has one of the most advance education systems in Asia. It has the 2nd highest school live rate and the highest literacy rate in Asia.

Israel's seven research universities (excluding the Open University) have been ranked in the top 500 in the world.
ARWU2006-Top 500 World Universities

Israel ranks third in the world in the number of citizens who hold university degrees (20 percent of the population).
Israeli Consulate, NYC - Economic Mission

(10) Scient: Israel has produced four Nobel Prize-winning scientists and publishes among the most scientific papers per capita of any country in the world.
Chemical & Engineering News: Science & Technology - Globalization Of Science Rolls On

(11) Israel has embraced solar energy, its engineers are on the cutting edge of solar energy technology and its solar companies work on projects around the world. Over 90% of Israeli homes use solar energy for hot water, the highest per capita in the world.

They are also rolling out the electric car.

Great. Its good to know Israel is doing so well. It is obvious from your report that there is no good reson to support the Jew state any longer. Let YOUR country live or die based on its own actions.

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